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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.11 MB, 1496x1440, 1527477812456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6605523 No.6605523 [Reply] [Original]

Classic Sonic is charming and wholesome and looks much more like a little animal that can roll into a ball. NuSonic looks like a lanky smarmy tryhard that listens to Limp Bizkit and never shuts up with corny lingo that was outdated 20 years before he first spoke. Shadow is a cringey gun carrying edgelord who swears for no reason, has a human girlfriend who is murdered by the government, and only appeals to the cringiest sperglords alive. Metal meanwhile is just a cool robot. I miss the simple times when tiny animal mascots didn't talk and engage in retarded emo soap operas.

>> No.6605527
File: 782 KB, 200x154, sonic pinball physics .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boost is all style and no substance, as made evident by: constant (and long) autopilot segments, hallway levels with zero freedom, speed that isn't earned, a low skill ceiling, minimal physics, and minimal points of interaction besides dodge left and right then occasionally mash homing attack. It's a shallow gotta-go-fast simulator while 2D sonic is a momentum-based platformer with pinball physics.

>> No.6605539

They are both cartoon blue hedgehogs. Get over it. Besides, Sonic Adventure is borderline classic Sonic anyway, it's made by a lot of the same people who made the first few games, and wraps up the storyline from the Genesis games' Japanese manuals. It wasn't some fundamentally different vision of Sonic's world. People like to draw a hard line in the sand regarding tone and world but I don't see it.

>> No.6605545

Sonic Chadventure isnt like that, you have free movement there.
I wish that they continued developing Sonic games in both styles, 2D classic sonic style and 3D adventure style. I mean Mario does that nowadays

>> No.6605547

I agree that modern sonic games, especially the boost games, are awful.
But Modern Sonic's design really isn't that different from classic. They just made him taller (height depends, e.g. in Sonic Adventure he wasn't that tall, whereas in Boom he's very tall) and gave him blue eyes.The Limp Bizkit comment is probably more due to Sonic's personality and one-liners than his appearance.
Shadow was okay in SA2 but every other game made him worse and worse starting from Heroes. If they just killed him off in SA2 and only brought him back in spin-offs (without changing his personality or giving him amnesia every game he's featured in) then he wouldn't have got much of a bad reputation.
Metal Sonic is kinda meh, the race against him in CD was cool but that's it.

>> No.6605551

>Metal Sonic is kinda meh, the race against him in CD was cool but that's it.
I liked the animu when I was a kid.

>> No.6605560

Adventure and Adventure 2 are fine. It's Heroes where the quality took a massive nosedive and QC wasn't even a thing at Sonic Team anymore.

>> No.6605587

I agree yeah. I remember being pretty bummed out when Heroes was released, it was such an obvious step down

>> No.6605620
File: 152 KB, 1280x635, on921iqJ1R1qlj42ao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Classic Sonic is charming and wholesome
>NuSonic looks like a lanky smarmy tryhard
What about in-between Sonic from 3D Blast?

>> No.6605657
File: 28 KB, 696x397, Takashi-likuza-channel5news.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck doesn't Sega just have a small team churning out Sonic games every year or two, like the Mania team? Just look at this release schedule:
>Sonic 1: 1991
>Sonic 2: 1992
>Sonic CD: 1993
>Sonic 3: 1994
>Sonic and Knuckles: 1994
Everything we love about classic Sonic, all those games, came out in a 4 year period. I would pay full price for new Sonic levels without any major changes to the formula every single year until the day I die, and Sega just refuses and they treated Mania like some one-off special thing, and Takashi Iizuka didn't even want a fully new game and had those talented developers waste time on remixing old levels. Meanwhile they wasted 4 years making Sonic Forces. How can they be so mismanaged?

>> No.6605664

>Why the fuck doesn't Sega just have a small team churning out Sonic games every year or two, like the Mania team?
Because Sonic Team threw a fit that Mania was better received than Forces.

>> No.6605668

He looks like he should be in Jet Set Radio

>> No.6605717

It brings me some amount of joy that the most critically acclaimed Sonic game in decades was essentially an officially sanctioned fangame and there's no hiding that fact from the people at Sonic Team. Their failure is staring at them in the face and it always will.

>> No.6605740
File: 413 KB, 640x480, 1583463232591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic Adventures really did irreparable harm to the brand. When I played it I fully understood why the Sonic deviantart shit is the way it is. It's like pure concentrated 90s autism. It's like seeing what social outcasts like Chris Chan think is badass.

It's also really charming but the gameplay itself is horrendous.

Kek. Love it when people shitting up something get butthurt over someone dethroning them.

>> No.6605858

>human girlfriend
I sure do love twisting facts to fit my worldview

>> No.6605938
File: 47 KB, 718x377, SJW crying over Trump winning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a social justice incel, aren't you?

