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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 256 KB, 850x1097, EE8ZDJVXsAACvXA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6676585 No.6676585 [Reply] [Original]

I've been trying to find a certain gun-arcade game from my childhood for like a week. I'm starting to think it's just false memories now.

It's this creepy body-horror not-alien ripoff where you're in this sci-fi base filled with mutant aliens killing the crew everywhere. Like the alien design is a combination of the Thing and Alien. I remember it distinctly having this digitized actors and being really gruesome. One of the actors is this shot-haired woman who is always that "don't-shoot-friendly" target on screen. I remember if you ever shot her she'd scream horribly and die, but like she was always around no matter how many times you or the aliens killed her. The reason why I remember her though is that there's a part in the game where she's naked and strapped down on this like operating table and shit and this machine is like scanning her and displaying pictures of her organs and skeleton on a screen above her. It's just like a background piece while you're shooting aliens but it's been stuck in my mine whenever I think of arcade shooters.

I was on a bent recently, playing HotD 1/2 and Area 51 and I've been looking through every internet website to find it, but I can't I had thought I just misremembered an Alien game, but no long-plays of the alien arcade games I could find has that scene.

It just stuck out because it was first bit of nudity I ever saw in a game and it was gorey for the time, like much more than MK2.

If nobody knows dick about it, I at least wanted to make a light-gun arcade thread.

>> No.6676639

Only game I can think of that's similar to that is Space Gun, from Taito. I don't think there was any nudity in that one, though.

>> No.6676658

>Space Gun, from Taito
That was among the first I looked into. I was born in 92 so around the time I saw it was late 1999-2003. I'm legit starting to think it's either lost media or crossed neurons in my head.

>> No.6676746

No idea. I was thinking space gun also. There's a part in Aliens extermination where you see people strapped to a table, but there's no nudity. I think it might be a legit false memory; I think if a game had nudity in the background and how you described it would be remembered.

>> No.6676904

>I think it might be a legit false memory; I think if a game had nudity in the background and how you described it would be remembered.

I'm leaning to that too, but there's just something about it, like it's too detailed a memory. I remember the full background of it was an arcade machine in a skating rike just outside of Shreveport. I used to go there with some friends even though I didn't skate just to play arcade games with them and while they were skating. The one I mentioned got removed because parents raised a stink about exactly what I described because I remember other kids besides my friends talking about. And after a school trip, word spread enough and that cabinet and the primal rage cabinet got nixxed too. It was eventually replaced with an Alien 3 arcade cabinet a long while after the mad parents drama died down. It wasn't 3D it was still in that digitized actors/pregen phase of graphics which gave it that weird uncanny look. I especially remember that short-haired woman being all in the demo reels for it as well.

>> No.6677467

On the subject of games you're looking for I'm looking for one as well.

It was in arcade game in either 2004 or 2005 you were a scuba diver and you had to kill a bunch of sharks and it was an on rails shooter.

>> No.6677487

I don't remember any naked bitches in any games I played like this.

Probably false memory. I have one from my childhood, I swear at like 3 or 4 I took a shit in my grandmothers kitchen floor and then picked it up with my toy shovel and threw it in the trash when they saw it and freaked out but everyone in my family says I'm fucking insane and that never happened, including my grandma herself. It seems so real.

>> No.6677492

The Ocean Hunter

>> No.6677587


hmm well in that case, if you remember people talking about it it definitely might be real. Sounds like maybe lost media like you said; sounds like a cool game though. Really hope you can find it or remember what its called. Do you remember any details of the cab? What kind of lightgun was it, a gun one or was it one of those rifle-mounted ones?

>> No.6677606

Are you in hallways and it's aliens with claws?

>> No.6677669
File: 235 KB, 400x254, chickchange.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Revolution X

>> No.6677679


oh fuck, I think you cracked the code. Not him but looks about right. Anon may have linked Space Gun with this in his mind

>> No.6677680

Why does she wear the mask?

>> No.6677681

Ocean Hunter

Never left the arcades and is a pretty damn hard to find

>> No.6677682

God that game is great when you're playing the arcade version

>> No.6679097

It was one of the pistol ones where you reload by shooting off the screen. The general color scheme of the cabinet was a dark blueish black. The biggest problem I have with asking others is that I've long separated from that group of friends. I'm over on the other side of the country now too, so no reunions possible. We're talking it was pretty late childhood but long before I was a teenager.

