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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6715427 No.6715427 [Reply] [Original]

What is worth playing on 2600 that isn’t just about playing endlessly for high scores?

>> No.6715439

Most of its library are inferior Arcade ports available on MAME so, no, nope.
Hero 2600 is a cool game though.

>> No.6715442

Why would you want to play retro single-player games for anything other than getting good scores?

Oh you're a faggot, makes sense now.

>> No.6715447

Also Yarr's Revenge is insanely clever. Made by the ET developer before he disgraced his career.

>> No.6715498

Jungle Hunt, Smurfs, Skate Boardin’, Kangaroo, and Raiders of the Lost Ark are all fun little diversions that have proper endings and are not only about getting high scores.

>> No.6715524

Go away grandpa

>> No.6715545
File: 915 KB, 514x448, HERO.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H.E.R.O's great, but it's arguably better played on the 5200.

>> No.6716045

Adventure, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Haunted House I guess. Not much else on the 2600 that's not about getting high scores.

>> No.6716053

This is the grandpa board

>> No.6716102

I'm only 21.

>> No.6716273

River Raid is pretty fun as is frostbite. I never cared about scores on atari, just played until bored and switched games.

Atari is arguably best for multiplayer. Combat, Warlords are a few fun ones. Combat can be a blast, brings out the competitive nature in older folks.

>> No.6716281

Multiplayer games

>> No.6716302

Zoom zoom

>> No.6716340

Better to be a zoomer who plays these ancient games than to be a zoomer who plays Overwatch in a sad attempt to become an esports star.

>> No.6717142

>younger than the newest console allowed here
>thinks he belongs here

>> No.6717149

Ive spent a month going through a2600 library, and to be honest you should only bother if you have nostalgia for a2600. i wouldnt rate any of a2600 games above 5.5/10.

>> No.6718276

montezumas revenge, pitfall 2