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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6711812 No.6711812 [Reply] [Original]

>released in 2018
I spent my childhood playing this, anyone else have nostalgia for it?

>> No.6711828

Why was re released on 64?

>> No.6711830

You've played the nearly identical playstation version.

>> No.6711838

This is the only version I’ve played

>> No.6711992 [DELETED] 

Not retro, saged.

>> No.6711995

Read the sticky

>> No.6712002

>With the release of the 8th generation of consoles, the Sega Dreamcast will now be considered "retro"
Oh damn, since the Switch is out that means we can talk about the PS2 now. Thanks anon.

>> No.6712005

It will never be retro, cope and seethe

>> No.6712026

Doesn't have to be allowed on /vr/ to be retro, mad faggot.

>> No.6712051


>> No.6712124

Any Tinhead (SNES) and Glover 2 (N64)?

>> No.6712129

Pure brainlet IQ

>> No.6712250

Was never released, someone found the beta or whatever for the 64 version and completed it.

>> No.6712260

It's shit

>> No.6712268

I had to check r/retrogaming to see if their definition of retro was as autistic as /vr/'s. Turns out they're even worse, they don't even consider the Dreamcast retro.
The user I mentioned has made several mini blogposts about this anytime the question has come up, and a 40-minute video on his obscure YouTube channel where he basically says 6th gen is not retro.
I do believe you're his faggy alter ego. Like Jekyll and Hyde.

>> No.6712274

You're a bit obsessed with wanting other people to consider your childhood to be retro.

>> No.6712285

Retro isn’t hard and fast, I know people who say grunge is retro now

>> No.6712310

>library is 80% snes ports
>not retro
In all seriousness realistically anything that doesn't have the trappings of modern systems (eg. online required, DLC, HD resolutions) should be considered retro if it's old enough. The GBA is the same age as the Genesis and SNES were back in the mid-00s and they were considered retro then. unfortunately mods are dingbats who seem to think the forum is going to be flooded with fucking Halo posts or whatever if they include the rest of the 6th gen as if anybody who regularly posts on this forum gives a single shit about some mediocre console FPS. when was the last time Kuru Kuru Kururin got discussed on /v/, huh?

>> No.6712330

You can actually discuss the ports of SNES games on GBA, what you can't is the original GBA games.
Ports (and to some extent, remakes too) are fine on /vr/, always were.
People here need to stop sperging about the spammers, and just either ignore, or discuss said games on the threads.
If people start posting original GBA games that aren't ports from retro systems, simply report, don't cry about it, that's what the shitposters want.

>> No.6712334

Ironically this just happened >>6712273

A little more well known that that but still very niche. Ironically the purists are the ones causing problems, the actual fans are discussing the game. If 6th gen was slowly eased in there likely wouldn’t be any issues

>> No.6712335

Let's be honest, the niggers spamming GBA and other 6th gen crap don't give a shit about the consoles or games from that gen they just want to troll, the retards have >>>/v/ to discuss that shit, /vr/ was created because most of retro stuff was drowned in /v/ endless faggotry.
Also, why in the fuck chinese moot created a RPG board instead of a western vidya board?

>> No.6712341

>GBAutist keeps making GBA threads on /vr
>even without based vigilantes ruining them, the threads gain no traction and are horrible
>meanwhile, a GBA thread on /v/ is quickly moving with all genuine discussion
>GBAutist claims GBA threads never work on /v/ and that's why he needs to post on /vr/

>> No.6712343

>seething retard
you're the one spamming the dreamcast thread though lmao

>> No.6712348

Yeah he’s a fuck, 6th gen stuff could probably work here within reason since a lot of it feels like a 5th gen continuation. But 7th is where it all changed

>> No.6712352

Ok but just so you're aware, you've been accusing multiple different people of being a pedo and I have no idea what you're talking about with Megaman or whatever.
But I do know one thing!
Are you wondering what it is?
It's that GBA, Xbox, Gamecube, and PS2 will never, ever be allowed here.
You can spam shitposts about them all you want, and they will be deleted within a day.
If you think those consoles will be allowed because people would prefer not to have shitposts, you're wrong, because if they were allowed there would be just as many 6th gen threads that stay up than there are 6th gen threads that briefly go up and are deleted now.
If you think deleting your spam posts is difficult, keep in mind that clicking the delete button is easier than it is for you to create a new thread.
Remember, stay seething, and keep posting how upset you are.

>> No.6712363

lmao not multiple people, just you. You come whenever I pull your chain, never fails.

>> No.6712367

Absolutely fucking SEETHING.

The jarpiggos got their very own board and you didn't. I can't even imagine the mental gymnastics and cope you're going to be deploying over the coming weeks. Gonna be hilarious knowing that every sad attempt at a contrarian shitpost over there is going to be you desperately trying to get your "revenge" on the jarpiggos.

