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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6691869 No.6691869 [Reply] [Original]

Can we please stop the console warring over old systems like 45 yo manchild incels and just admit all three of these consoles were fucking amazing?

>> No.6691878
File: 336 KB, 368x600, 1513670116600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One was amazing, one was only good for it's super large selection, and one had poor leadership, and one of them has great emulation, and one of them is actually fun.

>> No.6691884

The final solution is to ban talk of 5th gen.

>> No.6691891
File: 9 KB, 300x300, 56FFDD4C-E7C4-469E-8349-8F49403E5F46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D is not retro.

>> No.6691894


>> No.6691896

Got N64 Christmas 96. Switched to PS Christmas 98. Saturn shit.

>> No.6692573

Literally no one is doing that. The oldest person on /vr/ is a 22 year old ladchild.

>> No.6692582

n64 is an absolute turd, though.

>> No.6692594

Silly console warrior

>> No.6692605

The one on the right was never part of the future of gaming

>> No.6692652

No, the Saturn sucked

>> No.6692663
File: 402 KB, 977x368, B9A1A2AE-C5CE-48CD-92F0-85F644459EB8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever hear that song "Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad"?

>> No.6693276

Just because somebody does not like what YOU like, doesnt mean you have to devalue them. Turns out you are the manchild here OP.

>> No.6693303

Only low IQ poorfags participated in the console "wars" aka calculated marketing drama. My parents gifted me every game system I asked for. Feels good bringing friends over to your house, just playing for fun without drama.

>> No.6693313

Nice larping zoomie, everyone knows you had to pick a side back then and fight for your system and console maker of choice.

>> No.6693370

I'm an early Millennial(1981)

>> No.6693374
File: 42 KB, 334x506, pepecheers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your parents loved you, you got the competing console after a few price drops.

>> No.6693380

The N64 was pretty gay though

>> No.6693383

if your parents loved you, they bought you the whole gen + games + 2-3 extra controllers for each in a single christmas

>> No.6693385

Yeah, in the Flintstones sense (not that you even know what that means, bucko)

>> No.6693390

>be regular controller
>have vagene
>be N64 controller
>have peen

Why did Nintendo do this?

>> No.6693401

This is my console. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

My console is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.

Without me, my console is useless. Without my console, I am useless. I must play my console true. I must shoot straighter than my enemy who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will ...

My console and I know that what counts in war is not the rounds we play, the noise of our winning a match, nor the mirth we make. We know that it is the games that count. We have games ...

My console is human, even as I, because it is my life. Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its strength, its parts, its accessories, its chips and its casing. I will keep my console clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready. We will become part of each other. We will ...

Before God, I swear this creed. My console and I are the defenders of my favorite brand. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my life.
So be it, until victory is Nintendo of America's and there is no enemy, but peace!

>> No.6693402

This is the most boring and undescriptive statement you could have made about this topic.

>> No.6693415

Stolarposters done it agin

>> No.6693437


>> No.6693439

based nintoddler

>> No.6693452
File: 113 KB, 273x298, doxkd9-xoaa-ril-e1538784702754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still engaging in playground dick measuring in your late 30s
This is what you all look like

>> No.6693459

i look more like roger moore actually

>> No.6693495

Alright you faggots. What is the absolute best PS1 emulator we've got at the moment? I just want something that will look reasonably good on my screen and that doesn't bug the shit out of the games

>> No.6693585

This is my favorite generation. Even the 32X, 3DO and the Jaguar are kinda based.

>> No.6693613

It's definitely more interesting than 3rd gen, aka the Nintendo monopoly years.

>> No.6693712

>saying "bucko" unironically
Now THAT'S fucking gay

>> No.6693715

got a problem with that champ?

>> No.6693812
File: 13 KB, 640x400, microsoft-flight-simulator-v3-0_11.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh lol. Poor console kiddies. So ignorant they honestly believe 3D games only came about with 5th gen when some of us were playing fully 3D games before the NES was even released.

>> No.6693817

dont you have a hip to go break grampa?

>> No.6693823 [DELETED] 

Based /vr/ is full of zoomies.

>> No.6693828

My hips are just fine and those aren't even vectors lol. But slow claps for boasting about ignorance lol.

>> No.6693838

>lines aren't vectors
you have a very interesting take on life anon

>> No.6693881
File: 14 KB, 600x315, battlezone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related- these are vectors. if you can't tell the difference then you're beyond help.
isn't it past your bedtime, kid?

>> No.6693894

those are vector IMAGES maybe, but all lines are vectors. The absolute state of /vr/tards

>> No.6693917

You're so dumb it's cute. The lines you see are graphics indicating roads. The cyan objects you can see are polygonal towers. None of the game us vector graphics. Which you'd know if you'd ever even seen it running lol.