>> No.6605941
File: 501 KB, 1125x2000, 3DF27250-4EB3-4837-8C10-D9B0328BA4B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that the parent of a victim?

>> No.6605942
File: 139 KB, 296x210, 1563920593594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuck still cares about Gayman?

>> No.6605971

you seem to have forgotten than the cartoons (and comics) existed and that the 3d games kept that personality alive. that was really always his personality. the 3d games were just buggy messes, absolute abortions of development, and their plots and writing were abysmal. SA2 honestly wasnt TOO bad (although it did have glaring flaws and bugs, and cringey/hammy writing), but jesus christ people need to take the nostalgia goggles off when it comes to the first one. however, if everything was 2d, he would just be a relic of the past, over-used and a dead horse beaten too much. its not so much whether its 2d vs 3d, but rather that sonic team just FAILED actual development of 3d games. they CONSISTENTLY cut funding, rushed deadlines, ignored quality assurance and bugs, and just cut every corner possible. there was simply no pride or honor in making a quality product.

>> No.6605995
File: 60 KB, 650x385, kkk-leader-robert-byrd-mentor-hillary-clinton-kiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure you're a victim of child molestation after some dude bullied you into sucking his cock.

>> No.6606047


>> No.6606052
File: 181 KB, 1200x1200, 3873201F-6511-469E-A6D6-FB538F884A94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, that old lady is another good friend of the dudes in my picture.

>> No.6606086

/pol/ schizos are incapable of free thought. They think the alt-right mentality must be defended on all boards. They're a hive mind with a functioning capacity no higher than that of an ant. Even the far left, which shares most of their own ideology is ignored because of their obsession with the a "jewish" conspiracy and the supposed death of the white race. It's mental subterfuge meant to divide a movement, that if combined, would be more of a threat to the ruling class.

>> No.6606090

>Why the fuck doesn't Sega just have a small team churning out Sonic games every year or two, like the Mania team?

>> No.6606103

What's wrong with limp bizkit? Sure they're edgy but the chocolate starfish album is an absolute classic.

>> No.6606110

I see Trump with a hot woman. Something you TDS incels will never have.

I don't post on /pol/, I'm not white, I'm not "Alt-Right", and I have a positive view of Jews. You Leftists are the ones with a hive mind mentality with no common sense or brain cells. You can't debate against someone who disagrees with you, so you block him.

>> No.6606116

Not retro.

>> No.6606159

based, nu-sonic sucks.

>> No.6606165

says the indoctrinated Liberal

I wish I had never played SA

>> No.6606318

Sorry to bother you like this but it just struck me:
I've repeatedly seen the speculation that Sonic Team were envious of Mania being more successful than Forces but I don't think I've seen any evidence to reinforce this. I imagine this was already discussed to death in the past so some basic evidence would suffice.

>> No.6606338

incredibly thought provoking and taboo subject, I have never heard anything like this before

>> No.6606358

Origins and legends are better than any Sonic game since the megadrive days.

>> No.6606391 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 500x471, 1593302961793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one cares whitey.

>I wish I had never played SA
It was enjoyable even if it ruined Sonic. I don't think it gets anymore 90s than that game.

>> No.6606397

Sonic Adventure>>>Mario 64 because it's 6th gen and Mario is 5th gen.
>inb4 zoom zoom
I was born in 87.

>> No.6606426

Mario64 >>>>>> Sonic Adventures
Sonic is blue. Mario is red. Mario is my favorite color.
>inb4 zoom zoom
I was born in 1887.

>> No.6606448


>> No.6606469
File: 9 KB, 256x256, ef1205606636dae0c2e77997e1519264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rayman 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mario 64/ Sonic Adventures
Sonic have beige. Mario have overalls. Rayman have no arms at all. Rayman is my favorite body part.
>inb4 4X zoom
I'm a non-mammalian synapsid born 280 million years bc, fight me!

>> No.6606482

SA is badass

>> No.6606512

>what social outcasts like Chris Chan think is badass
Don't mind if I do.

>> No.6606530

quality shitpost

>> No.6607140
File: 45 KB, 368x480, the weak should fear the strong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FF8>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.all of those games because it's a JRPG made by Squaresoft.
>inb4 69x zoom
I was born during time kompression so I'm simultaneously the oldest, youngest, and not-even-bornedest in this entire universe.

>> No.6607145

Sorry not sorry.

>> No.6607147

>liking scotformers at all
O im laffin

>> No.6607151
File: 959 KB, 327x251, CheapFickleAfricanmolesnake-small.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liking whatever it is you like

>> No.6607156

Ya cope.

>> No.6607158

the series was never anything above average, why do its fans insist upon it so much? Ouiaboos are embarrassing.

