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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 57 KB, 648x452, beautiful6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6629703 No.6629703 [Reply] [Original]

Nothing that came out to console or arcade in 89 came close to the insane audio visual quality of Shadow of the Beast.
It's a shame that some guys don't like Amiga.

>> No.6629712

Shame that SotB was ass to play, and the only motivation to keep playing wasn't for fun, but rather refusal to be defeated by the game.

>> No.6629716

Are you really trying to tell me shadow of the beast looks better than stun runner?
You're off you're rocker dude.

>> No.6629727

>3rd world esl cope
Dragons Lair had better visuals and shit gameplay in 83 faggot. Shadow of the Beast is barely even a game, the game play is so bad.

>> No.6629728

Amiga games like SotB looked great but it really is bizarre how so few were fun to play. It's pretty incredible how much more fun and better designed NES games were on far more primitive technology. The lesson really is that design matters above all else. All that tech, and Amiga developers squandered it.

>> No.6629732
File: 36 KB, 650x419, 95494816956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know a place where i can download a package with the emulator, all the roms and a frontend with everything already configured? I'm too lazy to download and configure everything.

>> No.6629765

Final Fight looks and sounds infinitely better. And it goes without saying it plays better given Shadow of the Beast plays horribly.

>> No.6629810

>Sounds infinitely better

>> No.6629964

Honestly, the problem with that game is that it's not good, that was for the graphics whores of the time because aside from how it looks and sounds, no one really seems to enjoy the game, just people who have a nostalgic fondness for it.

Turrican was much better and it's more beloved, because, you know, it plays much better and is more fun.
I recall in Retro Gamer reading british developers saying they all loved japanese games and thought they were better, hence why there were so many ports for computers, as much as they could do, but when it came time to do their own games, they either had less staff or just wanted to do their own thing not realizing it may not work that well.

Hence platformers with huge levels that don't have much to them excepting collecting a ton of stuff for one example.

>> No.6629968

damn I love STUN Runner

>> No.6630067

How to troll /vr/ everytime
>Be American
>Make post saying meme Amiga game is good (you know it's not!)
>50 other Americans storm in to tell you it's bad actually!
Repeat every fucking day until the end of the universe

>> No.6630081 [DELETED] 

It has always been an issue with western developed games that they prioritize graphics over gameplay. See also DKC.

>> No.6630337

Amiga had literally no worthwhile games. It was basically the N64 of its time.

>> No.6630450
File: 717 KB, 1290x828, shadow-of-the-beast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of anons parrot the mantra "Shadow of the Beast plays like shit", but you have to know exactly why the gameplay is not good.
Basically Beast tries to do a Metroid with finding key items to progress by exploration. But it will not let you backtrack.
There is the cardinal sin! You start the game and go right, as you do, fight through the obstacles and reach the castle. You enter and can't see shit! Turns out you should have grabbed a torch next to the castle entrance. Can you go back? No! You have to restart the game.
So you redo all that, get the torch and fight through the castle. But you cannot proceed, cause you are missing a key. The key is not in the castle. Can you leave the caslte and look for it? No! Better restart the game!
The key is in the old tree, which is left from the game's start. There is a miniboss in the tree that can only be killed with a magic attack. Does the game tell you that? No. Can you back out of the fight to get the...NO, of course not! So what do you do? BETTER RESTART THE GAME!
Seriously, this shit could have been avoided sooo easily be letting the player backtrack and not give in to the fucking temptation of trying to lengthen the game with some of the worst 8-bit era gameplay sins.
The actually gameplay is alright. Some monsters are boring, but there is a shitton of variance. Only thing that's a real bugger is turning around. It's fucking sluggish.
You could fix all that crap easily with a proper remake, for fucks sake.
Rant over.

>> No.6630467

This is what happens when faggots make a game without someone on the team who has any experience in how to make a good game. And also can't find someone who can do animated sprites, jesus.

