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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6637243 No.6637243[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

left-wing video games

>> No.6637250
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>> No.6637254

No wonder it was so terrible.

>> No.6637257

All of them, you never play as the bad guys.

>> No.6637260

Watch the rightoid scum seethe at the very mention of left-wing politics. Conservachuds are pure vermin.

>> No.6637262

I do not understand...

>> No.6637263

Sonic was developed in Japan, Japanese people don't care about murrican politic nonsense.

>> No.6637264
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Not so fast, lad.

>> No.6637265


>> No.6637269
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>> No.6637271

the conservationist themes in sonic are only seen as lefty in the west. it's a pretty bipartisan issue in japan and the game's theme is moreso about the shintoist balance between nature and technology than socialism or whatever

>> No.6637272

They do

>> No.6637276
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Japan is a conservative country.

>> No.6637278

In the west watching heterosexual porn is conservative

>> No.6637280


>> No.6637287


Watching any sort of porn is not socially conservative in the slightest.

>> No.6637289

Out of curiosity what was Japan's thoughts about sonic boom, the tv show? It seems like a steaming pile of femenist dog shit

>> No.6637290

Maybe, but japanese people aren't as obsessed about political wars as burgers are. They're mostly apathetic for politicians in general, rather than being fanatics of one team, and hating the other team. It's more like how it used to be in the west in the 90s.

>> No.6637291
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Wrecking Crew, NES. Workers coming for the property class with massive fuck off hammers.

>> No.6637292

Tell that to coomers

>> No.6637303


Sonic is blue, Robotnik is red.

>> No.6637304
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>> No.6637309

Robotnik is red and black, and has a russian name that represents workers...
Sonic is blue and red (and white), and represents sneaky "2 cool 4 u" attitude typical of americans.
Sonic is capitalist.

>> No.6637313
File: 98 KB, 640x640, Strife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game that inspired Deus Ex.
Runs on the DOOM engine so you can play it in GZDoom.

The game is set some time after a catastrophic comet impact, which brought a deadly virus onto the planet. The resulting plague caused deaths of millions of people, while other victims were mutated and began hearing the voice of a malevolent deity. They formed an organization called "The Order" and enslaved the rest of the populace. However, a rag-tag resistance movement, called "The Front", is trying to topple The Order's reign.

>> No.6637317
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>> No.6637318

I don't know.
From my experience sonic always ran to the right.

>> No.6637330
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Not quite

>> No.6637336
File: 77 KB, 819x614, only good commie is a dead one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh, Japs fucking hate marxists.

>> No.6637338

But they were sided with socialists in WW2

>> No.6637339
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There is also a remake by Nightdive Studios.

>> No.6637342

Japanese people, or the fascists and other far-right puppets with U.S. backing?

>> No.6637345

Nazis were fascists (aka anti-communists), not socialists.

You're thinking of America and England, who sided with the USSR, the actual socialists.

>> No.6637348

That's an old photo, anon...
I mean that the average japanese isn't as obsessed with political warfare as the average westerner.

>> No.6637352

It's also worth noting that their hands were basically forced; the U.K. had an appeasement government until 1940, and American capitalists were overwhelmingly pro-Nazi until 1941.

>> No.6637353

FFVII is an obvious choice

>> No.6637360

Can we please keep political BS away from retro games

>> No.6637362

Can video games be left-wing?
They're inherently a first world luxury.

>> No.6637363
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Nazis, communists and fascists were anti-capitalism and tried to destroy God's chosen people (the jews), they were the true enemies of America

>> No.6637381
File: 271 KB, 850x1231, eco-fighters-931203-etc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the best side scrolling shooters by capcom.

The main rival happens to be a greedy capitalist polluting the planet, it has nice graphics and cut-scenes.


>> No.6637382


>> No.6637390

Nonetheless Japanese were Imperialists and in a subconscious sense they still are.

>> No.6637392

It's just some random incel chimping out and murdering a guy.

>> No.6637395

There's a lot of shit that you can't post outside of /b/ for good reason but I don't know why it's taking so long for the mods to understand that posting /pol/ outside of /pol/ should also result in a ban.

>> No.6637398

Germany and Japan essentially still got to dominate their respective domains, the only caveats are that they need to use a softer touch and answer to daddy U.S.A.

>> No.6637404

Ecologists aren't necessarily left-wing. A lot of left-wing people think pollution isn't a bad thing if that means people can make a living out of it. Same as how a lot of left-wing people don't care for animal rights because they see it as unethical to care about animals when there's people starving, etc.
Ecologist philosophies aren't necessarily right or left wing.

>> No.6637403

>capitalist company makes capitalistic entertainment criticizing capitalism
really makes you think (not really, you autists are looking too deep into things. none of you assholes gives two fucks about environmental protection, but you sure love bitching about it online)

>> No.6637408

Commies are good goyim if not outright jewish, though...

>> No.6637409

Fuck you. This hero single-handedly prevented the power grab of communists in Japan. Every communist deserves equally. They are not human.

>> No.6637412

I dunno, the far-right seems to be pretty hardcore zionist.

>> No.6637414
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Stop polluting this board.


>> No.6637417

You're mentally ill.

>> No.6637420

>muh projection
ladies and gentleman, the conservatard

>> No.6637421

No. The far-right wants to remove kikes from their own nation, and let them rot elsewhere.
You're confusing the far-right for American conservatives/liberals who love slurping jew cock and giving US tax dollars to Israel.

