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/vr/ - Retro Games

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660818 No.660818[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be teaching 2nd grade class
>ask kids "How many of you like COD?"
>7 out of 10 raise their hands
>I then start to explain Banjo-Kazooie to them
>they're like "Wow that's pretty dumb. Who would want to play that?"

Gen Z, folks. Yup, it's that bad.

>> No.660826

>Kids like things I don't like.

Jesus, OP; back to or /v/ or high school.

>> No.660834
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Kids thinking their elders shit is stupid is timeless.

>mfw not enjoying games across all decades and genres

>> No.660842

But B-K is a mediocre game unless you're a nostalgiafag

>> No.660847

If you're able, bring it in and show it to them. If they look up to you they'll think it's the coolest thing ever.

>> No.660849

Hey, it's you again. I'm surprised you're posting something like this again when everyone raged at you last time.


>> No.660856

>be teaching 2nd grade class
I hope it's not an English course.

>> No.660857

>OP spends class time teaching children about video games instead of academics
No wonder our public schools are a disaster

>> No.660864


IOW, I'm supposed to believe ET is a great game because it's a retro vidya board


>> No.660865

>implying you learn anything until 7th or 8th grade

>> No.660869

I feel really badly for parents who have to shell out money for each iteration of CoD and its DLC. I mean, I got my parents pay for some fairly stupid shit in my heyday, but the milking potential is much greater nowadays.

>> No.660870

>>be teaching 2nd grade class
>>ask kids "How many of you like COD?"
>>7 out of 10 raise their hands
>inform child services that these parents let their 7 year olds play R-rated games
>all the CoD kiddies are in a catholic orphanage now

>> No.660873

>7 out of 10 kids in 2nd grade class allowed to play brutal 17+ videogames where you shoot people in the head on a regular basis
Where did the times go when Wolfenstein was the pinnacle of controversial shit.

>> No.660879

I call bullshit. Elementary school kids don't play COD; that's people 14 and up.

>> No.660884

Wasn't this same thread on /v/ moment ago?

>> No.660892

>be teaching 2nd grade class
>ask "So kids, how many of you like B-K?"
>7 of 10 raise their hands
>explain Space Invaders to them
>they're like "Who would want to play that shit?"

>> No.660896

>visiting /v/ to be able to know this

>> No.660902

Violence in videogames is a common thing these days, soccer moms only go apeshit when boobies are shown in a videogame.

>> No.660894

Were you really expecting kids to be completely enthusiastic about a game they couldn't possibly have heard of that their fucking school teacher recommends them? Get it together, gramps.

>> No.660904

Where did you go to school? A cardboard box?

>> No.660907

>be teaching 2nd grade class
>ask "So kids, how many of you like Space Invaders?"
>7 of 10 raise their hands
>explain Periscope to them
>they're like "Who would want to play that shit?"

>> No.660908

You should have brought in an Amiga and a copy of Football Manager, OP

>> No.660909

No shit, but where is the breaking point. When did everybody just go hands up and just went "fuck I'm tired of this, let the kids have their gory vidya"?

>> No.660913

Actually, OP should call in a meeting with the parents and show them how evil and violent Call of Duty is and how they shouldn't be buying these games for their kids. And then give them all a code for Banjo-Kazooie on XBL.

>> No.660921
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>craigslist ad for wii hacking
>kid comes in with his wii
>covered in meme stickers
>mention it
>"those aren't memes anon, they're rage face comics"

Fuck it, I'm getting a job.

>> No.660919

I know. I have young cousins. Little kids are into Pokemon or Angry Birds or whatever. They don't play FPSes by and large.

>> No.660917

>mfw /vr/ cunningly explains OP's cultural bias.

You people are gorgeous geniuses.

>> No.660923

Leave your shit thread in /v/

>> No.660929

You can do that in your Yuropoor school after the morning prayer to Mecca

>> No.660930


>Calling it hacking

Goddamn that term has lost its meaning altogether.

>> No.660934

Think back to the 90s. 8 yos played Mario and Sonic, not Streets of Rage. No responsible parent let their child have that shit.

>> No.660937


>> No.660938
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>inviting unknown children into your house

>> No.660943

I played Carmageddon when I was 7

>> No.660945

>be teaching 2nd grade class
>kids ask me "What were video games like when you were a kid?"
>"Well, Billy, we had a thing called the N64. It had only 10 games, all of which cost $80 a piece. Only parents who hated their children bought them one."

>> No.660947
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>mfw that unknown child could get angry at Anon and lie to the cops about being touched and Anon would have his ass handed to him by the police and legal system.

Even if you prove your innocence, you still lose.

>> No.660951

Probably the last half of the 90's around the PS1 era.

>> No.660965

Pretty sure there was still a big controversy surrounding Soldier of Fortune in 2000.

>> No.660962

OP is a dummy and I suspect his story never happened

>> No.660973
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>> No.660974

Yeah and I'm sure a lot of us still played resident evil as a kid

>> No.660978

You think someone would do that...
go on the internet and tell lies?

>> No.660994

Not at all. I remember the controversies around Carmaggeadon and GTA. It got worse after the Columbine shooters turned out to be avid Doom/Quake players.

>> No.660991

What's with this shitty double standard?
I bought Golden Eye and a 64 when I was 8.

>> No.660992

Same. Also played Quake 1 at that time, as well as stuff like Crusade: No Regret.
>those screams when you light people on fire in Crusader

Good thing I was inoculated by seeing Robocop on TV. That shit gave me nightmares for weeks, but after that I was mostly fine with violence in vidya.

>> No.661003


You're retarded, look the word up

>> No.661014

That would require OP to not be a whiny twat.

>> No.661016

By and large. I'm sure in 1993 there were some children playing Streets of Rage.

>> No.661005

I dunno about elementary school, but the HS I work at is full of COD fanatics