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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 466 KB, 744x263, vs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6701992 No.6701992 [Reply] [Original]

the eternal debate.

>> No.6701996

Now that the dust has settled, can we agree that they are both, dare I say it, quintessential Sness scotformers?

>> No.6702061

Both are very different games though.

>> No.6702069

SMB3 > SMB1 > SMB2 > SMW > SMW2

Snezz Mario games just don't do it for me.

>> No.6702070

>no MM

>> No.6702097
File: 214 KB, 500x406, yoshis_island_bg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate that in the west, they went with the "SMW2" subtitle, since the game is set in Yoshi's Island, a location from SMW, and it also has certain characteristics from SMW. Artistically it's pretty different but you can see certain similarities, like the stone blocks in castles, or the wooden structures in some of them are reminiscent from the Ghost Houses on SMW, not to mention Yoshi's House at the end of every level, and also at the end of every level, the floor looks like the floor on the Switch Palaces from SMW. Little details like that I love. Or for example how the caterpillars from SMW's forest levels have evolved into butterflies in Yoshi's Island.
The game is obviously not a real sequel to SMW in terms of design or gameplay (and in Japan, it's not really called "SMW2: Yoshi's Island" either), but well, it doesn't need to be exactly like SMW. That was the great thing about the Mario series back in the day, each entry was unique, and spinoffs like Yoshi's Island and Wario Land did their own thing.
I know that shitposters on /vr/ love to stir up shit, and in most cases, said shitposters don't even like the games to begin with, or maybe didn't even play them, but I just want to make clear that I love both games, if that wasn't apparent.
I feel sorry for the people who grew up bitter enough to not be able to appreciate both games for their own qualities. Same with the 3 vs World shitposters.

>> No.6702102

That's a DDP game, not an SMB game.

>> No.6702235


Not as good as Mario Madness or An Incredible 3D-Adventure in the Kingdom of Kong though

>> No.6702339

World > Gimmick Island > SMB 3 > 2 > 1

>> No.6702341

Better than Alex Kidd in Miracle World The Mega Cartridge on the Sega System though.

>> No.6702358

Grew up playing Yoshi's Island, and I prefer that game's graphical style and music. But, I also really enjoy Super Mario World and prefer that game gameplay-wise.

>> No.6702367

Terrible taste.

>> No.6702516

technically, it should be "Super Mario World -7 Yoshi's Island" as it is the earliest game in the series.

>> No.6702729

My wife's son loves Yoshi's Island, hates Super Mario World. So do I.

>> No.6702742

I appreciate this thoughtful post. You're right that it sort of picks up certain things from SMW, I never really thought of that before.

>> No.6702821

SMW was an okay game but it did not even surpass the first three SMB games and did almost nothing interesting.

Yoshi's Island was an extremely well made platformer that wasn't like anything Mario had done before.

>> No.6702848

You mean the first and third SMB games and the only MM game.

>> No.6702851

irc mods

>> No.6702857

Super Mario World is a way better game. Yoshi's Island didn't have much of an appeal to me, it doesn't even feel like a Mario game. I guess that's why I don't like Yoshi's Island.

>> No.6702894

You got pleb filtered by YI

>> No.6702968

Yoshi's Island is boring as shit desu

>> No.6703249
File: 463 KB, 1078x930, GARBAGE boss for babies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see

>you can fly
>you can control yoshi as the beast master
>you can shoot fire as a master of the elements
>memorable music, back to back bangers which have become culturally iconic and important to human history
>iconic art style, extremely pleasing to the eye
>very snappy, responsive, and satisfying controls
>very few shitty levels, gradual increase in difficulty feels organic and natural
>very memorable enemies, everyone can name 3 to 5 off the bat
>normalfags can hum a song from the game
>goal of the game is to defeat the evil fire breathing turtle dragon's vast army, who have taken over the kingdom, and rescue the princess and her people from ruin.
>you can team up with your brother luigi for this quest and have an awesome 2player adventure, strengthening familial/friend bonds
>back in the day if you busted out smw in front of a girl and played it with her you were going to have sex

>mario shits his diaper immediately, he is a baby wearing a diaper, right off the bat the game throws this bullshit at you
>game establishes you as a slave to a shitty diapered baby who is crying nonstop
>baby powerup has him turn into a baby who can walk, he cant fly he can only float
>yoshi turns into a shitty helicopter machine and a dildo shaped submarine for no reason
>baby mario crying nonstop has been linked to giving players migraines and tinnitus
>goal of the game is to get mario a fresh diaper
>very linear design, no real secret exits or paths
>has a literal fart sounding soundtrack, yoshis nonstop talkin sounds like farts and shits, baby diaper visual also supplements this theme and drives the creator's obvious scat fetish home
>if you busted out smw2 in front of a girl she'd call you a pedophile and you'd be on a list right now
>yoshi gets high like a degen
>no memorable music
>no multiplayer
>awful chalky artstyle made for babies that did not age well


>> No.6703271

It's been established near unanimously that YI is superior for years now, why do we keep digging this up?

>> No.6703272

Based. Yoshi has never had a single good game.

>> No.6703308

By who? YI is a joke

>> No.6703329


>> No.6703332


>> No.6703353

Based Bingbro
Cringe Hahaqueer

>> No.6703359

Schizo cope

>> No.6703397

this board is garbage

>> No.6703510

Yoshi's Island is trash.

