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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 29 KB, 512x512, 1597357182390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6731945 No.6731945 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread >>6723784

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other retro FPS welcome
~~ Let's post like gentlemen ~~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Thief, Deus Ex)
-Album of infographics with setup information and user-made content recommendations

Same thing, but in video format:

IWADs and more (>6 GB): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B47V8l2eVZKxRU82S3JkZkdBRXM
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Quake pastebin (2016-06-22): http://pastebin.com/XjBHDRFw
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters. (Includes Doom, Quake, Douk, Blood, and more)
More /vr/ shooters
Doom Shovelware

Doom RPG series



Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/








>> No.6731947
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First for Caco

>> No.6731948


2048 Units of /vr/
-New submissions are now closed, currently in beta phase.
Link to BETA: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cpupk5jc9intyu3/2048unitsvrBETA.zip?dl=1

=== NEWS ===

[8-17] Woof! 2.1.0 released

[8-16] Astrostein Death Before Dishonor & Macenwolf update

[8-16] Arcade version of Quake is playable on PC

[8-15] DOOM II: Resurrected - A DOOM II Remake

[8-15] ROTTEXPR, a source port for Rise of the Triad was released

[8-13] BTSX E2 no longer in beta; available for bethesda/console ports

[8-11] Boomer Con

[8-11] KMQuake gets updates

[8-11] Reelism 2 v0.5 Early Excess

[7-31] E1M1 Multiverse released

[7-30] /v/ anons released Unreal championship 2, UT 2004 and Unreal 2 The Awakening souce codes

[7-29] Bridgeburner releases Bastion of Chaos for GZDoom

[7-22] Combined_Arms Gaiden mini weapons mod released

[7-22] Coppertone Summer Jam for Quake Released

=== PREVIOUS ===



>> No.6731951


>> No.6731975


>> No.6731996
File: 105 KB, 600x522, 1596067020781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6732021

Nice. Can you find one with a Quake 1 tattoo?

>> No.6732032
File: 46 KB, 269x321, 1546364915631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuckin' bitch.
>the port's called Woof

>> No.6732035
File: 476 KB, 800x800, 1424921630222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought 2048 meant the size limitation and not the release date.

>> No.6732040

Coding is literally killing me. It takes me so long to get anywhere.

>> No.6732041

Any place where I can pirate this new Citadel?

>> No.6732070
File: 60 KB, 829x982, Quake_Tatoo112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only able to find gay men with Quake 1 tattoo

>> No.6732071
File: 376 KB, 750x757, image0-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6732085

That's fine, he looks like a chad anyway.

>> No.6732112
File: 974 KB, 1149x591, gatefixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a version with fixed gates for you,
map doesn't suck cock anymoar I swear

>> No.6732162

Is the Duke Nukem community dead?

>> No.6732168
File: 112 KB, 652x581, 1596937798418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>failed to deliver my map before "deadline"
>said deadline was about a month ago
Looks like I should have just posted a single room, I'd have a month to actually build a map then.

>> No.6732173

Every map suck which wasn't made by Romero.

>> No.6732184


>> No.6732239
File: 651 KB, 220x164, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gothic map
>uses tech/lab doors

>> No.6732245

Good lord the post SNES wolf3d sprites are kino

>> No.6732294

Playing Akeldama atm, pretty good so far but map20 doesn't belong in this set.

>> No.6732439

Quack Flakem

>> No.6732487

Why not?

>> No.6732559
File: 345 KB, 670x578, 1574786706118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never play doom for the first time again

>> No.6732604

It's too different in design, it feels like a standalone that was included at the last minute because they needed 32 maps.

>> No.6732625

I still remember seeing the shareware being played at a friend's house. At age 10 I was shocked and amazed at the same time.

>> No.6732632
File: 8 KB, 777x780, eyeball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asking again from last thread because my post probably drowned in autistic arguing:

I'm currently making an enemy, but since I suck at spriting, this is what I came up with. The animation with the rings moving looks ok, but the rings still look extremely flat and I don't know how to properly add depth to them in the space of 7 pixels. Has anybody got an idea? The ball in the middle is supposed to emit a strong light.

>> No.6732637
File: 612 KB, 2200x1900, 2hawRTs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cracking open a Caco with the boys

>> No.6732638

>my post probably drowned in autistic arguing
no, it's just that your shit's all retarded

>> No.6732647

The rings need stronger shading and the eyes need to "compress" towards the sides to emphasize the ring shape

>> No.6732667

>The rings need stronger shading
Yes, but how? Like, I would expect the light emitting from the inside would make the outer edges of the rings glow bright so they get darker towards the inside, or am I thinking the exactly wrong way?

And maybe "ring" was the wrong word. I imagine them more as ribbons, i.e. they are reactangular in their cross section, like an empty duct tape ring.

>> No.6732689

Go back to defending Daikatana on twitter, John

>> No.6732742
File: 353 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20200224_200754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question: how do you get Final Doomer and Smooth Doom's monsters/etc. to run simultaneously with TNT? I have commented out the weapons etc. but that seems to keep breaking it for me.

Like... has nobody sat down and used the tools the Smooth Doom guy did to get a monsters/environment only version working that doesn't touch the weapons so it's more compatible with just about everything.

Any ideas? What am I supposed to do here?

>> No.6732776

Quake 3 is free now

>> No.6732894

Use darker outlines in the place where the rings intersect, as currently they look like a one connected object, try to draw the rings at an angle instead of a simple + figure. Try to inagine how thick the rings would be and try to draw their sides once they're at an angle. Make the light sphere a bit darker or maybe more yellow in the area where the rings would be behind it.

>> No.6732916

Thanks for the tips. And this is just the A1A5 sprite btw, as a matter of fact I have made some angled ones. I already figured the shading at the overlap wouldn't be enough, right now it's just this tiny piece of shade in the middle. But would the light ball really appear darker around the edges? I just tried placing a tinfoil ribbon around a lightbulb and basically the thing was completely dark apart from really really slim bright lines at the edges - but I can't get them this thin at a sprite of that size (the original is just about the Caco's dimensions).

>> No.6732976
File: 19 KB, 75x75, 1574238724508.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6732978 [DELETED] 
File: 628 KB, 256x256, eye-thingy-mockup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no idea what that is but booted up a 25yo copy of lightwave and made this

>> No.6732981
File: 628 KB, 256x256, eye-thingy-mockup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no idea what that is but I booted up a 25yo copy of lightwave and made this

>> No.6732989

Damn, if you turn that into a sprite it should be pretty cool, although I'd still advise to try rotating the golden eye ribbons around at an angle to make it look more dynamic, or maybe even make them rotate around the sphere as part of the animation.

>> No.6733001

wow that looks pretty cool, but why is it glowing at the intersection?

>> No.6733005

btw I think I'll steal the pulsating light ball.

>> No.6733013

At least credit the guy if you're gonna use the graphic.

>> No.6733014

The "glow" is a specular highlight coming from the single point light in front of the object.

I'll try that.

>> No.6733015

For what? I didn't provide it with a clear transparency color and the dithering makes it messy, so it's useless to him.

>> No.6733020

Don't worry, I wouldn't use the graphic, I just meant just the idea with the pulsating ball

>> No.6733068
File: 53 KB, 184x184, ded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we do ANYTHING right?

>> No.6733079

Funny you're posting Ranger, because HUH was going rather smoothly, apart from cathedral dude and Goldeneye dam dude still not having posted their maps (as far as I know).

>> No.6733094

HUH maps sucked. What's with all the limitations, like time, size, brush restraints, etc.? What's with this autism? Can't we just make regular maps without any quality limitations? Give people 2 months to make each a single level of a specific theme and gameplay, give a REQUIRED texturepack and that should be more than enough.

>> No.6733101

>HUH maps sucked
A bunch of them were decent or even good.

>> No.6733107

>HUH maps sucked
Those were people who were mapping for Quake, or in 3D for that matter, for the first time. And for that, some maps were excellent.
And the organizer wasn't a whiny little bitch and people didn't take weeks to fix their bugs.
In general everything was way less spergy and stringent than 2048.

>> No.6733113

*and MORE stringent

>> No.6733114

>2 months
QUMP took eleven but yeah, two is reasonable to start with. dunno why you'd impose a texture pack if you're so against restrictions.

>> No.6733127

To attempt some semblance of consistency and difference, mostly.
2 months to make a single Doom level is a lot more than enough. For Quake maps, I'm not sure.

>> No.6733168

Usually all community projects use one texture pack, because importing different custom textures from every level into one wad would be a huge pain in the ass.

>> No.6733174

Dude, quakewulf takes a week or 3 to make good Q2 maps.
is mostly Laziness and fuckery from Celephais and the discord group.

Again, quake 1 maps nowadays are mostly authors copying AD style.
instead of coming with something new, they keep repeating the same stuff.

the only thing new of late was ter shibboleh and Altar of Storms

>> No.6733225

what does it matter how long it takes an experienced mapper? HUH organizer also started with "Quoffee took 2h per map, surely we'll be done in a week".

>> No.6733227
File: 1.73 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20200817_170045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? I have no issues when I use the HUD by itself.

>> No.6733231

Decino exploring the sources of most Doom sound effects.

>> No.6733237

>quake 1 maps nowadays are mostly authors copying AD style
Same could be said with most vanilla-boom maps and Plutonia tbqh

>> No.6733262

People needs to learn that they don't need some pharaonic shit to make it look good, mainly if they are new and wants to make their 1st map.
Look at foursite the guy took years to make it.

They are mostly copying Eric Alm's stuff and always trying to "surpass" scythe 2, it gets tiresome because it always ends up in slaughtermaps.

>> No.6733273

>don't need some pharaonic shit to make it look good
mate, you're the one bringing up Ter fucking Shibboleth

>> No.6733274
File: 77 KB, 256x256, frame_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried rotating them on two axes, way too much for 30 frames. Even with double that it's just messy. Another problem typical for prerendered stuff: at 256x256 it's also just too large to look good, stupid as that sounds. Below 128x128 and you can't make out the eyes anymore.

So just one frame from the angled ribbons.

Filed under E for experiment.

>> No.6733280

Hey buddy what have you made that stands apart from these lazy outgroups?

>> No.6733283

because that is the exeption of the rule, it was planned project which turned out great.

Nothing and i'll never do, because map making is autism and the bane of perfectionists.

>> No.6733313

Doom source ports support skyboxes, right?
Can I animate these?

>> No.6733323
File: 49 KB, 510x495, 1567329468509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna play MAYhem 2048 instead desu

>> No.6733334
File: 1 KB, 195x65, ANGL7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That still looks better than mine. But since Doom doesn't have isometric
sprites (it doesn't, does it?) I kept it at the regular 90° viewer with
45° rotation among the Z axis. I wish I was good with Blender, then I
could just make a 3D model and use that for drawing reference. Or just
render and scale down.

>> No.6733341

Kar En Tuk mod progress update

>> No.6733351

dude, the mod isn't even ready yet

>> No.6733362

Yes, and yes.

The what?

>> No.6733370

It was always optional. And good boy club aint that bad, not the brightest of the megawad but it has bright points

>> No.6733372
File: 1.94 MB, 623x340, Conan turns on his new monitor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you know how I feel.

>> No.6733373

MAYhem 2048

>> No.6733375

I obviously don't know what that is, hence my questioning.

>> No.6733379

Show some examples
Actually this would be sad for story driven games like deus ex or movies and books
Doom has so much replay value and so many custom content its hard to run out

>> No.6733380

Not everyone is as dedicated to map-making or gifted like whoever the fuck that is.

I agree on AD being the only thing people map for nowadays, it's really annoying because 90% of new Quake maps are locked arenas with better looks than gameplay. I imagine most of them don't even like the base Quake campaign and game at all.

The issue isn't that they're making more of the same, it's that the "more of the same" is shit. It's made to appeal to zoomers. Their standards repetitive, and there's no variety in gameplay unlike Doom projects have. I could play vanilla Doom megawads all day and not get bored, same with the og Quake episodes.
The biggest issue with the Quake community is really their laziness, I think. They only ever release single levels or compilations with levels disconnected from each other, usually with brush or time restraints. Doom community comes together to make 32-level wads with consistent theme and gameplay more often than not.

It's not as prominent, but I wish people would stop trying to copy Ribbiks, Alm and Mechadon so often. Sunlust ain't even that good.

>> No.6733381

The joke was already bad the first time. You failed. Now leave before you embarrass yourself any more.