Interesting, but it wasn't quite that. It had a darker aesthetic, more like a sci-fi research lab. Like when I say it was a not-alien clone, it was very close to the look of Aliens and Alien but with no xenomorphs and Thing-esque body horror instead.

>Probably false memory.
I'm going to keep pursuing it because it was some light-childhood trauma for me, but I'm not ruling out that somewhere along the line my brain got fucked.

>> No.6679121

Beast Busters Second Nightmare?

>> No.6679137

Rev X was never good, not even when it came out. I played it for 10 minutes in the arcade and got seriously bored.

>> No.6679142

A lot of them were writhing masses of pre-gen shit that you have to fill in the details. I remembered that one of the enemies moved like the dog/ox alien from Alien 3. It's why I was thinking it was an Alien game. One of the enemies was basically a not-facehugger that is implied to just latch on you and give you alien meat cancer or something that turns you into all the other monsters.

It was a lot of hallways and big research rooms and everything had that slightly creepy clinical feel to everything. I would've said space gun but there were digitized actors like in >>6677669

Looking at it, I'm gonna play it later because it looks awesome. But the graphic style was that period with like pre-gen Donkey-Kong mixed with digitized actors like MK. Honestly the styles clashed really hard.

>> No.6679194
File: 41 KB, 512x390, 1032398-area51b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Area 51: Site 4?

>> No.6679202

i rented the snes version when i was young and it was really bad

>> No.6679239
File: 339 KB, 850x1121, 61216201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invasion: The Abductors?

>> No.6681213

Bump since OP is useless.

>> No.6681410

I didn't even know these existed, they look fun as fuck

>> No.6681651
File: 896 KB, 1757x1378, elemental-gearbolt-slus-00654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No luck finding what OP is looking for (if it exists which I'm starting to seriously doubt) but I'm finding other interesting light gun games so I guess it's not a total waste of time.

>> No.6681663
File: 1.46 MB, 850x1100, terabrsta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably ain't Teraburst but I'll mention it anyway.

>> No.6683926


>> No.6684162

Why? OP is obviously lying or mentally ill.

>> No.6684205
File: 145 KB, 798x512, ce23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a light gun shooter thread now as far as I see.

>> No.6684218
File: 1.24 MB, 901x673, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you played Evil Night?


>> No.6684239

>dat voice acting

I'm gonna go get it setup.

>> No.6684261
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>> No.6684291
File: 71 KB, 480x640, 2704524-ric7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6685435
File: 198 KB, 850x1105, 311000901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only other lightgun game that hasn't been named in this thread that could possibly be it that I'm aware of.

>> No.6685454

That must be it. It's not listed in Wikipedia's list of Light gun games for some reason.


>> No.6685494

There's a lightgun game I've been wanting to find that, all I remember was that it took place in a sewer, fish were jumping out of the water to attack the player, and I think the graphics were sprite-based.

>> No.6685507

Beast Busters.

>> No.6685513


>> No.6685524
File: 3.05 MB, 1304x1100, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few other lightgun games not present in that list. I'm sure there is plenty more missing, but they have all the ones that are actually worth a shit listed.

>> No.6685572

That fits the description pretty well, though I'm not totally sure of that's the right game. I checked through a list of Sega's system 32 arcade games, because I remember having a pseudo-3d look similar to the Alien 3/Jurassic Park games, but I couldn't find a game that matches my description. So maybe I'm just misremembering Beast Busters as looking more 3Dish than it actually is,

>> No.6685593

Crypt Killer maybe?

28:32 if the timecode in the url doesn't work for some reason.

>> No.6685645

That's probably it, thanks for the help

>> No.6685684

loved this game. a friend and i sunk a lot of tokens beating it. ending was kind of lame though
that looks fun. funny how all the zombies with oversized power drills were in the mansion, but no power tool zombie was in the catacombs/caves where you think they would be.

Here is Zombie Raiders. Look at the stage for a few seconds and skip forward and repeat. so repetitive.

>> No.6685712

Been trying to remember the name of that game for years, thanks anon.

>> No.6685717

M2-based arcade (NEC should potentially use that hardware and main cpu)

>> No.6685739

this looks promising to what OP was thinking of

>> No.6686568

For years I've been seeking out information regarding the female STAAR agent with the big boobs from Area 51. To this day, it eludes me.

>> No.6686986

Will the Guncon 3 ever work with emulation or get Windows drivers?

>> No.6687467

just believe in it and who knows

>> No.6687730

Fucking Basadu