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File: 100 KB, 500x600, shiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6702549 No.6702549 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /vr/ keep perpetuating the myth that Shigeru Miyamoto doesn't like Donkey Kong Country?

>> No.6702554
File: 96 KB, 518x563, 6FD10149-F8FF-4CDA-BC30-6AA1DD2F14DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fact that so many gamers still name Donkey Kong Country as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" video game ever only tells you how far video games still are from becoming a serious art. Video game developers have long recognized that the greatest video games of all times are The Legend of Zelda and Super Mario Bros., which were not the most graphically advanced or acclaimed or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. I myself rank the highly controversial Super Mario U.S.A. over video games that were highly popular in arcades around Japan. Gamers are still blinded by good graphics. Donkey Kong Country had better graphics than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore it must have been the greatest. Music enthusiasts grow up listening to a lot of music of the past, film enthusiasts grow up watching a lot of films of the past. Gamers are often totally ignorant of the video games of the past, they barely know gameplay mechanics. No wonder they will think that Donkey Kong Country is anything worthy of being played.
– Shigeru Miyamoto (1995)

>> No.6702564

Fake quote is fake.

>> No.6702569

Probably because it's somewhat amusing to think about the situation and people want it to be real.
Recently an archivist actually found the fabled EGM issue where the quote supposedly originated from, and as expected, nothing remotely similar was there.
It's just an urban myth that people like. There's probably something attractive about the idea of the creator of Mario being an asshole, like with the "flip table" anecdotes and all that.

>> No.6702570

Or probably a tortured understanding of Japanese

>> No.6702571
File: 6 KB, 249x188, 978595F0-1035-4ED1-B746-DFBD24BDA188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re obviously too young to remember this interview.

>> No.6702574

It's a modified Piero Scaruffi pasta, of course it's fake
>inb4 the /mu/ kid says "no! the scaruffi pasta was made after the miyamoto quote!" thinking he's funny for it

>> No.6702579

>double negative
The quote is real now?

>> No.6702583

>Piero Scaruffi
literal who?

>> No.6702587

/mu/ meme

>> No.6702593

The "Scaruffi pasta" is an homage to the Miyamoto interview. The reference would be obvious to anybody actually old enough to post on /vr/
Always was

>> No.6702605

Really? Based Scaruffi being a Miyamoto fan.

>> No.6702624

He only hates smb2 usa.

>> No.6702628

I confess I'm like this. Of course I know the quote is real but I want to believe it, so fuck it.

>> No.6702635

*not real
LOL even my subconscious wants it to be real I guess.

>> No.6702636

He’s an Italian computer programmer who has a website devoted to comprehensive reviews of music and movies he likes. He’s notable for having batshit insane beliefs held alongside very reasonable and sensible beliefs.

>> No.6702638

Correction, he hates when people refer to "Mario Madness" as such.

>> No.6702643

So Miyamoto is Sephardic or Mizrahi?

>> No.6702647

Why does the amateur bait when he can buy seafood at the grocery

>> No.6702653
File: 10 KB, 429x117, scaruffi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he really is insane, I can't help but laugh at shit like this, especially because I can imagine him being 100% honest about it

>> No.6702682
File: 74 KB, 800x478, quote_miyamoto cat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dk sucks and miyamoto is a genius game designer. id assume he hated it even if the quote didnt exist

>> No.6702684

based anon keep fighting for the truth

>> No.6702696

DKC is the best western platformer at least.
Also THAT quote is real, based shiggy.

>> No.6702698

is he saying that he is an artist, therefore, a mere vehicle for his audience's opinion aka critics of his work?

>> No.6702704

Regardless of how Shiggers feels about it, now that the dust has settled, we can at least agree that Donkey Kong Country is, dare I say it, the quintessential eurojank scotformer.

>> No.6702713

Post source then.

>> No.6702716

IRC mods channel

>> No.6702718

I have the magazine, kid. I’m looking right at it.

>> No.6702719
File: 245 KB, 947x529, dk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to put this to rest
It's from The Ultimate History of Video Games, pic-related

>> No.6702720

He probably thinks he's God.

>> No.6702723

Oh good. Then you can post a picture of it.

>> No.6702726

How do I do that?

>> No.6702727

I don't see anything too controversial or crazy here. Art depends on the observer to mean anything. Nature isn't beautiful because it exists, it's humans who find it beautiful. Something "artificial", like art, can be profoundly meaningful or beautiful or whatever, but it requires the observer for it to have its effect. The art part happens in the brain of the critic. A painting is just meaningless paint on canvas unless someone looks at it and experiences it.

>> No.6702731

Read >>6702554 again, it's not the same quote. The one anon posted is a modified pasta about the Beatles that is a meme on /mu/.
As for "The Ultimate History of Video Games" book by Steven L. Lent: >>6702569
>Recently an archivist actually found the fabled EGM issue where the quote supposedly originated from, and as expected, nothing remotely similar was there.
Kent cited an EGM issue as the source, but it's false. It was just something Kent came up with to make his book more interesting, something journalists often do.

>> No.6702734

Let’s see the EGM article.