>> No.6693923

show me where I ever used the term 'vector graphics' you absolute clown lmao

>> No.6693972

>muh 80s hardware had 3D too!
Yeah, but it was absolute shit.

3D didn't matter until 5th gen.

>> No.6694046

Nice back pedaling, but indeed you used the ohh so erudite term "vectorshit". So what did you mean by that term? If you recognized it as a polygonal 3D game why bring up vectors in the first place? You clearly thought the lines represented vectors >>6693838


>> No.6694101

That's right Joe!

>> No.6694106

>back pedaling
there was nowhere to pedal back to since I never said what you're implying. you're trying way too hard, just accept you messed up and let this one go bud.

>> No.6694114

Okay then simply explain why you refered to the game as "vectorshit". What does that term mean to you and how does it apply to the game in question?

>> No.6694126

Simple, because it's using lines, or "vectors", to approximate 3D.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vector_(mathematics_and_physics) here's a little bedtime reading for you anon.

>> No.6694167

It isn't though. If you actually read, the lines you refer to there aren't the edges of polygons. They're textures on the surface of a polygon put there to indicate a road. Yes it's primitive, but remember this predates Mario Brothers. Not Super Mario Brothers, the original Mario Brothers. It does not use vector graphics, it's a regular 3D game. Your mention of vectors abd doubling down on the lines only highlights that you don't even know what you're looking at.

Sorry if this is all funny to me.

>> No.6694176

>yes it's primitive
well there we have it, no need for any more "AKSCHUALLY" posting then, is there?

>> No.6694202

I grew up with the N64 but have never felt any urge to shit on the PS. They excelled at very different things and both had absolute gems in their libraries. Don't think I've ever played a Saturn game, so I couldn't care less either way.

>> No.6694229

I wouldn't think so but you are uncommonly retarded. This is a fully functional 3D game from before the famicom was released. It's not even the tip but represents that 3D gaming has been around a long time and by the time of 4th gen was far more robust than the simple graphics I chose to show you. Only to highlight that this >>6691891 is an incredibly ignorant statement that would only be made by a clueless console fanboy with no knowledge of tbe rest of gaming.

That's why this is all so funny.

>> No.6694234

that's not 3D anon, it's 2D. you know what's robust though? The laughter I'm getting from watching you twist in the wind here.

>> No.6694264

>anon is confusing Microsoft Flight Simulator 3.0 (which is polygons) with Microsoft Flight Simulator 1.0 (which is vectors), and thinks the 3D polygonal one came out before the Famicom

You can't make this shit up, folks.

>> No.6694512


But I miss them so much...only degenerates would really hate them.

>> No.6694550 [DELETED] 

>that's not 3D anon, it's 2D.

Excuse me? Say that again. Microsoft Flight Simulator is a 2D game? That is what is being discussed. Is that the statement you are making?

>> No.6694617

I love all three systems. But unfortunately fanboys will hate one system or the other. Bernie poster for example could be a Nintendo fanboy or a Sony fanboy who hates Sega Saturn.

>> No.6694625

Bernieposter is australia-kun. I don't think he actually likes video games, but if anything he's more of an eurocomputer fanboy, especially Amiga. But it's more of an excuse to shitpost, in the end.

>> No.6694630

-Guardian Heroes
-Radiant Silvergun
-one good port of Metal Slug

That's all it takes for a man to be happy. Saturn rocks.

>> No.6694637

No, it's not console warring, I legit don't care about most of the N64 library. I had fun with:
>Mario 64
>Starfox 64
>Sin and Punishment
>That one Goemon sidescroller
And that's about it. Not trying to shit on the system tho, if you know more good, pick up and play frienly N64 games, I'm all ears. I played the shit out of Mario Tennis back in the day, too, with friends, but beating the CPU gets old very fast.

>> No.6694651
File: 92 KB, 590x472, blastcorps_j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I somehow feel the same way about PS1. I also prefer pick up and play/arcade style games, and PS1 doesn't really have much to offer in that regard, I go back to Saturn and N64 way more often, although to tell you the truth, I go back more to 4th and 3rd gen than 5th gen.
Anyway, You already named some of my favorite games on N64, but if you haven't played it yet, I recommend Blast Corps.

>> No.6694661

>the one with the worst hardware had the most games
5th and 6th gen were weird

>> No.6695124

So you still maintain there are no retro 3D games? Lol

>> No.6695604

At least we all agreed that the Amigay was a piece of shit.

>> No.6695615

>PS1 doesn't really have much to offer in that regard
Did you just look at spyro, crash and all those obvious games and give up? The PS1 might actually have more pick up & play style games than the saturn.

