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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6613038 No.6613038 [Reply] [Original]

Why did Bethesda stop making good games?

>> No.6613081

>Future Shock
That and especially the sequel were quite buggy though, but at least they were some of the most innovative FPS games ever made and they certainly invented more trends in modern FPS mechanics than Quake and Duke 3D did. It's also the most atmospheric retro FPS game ever made along with System Shock.

So, I think they stopped making good games when they stopped innovating by making anything other than Elder Scrolls and Fallout.

>> No.6613082

They didn't.
They kept making Future Shock but called it Terminator Elder Scrolls and Terminator Fallout.
The definition of a good game changed which isn't Todd's fault.

>> No.6613120

Well, Bethesda were exploiting a legal loophole through which nobody owned the rights to Terminator, thus allowing them to make unlicensed Terminator games with zero executive meddling from the rights holders. After SkyNET came out, the legal dispute was resolved, and they'd have to speak to whoever owned the T1/T2 rights (probably StudioCanal, considering they licensed Terminator Resistance), in order to keep making games. They didn't fancy having to constantly triple check everything with a rights holder, so they moved their focus onto Elder Scrolls.

>> No.6613143

When did they ever start

>> No.6613158

I like Future Shock, it's fun to play. I think Bethesda stopped being able to make good games because they started chasing trends and doing shitty practices

>> No.6613297

why risk money on new things when old properties are guarenteed money makers?
It's why hollywood is more interested in sequals and remakes than new IPs.

>> No.6613591

Because they never started?

>> No.6614538

Bethesda is still the greatest gaming company and all the 4chnnael haters can't change that.

>> No.6614547

How is this game and its sequel?

>> No.6614552

Bethesda ranked :

Fallout > Elder Scrolls > The Terminator

>> No.6614653

Imo they're great, and criminally underrated. Made long before Bethesda was a big name in the industry. One of the most atmospheric DOS FPS ever made. If you want to give it a go, it's in this pack: >>6593650

>> No.6614698

What is Arena, Daggerfall and Morrowind to you?!

>> No.6614852

Shit memlets use as cope?!

>> No.6615064

That was easy!