>> No.6733390

what the fuck do you mean, its a name of a megawad

>> No.6733398

>The biggest issue with the Quake community is really their laziness, I think. They only ever release single levels or compilations with levels disconnected from each other, usually with brush or time restraints. Doom community comes together to make 32-level wads with consistent theme and gameplay more often than not.
Well to be fair, before Trenchbroom you had to work with GTKRadiant or something like that, and that program is a pain in the ass. And in the 3D space, while having more freedom to carry out your crazy ideas, there is also more choice. I mean, why are people still mapping in Boom? Because it's BETTER than UDMF? No, UDMF is superior in every regard (considering the mapping format and its features alone, inb4 hurr durr sourceports). But Boom is simpler, there aren't as many functions and you can make a simple map easier than a complex one where you want to run a thousand scripts and whatnot. And of course it's far more widespread. AND it's much harder to get into 3D modeling for making models for Quake. AND Quake is much less popular than Quake 3 ([T]A). Hell, the day they update Trenchbroom to a stable version that can handle Q3 and Wolfenstein maps, I won't be mapping for anything else anymore.

>> No.6733401

All of them are in the 3do and mac ports, the news link has the source port for it.
plus Zdoom forums rips

>> No.6733405

>that gif
>the green dot
Heh, just got that. I remember my first gaming >laptop having a mostly unnoticeable red dot on black screens

>> No.6733420

Oh yeah, I think I saw that version of BJ's portrait somewhere, looks nice

>> No.6733426

was adrian carmack working on the mac for those high res sprites?

>> No.6733435

Doesn't the Jaguar port have different hi-res sprites, too. I remember it using the doom pistol sprite.

>> No.6733453

Good question. I know they used NEXTSTeP workstations for a lot of Doom's development, but I figure also that they had other computers there which were more conventional.
Doom's sprites (at least the ones digitized from physical models) were worked on in a proprietary program developed in-house, called "Fuzzy Pumper Palette Shop" though that was probably running on the NEXTSTeP machines, and it likely didn't exist before the development of Doom.

A lot of devs of the era did simply just use programs such as Deluxe Paint 2, and what not.

>> No.6733472

it begs me to wonder if its possible to replicate and add it to doom and other idtech sprites,

Hexen has some high res stuff

>> No.6733492

The tools are not that important(as of 1993 there were lots of capable choices), what's a 1000 times more important is the artist using them.

>> No.6733507

>only one direction

>> No.6733515


MAP07: Forsaken Stockades
Softlock at level beginning

Here is a demo:

>> No.6733534

>being a nigger

>> No.6733545

True. I don't think I could make anything close to as good as Adrian did within those constraints. Hell, I can't really make anything from scratch that's as good with more modern tools.

I really admire his talent.

>> No.6733602

>Boom is simpler, there aren't as many functions and you can make a simple map easier than a complex one where you want to run a thousand scripts and whatnot.
aka, it's better than UDMF

>> No.6733614

It's better than UDMF if you aren't looking for the advanced features that UDMF offers, obviously.

>> No.6733615

>inb4 hurr durr sourceports
But it's true, UDMF sucks. Have to be constrained to gzdoom just because of some bells and whistles is just fucked up. If you make a map and try to force me to play on just one specific port, I will not play it. Simple as that.

>> No.6733621

>Have to be constrained to gzdoom just because of some bells and whistles is just fucked up
It's fucked up that the format made for utilizing GzDoom's advanced features requires GzDoom to play?

>If you make a map and try to force me to play on just one specific port, I will not play it.
Nobody is forcing you, that's your own choice to make. Mind that this would have been the case back in the day when Boom first came out, the map format wasn't compatible with Vanilla, and wasn't compatible with ZDoom (at first).

>> No.6733632

> Mind that this would have been the case back in the day when Boom first came out, the map format wasn't compatible with Vanilla, and wasn't compatible with ZDoom (at first).
Still, the player have more options nowadays. And you also have limit-removing and vanilla if you want even further compatibility.

>> No.6733635

>I mean, why are people still mapping in Boom? Because it's BETTER than UDMF? No, UDMF is superior in every regard
UDMF is superior if you want advanced features, but if you aren't looking for any of those which UDMF offers, making a map in that format will probably be useless, if you make it in Boom format, then not only can people who play GzDoom play it, people who play PrBoom+ and other Boom/MBF ports can also play it (assuming you make sure to test the map for ZDoomisms).

Boom/MBF Format vs. UDMF is such a ridiculously subjective question that I can't fucking stand all you idiots here arguing that one is without question the best option and that the other is of zero use. If I'm looking for a knife, I don't want a sword, and if I'm looking for a sword, I don't want a knife.

>> No.6733641
File: 13 KB, 290x174, smugehog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Limit-removing is the best format. Suck it up faggots

>> No.6733648

Limit-Removing means "Boom, or better (ZDoom)", though, doesn't it?

>> No.6733653

No, just vanilla without stuff like VPO.

>> No.6733656

Boom is what the big boy mappers use. UDMF is the brutl kiddie's choice.

>> No.6733658 [DELETED] 

Nope. Nowadays limit-removing refer to the original Doom 2 format, but without having to care about vanilla limits (visplane overflows, HOMs, etc). These maps are playable on ports like Crispy Doom or Doom Plus.

>> No.6733675

Boom mappers ran out of ideas 5 years ago. All the best recent mapsets have been vanilla, limit removing, or MBF.

>> No.6733676

What was the name of that Russian map that had extremely realistic architecture and nothing but invisible monsters?

>> No.6733679

The organiser promised the second beta soon and after that the only fixes will be to remove softlocks.

>> No.6733682


>> No.6733691

>no voodoo conveyors without jank as fuck hacks
>no generalized actions
Can't be arsed, senpai.

>> No.6733694
File: 35 KB, 400x300, Doxylamine Moon Overdose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also check out Lainos' other stuff, like Doxylamine Moon : Overdose, Object 34 : Sonar, and Deneb Colony

>> No.6733695


>> No.6733701

Will do.

>> No.6733707


People are mapping for Boom because they want regular old Doom with a few liberties, or because they prefer its limits to keep them to their vision of their project. If they wanted to remake Quake in GZDoom they'd use UDMF.
In one way or another, no good game gets done if you don't restrict yourself; you'll become a feature creep like SgtMarkV and Brewtall Dewm. Engine limitations enforce that better.

>> No.6733712

i thought a way to justify "advanced" mapping was to make maps for mods in mind, but you'd need to make sure some mods are made to support custom maps

>> No.6733719 [DELETED] 

reminder that 90% of doom threads are not retro due to zoomers discussing modern sourceports/wads instead of pure vanilla doom on dos or any version of sourceports released pre-1999 such as boom or the original version of prboom. these threads should be banned from /vr/

>> No.6733721

Hi dude who hates half-life.

>> No.6733724

Not necessary for a good and fun map imo. Voodoo conveyors are pretty cool though, I can give you that. Another Boom thing I really like are the sky transfers.

>> No.6733726

You're retarded. Still, we've already discussed those to death.

somewhat based

>> No.6733730

>Doesn't support strife
0/10, F- failing grade

>> No.6733736

Voodoo manipulation is already a hack anon, even on Boom. Also, vanilla conveyors are less complicated than it looks >>>6725234

>> No.6733738

I exclusively play vanilla and you should stop being such a bitch.

>> No.6733773

>have to launch the voodoo with explosives (resulting in damage to the player)
Not worth the implementation.

>> No.6733776

More critical than anything else desu.

>> No.6733784

You could do a forced damage thing like when you enter the teleporters in Hell Revealed map26, although I think Donner was just being a dick in that case.

>> No.6733801 [DELETED] 

Why not? It's as easy to do as the boom method

>> No.6733807

That's easy - just put one potion next to the doll or on the linedef that triggers the crusher. Remnant puts it when you grab a berserk pack.

>> No.6733819

Can you do a variable speed, or gated conveyor though?

>> No.6733820


>> No.6733892
File: 150 KB, 640x480, 1573390604109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look through gameplay mods through sticky pastebin due to boredom
>found the church and mountain maps stolen from them from Grezzo 2
Well at least I know the origin for that piece of shit mountain map

>> No.6733907

>church and mountain maps stolen from them from Grezzo 2
The what ones? Maps were stolen out of Grezzo 2, or stolen and used in Grezzo 2?

>> No.6733914

stolen and used in grezzo 2. Turbocharged Arcade 2 it was.

>> No.6734005

Even goldeneye is better than linear life

>> No.6734016

NRFTL designer TheCastle will release the non-Brutal Doom version of Redemeption of the Slain on 21st August

>> No.6734034

Oh, I didn't know Castle made another Doom mapset. I guess I wouldn't know since I don't keep up with BD stuff.

>> No.6734037

Any good mapsets that use SkullTag features?

>> No.6734049

Swan Fox 2

>> No.6734051 [DELETED] 

Man, I miss skulltag so much

>> No.6734068

What is a gated conveyor?

>> No.6734090

Yeah, on a shit launcher.
Quake was always free here anyway.

>> No.6734104
File: 107 KB, 805x540, confused huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with all the deleted posts? They're not even trolls. Is it just you autists regretting your posts for whatever reason or are jannies seething?

>> No.6734112

That post talking about Doom threads are not retro was definitely a shitty post worthy of deletion. That half life faggot is here again too, so he can fuck off.
I'm wondering why that post talking missing skulltag was deleted, whatever though.

>> No.6734163

VooDoo Doll is on a Conveyor, and there's multiple gates you need to open for the VooDoo Doll to be able to make the full travel and execute all the linedef actions on its path.

This could be either just a bunch of gates you need to open for him to let him do the full run, or the gates could be spaced out at different points on the path, so that the VooDoo Doll needs to be progressed by you doing various actions. The latter can be utilized for various timed 'scripts' where things happen gradually before he can pass the next gate, say by letting out some monsters at set times, and only opening up for letting you activate the next switch to let him pass the next gate once he's at it.

You really can do quite a lot of things with a VooDoo Doll and Conveyors, with just a bit of imagination. Certain advanced setups may require a separate looping VooDoo Conveyor (using a silent teleporter and repeatable linedef actions) to control some aspects.

>> No.6734168


>> No.6734184

>That half life faggot is here again
You are really deluding yourself if you think it's only one person

>> No.6734215

>You really can do quite a lot of things with a VooDoo Doll and Conveyors, with just a bit of imagination.
That's what I learned making my map recently. Messing with voodoo scripts is like setting up a rube goldberg machine in your map. Lots of trial and error for some complex stuff, but it's really satisfying to set everything up just right and get it working properly.

>> No.6734223
File: 235 KB, 1280x480, uc2 menu doomguy mod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doomguy mod for UC2 almost ready for release, will finish it and post the download link either tomorrow or day after.
Shame you can't change character/bot names. Seems to be hardcoded for some reason.

>> No.6734275

Yeah! It's really fun when you work out a 'script' that functions like you want it to. I think that even if mapping for UDMF, I would just use VooDoo Dolls on Conveyors to achieve complex actions, just like I do in Boom, because it's just fun.

>> No.6734282

its one devoted guy who attracts other contrarians. When youre in a thread with him its very obvious, he says the same shit

>> No.6734362

Any Quake mods that improve the game by fixing bugs such as the fish bug, corpses being solid for a bit after death, zombies being unkillable when down, gibbed enemies not dropping ammo, Fiend-instakill, etc.? Copper changes way too much.

>> No.6734387

Yeah, sure.

>> No.6734427

if people starts to dabbling in and sort it out a working Source port, it may be possible.
just make online work again

>> No.6734430

Why the fuck does this combination work so good? It sounds like something from Duke Nukem 2 almost.

>> No.6734435

i like that image of map 01 with e1m1's aesthetic

>> No.6734457
File: 154 KB, 960x720, uc2 doomguy ingame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna take a while honestly, if someone's already working on it we could expect a quick source port that fixes sound, controls and resolution hopefully. For the rest (mostly visual fixes) we're gonna wait for a few months at best.

>> No.6734460 [DELETED] 

cope your game is hated.

>> No.6734468

Oh shit, now I want a real midi of that

>> No.6734483


>> No.6734487
File: 603 KB, 1920x1200, BthiCSi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New BTSX E3 Screenshot: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/2174309

>> No.6734507

looks like shit

>> No.6734518


>> No.6734524

i think it looks cool

>> No.6734665

It's actually still happening? I hope they don't do too much techbase stuff, I'd love to see the style of BTSX branch out to organic hell levels and what not.

>> No.6734707

I'm going to say that at least /vr/ 2048 came out before BTSX3, because either I'm right and that's some stupid joke I can make about the development time of BTSX, or I'm jinxing myself and part 3 comes out tomorrow.
I cannot lose.

