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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 255 KB, 1200x423, 1200px-Castlevania_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6653753 No.6653753 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a more consistent retro series out there? There are a fuckton of Castlevania games, hell, there were instances when Konami would release multiple entries over the span of a year but all of them are good

>> No.6653789


>> No.6653802

Castlevania 2 exists

>> No.6653807

It's a great game
It doesn't count

>> No.6653809

>Is there a more consistent retro series out there?
Probably like Mario or something? Castlevania has a good amount of just shit games in it even with just sticking to retro.

>> No.6653814

Yeah only Mario and Metroid come close but there are only 3 retro Metroid games so it's not that hard to stay good

>> No.6653815

These are both great games, what’s wrong with you two? I expected to see someone shitting on the post-Igarashi Castlevanias, not two of the basedest early ones.

>> No.6653829

Metroid. There are no bad 2d Metroid games.

>> No.6653830

Haunted Castle, Castlevania Adventure and Castlevania Legends, Castlevania 64 and Castlevania Legacy Of Darkness all exist though.

>> No.6653834

>Great Games
Anon plz

>> No.6653835

Isn't Metroid 2 considered bad? Or has opinion of that shifted with the remake coming out and the site wide OLD GOOD, NEW BAD effect in place

>> No.6653837

>Isn't Metroid 2 considered bad?
Was it ever? It's one of the best, if not the best, GB games

>> No.6653841

Not really. It feels slower and has no map due to hardware constraints, but I feel the game is designed around that very well.

>> No.6653854

Also it would be good if Samus didn't occupy half of the screen. I understand that she is a big girl but still

>> No.6653885

Well, it's all subjective of course, but my problem with Castlevania
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2 is that all the little annoying things ruin it to the point that you wish you just playing another Castlevania game.

>> No.6653904 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 384x384, 372991F8-DC39-4B82-BD0F-A15D1C3F99BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trilogy released for the classic retro handheld GBA represent the best of the metroidvanias. For classicvania I still like the original FDS/NES game best.

>> No.6653914 [DELETED] 

so you're going to shit up the board today again?

>> No.6653939 [DELETED] 
File: 2.68 MB, 384x480, 1582801949989.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know what's going to happen ;)

>> No.6653972 [DELETED] 

GBA is retro.

>> No.6653978 [DELETED] 
File: 426 KB, 1240x1218, Shaman_King-_Master_of_Spirits_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best GBA Castlevania game doesn't actually have 'Castlevania' in its title

>> No.6656930

>Legacy of Darkness
Wazzat? Not quite retro, but I had a really rather bad Castlevania game on an old flip phone back in like 2001 or so. I also had a fantastically good BurgerTime game. Man, that BT game was one of the best. Does anyone know of any BT games, even non-retro ones, that just build on the original formula? You know, like Pac-Man Champion Edition, only Burger Time instead of Pac-Man? I'd really like to make giant hamburgers with my feet while I run away from hotdogs in an updated form.

>> No.6656940

I disliked it but not a whole lot. I understand I'm in the minority, though. It's fairly universally beloved.

>> No.6656975

>N64 not retro enough for /vr/

Say what

>> No.6656980

You didn't see the new sticky? No 32-bit, 64-bit, or 128-bit systems allowed.

>> No.6656997

nvm, I think I'm just dumb or the edibles have kicked in. He's saying the shitty Motroloa cell phone game from 2001 isn't retro.

>> No.6657057
File: 247 KB, 839x586, bloodstained-curse-of-the-moon-alfred-vs-bathin-boss-battle-nintendo-switch-3DS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had no interest in Ritual of the night and still kind of dont. If you yearn for the days of classic Castlevania I highly suggest playing Curse of the Moon 1 and 2. They are fucking amazing all around. Could be a little harder but I'm an absolute masochists and zoomers would be fucking trash at this game.

>> No.6657123

>metroid 1
innovative for the time, but shit to play now. The controls are mediocre, the game is laggy as fuck, and the environments are all full of copy paste rooms which makes it impossible to navigate without autism. Decent but barely good
>metroid 2
havent even played it, but its gay
>super metroid
the only good one, and even then its not perfect. This is literally the only 2D metroid game with good physics and if you disagree you're flat out retarded
barely even a metroid game, but its still fun i guess.
>Zero mission
boring as shit, the artstyle is lame as fuck and its too easy. Plus the controls are stiff as fuck and samus has no momentum. Almost all of the sequence breaking is based on knowledge, not skill (break this completely arbitrary block to skip shit)
>metroid samus returns
unfaithful remake which rapes the atmosphere of metroid 2, has about 5 different enemies in the entire game, and gets boring under half of the way through. Autistic faggots who care about story in metroid games hate the ridley fight, but it's the best part of the entire game. If theres anything this game gets right its boss fights, and not much else.

>> No.6657957

I hate modern retro games, they never have the right physics

>> No.6658026

2 has good atmosphere, but I agree. The level design and enemies are the worst of the 2dvanias, the difficulty's derived from trying to figure out where to go.