>> No.6637427

And you can fuck yourself commie supporter.

>> No.6637426

The far-right in Latin America and Europe seem to be pretty supportive of Israeli imperialism, so your analysis seems quite flawed.

>> No.6637434

Your argument shows that not all left-wingers are environmentalists (sad but true), not that not all environmentalists are left-wingers. That's still true though since there are eco-fascists.

Either way though, it's still correct to call environmentalism a left-wing position since most environmentalists are left-wing and vice versa. After all, there are pro-choice conservatives and pro-life leftists, but no one argues that pro-life is a conservative position.

>> No.6637436
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If the boot fits...

>> No.6637437

*isn't a conservative position
Everyone agrees that pro-life is conservative.

>> No.6637438

Sounds like your "far-right" parties are subverted as fuck by (((them))), then.

>> No.6637441

My position is that "right" and "left" is mostly nonsense perpetuated by people in power.
I support ecologist action regardless of left/right dichotomy.

>> No.6637442


JC Denton: Ultimate Grillmaster.

>> No.6637446

Imagine being such a midwit that you perceive the world as divided into "left" and "right".

>> No.6637448


I find the Nolan Chart to be a better model. Not perfect, but better than simple left vs. right.

>> No.6637450

Sonic is a pedophile and furry icon who has a sexual relationship with Tails. Pedophilia and fursonas are very left wing things. Robotnik is disgusted by this and sends his robot death squad out to eliminate these degenerate animals.

>> No.6637451
File: 82 KB, 1920x1127, ecofascism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic is a right wing ecofascist. The ecofascist flag cleary depicts a spin dash backed with a background of master emerald green.

>> No.6637453

Only one side wanted to ban video games in the 90s. Guess which one?

>> No.6637457

If by (((them))) you mean capital, then yeah, obviously.

>> No.6637459

t. watched a jordan peterson video once

>> No.6637463

In USA, right? I know, conservatives. Funny how in the 2000s it was the progressives/liberals who advocated for banning and censoring videogames.

>> No.6637467

Whatever side that Al and Tipper Gore were on.

>> No.6637468

not that anon, but I only watched 1 video of that guy who someone posted on a thread once, and it seemed more like self-help stuff... anyway, do you seriously believe that the only way for a person to think that there's other options other than the left/right dichotomy is to watch videos of that guy?

>> No.6637475

gamergate ended years ago. we won and we will be taking your games away from you. accept defeat and move on

>> No.6637476

ok :(
you won't be able to modify the chipsets on my carts though!

>> No.6637478

That's because """""""progressives"""""" (they are liberals) like Clinton and Obama are basically what used to be called "Rockefeller Republicans" and fairly right-wing; in most of the developed world, the right-wing parties support far more extensive social democratic policies than the mainstream """""""left""""""" in America ("Obamacare" was a slight re-tweak of the Heritage Foundation's "moderate Republican" healthcare reform plan from the mid-1990s).

>> No.6637502

Correct, there is no real right-wing party in America, they're all liberal scum and paid off by the upper class richfags to do their bidding.

>> No.6637503

Surprisingly based thread

>> No.6637506

Third-position Lincolnian homestead geolibertarianism is the only real future for mankind

>> No.6637510

That's because the only real right-wing is capitalism. Every once in a while you get a Varg-tier retard like Hitler who thinks that they can defeat the establishment with the EVROPAN BLVT VND SOIL traditions of eating mushrooms and stepping in cow dung but they always end up getting #btfo and subsumed by capitalism. There's a reason that the industrialists who cucked Hitler into dropping the "socialist" bit and killing off the "left" wing of his party ended up running Germany after the war.

>> No.6637512
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>> No.6637545
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DUAL ORB 2 for SNES. It has sniper rifles and monster trucks.

>> No.6637574

Ironically Nazis were the first government to enact widespread nature/animal conservationism lol

>> No.6637584
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>> No.6637587

Wtf I love Hitler now.

>> No.6637614

Exactly. They are all controlled opposition.

Left/right is a fake dichotomy.

Race > politics

Ethnic nationalism is the only way.

>> No.6637616

Kek, no.

>> No.6637619

>if you're not ok with enslaving animals, putting them into robots to burn forests and enslave the world you're a liberal
Sometimes I wonder what level of irony you're operating on.

>> No.6637623

That can't be true. The National Park Service was founded in 1916 before the Nazis were even a thing.

>> No.6637656

> "MJ12? Illuminati? For God sakes man, I just want to grill my onions patties."

>> No.6637658

Based and Volkpilled.

>> No.6637704
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>we're going to defeat capitalism with the power of our superior skull shape
>also just the (((jewish))) capitalists lol
What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.6637707

>muh capitalism
Propose a better alternative. And no, don't say socialism/communism, that shit failed every time it was tried.

>> No.6637709

>Propose a better alternative.
You're right, the status quo is working just fine.

>> No.6637710

Actually Sega/Sonic The Hedgehog is Right-Wing since they're against censorship and they support your freedom/choices to use a cheat device. Unlike Nintendo(Left-Wing).

>> No.6637712

Unironically tribalism

>> No.6637720
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That's some beta-male viewpoints you got there.

Exactly. Japan is more than likely to be conservative. Just look at their video games & movies involving hentai and nudity. Left-Wingers would not put up with that. Which is why Joe Lieberman(a Democrat) tried to ban games like Mortal Kombat and Night Trap.