>> No.6630479


>> No.6630491
File: 2.98 MB, 640x512, amiga-walker.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't find someone who can do animated sprites
U wut?

>> No.6630505

It's fluidly animated, lots of frames, but it almost looks like the bone animation that would dominate indie games much later.

>> No.6630523

Best part is nothing else is animated on the same level it is, so it looks like it's been poorly edited into the scene.

>> No.6630552

I really love the soundtrack to Shadow of the Beast III.

>> No.6630564

Move them goalposts! And make it fast!

>> No.6630619

>Final Fight looks and sounds infinitely better. And it goes without saying it plays better given Shadow of the Beast plays horribly.
Ghouls'n Ghosts, Willow, Altered Beast, Shadow Dancer or Strider also look as good or better than SOTB.

>> No.6630631
File: 1.06 MB, 319x217, Ruff_'n'_Tumble_(Amiga)_28.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not moving goalposts, it's having taste and recognizing what good spritework is besides "wow lots of frames". There are better examples of good animated sprites on the Amiga.

>> No.6630726

SOTB2 had a large improvement in the backtracking department but a lot of the game had points where a screwup ended it unwinnable.

>> No.6631962


>> No.6631967
File: 36 KB, 960x540, 46929_571124956233873_1453981299_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably get hurt by water droplets in it, and due to my autism this ruins the game for me.

>> No.6632038

Dude I'm sorry but you're fucking retarded if you think the animation here is somehow better holy shit

>> No.6632306

>pic of entirely different game
>done by entirely different people
U brain damaged?

>> No.6632390

The bird boss looks great and looks legit straight out of an American or Jap arcade game.
The chicken walker thing looks OK but is so obviously yurojank.

>> No.6632981

It's both "yurojank". That word has no meaning whatsoever. Both are good sprites with nice animation.
Can this board do anything but divide retro gamers up into little groups and throw shit at each other like some demented monkeys?

>> No.6633019

Some of the later Amiga games looked brilliant. Later on in Ruff n'Tumble the stages do a kind of lightsourcing on the sprites for effect, so that when you're jumping around lava and fire it looks the part, same when in bluer areas like crystal and water. Shit's nice. With actual background tiles it avoids the 'copper shades' the Amiga was known for in its backdrops.

Virocop was another looker. I liked the personality in your robot's animations as he bounced around, and the videogame themed worlds kept things fresh.

>> No.6633020

Weeaboos are retarded man they think everything not Japanese is crap

>> No.6633076
File: 3.11 MB, 330x274, kekno.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it looks like it's been poorly edited into the scene.
I certainly hope for your sake you're not planning on sticking around for too long

>> No.6633095

This game is unironically better than all megaman games.

>> No.6633120

Yeah the Amiga was pretty well known among gamers at that but also noticed most noteworthy games were already ported to Mega-drive or SNES/Famicom.

It was a good source of European-made games. I can't think of a Euro-game of that didn't originate from the Amiga.

>> No.6633261
File: 133 KB, 17x14, Walker_Soldier.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing else is animated on the same level it is

>> No.6633459

Are you fucking high or just trolling? Dragons Lair is traditional celluloid animation played back from a fucking laserdisc. It's literal FMV and not a comparable technology.

>> No.6633463

buy the hardware, poorfag.

>> No.6633478

Download WinUAE:


Then download the games hard disk file, saves hard disk file and the kickstart rom here:


In WinUAE settings add the games hard file as the main HD, the saves hard disk file as the slave and add the kickstart rom and you should be good to go.

>> No.6633485

Why are you trying to defend this eurojank nobody else knew or cared about up until about 2 years ago?

>> No.6633489
File: 854 KB, 709x706, lolthisguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6633497

The only good thing the Amiga ever gave us was Stage 1 of Savage

>> No.6633512


>> No.6633559

Are you fucking high or just trolling? OP said "audio visual quality" not whatever autistic thing you imagine he said.