>> No.6712369

you're doing a very bad job of convincing people you aren't just a seething pedo

>> No.6712379

>n-no you’re seething
>i’m just obsessively making multiple threads a day and begging for you guys to change the rules, i’m not seething
Keep seething retards, while I sit over here with my childhood cartridges with essentially mint contacts, cause I know how to take care of them.

>not seething

>> No.6712383

Besides the fact you're a retarded and deluded zoomer seething over your childhood not being considered retro, the original GBA is the worst possible way to play any Game Boy game because the screen doesn't want you to be able to see it. It's actually programmed to hate the player and do its best to stop you from being able to tell what is on the screen. They spent so long developing this technology that they had to release the Game Boy Color as a stopgap.

>> No.6712404

never change anon.

>> No.6712409

I still remember my jealous friends seething at me because I had a 64 with Mario Kart 64 and DKR, telling me their pirated copy of crap team racing with sub-par fps, wobbling textures, horrible level design and terrible ost was better because my parents had to pay expensive prices for cartridges instead of paying $5 for three pirated games (and most of the time the cds were empty) on a shady flea market.

In the end all they wanted was play n64, they all had a psx and some of them had a multitap, but for some reason, their summer days consisted of asking for money to strangers so they could go to the video club and play 4 player Smash, Goldeneye, Mario Party or Mario Kart. I didn't invited them to my house to play and why would I do that, they were so mean and jealous and I'm sure their monkey hands would have destroyed my controllers.

Nowadays I'm a successful individual while they are still living on that shitty ghetto listening to normie music, pirating capeshit movies, smoking colombian assgrass and believing sony consoles are better than a PC because they believe in marketing buzzwords.
The lesson is, don't get your kids a poorstation, it's the first step to oblivion.

>> No.6712443

Your threads suck 40 dicks

>> No.6712451

We know who you are and you can't ever hide your turboautism even when trying to pass as an angry old timer
Writing like this still does nothing for your cause, butthurt v2k autist
Chink moot is still giving us the gift of your tears

>> No.6712463

thousand lunar gifts
coming to retro game board
this christmas season

>> No.6712468

The cutoff year is per the audience, not the time passed. For people in their 30s like me and most posters, DMC, God of War, and Halo will never be retro, period. It does not matter how much time has passed. "Retro" is subjective, and subjectively, for us 6th gen is not retro. There is nothing to discuss and nobody to convince. This will change when we are in the minority.

>> No.6712470

Why did you have to pick 3 good series? You should’ve said 3 shitty ones instead

>> No.6712473

Yeah but the 1999 element was always there. The anon who claims 1999 wasn't there since the beginning needs to post proof.
It's not impossible for the retro cutoff to slide, but at this point highly doubtful.
It's not the first time /vr/ has 6th gen riot spam, and it never worked. In fact I'd say it causes the contrary reaction, /vr/ regulars become even more resistant.

>> No.6712474

baka gaijin won't
see the truth of day clearly
until board is lost

fidget spinner turns
fortnite on tv burns bright
youtube caused this plight

>> No.6712481

"relating to, reviving, or being the styles and especially the fashions of the past : fashionably nostalgic or old-fashioned "
The Free Dictionary:
"Involving, relating to, or reminiscent of an earlier time"

"of or designating the style of an earlier time"

Oxford Languages via Google:
"imitative of a style, fashion, or design from the recent past"

None of these refer to it as pre-2000 specifically. It is a shortening of "Retroactive" that came into popularity in the 70's in reference to things in the 50's, and has sense been used to refer to anything from around 20 years ago. In the 80's the 60's where retro. In the 90's, the 70's, 00's was 80's, 10's are 90's. You get the idea

Only the initial ruleset deemed the board for systems pre 00's, and the sticky uses "With the release of the 8th generation of consoles, the Sega Dreamcast will now be considered "retro", though the remainder of the sixth generation (Xbox, PS2, GameCube) will not." Which carries the implication that due to a generational release, the Dreamcast was allowed entry. However, because of the cutoff being the 00's, the later 6th gen consoles are not allowed discussion.

Only time and management will tell us definitively if this board was intended as a spesific time capsule, or literal "retro" standards. And as the 9th generation is just around the corner, that answer will come soon. Until then, all we can do is wait

>> No.6712484

I was referring to the zoomers that shitpost and falseflag /vr/ thinking that if they shit the board up hard enough, the mods will cave in and let them have their way and add the rest of sixth gen. If there are zoomers with a legitimate interest in actual retro games, not just turning /vr/ into a board for their 6th gen shit, then that's cool.

>> No.6712485

what this mean?