>> No.6702736

Yeah I understand the philosophical debate about it, and actually one of those lines is actually true ("Most art is born as imitation, not innovation").
But the last line is really out there, "The critic is the real artist" is delusional and frankly laughable.

>> No.6702737

Really? I guessing that you conveniently do not own a smart phone capable of of taking a photograph or even any other digital camera.

>> No.6702739

My bad I thought the "fake quote" guy was replying to OP, yes I know it is a Skaruffi copypasta lol

>> No.6702740

No, zoomer, I don’t have a fancy Macintosh cell phone.

>> No.6702746

The book makes it clear that Miyamoto's belittling quote about DKC wasn't actually in the article, but was an aside that happened in that interview.

>> No.6702748

I wish the scans were online.
So far, the source is Frank Cifaldi (who is an actual archivist), you can see his words here:
He says the quote doesn't exist. I guess if you want to see the actual interview, bug him about scanning it or something. It'd be actually pretty cool to have it online. I don't think the "DKC is a bad game" shiggy quote is there, though and I don't see any reason why Cifaldi would lie about it.

>> No.6702758

Then take a Polaroid and scan it. Or are you too poor to afford an oblsolite flatbed scanner?

>> No.6702759

IIRC, Kent implied that the infamous quote ("DKC proves that players..." etc) was on the actual interview.
Still, I don't believe him.

>> No.6702764

My scanner is broken.

>> No.6702767

stop replying to the /mu/ kid, he thinks he's funny.

>> No.6702772

Could you possibly seethe any harder, zoomzoom?

>> No.6702773

So you have no proof, got it.

Meh. I bored and feeding the troll was mildly interesting.

>> No.6702780

The fact is that I have the original interview in my lap, right this second. If you choose to keep your head in the sand, it’s no skin off my cock.

>> No.6702791

i believe you anon
zoomers gonna zoom

>> No.6705305


>> No.6705326

The same reason /g/ took a paragraph from Richard Stallman's website and added text about calling it, "GNU+Linux," to it. (Which he never called it. He's only ever called it GNU/Linux.)

>> No.6705332

Download Office Lens on your phone, it uses computer vision to crop out surrounding areas from objects so you only take a picture of the document.

>> No.6705508

I think Kent is full of shit
But if you think about it:
-Miyamoto confirmed Super Donkey was abandoned and Nintendo supported Rare DKC instead, becoming the 2nd best selling snes game
-Yoshi Island, a game that Miyamoto put a lot of effort and money to make, got outsold by DKC2 the same year
-Rareware games became as popular as 1st Nintendo games
-Nintendo was against Rareware for releasing a FPS on the N64 because "it was too violent" yet Goldeneye was one of the biggest hits on the console
-Nintendo refused to publish Conker yet is still one of the finest 3D platformers ever
-Nintendo stopped supporting Rareware because creative differences with Miyamoto
-Miyamoto forced Rareware to port Dinosaur planet to the GC because the console was flopping and rebranded it as Star Fox Adventures, and the sales were underwhelming
-Nintendo had the chance to buy Rareware, yet Miyamoto takes the chance to throw them under the bus, and get them sold to MS to never seen again

>> No.6705516

>-Nintendo was against Rareware for releasing a FPS on the N64 because "it was too violent" yet Goldeneye was one of the biggest hits on the console
MGM was against that, Nintendo didn't care.

>> No.6705527
File: 274 KB, 500x375, 1594576477805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-Nintendo was against Rareware for releasing a FPS on the N64 because "it was too violent" yet Goldeneye was one of the biggest hits on the console
Ken Lobb confirmed in the leaked Goldeneye interview for Rare Replay that MGM were the ones that weren't okay with this, and suggested everyone get up at the end of a mission and shake hands and throw some sort of after-party.

>-Nintendo refused to publish Conker yet is still one of the finest 3D platformers ever
But Nintendo did publish it you absolute nonce.

>-Nintendo stopped supporting Rareware because creative differences with Miyamoto
Rareware was in a tough spot financially and wanted Nintendo to buy the remaining 51% of the company so they could become wholly owned by Nintendo. Yamauchi, who was really xenophobic and though that anything outside of the Japanese market didn't matter, let them go. This move is what led to the board voting to remove him from his family's company.

>-Miyamoto forced Rareware to port Dinosaur planet to the GC because the console was flopping and rebranded it as Star Fox Adventures, and the sales were underwhelming
Nobody knows the truth of what happened to Dinosaur Planet, stop talking out of your ass.

>-Nintendo had the chance to buy Rareware, yet Miyamoto takes the chance to throw them under the bus, and get them sold to MS to never seen again
Yamauchi took the chance to get rid of Rare for some fast cash, not fully understanding the implications of what he was about to do.

Nice fanfic though.

>> No.6705534

My dad works for nintendo he just told me the quote is real

>> No.6705536

>everyone get up at the end of a mission and shake hands and throw some sort of after-party
that sounds so fucking cool as a plot twist

>> No.6705538

Honestly, check the interview out if you care at all about Goldeneye:


I fucking love Ken Lobb.