>> No.6633709

You're a very stupid boy

>> No.6633713 [DELETED] 

Think again

>> No.6634042

you watched one episode of dfretro where they play cdi games, great. go shill somewhere else.

>> No.6634149

it also had 3d games before starfox

>> No.6634226

It's not a very good game, even when ported to a superior console that you could press a button to jump instead of up on.

>> No.6634262

Thank you bro

>> No.6634439

It's a game with one fluidly animated sprite. It's a nice sprite but c'mon.

>> No.6634450

I will forever love the Amiga aesthetics.

>> No.6635457

>I'm projecting

>> No.6636659

I like the Amiga, but mainly for watching demos. Games were typically not that good compared to consoles at the time, and the fact that most games were reliant on a single fucking button into the 90s was atrocious. That just doesn't work for anything that isn't a shoot-em-up, and even some of those Tiger LCD games had more action buttons.

>> No.6638137

Nice cope, weeb
DKC has top tier gameplay, plays like a dream
Graphics are the cherry on top
It's not Rare's fault most japanese artists got stuck in 1990

>> No.6638145

>Turrican was much better and it's more beloved, because, you know, it plays much better and is more fun.
Mega Turrican is the only good Turrican.

>> No.6638147

>Super Turrican 1 & 2

>> No.6639086
File: 70 KB, 640x256, turrican.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>music AND sound effects. At the same time?!
>graphics and sound really are better than the console games of 1990, almost at the same level of arcade games
>could legitimately be considered a GOOD GAME, not "good for an amiga game" (lol) or even "good for a computer game"
What the FUCK is the game doing on the Amiga?
Basically yuros act like Turrican games are the rule and not a gigantic exception

>> No.6639165

When you're using WinUAE most of the time you'll want to keep it on the default A500 configuration and in PAL mode. Almost everything was written for the A500 platform and will fuck up on other models, and since most of programs are from Europe if you're not in PAL mode part of the screen will get cut off.

>> No.6639168
File: 32 KB, 636x400, Perihelion-City[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F3j3vq3.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name one game with an all-orange/grey palette more beautiful than Perihelion. Protip, you can't

>> No.6640635

Yo! Joe! is my fav amiga game

>> No.6640962

god damn europeans are so bad at game design

>> No.6640974

Amiga graphics were fucking amazing and were the envy of any kid who saw them firsthand.

>> No.6642832
File: 2.54 MB, 680x480, turrican.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's your game design bro

>> No.6642858

>taking damage has absolutely zero visual feedback
>health bar drains as a result of damage being calculated every frame or so
Into the goddamn trash it goes.

>> No.6643214

Is there supposed to be something wrong with this webm? Other than whoever's playing sucks ass at it?

>> No.6643224

the level design

>> No.6643257

amiga is spanish for female friend. does that mean the amiga is OP's girlfriend?

>> No.6643272

The level design in the turrican games is much better than pretty much anything at the time, regardless of platform.
The only thing wrong with the game is how easy is to take a fuckton of damage.
Some console ports are even worse at this.

>> No.6643321

>The level design in the turrican games is much better than pretty much anything at the time, regardless of platform.
The level design in Mega Man 1 is better.

>> No.6643414

I never got far when I was a kid, watched a speedrun recently and saw how fucking short the game is and renewed my interest to try and beat it. Still not nearly gud enough to do it. Bummer

>> No.6644164


>> No.6644173

I hate the way turrican does damage

>> No.6644180

you didn't turn into the gear, when you lose all control and just drop down into the bottom of the level

>> No.6644206

bet someone can also explain in detail what's the problem (problems) with Superfrog.

>> No.6644212
File: 787 KB, 934x598, yojoe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone here play yo! joe! ?

>> No.6644226

A lot of Euro Amiga and C64 games suffer from horror vacui graphics where everything is just way too overdone and cluttered.

