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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 21 KB, 640x480, testdrive3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6616207 No.6616207 [Reply] [Original]

what did they mean by this?

>> No.6616313

No drinking and driving, but blowjobs from hot blondes while driving is permitted?

>> No.6616364

>wear VR
>drink tinnies

What's your fucking boggle?

>> No.6617254


I wish someone would leak the source code to this game, its so comfy and needs fixing.

>> No.6617309


>> No.6617353

It's probably lost, like for most old games. Finding backups for sources this old is the exception, not the norm.

>> No.6617371
File: 89 KB, 640x480, the-need-for-speed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PC "driving" games were utter shit before TNFS came along

>> No.6617380

Hard Drivin on Atari ST was pretty sweet.

>> No.6617457


But Test Drive 3 was amazing because it was more of an open world like experience, which is why I'd love to see the original developer share the source and for people to work their magic on it.
Imagine hooking up your steering wheel and just driving around a gigantic flat shaded world, with a radio that plays midi music.

>> No.6617473

Yeah, NFS was just your run of the mill early 90s racing game, but with FMV background and 3D cars. Literally no different from Commodore 64 and Atari ST era racing games. TD3 was truly groundbreaking.

>> No.6617487
File: 149 KB, 640x400, testdrive_3_coast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See that lighthouse? You can go to it!

That's not something most games of that era could say, 99% of the time you couldn't even go off the road.
Truly a groundbreaking game, but its legacy ruined by the terrible controls. (which might be worsened by having a too fast cpu)

>> No.6617504


lol because the original dev still has that lying around lmao

>> No.6617664
File: 13 KB, 646x405, 14568568975690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6617669

No drinking and driving? What did you THINK they meant?

>> No.6617917
File: 109 KB, 500x623, 49070972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flat shaded
>pc speaker sound
lol immersive

>> No.6617974

stop acting like a /v/tard

>> No.6617984


lmao lmao sometimes they do lmao lol rofl

>> No.6618013

Does anyone have any idea what CPU should be used for TD3 under emulation?

>> No.6618116

>highway speeds @ 5 fps vs. manhole cover launched by a nuclear blast @ 20+ fps
386_slow @ 3000 cycles in DOSBox but it'll play like ass no matter what you throw at it. TD3 was way ahead of it's time in a shitty way.

>> No.6618124

>not playing with MT-32 or MUNT with pirated roms
i shiggy diggy

>> No.6618129

Controls were always awful, played it on a 386-33

>> No.6618134

Where is the proof? Any link to back that up?
Most old game sources are gone.

>> No.6618141

Sounds rather like shitty programming to me.

>> No.6618143

why the qt pale blonde tho?

>> No.6618281

Thanks! I've used 286/16 in pcem. +- 5 fps but no warp speed.

>> No.6618314

It is actually much worse than just shitty. Time and game world update is coupled with FPS. I do not know any other game like this made after 90s, even TD1 works fine on different CPU speeds.

>> No.6618316

Total zoomer attitude. I was having immersive experiences with Elite on ZX Spectrum back in the 80s despite the wire frame 3D graphics and shitty framerate.

>> No.6618330

This board is regularly polluted by zoomers stumbling in from /v/

>> No.6618363



>> No.6618380

That doesn't make sense you spastic

>> No.6618484

I'm not going to lie, at this point your best option is reverse engineering the retail game. It's a really small game and it's so old that the source code is very likely lost for good.

>> No.6618501

That takes really long, even with those small games.

>> No.6618513

I've always liked the look of these flat shaded driving games, and the flight sims with that style are pretty neat too.

>> No.6618661

>most old game sources are gone
>show him that they're not
>that don't make no sense you spastic!

>> No.6618725

I watched a couple of minutes of this on YT and it was a fucking nightmare. It looked utterly unplayable, and the open-world aspect of it was flimsy anyway.

>> No.6618842

It's still your best chance.

Not him. Do you know how many DOS games were made?
Only a handful of them got their source code released to the public under different licensed.
I agree that there are several games with their source code still preserved, but I don't think that too much people still have source code that old.

>> No.6619027

Maybe. But dat map editor tho.

>> No.6619106


Thing is, he made it seem like its impossible. yet I have the source code for DOS double dragon here. so while the chances are slim its not impossible. and it never hurts to dream.

>> No.6619382

>yet I have the source code for DOS double dragon here.
Because it was included with every copy of the game. I don't think this happened with Test Drive III: The Passion.

>> No.6619984

> zoomer revisionist history
no thanks

>> No.6619985

zoomers here too young to remember the greatness of the test drive series from accolade. they can't cope as per usual.

>> No.6620029

That might still be too fast. I played it on a 12MHz 286 to completion and never noticed that the controls were bad. They felt really similar to Stunts.
Does anyone know what system it was designed for?

>> No.6620053
File: 758 KB, 852x1200, c2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw you buy a car that was in a deadly accident and you get no blowjob ghost for free

>> No.6621595

I had Test Drive 1 on the ST and it took like half an hour to load and then ran at like 1 fps. If you deviated from the road even slightly you'd "crash" (screen freeze) and game over.

>> No.6621638


I had it too, aaah good times.

>> No.6621842
File: 19 KB, 320x200, 44255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame that most zoomers will never be able to understand why stuff like this was so groundbreaking, to be able to go off the road and actually see the planes landing in 3D was amazing.

>> No.6621847
File: 10 KB, 320x200, train.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or to be driving around and having to stop because a 3D train was coming by, and you could say fuck it actually follow it and see where it was going.
ever just explored in GTA5 and hitched a ride on the train? and to feel that excitement of having this certain degree of freedom? that's what Test Drive 3 did 30 years ago.

>> No.6621856

This shit has nothing on NFS

>> No.6621858
File: 17 KB, 320x200, snow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or driving around and suddenly it starts to rain so you gotta turn on your wipers, or when you're driving around and it suddenly starts to snow.
driving around farms and taking a different road and suddenly you're near the ocean.
30 years ago.

>> No.6622387


It's not even the same kinda game man, NFS is a very straight racer. there are no train tracks/trains or planes/airstrips xwings in NFS.
that's like saying Ridge Racer 8 is better than GTA3 just because it looks nicer, they're nothing alike.
so give it a rest and stop comparing apples to oranges, and don't forget that NFS came out a whopping four years after TD3.

>> No.6622631

The Terminator was open world too and had more features than TD3. Shame the graphics and controls are more primitive and janky though. I wish they used the Test Drive engine.


>> No.6623605

Stunts works properly on 100MHz and maybe more CPU. TD3 could be much better if done properly. Also map scale is too small when compared to cars (ie turns are too sharp even on low speed).

>> No.6623634

>>6620029 >>6623605
It was fine on my Amiga 500. Luxury on A1200.

>> No.6623917

That looks great, god I love the dithered flat polygon aesthetic so much.


>> No.6624902

Does anyone have a manual for this game?
I've tried replacementdocs, google and archive.org...