>> No.6734719

Compared to so many other Doom projects, 2048 hasn't been delayed for that long, yet.

>> No.6734726

I think E3 is supposed to be a mixture of tech and temple stuff, but a lot more otherworldly and experimental compared to E1 and E2. The story is that its in another dimension or something after entering that portal at the end of E2.

>> No.6734731

Obviously, but some people are acting like we're approaching Mordeth territory.

>> No.6734739 [DELETED] 

Take your meds.

>> No.6734750
File: 62 KB, 403x396, kuruminha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't suspicious at all that three "completely different" people feel the necessity to tell the exact same thing to one guy. Oh the insecurity

>> No.6734765


>> No.6734797

back to /v/ with your spamming ass.

>> No.6734808

Stop the autismo dude

>> No.6734810

I live in /doom/ head rent free.

>> No.6734817

Duke sucks.
It started the realistic enviroments garbage.

>> No.6734849

Why does the internet in general and 4chan in particular attract so many people with poor opinions?

>> No.6734862

Duke's levels may aesthetically resemble places you can find in real life, but the actual layout design is still fairly abstract and gamey.

>> No.6734879

seething normalfag

>> No.6734884

the game still sucks.

>> No.6734894

Because the internet puts you in contact with people who are weird, or in the case of Alf, people who are actually insane, and who would be shunned and reclusive in real life, meaning this is the only place you'll ever meet him.

>> No.6734959
File: 73 KB, 184x184, unacceptable skelly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Quake 2 insist in filtered textures? I read that putting gl_texturemode gl_linear or gl_linear_mipmap_linear in the autoexec or console would make them pixelated even in OpenGL, but it just stays the same. Only software has unfiltered textures but it has none of the lighting goodness.

>> No.6734965

Cuck Nuckem

>> No.6734970
File: 38 KB, 400x300, TJcMAPt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does D4V work so well?

>> No.6734971

you just fucking dabbed on Anon

>> No.6734975
File: 64 KB, 500x450, g60bxckar5151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't you recognize an angel Anon?

>> No.6734980

it breaks pain elementals in many maps, so it doesn't

>> No.6734983

because you can't read apparently
it's gl_nearest_mipmap_linear

>> No.6735048

Doesn't it also break 666/667 tags in map07's too?

>> No.6735070

Gore Nests doesn't count as kills

>> No.6735079

>zombies being unkillable when down, gibbed enemies not dropping ammo
These arent bugs.

>> No.6735087

Any Map07 is replaced automatically with that freedoom map, if the user load the files correctly

>> No.6735113

I'm old. I forget things. Every time is the first time.

>> No.6735115

Bit of a shame it has to be a full map replacement. Especially considering there are some neat map07's that deviate from the originals gameplay while still using the tags.

>> No.6735128
File: 1.68 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello frens. does anyone know how I can fix this font bug where the Y is constantly showing up as some weird symbol almost each time?

I'm using BD, UDV and the two UDV font disabler wads that come packed within the UDV pack.

>> No.6735184

How come this still hasn't been coded around? It's literally the only reason not to play D4V.

>> No.6735203

Why does it even break those anyway, it shouldn't be any problem in Dehacked.

>> No.6735218
File: 908 KB, 430x408, 1542721802002.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blood is pretty fun so far, but the ending to episode 1 was kinda weird, thought it would just continue with episode 2

>> No.6735270

Looks like some satanic shit

>> No.6735278

That's some satanic type of shit, yo

>> No.6735370

>thought it would just continue with episode 2
you new?

>> No.6735378

You retards probably think upside down cross is satanic too. Educate yourself:

>> No.6735379

This is not how the episodic model of these games works

>> No.6735380

Ok, I'm completely stumped by MAP30 of the 2048 units beta. What am I meant to do after I kill the cyberdemon?

>> No.6735406

>only able to find gay men with Quake 1 tattoo
Certainly says something about Quake community huh.

>> No.6735412
File: 486 KB, 635x700, Florenca133b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not how actual angels look like.

>> No.6735416
File: 1.87 MB, 1075x1072, swine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the first time my shitty ms paint drawings has made it into the OP.

>> No.6735421

Well duh, because actual angels don't exist. And of course it is easier to sell medieval people on the image of winged dudes rather than fucking lovecraftian nightmares. It's not like they could read the bible and find out for themselves.

>> No.6735424

You did a good job.

>> No.6735427
File: 163 KB, 247x257, Cunt destroyer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not much, but I've done a small hotfix for GMOTA that fixes that issue of Zandronum crashing online when players take crushing damage.


This was something that was a thing for fucking years but hasn't really been noticed until recently, and then figured out the fix until just like a week ago.
My bad.

>> No.6735431

>t. fanfic retcons

>> No.6735457

God damn it.

>> No.6735460

All I know is that Jews and to some extend Christians worship a god that demands tribute in the form of infant sacrifice and circumcision.

t. Thai Theravada Buddhist

>> No.6735476




>> No.6735479
File: 1.93 MB, 320x210, god_mode_off.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, in my country G-d prefers expensive watches, SUVs and museum buildings over the children foreskins.

>> No.6735484

I would unironically want to see a Super 3D Noah's Ark reboot or at least a remaster.

>> No.6735537

Go up the elevator with the spine texture on it that's in the hub room

>> No.6735559 [DELETED] 

Repent, kike. You are not wanted here.

>> No.6735578

>Unfortunately, there is an annoyance with the map07 slot. Both Mancubi and Arachnotrons (now as Cyber-Mancubus) uses different slots to work as intended. That means that they are not able to activate 666\667 sectors in Map07 anymore, soft-locking any map07 that uses that. Something similar happens with Ultimate Doom maps as well (E2M8, E3M8, E4M6 and E4M8).
From the original doomworld thread

>> No.6735582
File: 45 KB, 752x664, Wolf3DOfficer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to play the Freedoom levels with the real Doom assets (minus the music if possible?)

>> No.6735598

Just copy the freedoom levels in slade to a new wad.

>> No.6735625

And then he gets levels full of missing textures.

>> No.6735640

this is ridiculous.

>> No.6735702

The music is easily the best asset of Freedoom

Maybe we really could use some laucher/sourceport with the capability of selecting only the lumps you want from the wad

>> No.6735732

I just played through ribbiks' magnolia map3 with tons of save-scumming.

has anyone played this? it's basically the most brilliant map i've ever seen, both math construction and fight construction.

on the other hand, it's inhumanly hard, harder the sunlust or okuplok or anything else i've ever tried.

Seems designed for TAS? Or maybe humans are supposed to play on easier settings, and harder settings are meant to be TAS-only?

>> No.6735736

map* construction (fuck)

>> No.6735738

Anyone have a link to the original recording used as the base for DSBOSSIT that he plays at around 20:10?

>> No.6735782

Not really, only a few textures will be missing, because FreeDoom uses same names for textures as Doom

>> No.6735791
File: 60 KB, 1338x755, Снимок.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>167 is few

>> No.6735796
File: 141 KB, 1365x768, Screenshot_Doom_20200818_204926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only a few textures will be missing

>> No.6735813

No intermission screen tho

>> No.6735856

I love how brutal Brutal Doom is! Total gibbitude!

>> No.6735860

That they're all muscular Chads?

>> No.6735862

I like it a lot, I find myself just giggling quietly at Goose Noosem sometimes when I remember it.

>> No.6735882

To the 2048 project maintainer: proper credits for the music track in map19 is "Modern Motion music pack from OpenTTD - The Beheading of King Charles I, Sequenced by Troy S. Carlson".

>> No.6735895

yo i just started playing random 2048 maps and they're super fun


>> No.6735897

This but with these taunt quotes

>> No.6735912
File: 102 KB, 628x472, i will now buy your game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

greezo is nothing but stolen assets

>> No.6735919

>it's stolen so hard that there isn't even a Grezzo 1

>> No.6735932

i'm trash. duel me in quake live na fags

>> No.6735936

>still payshit
gift it to me and i'll deathmatch ya in a minute!

>> No.6735937

you underestimate how broke i am. oh well

>> No.6735940

>i'm trash
Prove it.

>> No.6735941

because ur a nigger not using the upscaled pack

>> No.6735951
File: 724 KB, 660x562, proofofgarbage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this satisfactory?

>> No.6735962

Give me an ip (that's not too far east or south), I'll play.

>> No.6735965

does this work?


>> No.6736064

It's not a big deal

>> No.6736083
File: 264 KB, 1440x900, image (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More BTSX screens

>> No.6736090

I know it's stolen assets with some italian humor in it, it's just interesting to see what it was stolen from.

>> No.6736092

I think it's made that way to give splash-damage immunity to the cybermanc

>> No.6736105

Why does it do that?

>> No.6736116

>right click
>add to texturex

>> No.6736120

Doom II is just a bigger, badder, better version of Doom.

>> No.6736126
File: 91 KB, 340x143, Bfg3_g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quad damage on map
this is fine

>bfg10k on map
everyone freaks out and vote change map

>> No.6736127

Sure, you could just export all the custom textures as png and import them, but it's still better to just not have to do it.

>> No.6736132

Why do so many Doom community members use fuckin anime girls for avatar?

>> No.6736137

what are you doing on discord?

>> No.6736146

You need to cope over the fact only id and build engine games are good.

>> No.6736149

Where do you think you are

>> No.6736169
File: 260 KB, 700x302, twice the size.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's a community of nerds. Are you really new to the internet or something?

>> No.6736189
File: 119 KB, 553x799, I don&#039;t think so.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6736193

I don't mind anime girls, but fur/ponyshit and preferred pronouns in the name are ticking me off.

>> No.6736225

Why are you asking this on 4chan of all places?

>> No.6736231

Definitely unique compared to anything else Ive seen in btsx

>> No.6736248

>Seems designed for TAS? Or maybe humans are supposed to play on easier settings, and harder settings are meant to be TAS-only?
Nope, just meant for the hardcore crowd. In fact, the archive version caps at HMP and doesn't implement UV placement. You're supposed to record a demo beating the map, send it to ribbiks and only then you'll get the UV variant. Also he supposedly tweaks it a little for every player separately.

>> No.6736269

>i'll deathmatch ya in a minute!
You're not my boss, or my father, or God

>> No.6736389

I tried to play some of that wad in the past but I kept getting lost repeatedly; wandering around looking for where to go is not my thing

>> No.6736552

You want nearest, not linear.

>> No.6736580
File: 83 KB, 1137x668, mech_mockup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More experimentation with old 3D to sprite. I'll stop there and try a different approach next.

>> No.6736656

>Please put down your weapon. You have twenty seconds to comply

>> No.6736671

always has been a thing for decades

>> No.6736703

reelism 2 hotfix

>> No.6736706

I just wanna use BuildGDX for Blood, anyway I can make a shortcut for it to immediately launch Blood?

>> No.6736713

Help bros. I want to make a coop server on Doomseeker but how do you know which add-on wads to use? Most servers I see besides the main pwad are like 5-10 other wads that i have no idea if they are necessary

>> No.6736719

if servers use custom wads you need to have the same wads to join, so if you host a server with custom content make sure it's downloadable

>> No.6736725

I get that, but do I need any of the cool custom stuff to have a good server? Or can I use DOOM2.wad + dwango5.wad and people will come join?

>> No.6736740

yeah it is fine to host servers like that, but most zoomies are in for meme shit

>> No.6736795

You fucked up.

>> No.6736807

Do a dance.

>> No.6736847
File: 88 KB, 757x607, 4a9f3086-049a-423e-a163-78c04aee3ceb-ezgif-6-731c1ad550c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If someone made a version of doom that runs on a TI-84 WHY ISNT THERE A TRIMMED DOWN, SHITTY VERSION THAT RUNS ON A 8088

>> No.6736867

Why does ZDoom/GZDoom have jump and crouch on by default? A whole generation of doomers has now been raised on such bullshit and don't even know any better.

>> No.6736870

Because (G)ZDoom is: 1) not doom, and 2) shit.

>> No.6736872

Because most zoomers download gzdoom to play brutal doom, unfortunately.

>> No.6736878

wow you're so original for not liking a popular mod

>> No.6736885

>be me
>have to use a MacBook for work
>chocolate doom doesn't work on it
>crispy doom never, ever wants to load any mods
>stuck with gzdoom
>have to manually turn off freedom, jumping, and crouching every time i load a new wad
>colors are horrible and washed out
>all the levels are TOO fucking dark
>the filtering. Oh God the filtering.
>audio artifacts cause horrible, ear shattering screeches occasionally
What the fuck man, why does gzdoom have to be SO shit.