>> No.6703524

One or two shitposters samefagging isn't the whole board.
Shitting on popular games is one of the easiest ways to get (You)s.

>> No.6703740

SMB1 > SMB2 (J) > SMB3 > SMW > SMB2 (US) > Yoshi's Island > SML1 >>>> SML2. And all top tier except for the last two

>> No.6703773

This could only be a debate on a website so poisoned by irony and combatively contrarian for no fuckin reason

>> No.6704264

nes has no aesthetics. All nes games look like shit. Thus all nes games are shit. SMB1-3 are just garbage. Even the snes ports with improved graphics are not fun and just a depressing shit show

>> No.6705000

>sml2 at the bottom

>> No.6705040

Mario World is a better game but Yossy's Island is more technically impressive and detailed.

>> No.6705048

>technically impressive


>> No.6705068
File: 560 KB, 500x347, fda81dba67fb63aba7f37137ab4cca95.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's one of the latest games for the system, they basically used everything they could at that point from their pool of experience. The visuals are nice, the effects are neat and varied, there's a bunch of mechanics and even configurations for them. On a technical and design level it's more impressive than Mario World, but that doesn't make it more enjoyable or repeatable than Mario World.
Mario World may be technically simpler but I replay that all the time where I go back to Yoshi maybe a 1/3rd as much if not less.

>> No.6707363


>> No.6707983

I love this game and so does my wife's son.

>> No.6708009 [DELETED] 

SMB3 = SMW2:YI = Mario Maker 2 >>>>> rest

>> No.6708015

SMB3 = SMW2:YI = Mario Maker 2 > NSMBWII>>>> rest

>> No.6708039

In the end is SMW versus SMB3

Yoshi Island is another thing. There's not a YI Kaizo scene.

SMB1 is ok. But SMW evolved the formula.

But Mario Madness is shit

>> No.6708045

How do people prefer SMW? Because it has the more marketable character??

>> No.6708046

I think it has to be the art style. Also, its ez.

>> No.6708162

mario isn't a mascot

>> No.6708256

both A+ hop-'n'-bops

>> No.6709257

So is your mom. Didn't stop me from fucking her to create your sorry ass.
By the way, don't forget to pick up my fucking cigarettes on your way home from pre-school today or your mom gets another slap tonight.

>> No.6709267

Thats a picture of Yoshis Island, anon. Not Sonic The hedgehog.
You blind cunt.

>> No.6709303

No, you're right.
He's had multiple.

>> No.6709314

You can run a company and still be its mascot

>> No.6709317
File: 26 KB, 625x423, 2pi1lk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mario isn't a mascot

>> No.6709328
File: 78 KB, 679x656, 1580615358097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6709357

I think you've lost the plot. You don't even know what point you're trying to make.

>> No.6709365

hurr post-ironic wojakposting

stfu soulless cunt

>> No.6709376

>stfu soulless cunt
Literally seething. Try taking a bath, anon.

>> No.6709386

I think you've lost the plot. You don't even know what point you're trying to make.

>> No.6709576

Both suck. There settled

>> No.6709626

Both are fantastic. There settled

>> No.6709640 [DELETED] 

Reply to my thread

>> No.6709678

> Calling it Mario Madness

>> No.6709815

I'm not blind, I hate Sonic The Hedgehog and so does my wife's son. Me and my wife's son plays Yoshi's Island religiously, ya stupid angry bum.

>> No.6709820
File: 117 KB, 581x733, 1595877766852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fact that so many gamers still name Legend of Yoshi's Island as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" video game ever only tells you how far video games still are from becoming a serious art. Video game developers have long recognized that the greatest video games of all times are Phantasy Star and Alex Kidd in Miracle World, which were not the most graphically advanced or best sellers or open ended of their times, let alone of all times. I myself rank the largely unknown Nights into Dreams overopen world video games that are highly popular in the west. Gamers are still blinded by unwarranted freedom. Yoshi's Island has more freedom than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore it must have been the greatest. Music enthusiasts grow up listening to a lot of music of the past, film enthusiasts grow up watching a lot of films of the past. Gamers are often totally ignorant of the video games of the past, they barely know actual game design. No wonder they will think that Yoshi's Island is anything worthy of being played.

– Yuji Naka (1995)

>> No.6711592

Never realized what a salty fuck he was. Like get over it Yuji.

>> No.6711650

SMB3>Wario Land>Yoshi's Island. The rest pretty much don't matter. World looks like ass and 64 is heresy. >inb4 3D platformer apologists
Fuck outta here. 2.5D is the most dimensions a platformer can exist in.

>> No.6711682
File: 25 KB, 480x360, smw-mondo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>World looks like ass
I don't agree at all. Love the SMW aesthetics.
Anyway I think all the games you mentioned are good, I don't get this weird mentality of arbitrarily liking some good games, and hating some other good games this much.

>> No.6712120


well said. The technical design level is much more impressive. In fact I'd call it the greatest 2D platformer of all time because of that, even though I like SMW better.

It's more of a puzzle game, and slower than previous mario titles. The goal is no longer to get to the end of the stage, it's to explore the levels hardcore to find all the secrets to max your score. This slows the game down and makes it become a little taxing or exhausting to play over and over again. It's pure genius though, and more impressive than SMW or SMB3 in that aspect.

>> No.6712132

IT'S FUCKING FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.6713005

This is the first i've heard of this debate, I thought most people regarded SMW2 as an objective upgrade over SMW in the same way that DKC2 was an objective upgrade to the first game as well.