>> No.6644254

Comparing the amiga and c64 just shows you have absolutely no clue

>> No.6644376

I do. It's great that the developers at least added support for a second button, but I would have liked if there was some form of controller standard with 3 buttons at least for the Amiga before the CD32 controller came around at the same time as this game, it's just silly how you have to duck and shit to change weapons. Reliance on a single fucking button was a huge problem for the platform in general.

>> No.6644430

good point. Probably the reason why games like IK+ felt like random party games.

>> No.6644476

When I talk to long-time Amiga users about this they often seem to not think there's anything strange with the idea of jumping with up for example, but it was certainly a huge problem for anything that isn't a shoot-em-up.
But at least the Amiga could support more than a single button, the Atari ST was wired in a way that there's just no way to have more than one button. The Amiga can at least take 7 buttons since the CD32 controller has that many and didn't change any circuitry, you can use all buttons on that controller even on an Amiga 1000 if the software supports it. Commodore should have introduced the CD32 controller when they released the A500 at least and made it a pack-in with every machine, with schematics being available to encourage copying by established joystick manufacturers.

>> No.6644550

I think jumping on up-key is fine in games were jump is not an attack and just a movement.

>> No.6644578

If you've ever tried out an Amiga game that supports both using up and a separate button you'll feel otherwise.

>> No.6644698

>not having an amiga as soon as it was release
>being a kid when the amiga was released
wew lad

>> No.6647231

So you are over 50?

>> No.6647257

That's the assembly language LARPer.

>> No.6647443

Of course

>he's still mad he can't learn a few simple 3 letter instructions

>> No.6647484

I remember looking at the computer magazines in the early 90s and drooling over the Amiga games. Parents were not computer people so I never bothered asking for one.

>> No.6647524

Gosh, I'd never thought that sort of color palette could look quite wonderful.

>> No.6647529
File: 171 KB, 800x1028, joe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Preach it

>> No.6647549

Same but with PS2/PC/xbox/gamecube games. So glad to live in this time where everything is avialable and I can heal many childhood wounds.

>> No.6647861

Bügelbild. Does that stuff still exist? Any why wouldnt it?

>> No.6647868

Pretty good track.


>> No.6647898

for some reason I can't get IK+ running with sound and music.

>> No.6647990
File: 26 KB, 530x88, jeNN6LK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They both should be enabled by default, but try messing with F3 and F4.

>> No.6648081
File: 467 KB, 1200x1200, EMNTQKqU4AEEiSo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing that came out to console or arcade in 89 came close
How is the weather in Fantasyland today?

>> No.6648597

Any good amiga exclusives, or least games that weren’t ported to consoles like NES?

>> No.6648604

I still don’t understand the love for Turrican, yes the ost is good but the gameplay is a like second rate metroid or contra

>> No.6648704


I didn't know they made a game of the group, Color Me Badd

>> No.6648750

What are you looking for specifically?
Amiga had many ports to other system, specifically Atari ST and PC, but you'd usually pick the Amiga version due to better sound or graphics.

>> No.6648762

>I don't understand Turrican
>it's like Contra
Yes, you really don't.

>> No.6648767

It's not like Metroid at all as you don't get any new abilities.

>> No.6648786

They’re both run and gun games, the difference is contra is far superior

>> No.6648791

> is a like second rate metroid or contra

>> No.6648815

Based anon triggering yuros

>> No.6648820

What the fuck

>> No.6650256


>> No.6651360

Turrican is fucking garbage

>> No.6651396
File: 11 KB, 283x263, 1595737985127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat shit, muttoids

>> No.6651438

But the amiga is american

>> No.6651450

The state of Turrican fans

>> No.6651471

I think you never made any good games for it(?) but you gave us the Video Toaster and cool 3D software which is redeeming.

>> No.6651472

Speedball 2 Brutal Deluxe.
No better game existed in its era.

>> No.6651487

The Amiga thqh was never that good at jump and run games, arguably it's worse than the C64 simply because it has bitmaps instead of tile graphics.

>> No.6651497

EA had stuff but yeah the Amiga sold poorly in the US despite being American. PC gaming didn’t really catch on here till Doom and didn’t explode till WoW I’d say.