>> No.6736895
File: 438 KB, 2560x1080, 20200320231225_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complaining about having to use a macbook
>can't open settings in gzdoom to remove what is being complained about

Sounds like a personal problem

>> No.6736897

I know, I know it's for mods and feels different from real Doom like Chocolate or Crispy but there must be some rationale behind the decision, I remember that being the default many years before Brutal Doom was even released.
It's a great mod, I guess people hate it because of the community around it, so full of cringe, it's the same with nu-Doom, one can only stomach so many people parroting rip and tear until it is done.

>> No.6736905

Didn't try PrBoom+? There's even a mousefix out, but I didn't really notice any significant issues before I switched to it and I do notice it's a little sharper. Guess the vertical and rocket autoaim in Doom kind of hide mouse issues compared to the precision required in Quake.

>> No.6736907

You should be working at work, macfag.

>> No.6736917

Give me some ideas for holodeck scenarios. Should fit into a 1024x1024 space.

>> No.6736956

time travel?
deja vu?

>> No.6736979

Have you considered changing the filter settings and just not pressing/binding the jump and crotch keys?

>> No.6736981

tfw you wont live long enough to finally play the full release of mordeth in the holodeck

>> No.6736982

I pretty much only use GzDoom for modded gameplay anyway, so I'm gonna be jumping and crouching anyway for maneuvering in combat.
If I'm looking for straight Vanilla gameplay, I'm just not going to be using GzDoom for that.

I think a far greater complaint is that GzDoom comes packed with an ugly blur filter on the screen by default if you play in hardware mode, that shit just cannot be excused at all.

>A whole generation of doomers has now been raised on such bullshit and don't even know any better.
A lot of them probably know, it's just that they probably don't care.

>> No.6736990

>deja vu?
You mean like recreating a part of a classic Doom level?

>> No.6736997
File: 346 KB, 598x459, barclay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Computer, run Barclay program: "Imp Encounter".
>Computer, add a demon.
>Make the demon brown and cover it with spikes.
>Okay, now lie the demon down.
>Computer, play some camel noises.
>Disengage safety protocols.

>> No.6736998

Sounds like the problem is A), being an iToddler with a shitty machine nobody gives more than token software support to, and B), you're too fucking retarded to go into the options menu to adjust the settings to change the visuals and sound to your liking.

>b-buh the awful filters
Yes, they're hideous, but do you seriously not know that you can turn them off? If the options seem to reset every time, I would suggest that this is some sort of problem with OSX, because I've never experienced that in all my years using GZD on multiple Windows operative systems.

>> No.6737006

We can deduce from his post that he's some sort of pillock, and is unable to stop himself from jumping and crouching, even when he doesn't want to.

>> No.6737024

I don't think anyone has uploaded the files yet. I'm surprised it hasn't been cracked yet meanwhile an extremely low quality game called "Simp Slayer" was cracked over it.

>> No.6737043

If I was your boss I'd deathmatch ya in a minute

>> No.6737058

im gonna add pvs to my engine

>> No.6737060

>There's even a mousefix out
That's only broken on Windows. Only Windows 10, for that matter.

>> No.6737070

Good luck with portal generation :)

>> No.6737071

so do you actually need a beefy rig to run brutal doom and the likes? not even this simple joy is allowed on potato

>> No.6737078

"It depends". You certainly need a better machine than you should, because both gzdoom and Brutal Doom as optimized like ass, but depending on the settings you use and the levels you play, you don't need a supercomputer or anything.

>> No.6737117

GzDoom isn't the most well optimized, but you can alleviate a lot by not having some graphics options on.

Brutal Doom is NOT optimized at all, and it's very effects heavy, if you have a real toaster, maybe you won't have the greatest time with it (but give it a try and see). The good news is that there are MANY other kinds of gameplay mods out there, many which run much smoother, so you have many options if you want different gameplay.

>> No.6737125

Why can't I enjoy Quake and Unreal campaigns? Feels like both games are only fun for me against bots or online. Love fighting human-like enemies but the campaign enemies, at least in Unreal are pretty spongey.

>> No.6737129
File: 133 KB, 1000x966, 1596775171754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave macbro alone
We were talking about retarded default settings that confuse the noobs that just accept the defaults

>> No.6737132

I think it's mostly the ketchup stuff

>> No.6737134

I like the Quake campaigns quite a lot. No idea how anyone enjoys Unreal, though (single player or online).

>> No.6737149

Unreal is a long journey through the beautiful alien world with great music (and some combat).
Note that your very rarely go against more than 2 opponents at a time in Unreal, and almost never more than 3. However they most of them are highly mobile, actively try to flank you and can dodge. There are no "fodder" type enemies you're supposed to kill by the dozens like in many other shooters and that throws many people off. Also use the fucking altfires.

>> No.6737156

I dont see how anyone could dislike Unreal deathmatch. Its pretty classic arena FPS gameplay.
The single-player is pretty dull though. Every enemy plays like a deathmatch bot except less exciting to fight.

>> No.6737162

The gore is a lot of it, but there's other things too.

>> No.6737176

1; shotguns will not overpenetrate enemies when you kill them like in Doom, so use them accordingly
2; Shamblers take half damage from explosions
3; when you find a Quad Damage hurry to rush into unexplored territory to do as much obliteration as you can before it expires
4; the game gives you lotsa rockets/grenades, use them, you're reset with each episode anyway, don't bother hoarding a whole bunch

>> No.6737182

This is awesome, If you make a full original Metal Gear sheet ill suck you off

>> No.6737194

doom builder 2 supports building the reject table :)
I can just convert this to a compressed per-sector bitmap

im very excited to have found this out

>> No.6737201

also, doom already has the portals built in. they are the double-sided walls between sectors

>> No.6737207
File: 2 KB, 195x65, wheeld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I improved the thing a little bit, right now I think that's the best I can do. But I am certain I will improve.

>> No.6737213

I'll see if I can import a Metal Gear model into this old 3D software. Can't promise anything.

Seems that most small details on models get lost at these resolutions, so my next mech will be a lot simpler to account for that.

>> No.6737283
File: 158 KB, 715x715, 7349-powerslave-playstation-front-cover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this game is good. The movement feels so smooth with the air control and abilities. Probably the best first-person platforming of the 90s. And Lobotomy must've had the best level designers in the business because both versions of Powerslave are practically carried by how fun the levels are to explore.

>> No.6737284

Isn't it Zandronum compatible as well? At least the base mod.

>> No.6737339

Never played. both version = psx and dos?

>> No.6737374

Because you have shit taste.

>> No.6737380

Console versions has different levels and gameplay from the PC version.

>> No.6737385

Mark originally started developing Brutal Doom in a Pentium 4. So you must have a really shitty computer. Get a job.

>> No.6737397

Change the sector lighting to vanilla or bright.

Turn off antiseptic filtering. It's at like x16 by default for some godly reason.

>> No.6737401
File: 761 KB, 1360x768, shot005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. The console version is a completely different game reusing the name and some art assets. Powerslave EX ports it to PC.

>> No.6737425

Did you idiots miss the part where I said I had to change the settings every time i loaded a new wad? For fans trying to be intellectually superior, you sure are shit at reading comprehension.

>> No.6737428

I have done all those things. The issue is that I have to change it every time i load a new wad or mod. Its all so tiresome.

>> No.6737441

You sure missed the part where I didn't.

>> No.6737503

Can it be completed?

>> No.6737530

I'm trying to play DOOM 1 with prboom+ but it just loads up DOOM 2 instead with missing textures, what gives?
Got all the wads from the link in the OP

>> No.6737532

Alright, what are we doing with the extra maps that are left over? I really think we should just stick all of them in the separate .wad so you don't have to do any command line stuff or whatever, and just load the .wad and play it, in sequence even if you want to.

Rejects are rejects, be they because they failed to meet the 2048 limitation, or because the megawad was full.

>> No.6737539

So, to get the full experience the way is Powerslave EX for the console version and PCExhumed for the pc one, right?

>> No.6737543

>I really think we should just stick all of them in the separate .wad so you don't have to do any command line stuff or whatever, and just load the .wad and play it, in sequence even if you want to.
That's what happened. Check the first link in the news post.

>> No.6737553

Its fully functional except you need a patch for the mouse to work right in Windows 10.

>> No.6737569
File: 25 KB, 537x312, zU30ibn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw wasn't around for 2048 and now this is going to be the first /vr/ Doom mapping project I miss
Ah shit, and the texture pack looked so nifty too.

>> No.6737646

I'm blind, then.

You could still map anyway, you could even impose the 2048 limit on yourself, which isn't a terrible idea for a newbie, because it gives you a decent bit of room, but not so much room that you can get carried away, meaning you will simply have to finish the map.

>> No.6737728
File: 50 KB, 416x540, gzoomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6737751

Both wads can't be in the same directory at the same time, otherwise you'll have to specify with parameters what game you want to run, or use a launcher like ZDL.
Usual way is making a notepad file, putting the commands in and saving it as .bat. Do something like: prboom-plus.exe -iwad doom2.wad
and put it in the prboom+ folder of course.

ZDL will just make it easier and faster though. https://github.com/lcferrum/qzdl/releases/tag/3-1.1

>> No.6737763

Ah I see, thanks

>> No.6737770

>Dunking on le no chicken
Based and Doom pilled.

>> No.6737771

>there's no more updates of 2048 maps in this thread.
I guess it's time to post the 2nd beta.

>> No.6737776

It seems like now would be the time.

>> No.6737787

Do it fukker

>> No.6737793

Huh, is BTSX E3 going to have a forest level?

>> No.6737819


>> No.6737821

>tfw Forsaken Stockades and Straight Walled Rooms still have softlocks

>> No.6737829

Oh for fucks sake. Before I watch this, did you get stuck behind the bars? Because you can open those.

>> No.6737834

Hey now, wait, I changed this, the bars slam shut after you move some distance, you shouldn't have been able to MAKE that move, so that's the old version, and I know I updated this, is that version not in the current set?

>> No.6737841

Here, the current version of Forsaken Stockades, if it for whatever reason wasn't updated before.

>> No.6737849

>Straight Walled Rooms still have softlocks
What door? the version present in the beta is not the lastest.

>> No.6737854


>> No.6737856

This makes me realize I should be uploading the current version of Tyrant's Starless Realm, just in case it hasn't been added.

>> No.6737859

>This post
>20 million map updates right after it

>> No.6737861

If you can't get other sourceports to work, use this to save yourself the trouble

>> No.6737863

Softlocks was the last thing to test for, and these aren't even updates as the current version of the .wad isn't even up to date like it should be.

>> No.6737928

Kaiser was reverse engineering the saturn version but he quit.
also the rights are on the fucking limbo

>> No.6737958
File: 1016 KB, 1141x612, 2048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MAP01: This map's too filled with obstacles and decorations, like torches and the flying skull rocks; in the main area, I keep getting stuck in invisible walls and it's really janky. You need to clear the place up and widen the areas to give more space for the player to move, specially in the final arena that has an Archvile and Cyberdemon firing at you simultaneously.

MAP02: A little better than the first. The glowing room really needs to have the effect either lengthened or removed entirely, it's a lot on the eyes. It has the same issue with invisible walls and decorations. I died here due to the Cyberdemon.

MAP03: Better than the other two, but still shows the same issues. You really have a thing for spawning enemies in previous rooms and Archviles huh? The slaughtershit is really apparent here. I died twice and in the second time (to the Cyberdemon in the final arena) I decided not to continue because I was sure this was all the map had to show.
Also, again with the invisible walls that purely block visual areas in this level. What do you have against gameplay?

MAP07: Sigh. Don't you realize 2048x2048 is not enough space for slaughter? The player can't even use the Rocket Launcher without risking killing themselves.

Your tastes suck. These are the works of someone who puts visuals above gameplay, since the former is the only good thing about them and you obviously sacrifice gameplay for their sake. MAP01 and MAP02 both stretch higher than 2048 in length so if the project leader isn't a bitch he'll keep to his rules and disqualify them.
MAP03 would be the best bet since it's the easiest to fix and doesn't go past 2048.

>> No.6737965
File: 179 KB, 1237x975, goldensouls3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know Batandy sometimes posts here, so here's my feedback on the new Golden Souls 3 demo.

1: The primary fire on the fists feels redundant, there's no reason to use it when you can charge an upper cut that gives you armor. Maybe you could have it briefly stagger enemies or make it a flurry of punches, sorta like in fist of the north star. That would be sick.

2: The long jump feels somewhat inconsistent to me, I somethimes find myself crouching and jumping normally instead. This becomes annoying when your trying to clear a large gap, but you kill your momentum by crouching and fall into a pit. I think you should decrease the time required to crouch and trigger the move or speed up the crouch itself, whichever would work better.

