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File: 51 KB, 400x647, ninjagaiden-label.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6687201 No.6687201 [Reply] [Original]

Castlekiddies will never understand this.

>> No.6687204

As a castlekiddie I always grouped them together. They're very similar games.

>> No.6687213

I think it shits on the NES CV games, SMS Ninja Gaiden is my favorite though

>> No.6687216


>> No.6687220

SoTN is the worst vania and ruined the series.

>> No.6687235

Castlevania 3 is harder than Ninja Gaiden

>> No.6687237

You can just make a ninja gaiden thread, you retarded fuck.

t. Someone who likes both

>> No.6687269

>SMS Ninja Gaiden
Liking Ninja Gaiden more than Castlevania makes sense--they're both top tier classics--but that game's boring garbage

>> No.6687273

Classic CV = NES NG trilogy >>>>> SotN

>> No.6687279

Reminder that
shit design =/= genuine hard difficulty

>> No.6687281

yeah castlevania is shit.

>> No.6687282

The only way I can beat NG is by save scumming

>> No.6687287

Ya I dont understand unresponsive controls.

>> No.6687431


>> No.6687441

Are we pretending there's a rivalry between Castlevania and Ninja Gaiden now? Most people who like one of those games are going to like the other one.
Castlevania's better though. Ninja's are silly and wear sandals.

>> No.6687462

I like both of them a lot.

>> No.6687465

There are 7 castlevania threads right now. Chill the fuck out.

>> No.6687471
File: 174 KB, 500x600, ryuhayabusa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ninja Gaiden is better as a belt scroller than a scotformer desu.

>> No.6687504


>> No.6687505

who the fuck calls them castlekiddies? is this some shit /vr/ invented?
ok boomer

>> No.6687530

Can confirm. I can regularly no death run each of the nes NG's, but CV3 is an exercise in torture. It's still fun, so it's like a fun torture, like a leather-bound woman lightly whipping your balls.

>> No.6687531

castlekiddies btfo

>> No.6687535

>ok boomer
Fuck off.

>> No.6687542

I like both, especially that they control very similarly (the initial installments anyway)
Castlevania's controls are a bit higher commitment but the two have always felt like two sides of the same, very valuable coin to me

>> No.6687578

What's amazing is how shit the Ninja Gaiden arcade game is versus the console versions. I usually like to be an elitist arcade weeb but not in this case.

I honestly believe that game has it's continue screen to thank for it being any sort of a success.

>> No.6687721

faggot contrarian take yourself off this earth

>> No.6687736

>Not enjoying both the Castlevania and Ninja Gaiden trilogies in your NES collection.
Pleb shit.

>> No.6687743

>that first time you played the game and a cinematic cutscene in a NES game suddenly plays after you defeat the first boss
gaming still hasn't surpassed this feeling for me

>> No.6687821

They're both top-tier.

>> No.6687831
File: 60 KB, 226x320, castleofillusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with Castle of Illusion?
It may be for kids, but it's still a pretty charming and classic game.
inb4 "mature gamers"

>> No.6687846

seething zoomer

>> No.6688358

No you retards it goes..


>> No.6688359

Seething classictranny.

>> No.6688389
File: 55 KB, 500x448, 51F6Y8K3N1L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone knows that it ruined the series, that's not a contrarian opinion at all.

>> No.6688409

I like how Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon turns a Castlevania 3 clone into a Ninja Gaiden clone if you kill party members for new powers instead of recruit them

>> No.6688416

I think so too

>> No.6688423


>> No.6688470

baby want bottle? someone insulted their nintendo game :((( baby want bottle for milky!

>> No.6688482

At what age did you learn the sega master system version was better, /vr/?

>> No.6688490
File: 112 KB, 480x350, C7E83646-0C9F-4471-B3C9-86167FCDA9EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about something actually difficult

>> No.6688532

At what age did your family stop caring about your mental condition?

>> No.6688543

The best castlevania is on sega

>> No.6688546

This. People exaggerates the minor performances issues of Gekka no Yasoukyoku.
An extra button, runnung boots, playable maria and extra areas/enemies shit all over sotn on the ps-x

>> No.6688675

What are you talking about? The best CV on a Sega console is obviously Bloodlines

>> No.6688716

Stop trying to resurrect this faggot-shit meme.

>> No.6688726

I think it was slightly harder than the ninja Gaiden games but not harder than CV3

>> No.6688739

I played World of Illusion all the time with my brother back in the day; still get the level theme with Donald riding on a leaf down a river stuck in my head every now and again.

>> No.6688847


At what age did you realize you were a fag?

>> No.6688919

What do you think is so hard in CV3?

>> No.6689025

not him but the monsters, environmental hazards etc

is it actually? I didn't finish but the first 7/10 of it seemed pretty reasonable

>> No.6689115

The length. It’s just a lot longer, more to memorize. Takes longer to run through over and over.

>> No.6689128

Theres no way classic 2D Castlevania would uave survived the 32-bit era unless it went the direction it did. It either would have never been allowed on a console, or it would have flopped hard from lack of consumer interest and killed the franchise sooner.

>> No.6689171
File: 57 KB, 352x500, 51N0J3M6GBL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6689189

Bandai shinobi/Samurai :

Ninja Gaiden > Sekiro > Nioh > Dark Souls > Tenchu > Way Of Samurai

>> No.6689286

Feels good not to be as mentally ill as Castletrannies.

>> No.6689924

Ok Ninja gaybo.

>> No.6692841
File: 91 KB, 512x431, this exact part.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7/10 of Ninja Gaiden is pretty reasonable.

>> No.6692843

>ninja gaijin