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662672 No.662672 [Reply] [Original]

When does breath of fire 2 get good? I'm thinking of droping it.

I just finished tapeta's part of the story and the combat has been very basic, with a shit ton of battles.

>> No.662687

It doesn't. Just drop it.

>> No.662701

I really wanted to play this game to the end Op but don't force yourself. You have so many random encounters just traveling around the map and if you do manage to finally get the bird to fly around on it gets taken away withing the next event of the game. It has a great setting and storyline but it was executed very poorly. Too many random battles and you actually have to have certain characters on screen to talk to NPC's to trigger the storyline events and it's hard to find a place to change your characters at.

>> No.662695


Damn, and I really liked 3.

>> No.662838
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>Not just using Rand's ability to roll around

>> No.662846

>When does Breath of Fire 2 get good

Did the fucked up intense intro sequence send chills up your spine?

If no, drop it if you're not having fun
If yes, it gets good when you get the Great Bird and go to Evrai. That's when shit gets real. The game has a really intense endgame and one of the most intimidating final dungeons of any old RPG.

If the GRINB is too much for you try the GBA version or a patch, both ways give you extra monster XP and gold and stuff. But you seem like you're about halfway through the game?

>> No.662887

I was only able to go through the first one because there was a repel item for random battles cheap and from early on

I tried to go through 2, I played around 4 hours, but I had zero fun and stopped.

If there was a patch for a "turn off random encounters" option on the menu, this game would be really fun.

I don't mind the difficulty, but I can't stand high rate random encounters. I lose track to where I'm going, and it gets tedious quickly.

>> No.662914


just killed trout so now I'm off to get the grassman. It looks like the tutorial portion of the game is over now though, so I guess this is where it gets better?

>> No.662986

GBA version tones down encounter rate, doubles XP and triples gold

also lets you run and gives you save-and-resume

>> No.663393

This is the way I played it and it's pretty decent. Breath of Fire games always had a weird vibe on SNES that I've never felt from an RPG before or since and that's what kept me going.

Never got into 3+ though

>> No.663541

Smoke has the same effect in BoF2. Can't remember if it's cheap and easy to to get early game though

>> No.664294

Try BoF 4. Let us know how much rage and tear you built up after finishing it.

>> No.664317

I can't play Bof4 after playing Bof3. I feel like Bof4 has decent gameplay, but it has no heart compared to Bof3. Everything just seems so... muted.

Also I don't care for Fou-lu

>> No.664326

How far into BoF4 did you go?

Also, is there a way to decrease encounter rate in BoF3? It is getting annoying. A gameshark code?

>> No.664343

>not playing the retranslation

There's your problem.

>> No.664349

Not very far. I tried multiple times, probably 5 hours at most? Like I said, the atmosphere/tone throws me off

>> No.664358

It gets much more interesting, and heart rending, later. Also, arguable the prettiest Nina of the series. And she aint even the best female there.

I also just like the dragon designs.

>> No.664362

How much does holy mantle decrease the encounter rate? I may just gameshark one to make the game more playable.

>> No.664368

Aren't they like giant scrawny worm-lizards?

About when does it get better? Maybe I'll give it another try

>> No.664369
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>Then will you come inchu my mind?

>> No.664394

They are Eastern dragons.

>> No.664403

It gets better... I would say definitely after Ershin's story. Even after his/her intro. Then it gets really touching near the end, when everything makes sense.

If you do not have the time to play the game, there is a great LP on LP Archives. It goes through some of the mythological allusions in the game too. Needless to say, it is full of Eastern philosophical references.

>> No.664415

As a Chinese, Bof4 dragons are still really ugly and wormy, even compared to Chinese ones

>> No.664591
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>> No.664602

IMO BoF4 has just as much, if not more heart than 3. But then, I think of 3 as the FFVII of the series, so take that as you will.

>> No.664649

>play oldschool rpg

Why do people make threads that have no capacity to appreciate oldschool RPGs? What the fuck exactly were you expecting?

>> No.664745

Did you read the thread, my child? We actually had a discussion with OP instead of a tantrum. It worked out better.

>> No.664774

Can't you just buy the item that scares away monsters? I only played 1, but I thought it had a great system, probably the best traditional jRPG for me.

>> No.664790

>playing the original translation

oh man

>> No.664835

How are the retranslation patches? Never gave one a whirl

>> No.666187
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If you haven't fallen in love with the game by now, you're probably not going to.
I loved BoF2 myself, but it's not for everyone.

>> No.667057

I didn't have a game manual with me when I played it but what the fuck, why wouldn't the smoke screen item make the encounters go way down? Instead of 3 steps and a battle it was like 5 steps and sometimes 1 step and I never even figured out how to become a dragon and I made it to the end of the game. I got halfway through 1 and then lost track of the game and never picked it up again but had a real fun time with it, I think I will play it again

>> No.667078


required to understand wtf is going on. If you aren't playing the retranslation then don't even bother playing.

The GBA game is even worse in this regard because not only does it use the original translation, but it's got a smooshed screen and fucked up colors. (even if they did up gold and exp)

>> No.667087

>and it's hard to find a place to change your characters at.
but you can change your characters at any time... what?

>> No.667102

I don't really understand why this wasn't pointed out earlier...
also... is there a hack that adds the improvements from the gba version to the snes version?

>> No.667116

He was probably playing the GBA version, where you can only swap party members at dragon statues.

>> No.667136

Loved both BOF1 and 2 could understand the graphics being dated as I find when replaying alot of games but I still enjoy them

>> No.667143

wow... that's the dumbest feature to add ever...
reminds me of how the GBA screwed up ports of SNES games most of the time, I remember talking to some one that thought Tales of Phantasia was shit because he only played the GBA version

>> No.667146


>> No.667149

Could you give some examples? (What was wrong with ToP)? I'm genuinely curious

>> No.667193
File: 22 KB, 1279x759, Mistranslation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What was wrong with ToP
bad color palette choices
squished screen
truncated menu and weapon names
bad translation

>> No.667207

I think I just threw up in my mouth

>> No.667245
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maybe this will help it come out the rest of the way

>> No.667332
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>> No.667352

>And then Cless was Cress
I cry every time.

>> No.667385


How do you normally change your party members?

>> No.670823

So say I wanna play this on my PSP.

What do I go with? Inferior GBA version? Or superior translated SNES version on (when I last checked) shitty SNES emulator?

>> No.670848

Still, at least it didn't fuckup as bad as Lunar Legend.

>> No.670860

Oh right, people still emulate with that.

Try the SNES version, if it turns into shit get the GBA. You really should be using SNES on BoF unless it's really that shitty on your emulator.

>> No.670984
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>superior translated SNES version
>on shitty PSP SNES emulator

I did that. If was awful. That new intro screen slows the emulation down to a crawl. Talking <5 fps here. If you can get by that, you're gold.