3: Serenity Shrine runs like steaming rectum. It's an awesome looking level (All of them are mind boggling from a technical standpoint) , but playing at 35 - 40 fps just isn't very enjoyable. Maybe its the floating lights tanking the performance, but I don't know. It's not final, so I'm sure its going to get touched up in the future.

That's about it, whats there is rock solid and you should be proud of what you created.

>> No.6737996

Map 01 was going into the reject pile from the get go, but can you point to the exact spots where you get stuck on decorations?

>and widen the areas to give more space for the player to move
Widen what area? The arena? There's not that much space for that, and you're going to need stuff like the pillars for cover from the Arch-Vile, and the Cyberdemon, who by the way is stuck.
For the walkways before the arena, yeah, there's not a whole lot of room for maneuvering, but there is some cover to apply, and you get handed a Plasmarifle.

>I died here due to the Cyberdemon
You need to explain better what you think is the problem with the Cyberdemon encounter, it's admittedly a bit of a last minute addition as the map got cut, but you should express why you think the encounter doesn't work.

>You really have a thing for spawning enemies in previous rooms and Archviles huh?
Yes, it makes things interesting.

>The slaughtershit is really apparent here
I would hardly consider that map anything but very light slaughter, there's one horde encounter, and aside from being handed a BFG9000 with a bunch of cells for making that encounter expedient, the Cyberdemon is very good at blowing away the other monsters.

>Also, again with the invisible walls that purely block visual areas in this level. What do you have against gameplay?
For Map 01, that was made necessary by the original (and admittedly fully flawed) misinterpretation of the rules. For Map 03, there's one spot with invisible walls, and I don't see what it would add to gameplay to open up the area. What do you want from it, for the demons to walk into the lava and make the encounter tedious, rather than keeping them on the path where you can fight them more head on? I don't see what it'd add for the player to be jumping into the lava either.

>> No.6738031
File: 627 KB, 1862x839, Builder_cOQQe2FD9I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Widen what area? The arena?
The walkways in which you start the map on, duh? It's easy to get stuck in the invisible walls constantly. Remove all the obstacle things from the arena, they're all in the way of the player.

>I died here due to the Cyberdemon
It's placed in a small room with no room to dodge, and a wall making it so splash damage still fucks the player. So it requires cover-peeking (amazing gameplay bro). If maybe the middle of the room was accessible instead of being blocked by an invisible wall, the encounter would be somewhat interesting.

>It makes things interesting
It makes things boringly predictable and repetitive. Constant teleports are cheap. Especially when you put bullet sponges and Archviles in every room, there's no reason to use anything but the plasma gun.

>What do you want from it, for the demons to walk into the lava and make the encounter tedious, rather than keeping them on the path where you can fight them more head on? I don't see what it'd add for the player to be jumping into the lava either.
It's better when the player isn't getting stuck in every piece of environment around him, and the limited size in the levels are actually used for gameplay. It wouldn't necessarily make the encounters boring, it's not so black and white. Most of the gameplay of your levels revolve around cover peeking, there's barely anywhere to dodge to, so the player is almost never taking them head-on.

It's quite obvious. It explains how you're bad at making engaging gameplay. It's easier to just give the player a BFG and spam mid-tiers; poor man's challenging gameplay.

>> No.6738034

>Don't you realize 2048x2048 is not enough space for slaughter?
There's less monsters in the arena encounter in 07 than there are monsters in the teleport encounter in Suburbs, and far less powerful enemies as well, also delayed.
I completely disagree with you that 07 can constitute slaughter.

>can't even use the Rocket Launcher without risking killing themselves.
This is the only time I've gotten this complaint, and based on your other complaints, I would suggest that perhaps you ought to play on a lower difficulty, clearly you're not cut out for UV. If you suck at playing Doom, that's not something that I can address.

>Your tastes suck.
That feeling is quite mutual.

>These are the works of someone who puts visuals above gameplay,
>since the former is the only good thing about them and you obviously sacrifice gameplay for their sake.
I don't feel that I do, I expressively sought to create the kind of challenge that I would find entertaining, then altered it as I got criticism, and I got some very harsh criticism for these levels as I released the first drafts, harsh, but very fair and accurate criticism, which I did my best to address, and given the kind of reception that gave me from everyone else so far, it seems I made the right choices.

Meanwhile, the kind of criticism that you're putting forth is of dubious value, you make a complaint about a section, but you don't seem to want to explain in detail why you think it doesn't work, just that you think it's too hard somehow. You're very bad at critiquing, and you should work on that.

>01 and 02 both stretch higher than 2048 in length
01 was finished under the premise that it would go on the reject pile straight away, and Map 02 was already cut.

>03 would be the best bet since it's the easiest to fix
We're not in that stage of development (gameplay) anymore.

Play the maps again on HMP or ITYTD, think harder about your critiques, then get back to me.

>> No.6738046

I never said or implied the levels are too hard. I have no issue with difficult levels. The only issue with your levels is that their gameplay is shit, and obviously you're a slaughterfag who thinks spamming Revenants and Archies makes a map difficult.
Quite funny you're trying to save yourself by claiming that if someone dislikes your levels then they're just bad at the game.

>> No.6738057

>The walkways in which you start the map on, duh?
You get stuck on the invisible walls on the walkway? How would you do that? They're completely flat surfaces and there's no things in the way of you moving, unless you're playing with a mod that changes the sizes of trees and gore decorations or something, I don't know how you'd get stuck there.

>It's placed in a small room with no room to dodge
How is there no room to dodge? While the Cyber is busy lighting up all the monsters surrounding him, you have plenty of space to run around, and after he's done killing most of them (which he will), you have more space still.

>It's placed in a small room with no room to dodge, and a wall making it so splash damage still fucks the player. So it requires cover-peeking (amazing gameplay bro). If maybe the middle of the room was accessible instead of being blocked by an invisible wall, the encounter would be somewhat interesting.
Alright, that's fair enough, I can absolutely see that. You should have said that from the get go.

>It makes things boringly predictable and repetitive
As opposed to the unpredictability of not meeting any new monsters on your way back?

>there's no reason to use anything but the plasma gun.
Why would you not use the Plasma if you have a bunch of ammo for it and you're meeting a lot of heavy resistance?

>Constant teleports are cheap
What constant teleports? The couple of guys coming out at the beginning, who can't pursue you down into the pit, but forcing you to push forward? You get a bunch of rockets to deal with them.

>It's better when the player isn't getting stuck in every piece of environment around him
I'll admit that there's cramped areas in 03, mostly in the pit. Otherwise, the center is a large arena with plenty of space.

>It explains how you're bad at making engaging gameplay
It engaged me, it seems to have engaged others. Again, it doesn't qualify as slaughter any more than Plutonia does, which is harder than my maps.

>> No.6738058

nah, the maps are fine
you just suck at playing.

>> No.6738063


>> No.6738064

You imply it pretty damn strongly by calling 07 slaughter and complaining that you can't use the rocketlauncher without blowing up.

Post a demo of you playing the map.

>spamming revenants and archies
You think that's spam? And no, I think fighting archies and revenants is fun, which is why I put them in.

>Quite funny you're trying to save yourself by claiming that if someone dislikes your levels then they're just bad at the game.
Which isn't what I'm doing, if you read my posts in full, I point out that your criticisms are unclear, misplaced (LE SLAUGHTERSHIT XD), or that you're making bewildering complaints about being unable to safely use a rocket launcher in a wide arena.

>> No.6738074

Let's see then: https://strawpoll.com/2uckdregy

>> No.6738094

wow you're legitimately retarded.

I recorded the demos and accidentally overwrote the MAP02 and MAP01 demos with the 03 and 07 ones. I realized you wouldn't wanna watch them after I insulted you anyways so I didn't bother to upload.

Just because your Discord buddies think they play well (they would never tell you otherwise even if they thought so, they wouldn't wanna hurt their boo's feelings) doesn't mean any complaint other than theirs is illegitimate.


>> No.6738101

four walls of text, slaughterfags are mental

>> No.6738112

It seems you can't read, because I didn't call Plutonia slaughter.

>Just because your Discord buddies think they play well
Actually, to be completely frank, they generally gave me the least useful criticism (most played in GzDoom, the one who didn't is above the skill ceiling of most of the people in this general, and he beat 01 with Hideous Destructor, before I balanced that map to be playable at all), and the criticism from /vr/ was far stronger, far clearer, and far more blunt and harsh, and it was that criticism which was the most valuable and lead to the most development.

I'll have a look at your demos.

>> No.6738115

Take your ritalin.

>> No.6738141

Is forsaken stockades the "Dark Souls" of 2048??

>> No.6738145

Alright, looking at the demo for 03, I can see that you don't suck when playing that level.

Looking at the demo for 07, you seem to do well, at first, then you inexplicably rush into the field of fire to grab ammo without backing into cover for split second to reset the agro of monsters, which I don't know why you'd do when they have a constant and clear line of fire on you.
You do well enough after that, but then you inexplicably use the rocket launcher on the pinkies at really close range, which I don't understand. Again, you go back to kicking ass after that, but then you blow yourself up while strafing into cover.

I'll admit that my levels focus a lot on the use of cover, if you don't like that, fine, but you're wrong about them being slaughter, and I'm kind of confused by the way you handle the rocket launcher.

>> No.6738147

>medieval prison taken over by evil monsters
>gothic architecture
>vastly exaggerated difficulty
It would appear so.

>> No.6738179

>BTSX E2 MAP01 now has an arch-vile at the end
I wonder if E3 will have a Cyberdemon in its MAP01, like Ancient Aliens.

>> No.6738181

You never fixed the glowing lights in map01. The sectors in the final battle are given sector effect 8 but they don't glow. The cyberdemons sector glows but everything else is pitch-black. I told you about this weeks ago. Shit like this is why I quit playtesting your maps; you're obviously not listening nor playtesting the maps yourself
>inb4 "Noted."

>> No.6738187

I thought I *did* fix that.

>> No.6738194

I don't think either are slaughter, and I enjoyed stockades but not cinders. That's more to do with it being difficult to think about what the switch I just pressed did while dealing with plutonia traps (aka here's new revenants and archies right up in your shit immediately).

>> No.6738195

>Shit like this is why I quit playtesting your maps; you're obviously not listening nor playtesting the maps yourself
Hardly true.

>> No.6738207

oh i thought the "email me for uv" was mostly to make fun of people ignoring other settings; it's exciting that he'll tweak it!

oh dunno, it was fun for me to dig stuff up, though i did get stuck for a while on two separate occasions.

anyway i feel magnolia's the best map i've ever played, but i'll never be nearly good enough to beat it single segment (no saves).

>> No.6738209

am i the only one that has trouble reading the 2048 HUD font? it's seriously a disaster for me.

that said, i really enjoy 2048, am playing through it now =)

btw am i retarded? on map 2 i cuoldn't see a way to activate those two switches, just got lazy and cheated lol.

>> No.6738254

Found an issue in Forgotten Stockade, if you approach the first area slowly and carefully to kill the hitscanners safely, there is a chance that you will trigger the rising bars too early and get locked out of the level.

>> No.6738260 [SPOILER] 
File: 570 KB, 1920x1080, 1597817211643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shipwreck Cavern? You have to use the nearby green torch to raise up a bridge to the little island. It's needlessly cryptic and it doesn't help that it only seems to work from one side.

>> No.6738264

seems easy enough, i should have figured it out. the little rocky bumps were there on the ground after all

haven't had any problems on any other maps i've tried yet.

>> No.6738265

Just played it myself. Forsaken Stockades was pretty fun. Don't get how it could be called slaughter.

>> No.6738267

Not that guy, but would it be too difficult to just have a regular switch there? Torches hardly get used for this with the exceptions of some secrets.

>> No.6738270

>am i the only one that has trouble reading the 2048 HUD font?

Somaone posted a better version in a thread a few days ago, i hope that gets into the 2nd beta or final version.

>> No.6738272

>Imagine calling a map "slaughter" because you're so bad at playing

>> No.6738274

>Shit like this is why I quit playtesting your maps; you're obviously not listening nor playtesting the maps yourself
Not him, but there's no need to be an asshat.

>> No.6738275

I liked Bleak Cinders more than Forsaken Stockades, i feel like progression is better handled.

both maps are ok idk what was the other anon crying about.

>> No.6738279

Didn't we swap the font? It seems the version in the news post still isn't updated.

Glowing fixed, also removed most skullrocks in the arena.
Also made the waste pool in 02 open for movement.

