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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 173 KB, 723x907, xyniy754y9431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6652894 No.6652894 [Reply] [Original]

Did you like it? Do you guys think the tiger handheld games were that bad?

>> No.6652901

I had the power rangers one pictured and I loved it.

>> No.6652923

Everyone back in the day that had them would trade them around. I don't remember all of the ones I played, but I think Off Road and Ninja Gaiden were the best.

>> No.6652943

Every kid had shit tons of these fucking things if you're in your 30s or older. Yes, they were trash but everyone had them because they were cheap and were a go-to gift for classmates birthday partys and gifts from aunts and uncles or whatever... I never had one I genuinely liked and didn't just play for 5 min once in a great while and then remember how shit it was.

I had a Castelvania one, Street Fighter 2, Mortal Kombat, a TMNT one, Spider-Man and Biker Mice from Mars. They were all shit.

>> No.6652946

more of a toy than a "videogame"
we had a few laying around but they rarely got the batteries replaced

i rationed them for gameboy brick DMG and gamegear

>> No.6652987
File: 28 KB, 400x300, TS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had the Toy Story one. It was basically an endless runner where you pick up other toys.
Unlike a lot of other Tiger Handhelds, It was tolerable. The fact it wasn't trying to imitate a proper game probably helped it immensely.

>> No.6653016

Gauntlet and gradius were pretty good.

>> No.6653019

The only kids I knew who had these didn't own any other videogames.

>> No.6653150

I still have the Simon's Quest one in the OP. I had a Home Alone 2 one as well but some fucker stole it or I lost it.
Maybe because I grew up in a working class neighbourhood, or we weren't entitled little shits, these were pretty rad and if someone pulled one of these out at recess EVERYONE wanted a go. Any kind of video game (even shitty handhelds) were better than playing nothing. No one fucking judged you because you had a fucking Tiger Handheld. And not every kid had one.

>> No.6653154

It's alright. /vr/ is full of nostalgiafagging segays and nintendies. Anything less is considered shit.

>> No.6653171

Had the Simon's Quest one and a Double Dragon one. Both were enjoyable for what they were.

>> No.6653204

They definitely are objectively bad, but I sure loved the ones I had

>> No.6653210

I had a street fighter and mega man one. They were pretty bad. My parents got pissed because I stabbed the mega man on with a pencil on day .

I also conned myself into a watch because I thought I could play it at school. It was even worse. I don't even remember what game it was

>> No.6653301

they were all shit. they didn't need to be shit, Nintendo already proved that you could make fun LCD games. but Tiger was a piece of shit and I imagine their design team for these games was more like a sweatshop that just cranked them out as fast as possible.

>> No.6653314

>Nintendo already proved that you could make fun LCD games
Tiger's Gradius, Gauntlet, Contra, and Duke Nukem are unironically better than anything on Game & Watch.

>> No.6653319
File: 269 KB, 1120x1500, CCB27091-D0FE-483E-A143-CD39D7DE213B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a couple of these when I was 9 years old... close enough?

>> No.6653320
File: 54 KB, 477x386, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played the shit out the bowling and baseball ones on family vacation road trips.

>> No.6653474

my first introduction to depression as a little kid was realizing how the background was always the same no matter what and you could never change that, and I never knew why it made me feel really sad.

fuck tiger electronics.

>> No.6653623

You sound like a right little cunt with some serious entitlement issues.

>> No.6653681

Same, but I used to be jealous of every other kid having gameboys and pokemons.

>> No.6653750


I liked them even though I had a Game Boy, I just found the way the screen worked neat.
I already had an understanding how LCDs worked from clocks and what they cannot do and had a kind of "they are trying their best" - mentality.
It also depends on the game, there are obviously slower paced games which the LCD tech works perfectly for. I remember playing a lot with the Battleship one, for which it obviously worked very well.

>> No.6653781

A lot of people hate these things for some reason. I don't really think they're that bad - not dissimilar to Game and Watch.
My favourite was the France 98 world cup one, shaped like a football.

>> No.6653793

Holy shit there was a Gradius Tiger Handheld? Ha!

>> No.6653937


There was a ridiculously good Mario one that was a tiny blue handheld. I loved it to bits.

I remember a few others being alright, we had a ton, maybe like 10-20 of them, but they sucked for the most part.

I'm sure I had Shinobi or something as one. Wonder if they will be collectables one day.

>> No.6653961

I had that one too and while I enjoyed it, as soon as I got my hands on a Gameboy that thing never saw the light of day again

>> No.6654005
File: 2.22 MB, 1762x1762, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this one?

>> No.6654101

i had that exact one
actually pretty good as far as "lcd games" go

>> No.6654179

I had a ton, beyond some thinly veiled nostalgia... I don't want to ever play those again.

>> No.6654202

Gradius and Contra were Konami handhelds. TMNT was the best of those.

>> No.6654264

>Did you like it?
only in a "it's this or stare out the car window at the farmland some more" kind of way
>Do you guys think the tiger handheld games were that bad?
they really were that bad
game games actually work fairly well in "lcd game" form, just look at nintendo's game and watch series
these though, they try too hard to be normal games, and require a lot of imagination

>> No.6654362
File: 126 KB, 1024x870, tiger-electronic---handheld-game---the-lion-king-p-image-314481-grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this one and sold it in fourth grade for around 50 cents.

>> No.6654369
File: 44 KB, 400x354, HEAVY-BARREL-Rare-Vintage-Tiger-Electronic-LCD-handheld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dozen of them and I loved them. Getting a 60 dollar game used to be a once-a-year thing for me as a kid, and asking for these had much better results. As long as you had a bit of imagination it's not all bad.

This one is my favorite. It plays a bit like the hallway stages in Contra

>> No.6654395
File: 39 KB, 500x425, a830dee8384b451acffdf0bdc8c918a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does the Doug button do?

>> No.6654404


>> No.6654571


Whatever the hell it wants to

>> No.6654608

A small bunch, yes:

Double Dragon II
Space Harrier II
Thunder Blade
Marble Madness

I still have most of them

>> No.6654634

moves forward

>> No.6654654

I think I had a Karnov one.

>> No.6655058
File: 31 KB, 480x640, heman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're 8 years old.
Would you rather a Tiger or one of these?

>> No.6656445
File: 1.94 MB, 4032x3024, 4qtnArc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I aint gay nigga

>> No.6656468


>> No.6656597

I would definitely pick the Tiger as it has the better "cool factor", but then I would regret it in 5 minutes after getting home and then seethe/cope while seeing my brother still happy with his action figure.

>> No.6658018

I had Karnov and TMNT, these were the games you would bring to school because if they were stolen or the teacher took them it was no big deal.