>> No.6658098
File: 17 KB, 480x360, Death-64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CV64 doesn't get enough love, excellent setting best music on N64 after Crusin' USA but ZOOT came out 2 months before it and basically perfected camera controls on N64

>> No.6659147

>metroid 1
>shit to play now
Fuck you man, it's still fun
>metroid 2
>it's gay
Why? It's great

>> No.6659162

>metroid 2
>havent even played it, but its gay
>metroid samus returns
>unfaithful remake which rapes the atmosphere of metroid 2
Wow thanks for the opinion you got from ecelebs and watching Let's Plays.

>> No.6659165

Very low IQ post, zoomers out themselves so easily.

>> No.6659539

> Could be a little harder but I'm an absolute masochists

Curse Of The Moon 2 is harder and it just got updated with a new hard mode which is absolutely bullshit, new "fuck you" mean enemy placement everywhere + respawning enemies + lose one character = lose them all

it's trash. You'll love it.

>> No.6659623
File: 96 KB, 997x673, developing issues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making a fan game and at this point I'm trying to upgrade the art to an acceptable level. How's it looking so far? I still need to add the parallax backgrounds and more objects and details.

>> No.6659640 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 384x384, 8D4CD8D3-E78A-4E49-A03B-2396913AF511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, pic related is the best metroidvania. For classicvania I still return to the FDS/NES original. It’s the only NES game I can consistently 1cc.

>> No.6659650

Your father wanted a son who he could be proud of. Instead he got you.

>> No.6659672

GBA is not retro.

>> No.6659716

>get claim solas as early as possible
>everything else you get afterwards is pointless

I know it's hidden but once you know about it, it sucks the fun out of the game

>> No.6659754

it looks even worse than the last time i saw it
why the shit did you add bloom to this?
also, pick a resolution and stick to it, the random pixel densities make it look cheap as hell
also that ceiling is not straight
not trying to mean or anything, honest thoughts

>> No.6659837
File: 132 KB, 512x448, 1595261541281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's okay, it's good to know where one's mistakes are at. Enemies and main character use the same resolution. Tile pixels all use 32x32. except the 64x64 floor pixel. I am going to need to find a way to make the transition between tile set and characters smoother. I lurk in these threads to learn how to make everything fit together. Castlevanias had always had really beautiful sprites and music. It's gonna take time to reach this level, but we'll get there.

>> No.6660519

Yeah, that's what I was saying. So Legacy of Darkness is the N64 one? Never played it. Heard it was bad. Is it not?

If you never played a Metroid game, you shoulda just kept quiet.
While not retro, let's talk about the other 2D 'troids: I never played Samus Returns but I was all about AM2R, even though I didn't care for the original all that much.
I disliked Fusion immensely. I hate being barred from exploration seemingly arbitrarily and I have a major psychotic fucking hatred of cut scenes. As usual, story-shit ruined a classic gaming series. See also Zelda, Castlevania, Mario, Sonic and literally everything else older than you.
Zero Mission was a fair balance of Old Gaming and New Gaming. While I dgaf about the story parts, at least I don't have to mash A to make it stfu and let me shoot some novas and wavers.

>> No.6660560

Is there a feeling better than when you finally kill Dracula in Castlevania 1?

>> No.6660568

Coming home to your wife and kids after serving a tour in Afghanistan.

>> No.6660615

E celebs are faggots but I’ve worked closely with multiple artists and game devs who fawn over faithfully remaking Metroid 2 and they never shut the fuck up about the atmosphere.

>> No.6660620

Realizing that you didn't waste your time playing a mediocre NES game

>> No.6660621

After she fucked Jamal hundreds of times and your kid has already been brainwashed by jewish tricks.

>> No.6660656

I played a tiny bit of Metroid 2 actually but couldn’t get into it. I was being needlessly harsh for (you)s, but those are pretty much my opinions. ZM isn’t an awful game but i really can’t bother myself to play it anymore, the movement is just so lame. I really don’t get why the downgraded the mobility so much after super Metroid, such a shitty decision.

>> No.6660661
File: 215 KB, 1440x912, 7BBA7810-EAF6-48EE-A90E-ACB0D642C4FA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody starts off good at art, it takes a lot of time. Just practice frequently and keep trying. Took me over 6 years to reach the level im at now and there’s plenty more to learn

>> No.6662853

That looks really amazing. That's the kind of pixel art style I like the most.

>> No.6662895

Mega Man
Sonic is probably out though.

>> No.6662926

If only Konami development it in 1994 and release on 1996 instead 97-99.

>> No.6662931

Netflix can burn for all I care.

>> No.6662949

Mega Man is probably the most standout one. Impressive how they released a game every few months and it took them like ten years to make an objectively terrible game

>> No.6663243

>honey, i need you to sign this
>dad, i'm gay

>> No.6663967
File: 204 KB, 1024x768, 3EBA2B7B-2D41-43B7-86D5-EE361B8AF62F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it too.

>> No.6664383


>> No.6664806

Yes. Killing him in Dracula X, Castlevania 3 and Chronicles original mode feels better. It's like
>thank fucking god this game is over, I'll never play it again, I'm not a masochist