That's fair. I'll freely admit that Cinders is not my best map, particularly given that it was a bad map which I think was made playable after lots of changes and editing.

Did you try opening those bars? They can be opened from the inside if closed. I guess I may have to shift those linedefs further along still.

>> No.6738286

>Did you try opening those bars?
I did, yeah. I suppose the corridor is too cramped for the player to make proper contact with the linedefs?

>> No.6738285

I mean, he isn't actually terrible if you look at the demos he posted, in fact he's really good at parts, but it seems he sometimes makes some fucking weird decisions and moves.

>> No.6738289

thanks (i'm the one that complained about the font. maybe i'm just old / bad eyes).

btw who made map 30? i played it just now until dying like an idiot against the cyberdemon (first cyberdemon, i guess). i thought it was a great map.

i underestimated the cyberdemon fight; those columns are actually annoying (in a good way, making an interesting fight).

>> No.6738291


>> No.6738298

>that one map with the empty room but the 3D stalactites that tank the FPS
You know there are stalagmite/tite(?) 2D sprites right map anon? You can have things in rooms to add detail other than massive resource hog layers and layers of 3D?

>> No.6738305

Map 30 is also me. For the cyberdemon fight in the hub, I was actually gonna have a bunch of revenants come out of the pillars as they lowered, not just like two each, but more would teleport in with time.
This didn't really work functionally (because monsters can telefrag each other on the Map 30 slot), and it also made the encounter too hard and too bothersome, as the central hub is too small for those shenanigans.

>> No.6738310

I have noticed that some people like to mindlessly throw around the term slaughter simply because a map had even one mob encounter.

>> No.6738323

So have I. I also seem to vaguely recall having been one of the first people (maybe the very first) using the phrase 'slaughtershit' on /vr/, many years back, and I really wish I didn't because I cringe hard every time I see the phrase used.

>> No.6738328

oh okay.

i thought it was a great map. i just got a little cocky in the cyberdemon fight and misjudged a column. i guess i wasn't playing great, technically no reason to not have quite a bit of health/armor from the megasphere still.

as usual i liked the encounter near the start with a berserk, and a narrow opening so that revenants can come in single-file for some boxing <3

>> No.6738337

are you sure people don't just say slaughter for maps they can't beat lol.

in my own head i sort of differentiate it based on weapon/strategy use. if you're just circle strafing 1000 monsters with lots of slack in terms of movement, and lots of ammo, than that's slaughter.

if your fighting a ton of monsters in a cramped area and you have to be really clever and strategic about motion and other tactics, than i don't like calling it slaughter...

>> No.6738350

>are you sure people don't just say slaughter for maps they can't beat lol.
There's a very real definition of slaughter, it generally means fighting absolute assloads of monsters in wide arenas. If you aren't regularly dealing with hordes of like 50 monsters at a time or something, it's probably not fair to call it slaughter.

New Gothic Movement is a good example of slaughter.

>> No.6738460
File: 33 KB, 697x296, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have over 20 years of experience making maps for Quake-games. It's second nature to place brushes in Radiant for me, hence why it doesn't take so long to make a map. If you are new and/or lack a clear idea obviously it is going to take a lot longer. Also I never plan anything beforehand.


>> No.6738512

Embarrassingly bad opinions
He doubles down. This reads like brutal anon but brutal anon had better taste I thought
We really need to replace the torches with switches. Everyone gets confused here and it really could make someone rage quit the WAD

>> No.6738539

>are you sure people don't just say slaughter for maps they can't beat lol.
Theres that too.

>> No.6738542

2048 Units of /vr/ Beta v2.0, where yous at boi

>> No.6738546

>double down
literally only reminded that I never said the levels are any difficult.
>embarassingly bad opinions
I bet you like Sigil.

>> No.6738549

>He doesn't like Sigil
What's it like having terrible taste, idiot? My maps are great.

>> No.6738552

How does Romero's cock taste?

>> No.6738557

How do you manage to miss such an obvious joke? Do you have autism?

>> No.6738559
File: 889 KB, 756x715, 1557707735529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are some mods?

>> No.6738563

Most Anons are more interested in having petty fights so their brains autocorrect posts so they can turn around and shit on people.

>> No.6738565

Some mods are red.
Some mods are new.
Some mods are old.
Some mods are poo.

>> No.6738568

>I bet you like Sigil.
Just because Gman hates it doesn't mean its bad.

>> No.6738576


>having to ignore the last 20 years of progress and innovations by the doom map community just to justify the quality of a doom 1 wad

not saying sigil is the worst, but there are more than a dozen wads/megawads I would rather replay than sigil

>> No.6738580

I like Sigil.

>> No.6738583

Gman disliked it for all the wrong reasons, mostly because he sucks at retro shooters. Sigil has cramped, uncreative layouts and relies too much on having the player shotgun Barons and Cacos while limiting the player's movement for its difficulty, and fails miserably at making it hard even with that. Say Plutonia "relies" on hitscanners but the enemy variety is greater, the layouts are creative and don't rely on limiting player resources and freedom for keeping a challenge.
If it wasn't made by Romero, Sigil wouldn't have a drop of its current popularity, save being a runner-up for the Cacowards, even -- This is proven by how Romero's single-level wad E1M8b got a Cacoward even though it's just another boring techbase with nothing new to it.

>> No.6738590

me too fren

>> No.6738592

>but the enemy variety is greater
Not much enemy variety to be found in Doom 1 though.

>> No.6738596

It'll be interesting to see what Romero will do with the full Doom 2 considering he's supposedly making a Doom 2 pwad, I don't expect anything groundbreaking, but if he pumps out a bunch of levels as good as map 29 or 11 then it should be great.

>> No.6738598

I agree, its not the best thing ever, and the commnunity output has generally been more impressive.
I just don't see why its bad for someone to like Sigil.

>> No.6738602

the full Doom 2 roster*

>> No.6738605
File: 157 KB, 648x2452, 1596009431016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just don't see why its bad for someone to like Sigil.
"Stop liking what I don't like."

>> No.6738612
File: 408 KB, 1024x768, doosk1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good maps to play with DOOSK? I feel like the power level of the weapons requires a certain style of map to be fun.

>> No.6738616

>he's supposedly making a Doom 2 pwad
Where was this mentioned or confirmed?

>> No.6738619

Just a rumor I think.

>> No.6738687


2048 project bug report:

in map07:

- at the three key lift, it is possible to trigger the lift and run backwards and cause the bars to close and not be able to re-enter. sorry, i have hair-pin paranoia from sunlust.

- the map exit is not clearly an exit. I got there with 3 kills remaining, and was pretty sad when the map ended. (I'm trying to play all levels UV-MAX.)

That said:

- I've played through maps 1-7, pistol start, single segment (no saves). In all levels it's pretty clear what to do (except the two green lamps in map 2; well, the second is clear after the first) and I'm having TONS of fun.

- It's happened 2x now that I exited a map with kills remaining without realizing it. I'm playing saveless+blind so it's pretty annoying when it happens.

- I thought ammo was a bit low in map 6. I died once, and then on the replay, used the chainsaw a lot, and still was cutting it pretty close. I think I'm pretty conservative with ammo?

- map 7 was my favorite so far. I thought it was a lot of fun and well-constructed. It was fun fighting the arch viles, and it wasn't always "telegraphed" in the sense of obvious columns to hide behind. It was fun finding the balance between promoting infighting and not getting overwhelmed/blocked in the first part. Ultimately I seemed to have used only a small fraction of the available ammo and so I didn't need to cause so much infighting, but it's fun that the map allows different playstyles.

- I like the variety of the mapset.

- I will keep going and gladly beat the whole wad =)

>> No.6738689

how is Fresh Supply now compared to BloodGDX?

>> No.6738697

add Doom 64 to the downloads you fucks

>> No.6738710

Imagine being too incompetent to find a fucking n64 rom by yourself.

>> No.6738713

there is an old version of Fresh Supply in the download you incompetent cunts, add 1.9.5

>> No.6738719

I don't give a fuck about ROM retarded transvestite I'm talking about the PC port

>> No.6738723

Fuck off back to /v/, retard.

>> No.6738731

stupid fucker fuck you and this shit general of living pro abortion arguments

>> No.6738734

Dumb ESL poster.

>> No.6738737

thanks newfriend. Keep in mind though, some of the maps have had updates since the beta was released. Some have even had several revisions since then. For example I'm pretty sure anon said he fixed the bars in map07. But I'm not sure if ammo has been addressed in map06 so that's helpful to hear about, I'll replay it myself with this in mind and throw my two cents in.
Another beta with the newest versions should be released shortly...
R-right, lead anon?

>> No.6738739

Like five DOOM threads in a row have now been shit up by two dudes bickering back and forth

>> No.6738740


map8 comments:

- this map is amazing, everything about it: fights, environment, music, everything. i especially enjoyed little details like the pick which appears in the map =)

- ammo is ridiculously scarce, at least until the yellow key area. I only found 2/3 secrets (the soul sphere and the medikit in the mine cart), so maybe i'm missing some ammo secret. but basically i was causing infighting and using my fists as much as possible, otherwise i'd run out. there was no other way. it made the map more challenging, but it was pretty extreme, i started getting stressed every time something took more than the minimal number shots. i almost died trying to punch out the mancubi...

oh okay

>> No.6738742

yeah maybe people aren't doing pistol starts?

map 7 for instance has infinite excess ammo, so map 8 would not feel this issue if someone were just running through the whole wad.

>> No.6738745

Crispy Doom 5.9.0 released
Ashes2063: Afterglow Announced

>> No.6738746

Brutal Doom is the best version of Doom, it's a straight uprgade and the reason why people remember this game

>> No.6738747
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>> No.6738748

Shadow Warrior got a good remaster but Blood got a pile of shit because the original sucked too

>> No.6738758

>Ashes2063: Afterglow Announced
So fucking tired of the constant stream of post apocalyptic shit. How is there still an audience for it?

>> No.6738770

Doom fucking sucks compared to build engine games

>> No.6738772

Someone asked him if he'll make a wad for Doom 2's anniversary and he gave a noncommittal answer.

>> No.6738773

>Doom 2's anniversary
When is that?

>> No.6738774

Well, cyberpunk happened already, it is now obvious that regular sci-fi is not going to happen, so post-apoc is the only future-predicting genre left.

>> No.6738776

Your mom fucking sucks my dick, and she's easily comparable to heavy-duty industrial vacuum cleaner.

>> No.6738779

How the fuck did you take that bait

>> No.6738782


>> No.6738784

it's mostly Russians and other ex-Soviets. post apoc makes them nostalgic for their childhood or something

>> No.6738785

Pretty sure most people have been playing from pistol start. Honestly you leave a lot of maps pretty fucked on health so I don't think it's feasible
More ammo was added to that map fortunately.
Off the top of my head, the other maps that have had significant changes from the beta are Good Boys Club, Arrogance and Contempt, Baal's Coliseum, Roundabout Cliffside and Dark Sanctuary. So if there's any obvious problems in these particular maps they're most likely fixed (hopefully) in the new versions.

>> No.6738787

>R-right, lead anon?
Yeah, I've got all the latest updates and graphics. Just coming up with a slightly rearranged map order, taking some inspiration from the list an anon posted a few threads ago. Should have it ready around noon.

>> No.6738791

Better question is how the fuck is my dick even fitting into your mom's mouth.

>> No.6738795

Is the /v/ board splitting causing the cancer to spill out or something? Why is there so much extremely low quality shitposting here?

>> No.6738798

>Should have it ready around noon
Hype. How sad is my fucking life when I'm pumped for the second unfinished iteration of DOOM fan fiction created on a Mongolian train-watching forum to come out?

>> No.6738804

there's been constant arguing between the same anons in a couple of threads now and people are starting to not give a shit

>> No.6738812
File: 17 KB, 231x244, 02806502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore Alf-poster and ignore all anons that don't post like gentlemen

>> No.6738826

great, thank you

oh glorious!

This weekend I can do a full run-through of the updated wad. Would there be a particular day that works best with your timeline, in terms of beta-testing?

Also, what's the best way to report bugs and also to find the latest version? Or should I just expect you to read every shitpost lol. do you just ctrl-f 2048 in the last few threads?

Thanks! I enjoyed maps 1-8 a lot. 7-8 especially.

>> No.6738843

>Would there be a particular day that works best with your timeline
Nah, in the next week is good but this weekend would be nice if you're planning on doing that anyways
>Also, what's the best way to report bugs and also to find the latest version?
You should be able to Ctrl+F '2048' or if a new megathread is up, it will be listed in the News post which is generally the first post of the thread. To give feedback you might just start your comment with '2048 FEEDBACK' and get right into it. We'll see it. Thanks again newfriend.

