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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6709730 No.6709730 [Reply] [Original]

After just discovering this, I realized the original three Spyros were so much better. Is the general consensus 1 > 2 > 3? I played 1 and 2 as a kid but never had 3.

>> No.6709764
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Yeah most people think 1 is the best. Being totally focused on the adventure and platforming gameplay makes it a much more fun game to binge on.

2 and 3 are still good but they're kind of a different beast. You get a lot of people complaining about how levels are more about finding minigames than they are about platforming, and having challenges that revolve around acquired abilities that require backtracking does make it annoying to play them to completion if you're interested in 100%. They're still good at what they do though, it's not like Crash 3 which I honestly just consider a bad game compared to its predecessors.

Remakes are shit too by the way. These games don't look nearly good enough to run like ass on PC the way they do.

>> No.6709824

This sums up perfectly. Also the third game had bugs that could prevent a perfect completion and anti-piracy protection that would sometimes trigger in legitimate copies.

>> No.6709831

I take based remake over old shit.

>> No.6709964

>1 is the best
Good then I never need to touch the other two because I thought 1 was mediocre already

>> No.6710079

i'd say they're all pretty much on par with each other, minigames excluded (sorry, but they were really unnecessary)
i quite liked the new remakes, i wouldn't say i prefer them or anything, but it's an excuse to 100% the games again

>> No.6710446

So you prefer the piss filter?

>> No.6710456

the grass is annoying because you cant see the gems anymore

>> No.6710530

I’ve get use to it.

>> No.6711005

You can turn off the filter in the PC version if you want.

Doesn't help performance any though.

>> No.6713694

So I'm currently going through the Reignited Trilogy, on 3 now, and I wonder, beyond curiosity and playing them on the go via a PSP or the like is there any other reason to also go for the originals after?
Is there anything to play after these three that is still similar, as I understand the series is a bit of a mess.

I think I can agree with that, 1 was pretty good. I am enjoying the other two quite a lot too but the levels feel a bit different in a way. Then again it's also been like a year since I completed 1 and I only just got to 2 and 3 after the long break, so maybe that's just my memory.
It's all fun.

>> No.6714337


>> No.6714535

no you cant

>> No.6714704

Spyro 2 was the perfect sequel. Spyro 3 added too much fluff.

>> No.6714853
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>beyond curiosity and playing them on the go via a PSP or the like is there any other reason to also go for the originals after?
From what I've played of Reignited, they're just the same games with different graphics and improved controls. It's the same experience so you're not missing out on much by not playing the originals
>Is there anything to play after these three that is still similar, as I understand the series is a bit of a mess.
4: Enter The Dragonfly follows the formula of the first 3, but is very short, looks and runs like crap, and is clearly unfinished, it's worth skipping over.
5: A Hero's Tail changed up the gameplay a little and made the worlds larger and interconnected, but it's actually pretty good, just not as good as the first 3
Or you could just go for the Ratchet and Clank games, same devs as the original Spyro trilogy

>> No.6714923

Not retro.

>> No.6715003

>After just discovering this, I realized the original three Spyros were so much better
Based. Fuck remakes. Also, I find the art style and character designs for the remakes to be pretty ugly. The music also sounds uninspired, even though they're trying to mimic Stewart Copelands original compositions.

>> No.6715013

this is talking about which of the original games are worth playing. try reading the thread next time

>> No.6715042

2>3>1 for me.

>> No.6715085

t. a fucking retard

>> No.6715092

Alright thanks, I guess it's just those two then if I get to it.
R&C was something I was gonna check out eventually too, so that's cool, didn't realise or make the connection that it's the same guys.

>> No.6715093

Personally I'd put 1 over 3, but I agree that 2's the best. They're all great games, really

>> No.6715246
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It depends what you want. If you want a simple game that does 1 thing and does it extremely well it's 1. If you want it to mix the game up a lot and can handle a bit of jank it's 3. 2 is a mix of both.

It's prob bait but for everything good thing the remakes did it got 2 things wrong. The characters look a lot better but the levels are less readable and the color/art style is much worse, for example.

>> No.6715247

I think the original Spyro games are retrospectively underrated. They got a lot of praise at the time, but nowadays they are treated like cookie cutter 3D platformers.

To some extent that is true. Those games didn't do a whole lot to push the genre forward. But they were everything you want in a whimsical 3D platformer done very well.

These games are at the top of my list to play through with my kids when they get a bit older.

>> No.6715351

Should I just replay og Spyro 1 on Retroarch with Achievements cus autism?

>> No.6715384

you can 100% this game easy

>> No.6715397


I know, but I'm a sperg so I like the small extra stuff to do for literally no fucking reason at all

>> No.6715406

those achievements are literally doing what the game says. youre supposed to 100% every level to beat the game. what am i missing here

>> No.6715418

It's mostly the speedway stuff and boss challenges. (Only breathe fire three times and don't get hit)

>> No.6715432

>soulless post