>> No.6705602
File: 28 KB, 403x399, IMG_20200810_100043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this nigga like you wouldn't believe

>> No.6705610
File: 934 KB, 397x347, 0c7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he does hate it as they canceled his precious Super Donkey for it

>> No.6705623

This didn't get "cancelled", it got reworked into one of the best SNES games of all time.

>> No.6705639

Yamauchi stepped down on his own

>> No.6705646

It's better to step down on your own accord than to be forced out of a company your family has owned since the late 1800's. The writing was on the wall ever since Yokoi left that Yamauchi was unfit to lead Nintendo.

>> No.6705656

Yamauchi is the only reason nintendo as we know it exists today. The success of the NES and the SNES was impossible without him specifically. Mistakes were made around the year 2000, but he was more than capable. He said himself that he wanted to retire around 2000 even when Nintendo was still on top due to his age. The only reason he didn't leave sooner was because the company lacked a successor and nintendo was in an unstable position.

>> No.6705664

In fact, Nintendo has only gotten shittier since he left.

>> No.6705701

Why? I could imagine it has to do with the shitty controls in DKC.

>> No.6705749

I'm all for shitting on western platformers for always having shit controls, but somehow DKC is not the case, these bongs did some good job there.
As another anon said, nice fic. I doubt reality is that exciting, but imagining a fierce rivalry between Shiggy and Rare sure is fun.

>> No.6705845

this i always thought it would've been a nice touch, kinda like altered beast/golden axe.

>> No.6706240

Honestly, that alleged Miyamoto quote sounds like it could've been made up by someone who thought DKC was overrated. Wasn't his quote about NiGHTS said to be fake, too?

>> No.6706290
File: 117 KB, 581x733, 1595877766852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fact that so many gamers still name Legend of Yoshi's Island as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" video game ever only tells you how far video games still are from becoming a serious art. Video game developers have long recognized that the greatest video games of all times are Phantasy Star and Alex Kidd in Miracle World, which were not the most graphically advanced or best sellers or open ended of their times, let alone of all times. I myself rank the largely unknown Nights into Dreams overopen world video games that are highly popular in the west. Gamers are still blinded by unwarranted freedom. Yoshi's Island has more freedom than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore it must have been the greatest. Music enthusiasts grow up listening to a lot of music of the past, film enthusiasts grow up watching a lot of films of the past. Gamers are often totally ignorant of the video games of the past, they barely know actual game design. No wonder they will think that Yoshi's Island is anything worthy of being played.

– Yuji Naka (1995)

I can do it too.

>> No.6706337

This faggot has been pushing the miyamoto meme for months saying he has the magazine and were still waiting on those scans you promised in the other threads faggot.

>> No.6706346

>waiting for those scans
Anon... you're stupid if you don't realize it's part of his stunt. The quote is a modified pasta taken from /mu/, that's all there is to it.
Yes, he will come and claim "no zoomer, I have the magazine, right here, but I can't take photos or scan it, you will just have to believe me".
He has done this countless times already, literal mental illness, but if you actually believe he has any magazine that has a quote from Miyamoto that Piero Scaruffi "stole", then you're also as mentally ill as him.

>> No.6706651

Bro I know the scans dont exist. I'm just letting everyone else know this faggot has said hes got them before. I know they will never get posted cause they dont exist but if more people know he claims to have scans they will wise up to his bullshit.

>> No.6706653

My scanner is broken, fucking idiots.

>> No.6706654

So yeah we've all heard the shitty meme it's at the point, post em or shut the fuck up but he isnt capable of either of those things.

>> No.6706661

Take a picture with your camera phone you're such a bullshitter. It doesnt exist faggot. Or at least tell us the magazine, issue and page number, we dont even need scans faggot. So what magazine is it faggot? The one your imaginary friend reads?

>> No.6706670

My little brother tore the covers off over 20 years ago, dude, I don’t have any idea which magazine it was. The quote is on pages 33–34, if that helps narrow things down.

>> No.6706674

Ppffft like every magazine prints their name on like literary every page, you dont need a cover to tell if its nintendo power.

>> No.6706678

This one just has page numbers.

>> No.6706686 [DELETED] 

>The fact that so many gamers still name Donkey Kong Country as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" video game ever only tells you how far video games still are from becoming a serious art. Video game developers have long recognized that the greatest video games of all times are The Legend of Zelda and Super Mario Bros., which were not the most graphically advanced or acclaimed or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. I myself rank the highly controversial Super Mario U.S.A. over video games that were highly popular in arcades around Japan. Gamers are still blinded by good graphics. Donkey Kong Country had better graphics than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore it must have been the greatest. Music enthusiasts grow up listening to a lot of music of the past, film enthusiasts grow up watching a lot of films of the past. Gamers are often totally ignorant of the video games of the past, they barely know gameplay mechanics. No wonder they will think that Donkey Kong Country is anything worthy of being played.
– Stuart Little (2000)

>> No.6706774

i like how the one paragraph shitpost now spans 2 pages

>> No.6706841

My dear zoom, back in the olden days, magazines were actually printed onto paper, and were formatted quite differently than a Web 1.0 style imageboard post.