>> No.6738868

So what are your opinions on underwater Doom maps/wads?

>> No.6738869

Why people shit on Doom II?

>> No.6738880 [DELETED] 

They're mentally unwell to prefer DOOM I. To think the generic tech bases of episode 2 are anything above unacceptable and to think episode 3 has anything redeeming about it at all... I mean these people just aren't right in the head, anon

>> No.6738895

They're mentally unwell to prefer DOOM I. To think the generic tech bases of episode 2 are anything above unacceptable and to think episode 3 has anything redeeming about it at all... I mean these people just aren't right in the head, anon

>> No.6738920

because duke nukem is better in every way and everyone who says otherwise is mentally ill cunt

>> No.6738948

Sandy Petersen made a majority of the maps and his style was a lot more gimmicky. They're not bad considering the relatively short time they were made in, but some people didn't have barrels of fun with his variety of tricks and traps.

>> No.6738954

The level design come across as being more novel considering Sandy had to do some carrying, while important it's really the only thing I see Doom 2 being shit on for. The SSG and expanded bestiary are all good additions otherwise.

>> No.6739037

IMO, most of the levels in Doom 2 are fine gameplay-wise, if a bit unexciting compared to the community output. The real problem is more just that it lacks any real coherent theme with its "episodes". Doesn't help that Sandy Petersen was never good at texturing, so a lot of levels even feel too much of a mishmash.

>> No.6739041

>because apple is better than orange in every way and everyone who says otherwise is mentally ill cunt

>> No.6739048

stupid fucking comparison nigger DN3D is a natural evolution from Doom it's not like comparing ARMA to Quake

>> No.6739050

ARMA is better than Quake

>> No.6739054

Seriously, fuck Arma. Engine is so fucked with legacy shit and half-assed solutions it barely works.
I'd rather work on Quake instead of Arma.

>> No.6739058

you should update your website and start hosting some old maps and mods for Q2, Q3 and retro fps.
people were talking about a "new planet quake" but more of a /vr/ general archive

>> No.6739059 [DELETED] 

>Doom purists hated ZDoom even before Brutal Doom

How can people be this fucking autistic gatekeepers?
I strongly support the idea of starting a GoFundMe to track all Doom purists across America, round them up, and make them be raped by 1000 niggers.

>> No.6739061

Its alf and his fag friends + the Quake mapping discord trolls.
They are trying to force hiro to create a /vfps/ board at /v/

>> No.6739080

why people pretend doom is hard, it was COD of it's time

>> No.6739084

Sure, if anyone wants to use Retropew for anything useful be my guest.

>> No.6739086

Gatekeeping is good.

>> No.6739104

The best part is that they use PRBoom+ instead of chocolate or dosbox

>> No.6739106

If you don't find Sigil to be fun and worth playing, then I don't know what to tell you. It's not a groundbreaking mapset, but the gameplay works fundamentally well, and Romero makes pretty good use out of the more limited bestiary.
If you've only played it once, give it another go, some people found they liked it much better the second time around.

And listen, you're clearly not *bad* at Doom overall, 9 times out of 10 you did all the right things in those demos, but I think you have room for improvement in your tactics. You have a fast and aggressive playstyle that's good, but on defensive points you don't do well at all, and in small maps with tighter quarters like these, a weapon like the Rocket Launcher really should be used in a more defensive manner.

>> No.6739113

I'll give the locked bars a look. For the exit, it's probably the most slapdash part, I should probably think of a way to telegraph that.

>> No.6739114


I can't believe I only found this place now.
Anybody has any questions for a Doom expert with ~25 years experience?

In case there's somebody more knowledgeable than me (though I doubt it lol), do you guys think Doom and Doom 2 are possible to beat on Nightmare without cheats?

>> No.6739124

Alf is off his meds again.

>> No.6739127

He's at /v/ shitposting against the HL update thread.

>> No.6739129

Also he's SHILLING Blizzard

>> No.6739130

Zeromaster has beat Doom, Doom 2, TNT Evilution, and The Plutonia Experiment, all on Nightmare! difficulty. Others have done Doom and Doom 2 on Nightmare!, but only Zeromaster has done it for Final Doom

>> No.6739132 [DELETED] 

HL = nigger garbage made by niggers, for niggers and enjoyed by niggers
Portal = same as HL, see above
TF2 = third world pajeet containment run by niggers, glad it's dead and rotting like the nigger game it is
DOTA = only ip that wasnt created by Nigger Valve, still manages to be garbage and containment for third worlders

>> No.6739137

Crazy. I've never even beaten Final Doom on UltraViolent and I've been a hardcore fan for quarter of century.

>> No.6739149

He's ridiculously good, arguably the best Doom player in the world. Search for "Plutonia Nightmare" on YouTube and you can find a video of it, the man fights like tornade full of loaded guns.

>> No.6739151
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>Claims to be a Doom "expert"
>Hasn't beaten Final Doom on UV

>> No.6739157

Who has though? I doubt anybody in this thread even beaten Knee Deep in the Dead on anything about Hurt Me Plenty.

>> No.6739159

> anything above

>> No.6739162

Gonna have to be more subtle than that if you want to convince anyone.

>> No.6739163
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>> No.6739164

Come on dude it took me a year to beat the first episode on UV and I don't think modern kids have that level of patience and persistence.

>> No.6739169

thats some babby tier bait

>> No.6739170

It's honestly kind of embarrassing that he thinks anyone is going to bite.

>> No.6739173

Senility is one hell of a drug

>> No.6739194

The Pentagon is looking for him. Don't worry. I gave them a hint already.

>> No.6739198

Worked fine the previous times. It's less than delicious pasta.

>> No.6739209

Anyone has the latest version of Shipwreck cavern? so I can change that fucking torch to a switch button

>> No.6739210

>anon is a time traveler from the year 1993 when Doom just came out and no one knew the meta or how to circlestrafe yet

>> No.6739213

That change was made in the latest version, along with some other small fixes that should improve the map.

>> No.6739220
File: 510 KB, 1214x933, 3613866-doom 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow doom has such massive hordes of enemies, hardcore game

>> No.6739226

It just wasn't used in a while, and he changed a wording a bit (originally it was "did anyone ever beat Doom 2 on UV").

>> No.6739317

> circlestrafe
Yeah, that's called cheating. Since the only movement commands present in the original game are Forward, Backward, Left and Right. I'm sure with certain mods you can beat anything on Nightmare.

>> No.6739321

Is this the can't play on nightmare twat from doomworld?

>> No.6739324

>check the thread to see if 2048 beta 2 is finally out
>retards shitting up the threads with mediocre baits and shitposts

>> No.6739325

I'm pretty sure it's just a really, really poor attempt at baiting.

>> No.6739328

>Golden Souls
Hey, thank you kindly for the feedback.
1: I'm actually considering having the fists give you some sort of boost, at the very least slightly charging the uppercut bar and letting you keep the charge, but we'll see cause I don't wanna make them too OP given that you can perform two very powerful attacks with them.

2: Keep the crouch key pressed before landing, when you press the jump key again you will instantly perform another long jump, you can stack 'em up and basically dash through the map this way. The full version of the game will give you more time to adapt to this kind of gameplay with a more in-depth tutorial that's part of the intro sequence.

3:I'm trying to optimize everything I can these days to squeeze more performance out of it, but sadly it is a limitation of the BSP renderer that just can't handle really big areas like that. The definitive solution would be to completely scrap it and remake it, but it's not something I'm willing to do considering all the time and care it took me to finish it. Have you tried running the game in Vulkan? The mod's been tested by multiple people with that and most of them noticed a significant performance boost just in general, especially that map, which i'm running at 55 fps in the most complex point (peak of the temple) and around 70-80 everywhere else.
Still, it has been certainly a learning experience and I will do my best to design the next maps in a way that doesn't bottleneck as much.

>> No.6739330


How can you be so retarded as to read what I wrote and come up with that seething projection?
I play ZDoom on the regular along with Crispy, the entire conversation
started around the dumb default configurations
Why are tard zoomers so antagonistic and eager for useless flamewars around here? Maybe autism is really on the rise.

>> No.6739332

Could it be... a person genuinely wondering? Or does every weird post has to a troll attempt made for some unbeknownst reason? Nice conspiracy theory though.

>> No.6739348

when he repeats it over and over wording it differently and refuses to accept that nobody is interested in discussing it, yes its a definite troll

>> No.6739352

> ooh I'm a snowflake, my soul crumbles at any hint of disengenuinenness
Shut the fuck up, pussy. Baits and trolling contribute to the culture of the threads and make them more exciting and nuanced.

Sure if it's a guy posting dismembered dicks or something - that's an offense. But otherwise if you don't like it - don't engage and don't fucking bitch.

I may not enjoy some stupid Brutal Doom-like but I'm not gonna shit on it being all holier than thou just to feed my ego. Grow up.

>> No.6739356


>> No.6739359

> he
Aaaaand we're back to conspiracy theory. What makes think it's a single person specifically doing this? What if it's a group of "nightmare trolls"? Or maybe - just maybe - it's different people asking a basic question that's clearly not specific enough to think it's all some one guy.

I mean do you also think there's one guy who always asks "what are some fun wads for Doom 2?"? Is that also baiting?

I love this thread but I swear some of the people here are fucking paranoid schizos.

>> No.6739364

Fuck off back to /v/, or whatever shit hole you climbed out of.

>> No.6739368

there are no girls on the 4chins so it must be he

>> No.6739374
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What the hell...? when you play Forsaken Stockades and shoot very closely at the pinkies with the rocket launcher, you die for no reason!, that's really bad map design!! what is this... slaughtershit? what a piece of cowabunga shiiiieeeeeeeet

>> No.6739375


>> No.6739376
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Case in point.

>> No.6739378

>"what are some fun wads for Doom 2?"
is a question as inane as "what are some games"
the only apropriate answer is GTFO because whoever posted it is clearly unable to lurk moar so suggeesting that would be pointless

>> No.6739381

Woah, rude

>> No.6739387

There's Archviles, Archviles, and more Archviles! I would rother put the tip of my cock next to a tarantula than play this fucking level

>> No.6739398
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I love finding the easter eggs you lot put in your maps.

>> No.6739425

>more exciting and nuanced
its sure exciting to see the thread derailed by shitposts and baits yet another time, maybe you forgot people come to actually talk about doom here

>> No.6739430
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Wut da hill? that Cacodemon is eating my health potions! Get over here you floating basketball piece of fuck

>> No.6739437

> derailed
No such fucking thing. That's the whole point of AIB. Also as you should probably realize that at any point there are a bunch of parallel discussions going on - which is what makes it fucking usable even. Also: IT IS about Doom you moron, since Doom and Doom 2 which the "bait" was about are related to Doom on the basis that they are Doom.

>> No.6739448

your shitty mac probably made the settings file to read only because settings never change back on GZD once you change them

>> No.6739454

Ok I forgot all the shit about how this all works so please remind me:
a) What game runner is the best in terms of having all the required functions but also not autistically complex like retroarch or some shit
b) what are some cool wads to play given that I finished and liked all the ID Way Dooms like Plutonia and The Way ID DId? I don`t want something super hard like Ancient Ayliens.

>> No.6739456

I have a 4th gen pentium, with the integrated graphics it runs "okay" with a few stutters, with any discrete graphics you will run very good on any processor I think.

>> No.6739457
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>> No.6739462

You should kill yourself.

>> No.6739471

a) If you mean source ports which has just what you need, then Prboom+ is probably your best option, although some people say the mouse in it works weird, GZDoom if you want all the modern gameplay mods too.

b) Epic 2, JPCP, Jenesis, some classics such as Memento Mori 1 and 2, Requiem, STRAIN

>> No.6739474


As somebody who hates most baits - including the nightmare (if it's really a bait), looking at these responses makes me think the anons they are responding to have a point.

>> No.6739475

are you from the 2000s?

>> No.6739479

What about Epic 1? I don't like to skip games in chronology.

>> No.6739484

> Memento mori
> Most levels were made for co-op play
Uhm, that sounds gay.

>> No.6739485

>a) What game runner
I use ZDL to switch between source ports.

>b) what are some cool wads
Suspended in Dusk, Back to Saturn X E1, Akeldama, UAC Ultra, Base Ganymede Complete, Lunar Catastrophe

>> No.6739489

> UAC Ultra
Not made by serial killers if possible...

>> No.6739491

For me its RocketLauncher2.