>> No.6712491

I mean if an actual zoomer, aka someone born in the late 90s and early 2000s is playing and enjoying 6th gen shit, they probably do enjoy retro in general.

>> No.6712523

Exactly. The definition of retro, (for both classic and 2k+) for the purposes of discussion should be set in stone instead of changing with the passage of time as some 6th genners advocate, which is an extremely short sighted approach that eventually destroys actual retro discussion and makes the existence of a retro board entirely pointless. Yes having that belief codified into the rules would allow discussion of 6th gen on /vr/ but it's a ticking time bomb that will culminate with only being able to talk about the most popular PS2 games without 404ing immediately and that discussion will be dominated by the more recent more modern gen entries in that series.

I absolutely do not want 6th gen discussion on /vr/ but I am very sympathetic to their cause, I am very aware of the fact that /v/ and /vg/ are way too fast for 6th gen to stay afloat, the creation of /v2k/ would solve every single problem that this situation has caused and leave everyone happy, it is the 100% ideal situation unless someone else has a better idea?

>> No.6712547

/v2k/ is the best option so long as it’s limited from 2000-2009. That being said I don’t see it happening. Realistically if 6th gen was added, there weren’t that many new franchises that got popular Halo is one of the few and even then it’s not that popular anymore, earlier one anon made a Fatal Frame thread, I think that’s what we would see if 6th gen got added. My one big fear of 6th gen being added. WoW, those freaks are pure autists

>> No.6712562
File: 335 KB, 1024x1365, poo truck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v2k/ will only happen if you're martyr'd for it unfortunately.

>> No.6712648


>> No.6712751

i didn't know the switch is an 8th gen console and the ps2 is dreamcast

>> No.6712757

falseflagging is when someone from one sides pretends to be a bad example of an opposing side, making the opposing side look bad to people who are tricked by this

>> No.6712778

a. it's for n64, it's allowed
b. it's a game that was cancelled back in the day then released recently, not unlike star fox 2

>> No.6712794

based Wii is retro then

>> No.6712825

>Since this was the rule, 5th gen became retro.
>3D games can become retro! But only mine, not yours! >:^(
No, no I want that change to be reversed. Because I'm tired of seeing you 5th gen fags act like your 3D games are some how exactly the same as 4th gen games. They aren't, they're basically the same as 6th gen, it should have stayed on /v/.

>> No.6712919

So is there any reason to play the N64 version over the Playstation version? I started the N64 veresion a while back and made a bit of progress but i'm not even sure if I got the completed rom or not.

>> No.6712967

That thread was moved to /v/ and has over 100 posts. If anything this shows that 6th genners should just fuck off to /v/ because those threads have no problem thriving there.

>> No.6712972

>never worked
we literally did it once before and it worked.

>> No.6712975

In all seriousness realistically anything that doesn't have the trappings of modern systems (eg. online required, DLC, HD resolutions) should be considered retro if it's old enough. The GBA is the same age as the Genesis and SNES were back in the mid-00s and they were considered retro then. unfortunately mods are dingbats who seem to think the forum is going to be flooded with fucking Halo posts or whatever if they include the rest of the 6th gen as if anybody who regularly posts on this forum gives a single shit about some mediocre console FPS. when was the last time Kuru Kuru Kururin got discussed on /v/, huh?

>> No.6712991

my honest take is just common sense refereeing and banning meta analysis.
Like just remove any strict definition of retro and just moderate as needed.
If someone posts "hey /vr/ what's your favourite retro game mine's CoD 4" or any other bad faith shitpost ban or delete. if someone does like that other anon and makes a good faith thread about an early ps2 game or retro themed game or whatever let it be. Then ban anyone who argues over what is or isn't retro and move such threads to /qa/. The problem with the current rigid rules is they prevent natural flowing conversation and induce these autistic fights about some half thought out arbitrary stickies instead of just talking vidya.

>> No.6713264

Exactly. The definition of retro, (for both classic and 2k+) for the purposes of discussion should be set in stone instead of changing with the passage of time as some 6th genners advocate, which is an extremely short sighted approach that eventually destroys actual retro discussion and makes the existence of a retro board entirely pointless. Yes having that belief codified into the rules would allow discussion of 6th gen on /vr/ but it's a ticking time bomb that will culminate with only being able to talk about the most popular PS2 games without 404ing immediately and that discussion will be dominated by the more recent more modern gen entries in that series.

I absolutely do not want 6th gen discussion on /vr/ but I am very sympathetic to their cause, I am very aware of the fact that /v/ and /vg/ are way too fast for 6th gen to stay afloat, the creation of /v2k/ would solve every single problem that this situation has caused and leave everyone happy, it is the 100% ideal situation unless someone else has a better idea?