>> No.6695756

>"No, I'M the oldest!"

>> No.6695781

I would love nothing more

>> No.6695794

Hear hear

>> No.6695814

Agreed. 3D polygon era was the start of gaming downfall into the shit we got today. I don’t care if 3D games existed before. Retro gaming era ended with the beginning of the 5th gen. 5th gen is not and never will be retro.

>> No.6695819


>> No.6695831

Nintendo 64 - 389 games
Sega Saturn - 1092 games
Sony Playstation - 3071 games

Not console warring, just giving a raw, objective fact on which we can reasonably compare these systems. It's up to you how you react to this information.

>> No.6696126

My reaction will always be the same, quality > quantity. There are literally thousands of shitty Playstation games and hundreds of shitty Saturn games nobody will ever care about.

>> No.6696130

I still go back to N64 and Saturn more than to PS.

>> No.6696131 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 1024x602, b8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6696139

based sonybro

>> No.6696142

Imagine being this guy.

>> No.6696149

Yeah, but if we exclude all of the good N64 games, the N64 has no good games.

>> No.6696150

Unsurprisingly, he's a /v/ermin too. Probably underage.

>> No.6696156


>> No.6696161

>the n64 is good because its good, the others are bad because they arent nintendo
This is what nincels keep repeating for years, at some point dunking on you people with text stops being worth it, so a quick onions edit will do.

>> No.6696163

I just said I prefer to go back to Saturn (not Nintendo) and N64 to PS, but I still like PS.
Keep being a console warrior though, /v/ kid. You weren't even around when these consoles were new, or probably were still in diapers.

>> No.6696164

Give those people living in your head what for.

>> No.6696173

I'm going to be diplomatic.
Can you guys PLEASE stop liking the Nintendo 64?

>> No.6696180
File: 13 KB, 196x228, Bismaru-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caps lock
Try again with a better formatting and I'll reconsider it, for now, I'll keep liking it.

>> No.6696182

Yeah, as a matter of fact, I do, pal.

>> No.6696297

There arent many good games for the saturn at all

>> No.6696310 [DELETED] 

>Sonyggers get laughed at in /v/
>they try their luck on /vr/ only to be laughed again.

>> No.6696339

>Look at the archives for the first day of /vr/'s existence
>5th gen isn't allowed
>People defending the rules and saying 5th gen is not retro and calling people who disagree babies
How embarrassing, that really blows out the narrative that 5th gen has "always been considered retro" and /vr/ isn't about nostalgia for one's own childhood. Kind of reminds me of "zoomers" wanting 6th gen to be allowed.


>> No.6696343

No 6th gen for you.

>> No.6696348

Never say never, if it has happened before...

>> No.6697365

there was nothing amazing about the saturn and it was not even considered a contender. there was no big 3. just 2

>> No.6697371

>thirdstrike posting
metafags are fags

>> No.6697407

Nah. The N64 was a half-assed console made in response to giving Sony the shaft on the SNES-CD (also no RPGs). Nobody even had a fucking Saturn, it's entirely irrelevant in all contexts.

>> No.6697418

>just 2
More like 1

>> No.6697463
File: 2.47 MB, 4032x3024, 90s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right, all three main 5th gen consoles deserve some love. there's good titles for all of them

>> No.6697484
File: 234 KB, 846x436, we-retro-now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These consoles aren't retro. Check the newly updated sticky.

>> No.6697948

What level of desperate and pathetic do you have to be to put so much effort in? Wowzers

>> No.6698069

>that really blows out the narrative that 5th gen has "always been considered retro"
That’s not a narrative. That’s just a retarded thing your newfag zoomer fingers typed out.
2nd gen became retro years after it came out.
5th gen became retro. 6th gen will never, ever become retro.

>> No.6698150

Retro doesn't mean what you think it does lol

>> No.6698170

>i like everything
Go fuck yourself

>> No.6698185
File: 2.86 MB, 768x432, zoomers.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funniest part of this thread, at least so far, has been the zoomer kid who misused the term "vector" and got his asshole blown the fuck out for it by another autist while he desperately tried to backpedal and run damage control.

Second place goes to the kiddo who thought making a reference to the Flintstones theme was clever and made him seem old. Bonus points when he used "bucko" in the same post, thinking this is something "boomers" say. This thread really is a gay old time, though. I'll give him that.

>> No.6698731

It doesn't matter what your Webster dictionary or autistic personal definition of the word is.
It matters what this board's definition of retro is.
And for that, you can check the sticky, little zoomie.
Cope lmao

>> No.6698736

The Shovelstation.

>> No.6698739

Is this video from a GBA players meetup?