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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 54 KB, 650x365, legend of mana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6700794 No.6700794 [Reply] [Original]

>amazing aesthetic
>excellent score
>can craft your own weapons
>can build your own robot sidekick
>can raise pet monsters

>combat is boring and repetitive
>level layouts are confusing as shit
>quest objectives are vague as fuck
>no maps means lots of running in circles
>piss easy aside from getting lost frequently
>weapon tempering mechanics are autism incarnate

Like, I kinda hate how this game actually plays but I keep coming back to it for the unique world, what's /vr's thoughts?

>> No.6700808

Pretty much the same as yours. It sucks cause there's so much promise.

>> No.6700869

agreed on all counts. my first playthrough was a mess because i apparently screwed myself out of completing a few of the quests. i was lost for HOURS sometimes, just running around with different partners trying to trigger different things. and yes, some of the maps were very difficult to navigate and get used to.

and then i found guides... i initially just wanted to maximize my level placement, but then i figured "might as well do quests in order to complete them all", and holy fuck was it more enjoyable to not miss anything. then i look at crafting guides.... i was blown the fuck away with how powerful some of the shit you could make was (especially considering the "everything is level 99" option). however i was even more blown away by the process. like how people figured out that you could still retain power/effects even though the game tells you it dropped the card as long as you do things in a certain order and buffer with specific materials (also farming materials was a colossal pain in the dick). how did people figure this out? was this intended? who designed this garbage?

also weapon and ability balance needed a look at. unlocking new moves was neat, but tedious and should have had something telling you how many more until the next unlock, or what you have to do to unlock the next thing. also the advanced counterattack was basically the only thing you ever really needed because it did so much fucking damage.

still listen to the OST to this day though.

>> No.6700905
File: 36 KB, 720x720, wtf man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you could still retain power/effects even though the game tells you it dropped the card as long as you do things in a certain order and buffer with specific materials

Yeah, I thought it was nice how the game gives no explanation whatsoever about this needlessly complex mechanism, also how most items do literally nothing and some combinations are actually counterproductive. When I first read a guide that actually spelled out what I was supposed to do I was astonished, there's a 0% chance you could ever figure that out by trial and error.

>> No.6700917

blew my mind how complex they made the crafting system with no guide, documentation, or anything, and yet people still managed to figure it out.

>> No.6700925

not only trial and error, but the sheer amount of rare materials to do so too. i remember emulating the game some years later, turned on the level 99 thing (to increase drop rates) got some land dragon thing down to one hit, and then abused save states until he dropped the thing i needed. i needed a bunch of them too, in order to follow the guide. abusing save states still took hours. how the FUCK was somebody supposed to figure out the untold nuances with regular farming and trial and error? how the fuck did the guide maker do it? what other combinations/systems are still undiscovered due to this? shit was retarded.

>> No.6700932

the entire jumi race and storyline was fantastic (with the sole exception of the gay detail of "tears" being the crux of it). i fucking loved the gem people. i was immediately sold on the anime "land of the lustrous" solely due to this game.

>> No.6700950


>> No.6700962

wow, what a productive post. very on topic. good job. you're really contributing here.

>> No.6700973

Something tells me the guys who were in charge of designing the crafting system had grandiose dreams of creating something truly sublime, but ended up realizing that not only was it completely unnecessary but that they had also lost track of where they were headed in the maze of concepts and possibilities.

It may have been too late in development for them to scrap it and make things a bit more streamlined.

>> No.6700983

What Winnie the Pooh game lets you build robot sidekicks?

>> No.6700989

The tigger movie shovelware game

>> No.6701019
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The one saving grace to all this is that none of it's really necessary. You can beat the game easily enough with any half-decent weapon, especially if you have a well made golem or a monster you've been leveling up. I've never bothered to go too far down the tempering rabbit hole because it's a pain in the ass for all the reasons you described.

I love the golem building because it's almost the exact opposite of the weapon tempering experience. Almost anything can have some utility as a part, you can see how everything fits together and you can come up with almost endless combinations which will all do something useful to varying degrees. Plus, I like how it lets you customize colors using whatever vegetables you're grown, that's some nice synergy between different game mechanics.

>> No.6701040

>amazing yet bad
Literally me irl

>> No.6701052

I know this image is LoM but it looks like Hundred Acre Wood
Winnie the Pooh RPG when

>> No.6701061
File: 62 KB, 689x568, not a very good call.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I think there's really no other explanation for how so many of the items are useless. Why put so much effort into designing dozens of item drops that serve literally no purpose?

I always thought I was just using things incorrectly until a crafting guide confirmed all that shit just had no effect. And there's no other uses for any of it;

>> No.6701176

maybe not just losing track, but encountering limitations of design/engine? i know that doesnt sound right, but i mean something like intending for all of that hidden crafting shit to be more normalized, and they didnt realize it until it was halfway coded and then couldnt flesh out the rest of what they intended?