>> No.6607161

There isn't actually any evidence. It's just a meme that retards think is true, like how "anno hates his fans." Same thing. A lie repeated often enough becomes the truth.

>> No.6607165


lmfao pick one

>> No.6607290

shut the fuck up you retard, nobody believes you.

>> No.6607391

peak y2k aesthetic

>> No.6607501

>has a human girlfriend who is murdered by the government
I can't stop laughing at this, Shadow's plot is just so ridiculous...

>> No.6607526

>australia kun using /mu/ memes

>> No.6607989

SA1 is hardly any different from the classics. Its SA2 thats more deviantart and "le cringe"

>> No.6608054

>the series was never anything above average, why do its fans insist upon it so much?
Rayman 2 got a lot of praise and sales when it came out, definitely not "average".
>Ouiaboos are embarrassing.
Literally has nothing to do with Ubisoft being a French company. Most people who played the game probably weren't even aware of where Ubisoft came from until much later

>> No.6608143

>definitely not "average".
Play it, it's average.

>> No.6608147

I already have the game and played through most of it, it's better than average

>> No.6608151

I've beaten it on a few consoles, it's alright for a playthrough. Better than Gex, but not by much.

>> No.6608241
File: 29 KB, 540x540, C2Uy7V1WEAAukQ-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I hate that model of Classic Sonic used in Generations and Forces. Could they have made it look any less appealing? Looks like a cheap Chinese knock-off. The Saturn model looked so much better.

>> No.6608517

This. SA2 is where the line was crossed, both artstyle (those cringy deviantart OCs basically scream Shadow's main feat: Sonic but cooler/edgier) and gameplay (very linear levels with more emphasis on 'spectacle' setpieces)

>> No.6608868

based and fredpilled

>> No.6608889
File: 219 KB, 3000x1540, three_sonics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like it's a crappy combination of American buttface Sonic and the classic Japanese design.

>> No.6608897


>> No.6608952

except classic sonic already exists as its own thing and literally every game he's in is awful and the peak of this "nu-sonic"

it's almost like the reason sonic's a punching bag is because his modern games are bad and not because they made his eyes green

>> No.6608959

sa1 has just as many setpieces in sonic's levels and they're even less interactive than in sa2. compare the whale chase to the truck chase, for example. the former has you literally on-rails via the boost pads the whole time

>> No.6608960

I want another Sonic 2D game. I really got hooked on Mania.

>> No.6608970

>I miss the simple times when tiny animal mascots didn't talk
idk it's not like kids weren't watching the cartoon or reading the comic back then

I remember Bunnie Rabbot making sex jokes before they'd even settled on what colours Sally Acorn should be.
Before Deviantart even existed that rabbit wanted me to blow gallons of custard to her over the following decades

>> No.6608990

what's so great about mania, exactly? just seemed like the same lazy recycling of ideas all the other modern games have been doing recently, to the point where even the engine itself is lazily recycled

>> No.6608996

yeah all this crying about how shadow and rouge le ruined the fanbase is pure idealism. 90s adult sonic fans were just jerking it to sally anyway and satamfags are easily the most autistic kind of sonic fan and they've been around for much longer than green eyes

>> No.6609040

It was fun, unlike the modern games.

>> No.6609050

chemical plant act 2 had a fun gimmick despite being recycled content. the rest felt pretty dull though. i gave up at the desert zone

>> No.6609051

It's the closest to a proper 2D Sonic sequel after S&K. Something that should've been on the Saturn in 1996/97 t b h.

>> No.6609061

it's 90% literally just shit copypasted from sonic 1 2 and cd though. it doesn't succeed the classics in any way, it just constantly refers back to them

>> No.6609069

/sthg/ seething.

>> No.6609103
File: 37 KB, 500x500, 1577853149923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I'm here, what are some good Sonic ROM hacks and fan games that are actually full games and not demos

>> No.6609249
File: 734 KB, 1130x670, Joypolis2016_ConceptArt_SonicSA1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels like the early concepts for SA1 Sonic which I find to be a decent compromise

>> No.6609252

the middle ground is obviously what they went with in-game for sa1 so it doesn't really matter

>> No.6609252,1 [INTERNAL] 

Classic/retro retards are the worst kind of sonic fags. Adult babies still in there parents basement’s with there dirty, greasy sega genesis controllers with dried up pizza sauce all over it, and pissing themselves from laughter from those unfunny sonic mania adventures YT shorts. Sonic games only started to get fucking awful when shadow the hedgehog was released. Sonic adventure, sonic adventure 2, heroes, advance 1/2/3 and I guess rush and generations are great modern games.

Retro retards are probably even worse than those Archie furries busting loads on the comics whenever sally is on the page.