>> No.6739492
File: 1.83 MB, 1280x720, 2020-08-19 23-50-37.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, we're going to have status effects! Implemented a stun I need for couple of spells, and it works great, aside from the fact I did it all wrong and it's not going to work in the context of other status effects. Back to the drawing board.

Epic 1 is, like, four levels long. Also play UAC Ultra.

>> No.6739493

Original ARMA was a shitshow, worse than OFP in every single way while only improving the graphics by just a little.

>> No.6739495

It's pretty cool too, and it's a short pwad compared to Epic 2 which is a full megawad so why not.

They're still good or at least playable, but yeah the old wads can be hit or miss at points.

>> No.6739496

40oz isn't a serial killer as far as I know, you're thinking of UAC Labs by Eric Harris

>> No.6739501

What on Earth did he mean by this?

>> No.6739506

UAC Ultra, not UAC Labs, you retard.

>> No.6739508

4th gen of current Intel processor family you idiot, socket 1150, it's a 5yo chip.

>> No.6739513

Well, he created transphobic forum that produces PWADs, like, every other month, driving untold amount of trannies to suicide, so he probably counts as one.

>> No.6739521

> transphobic forum

>> No.6739523

thats not mass murder thats public service

>> No.6739529

Hey guys where do I find the Ultinate Doon wad? The source port requires it even though I was gonna play Plutonia

>> No.6739530

Isn't there a tranny on the DBP team?

>> No.6739532

Check the OP, it has all the iwads.

>> No.6739534
File: 77 KB, 483x473, AFSEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any quakers here? would you guys ever hop into a FFA DM server if I threw one up?

>> No.6739539

They're house nigger.

>> No.6739542

Anon I think he's being sarcastic

>> No.6739546

The first Memento Mori hasn't aged all that well IMO. TNT and Memento Mori 2 are much better.

>> No.6739556

Is it me or are games like Thief are virtually unplayable now that there are smooth and player friendly modern games? It's like Doom is still fun but everything in that awkward time space between Doom and Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 kinda sucks now,

>> No.6739559

> R_OPENGL: OpenGL driver not accelerated!
k what the fuck does it mean

>> No.6739561

1; you're thinking of UAC Labs
2; Eric Harris was technically not a serial killer, but rather he's a spree killer

>> No.6739571

Are there any wads made by serial killers then?

>> No.6739578

Obvious bait

>> No.6739584

You need to kick it for it to gain speed

>> No.6739592

Same question. Fucking hate this software shit. Why do I have to suffer just because I don't know some programming shit?

>> No.6739594

He's not a spree killer either retard. He's a mass murderer. A spree killing requires killing in multiple distinct locations.

>> No.6739597

Maybe one day 4chan will appreciate Quake...

>> No.6739602

tfw pc broke and cant play doom or quake

>> No.6739603

I might. I much prefer ql/cpma though.

>> No.6739604

This is a Doom thread

>> No.6739609

>DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread >>6723784 (Cross-thread)
>Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
>All other retro FPS welcome

>> No.6739613

We literally had a Quake mapjam in the summer of 2018

>> No.6739614 [DELETED] 

I wish white people died

>> No.6739618

That isn't what the OP says.

>> No.6739635
File: 90 KB, 500x375, tidd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the one with the conspiracy theories bro
The only sane conclusion is that it's the same autist instead of a conspiration of new retards making the same posts as each other over and over
You know people do bait and troll all the time, so if you want to ask questions in good faith it's very easy to do, put the smallest effort into it instead of writing in the same style as these trolls and autists
TLDR lurk more faggot

>> No.6739639

Any one know any good BUILD-style Doom maps? I've tried out d2-rebuilt and thought it was great and I wanted to play more maps in the build style.

>> No.6739641 [DELETED] 

there's Doom the way id did

>> No.6739643

I think you meant Nobody Told Me About ID

>> No.6739645

That's the doom mod that makes gameplay BUILD-like.

>> No.6739648

Oh, right, it's a gameplay mod. Still "Doom the way id did" is a pure vanilla Doom mapset

>> No.6739657

Ashes 2063 Sterilized Edition. Diabolus Ex is supposed to resemble Deus Ex but the level design reminded me of a build game.

>> No.6739691

Which one do you prefer, BTSX1 or 2?

>> No.6739701
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>> No.6739705
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>> No.6739708
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>> No.6739712

Looks gnarly.

>> No.6739714

I would love to, but my 3rd world internet connection will probably fuck me in the ass with 150+ ms

>> No.6739715

>Epic 2, JPCP, Jenesis, some classics such as Memento Mori 1 and 2, Requiem, STRAIN
>Suspended in Dusk, Back to Saturn X E1, Akeldama, UAC Ultra, Base Ganymede Complete, Lunar Catastrophe

All of these are vanilla compatible right? It works on Crispy Doom?

>> No.6739719

Levels are shit with a few exceptions.

But levels are shit in Doom 1 as well, except for KDITD.

>> No.6739720

Gameplay-wise, the first one.
Aesthetically-wise, the second one (both are stunning but I prefer the gothic\ruins theme)

>> No.6739725

Yes, except for JPCP, Jenesis and UAC Ultra (boom compatible).

>> No.6739726
File: 13 KB, 250x196, 1594472913688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the Doom64 modding scene look like now the "official" PC port is out?
Are most mods still for the Doom 2 version? Or have loads of new ones been made?

>> No.6739747

EX been out for a long time.

>> No.6739757

There's been like 2 maps made for the new port by the community since its release. It's a shame.

>> No.6739790

why even play this shit game then?

>> No.6739793

Lunar Catastrophe is ZDoom compatible

>> No.6739809

Okay so apparently it's about old OpenGL.

Now. Where the fuck do I get new OpenGL for Windows 10? I know it sounds like an extremely retarded question but I honestly can't find shit.

>> No.6739815

Isn't the new port worse in basically every way, including the having to give Bethesda your money way?

>> No.6739830

I think it removed some optional sourceport features like jumping and stuff, to make it more authentic to the original N64 game, which I can't actually really hold against it, as the levels aren't designed for jumping.

>> No.6739831

Because gameplay itself is top notch, at least in Doom 2, it just needs good levels to really shine. Too bad the game never caught on and obtained a loyal community that would hone and perfect the art and craft of level design for nearly three decades. Oh wait.

>> No.6739836

TFC is great, though.

>> No.6739851 [DELETED] 

TFC, like Team Fortress Classic, which is Half-Life mode, oh wait, here's a fresh thought for you guys, have you heard that Half-Life sucks and ruined video games?

>> No.6739857

Now THIS is bait. Not a guy inquiring about difficulty of the hardest difficulty setting.

>> No.6739871

Think it's more like mental illness.

>> No.6739884

>Enemy is called a vore
>Doesn't eat you

>> No.6739890

Lemme guess, slaughter.

>> No.6739891

>tfw vorefag
I didn't ask for this boner but I still wish people tried to advertise to me

>> No.6739904

but anon, "hell" doesn't exist in btsx lore

>> No.6739909

>that room over room
Very sexy, anon.

>> No.6739912

For me it's the pain elemental's pain sound.

>> No.6739916

Looking back at failure of Citadel, and Memoirs of Magic before that, I can safely say that you should never, EVER make a retro shooter with shit-tier fetish as main sailing point. In fact, it probably applies to every video game genre except for VNs, and those aren't even real video games.

>> No.6739921

For me, its sending the archvile into a pain state just a handful of ticks before he explodes you.

>> No.6739928

Herons alright though

>> No.6739931

Hedon guy made an entire extended universe out of his fetish so that's at least admirable

>> No.6739943

>popping an arachnotron with a ssg blast
always so satisfying

>> No.6739946

>memoirs of magic
Never heard of these. Mind giving a quick rundown, anon?

>> No.6739956

Hedon is pretty mainstream, fetish-wise. Thicc amazons, with the vague hint of penis that is not even obvious to outsider.

Shooter by weird jap with a big focus on sexualized gore and shit gameplay.
>memoirs of magic
Doom TC which flew under a radar of even the most avid coprophages such as IcarusSh1ts, focus on bara furshit and shit gameplay. To be fair, it wasn't sold, but it could've been sold, had it not been so obtuse in gameplay department and so gay in fanservice department.

>> No.6740061

I wonder how long it'll take for someone to make some of the NPCs playable.

>> No.6740091

Now that Fire Emblem got its own board, there's no reason why Doom shouldn't have one as well.

>> No.6740109
File: 383 KB, 776x612, 1597862290076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doom mod where everytime a sector crushes you, the screen gets wider

>> No.6740123

Nonsense, that would require a very specific monitor that's able to expand and contract horizontally

>> No.6740138

I think Carmack used something like that when he was developing Catacombs 3D.

>> No.6740195

Does AMC TC for the Build Engine feature the Spider Mastermind?

>> No.6740218
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>doing tweaks on Forsaken Stockades
>sudden BSOD
Ok, it booted up again, but I'll have to break out one of my drives and make backups now. Probably little work lost, but this is scary.

>> No.6740224

Could have it make your fov wider and your camera lower.

>> No.6740225

I was having these BSODs a few months ago and it was my SATA power cables not working right for some reason, I switched around the drives and it went away. It was real scary since I thought my ssd was dying.

>> No.6740259

I've got pretty damn close to 0% savvy when it comes to electronics and computers, and this is a laptop, so I really don't know what I could even do.

>> No.6740292

could be anything really since that error is pretty generic, keep an eye out when it happens again to diagnose the problem

>> No.6740329

Addressed softlocking on Forsaken Stockades. Now I gotta go plug in my external HD, just to be safe.

>> No.6740340

A quick search gave me that idea. Windows might as well just have told me "Something Happened."

>> No.6740363


>> No.6740372
File: 215 KB, 1552x685, twoscoopsoflead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great. Weapon Pack may be delayed slightly for this, but I figure I should be able to wrap it up before the week is over, I only have the SSG left to do.

>> No.6740438

How come everytime a pretty map gets posted some uppity guy claims it must be a slaughtermap? I've seen like, one case where it was an actual slaughtermap, every other time the usual enemy count is like 100-150 which is sub par if anything.

It happens everytime a Refracted Reality screenshot gets posted too for some reason.

>> No.6740452

Slaughterwads or just really challenging wads in general often have amazing visual design.

>> No.6740475
File: 329 KB, 1023x755, adsfafas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MAP10: An Appointment With Mr. Pain

The middle texture in pic related isn't blocking player nor monsters.

>> No.6740476

looking good aside from that dark grey out of place line on the barrel wtf with that

>> No.6740479

There's some truth to that, and some authors are great at visuals, but don't really have all that many good ideas on how to design enemy encounters, and end up just doing floodfill shit.

There's good slaughter, and then there's bad slaughter, the former is calculated and thought out, and the latter is not.

>> No.6740483
File: 148 KB, 1400x1400, Screen_Shot_2014-06-29_at_4.48.37_PM.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non-activated Windows

>> No.6740487

Two questions about the 2048 project:

1. What's the map format?
2. How mappers will be credited? They will all be called anons?

>> No.6740490

Boom format.
Authors will be credited with the name they present with their maps, if they do not give a name, they will be listed as anonymous.

>> No.6740491

Format is Boom. People were credited based on the whatever name they posted alongside their map download. There's only a few people who actually decided to remain anonymous.

>> No.6740531

Because every time i see pictures like that they end up being slaughter? Just look at Sunder, Sunlust, and any Bridgeburner project.

>> No.6740564
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>non-activated Windows

>> No.6740576


>> No.6740654

Alright, that's all my Doom stuff, music, and waifu stuff backed up. I'll have to backup my mountains and mountains of pornography another day.

>> No.6740658

do you use hydrus network to organize your shit?
imagine that but for wads

>> No.6740663
File: 551 KB, 1000x1100, doomgal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10, you should try mapping for Quake

>> No.6740664

I have no idea what that is.

>> No.6740693

kinda like a personal booru

>> No.6740698
File: 1.86 MB, 550x400, 1387131445122.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6740704

Interesting. Is it some sort of cloud shit? Do I need a server unit or something?

>> No.6740709

i have it and i'm pretty sure it works offline
the guy who made it has a guide from github and a board for it on 8k

>> No.6740783


>> No.6741102
File: 92 KB, 190x190, 994d1bcfd23bc5c125eff361825051579cf15c1f96cf5b14aff5fc70af4cf267.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, but THERE'S LORE?

>> No.6741506

TNT hasn't aged all that well either, IMO

>> No.6741528

Sorry cant help ur problem. what mod is that ?

>> No.6741553

Reccomending e1m1 multiverse

I wonder why the last map was horseshite ? i get it was that on purpose but even then it was bad.