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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6699613 No.6699613 [Reply] [Original]

Post some good stealth games that still hold up in 2020

>> No.6699619

that one part in ocarina

>> No.6699649 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 500x500, retro_classic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ninja Five-o is a classic that still holds up today, combining the side-scrolling 2D action of Shinobi with the stealth of Metal Gear.

>> No.6699659

This, but that part where the game forces you to publicly apologize for slavery and all the sins of the white race was pretty weird.

>> No.6699665

GBA is not retro.

>> No.6699669 [DELETED] 

Perhaps not by the nonsensical rules of this board (until they get changed which I understand is about to happen soon) but in the world it absolutely is.

>> No.6699672

Then discuss it in "the world" and not on /vr/.

>> No.6699676

It absolutely is. In many ways the GBA is considered a love letter to the SNES and the classic retro 2D sprite based gaming of the 3rd and 4th generations.

>> No.6699680

Ok? Still not retro

>> No.6699681

No, GBAutist, no.

>> No.6699697

Not an argument

>> No.6699713
File: 42 KB, 334x506, 8915F43F-7B4C-44D6-B955-DBE870C22C7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great taste my friend

>> No.6699721

Rogue Spear is still pretty much THE stealth game. If you get shot you actually die, no running really fast with perfect aim, etc.

>> No.6699768

Yeah this is a good one, you summed it up nicely.

>> No.6700035

Metal Gear 2

>> No.6700078

Metal gear solid isn't a stealth game, neither does it hold up in 2020.

>> No.6700106

Wrong and wrong. Stop posting.

>> No.6700346
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>> No.6700586

Thief has never been topped and I cannot believe that some of you faggots don't like it. Absolutely disgraceful opinions to have.

>> No.6700597

Get this none retro shit off my board zoomed piece of shit

>> No.6700617

I don't remember that game having any stealth gameplay

>> No.6700626
File: 617 KB, 1280x840, thief_mgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your pic clearly unrelated.

>> No.6700651

god I fucking hate david hayter

>> No.6700662

Fuck off Daniel, go pop your Teef boner in some other thread

>> No.6700736

Mr. Fist is correct on this one.

>> No.6700745

The castle yard, or Gerudo Fortress?

>> No.6700773

They're two very different types of games, each played to experience something different

>> No.6700792
File: 39 KB, 474x546, 3q4q4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still hold up

>> No.6700910


>> No.6700987

play deus ex with silenced weapons and murder everyone including civvies for keks.

>> No.6701030

The mod will tell you that when he bans you for off-topic posting.

>> No.6701068

The Gamecube version is better.

>> No.6701072

>t. Nonce who throws a tantrum whenever the mods put him in time out

>> No.6701076

>posting rageface comics in 2020

>> No.6701429
File: 25 KB, 320x240, 01a6f678dbb65158c515a47fef89208074264636b785da7a6935804da70029e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd think stealth would be safe from the tribal mentality shit that you're baiting.

>> No.6701440

People have different expectations in stealth. In Thief you're ridiculously underpowered if you don't exploit glitches and the like, and it plays like being a real Thief in a fantasy setting. Most stealth games at throw you a bone and give you extra information to play with (minimap, third person, indicators) or just really powerful abilities (tranq gun, etc). Some people would rather play a somewhat fairgame that a constant uphill battle. Just look at how many people get filtered by the zombies, because it throws them into a situation they don't understand.

>> No.6701442

Thief is trash.

>> No.6701450

Thief is meme garbage. Get over yourself.

>> No.6701465

Butthurt consolekiddies.

>> No.6701472

>Got filtered when they didn't have a minimap telling them where all the guards are
>Got filtered when they didn't have a 3rd person perspective telling them where everything is
>Got filtered when they couldn't tranq gun enemies they couldn't figure out how to get pass
>Got filtered because they thought stealth doesn't work on supernatural creatures for some reason
>Got filtered because they had to use their brain

No. They're probably just bad at games. Thief doesn't exactly hold your hand like MGS does.

>> No.6701497

MGS, OoT and Half Life were the 3 biggest factors responsible for the heavy casualization and hand-holdiness which shaped modern videogames.

>> No.6701707

All 3 of those games are still better than thief.

>> No.6701748

Ok /v/kid.

>> No.6701762

/v/ hates MGS, HL, and OOT.

>> No.6701794

No they don't lol

>> No.6702014

Thief is the only good 1998 game.
Zoomers will never understand this.

>> No.6702067

/v is full of a holes

>> No.6702292

How rare is a copy of this that includes the Silent Hill Demo?

>> No.6702303

Both Thief games although they are slow and that one level with the prison, the factory and the impossible to kill guards can go FUCK itself

>> No.6702532

Dare I say it, based.

>> No.6702541

>deep stealth mechanics that haven't been surpassed by newer games of the genre yet

I would say Chaos Theory surpassed it, but only by a little.

>> No.6702585

>great AI for its time
>biggest influence for following stealth games

1. The guards in Thief are literal retards
2. Name one (ONE[1]) game that Thief influenced

like c'mon, Thief and MGS1 are both really great games for different reasons, you're allowed to like two different things

>> No.6702612
File: 10 KB, 210x240, Charlie_Jones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fallout 2
>Starcraft Brood War
>Half Life
>Resident Evil 2
>Banjo Kazooie
>Ocarina of Time
>Suikoden II
>Grim Fandango
>Panzer Dragoon Saga
>Crash Warped
>The Last Blade 2
>F-Zero X
>Baldur's Gate
>Pokemon Yellow
>Parasite Eve

>a mediocre stealth game which was made worthless by a far superior sequel is the only good game to come out in one of (if not thee) best years in video gaming history. He has to be trolling, right guys?

>> No.6702656

They aren't fast paced ADHD ridden games like nudoom so yes they do hate it.

>> No.6702871

Thief is a puzzle game.

>> No.6703342

I've tried to play thief and I thought I'd love it because I loved its fellow dark engine game system shock , but I got to the crypt level and got filtered.
Sneaking through the mansion at the start and the prison to rescue cutty was cool though

>> No.6703757 [DELETED] 