>> No.6651516

EA, Microprose, and LucasArts.

>> No.6651518

I never played much on the Amiga. For me it was a tool for art and music.

Also: Up = Jump, nah thanks

>> No.6651767

Ice cream
Ice cream

>> No.6651870

1990 Buy Amiga
1990 Buy PC 386 sx 25 Vga

1993 Amiga still runs the recent releases beautifully, can't run doom
1993 Your 386 pc is pretty much useless, can't run doom

>> No.6651989

How did the Amiga never get Doom? Nearly everything did, apparently some computer called the Acorn Archimedes even got it

>> No.6652003

>Amiga sold poorly in the US despite being American
It sold poorly exactly for that reason. Americans never went through the bedroom programmer phase like Europeans did. That's not to say that some of the best designers and coders weren't American.

>> No.6652010

It’s the same situation with metal music I’ve noticed being a fan of that, many of the best and most influential bands are American, but the fanbase just isn’t there like in Europe with the festivals and all.

>> No.6652023

The mac got it and amiga could have the same cpu so it would have got an official port by some unknown company if the amiga was supported a bit longer.

>> No.6652089
File: 93 KB, 1142x971, 1568884027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protip:the poos outweigh us all


>> No.6652105
File: 42 KB, 541x498, 1592975664367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong link

>> No.6652119

Turrican 2 did a better job at this.

>> No.6652123

Them and fucking latin americans, those dudes go crazy for it

>> No.6652125

Would it be easier to program a game like one of the old Amiga titles, like a modern day Turrican?

>> No.6652153

>no JRPGSs


>> No.6652167
File: 29 KB, 464x465, 1593069710808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May they inherent the earth

>> No.6652208

>Americans never went through the bedroom programmer phase like Europeans did
This is a troll, right?

>> No.6652210

>1993 Amiga still runs the recent releases beautifully, can't run doom
>1993 Your 386 pc is pretty much useless, can't run doom

I take it you never tried to play X-COM on the Amiga (you wouldn't like it very much).

>> No.6652218

It didn't get Doom because the Amiga's planar graphics were unsuitable for it.

>> No.6652256

No...the Amiga didn't sell well here because it didn't have the software people wanted. Macs and PCs all the major application packages of the day, Amigas didn't. No Lotus, dBase, or WordPerfect=no sales. Also corporate America wasn't going to buy anything with a Commodore logo on it and Commodore's tech support was pathetically bad.

>> No.6652405

How young are you that you think pc gaming exploded in fucking 2004?

>> No.6652515

Outside of Doom it really wasn’t popular among normalfags in the US, at least not to the level of consoles

>> No.6653338

The biggest unanswered question is where is the money.

>> No.6653464

For me, Amiga music is extremely nostalgic. Weirder still is that I've never had or played on an Amiga nor did anyone I know own one.

>> No.6654330

How come nobody talked about remake for PS4?
>inb4 bad gaem lol
Maybe, but even amiga crowd didn't seem to care.

>> No.6654342

On keyboard, jumping with Up is perfectly fine and logical.

>> No.6654364

Elaborate please.

>> No.6654402

Kind of an apples to oranges comparison. SotB is about detailed setpieces, whereas Stun Runner is about fluid animation using simplistic shapes/colors to enable higher dimensions of rendering.

>> No.6654453

it's shit

>> No.6654568

Amiga was inferior to dos

>> No.6654605

>playing a platformer with a keyboard

>> No.6654617

Eat shit you insufferable baitfag

>> No.6655363

>not playing games with the best "controller"

>> No.6655969

Hardly comparable in gameplay, but I guess you have a point about aesthetics, save for maybe MM8 and MMX4.

>> No.6656365

it's a game for babies, bland and inoffensive in gameplay department

>> No.6656415
File: 10 KB, 320x256, stormlord.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well if you want to save and then kiss little girls there's Stormlord