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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 102 KB, 220x302, SMB3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6598479 No.6598479 [Reply] [Original]

>pic related for me

I decided to bust out the NES mini and this was the only game that looked worth getting into. I've beaten it a dozen times but hey that's over almost 30 years... On top of that I almost always played the SNES All Stars version, so this was the first time playing it on the actually NES in a looong time.

Right away I am liking it better than the SNES version with the graphics. The art style is much superior, and the variety in world 1 and now starting world 2 is amazing. The non dog bone controller is hurting my hands, a lot, but I'm getting used to it. Trying to go through all the levels in one sitting. Wish me luck.

>> No.6598485

>stealth anti-All Stars thread
Kill yourself. Thx.

>> No.6598486

The controller was designed to hurt your hands so you don't spend all goddamn day playing video games.

>> No.6598508
File: 84 KB, 474x474, 1589788623993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6598520
File: 95 KB, 800x1200, EcodFXkUcAAgoQA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stomp on goombas.

>> No.6598531
File: 2.87 MB, 640x480, Money trouble.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contra Hard Corps.

>> No.6598542
File: 243 KB, 600x480, tumblr_ndd3vrp4qD1qd8dzuo2_640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swapping back and forth between Dragon Warrior 2 and 3, I'm at the beginning of 3, almost at the end of 2.

I'm using a double EXP hack for DW2, but that's really not making things that much easier, it's just making the grind go faster.

>> No.6598569

>larping zoomer
>weak allstars bait
But anyone who derails this garbage thread is a "shitposter" right?

>> No.6598574
File: 21 KB, 511x446, Lufia_II.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lufia II. By the way I just realized I might be colorblind

>> No.6598576

You are not the only one, mate.

>> No.6598631


Naw bra. I love All-Stars. I just don't like the graphical changes to SMB3.

Dude, I am 37 years old. Quit being a bitter faggot and contribute to this thread or fug off.

Don't have this for the SNES. I recently finished FFV though.

>> No.6598640

That's a translation failure. In the Japanese language certain greens are blues can be referred to with the same word. Their traffic lights are 'blue' (but they'e obviously the same colour as everyone elses).

>> No.6598646

"You call these graphics!? My eyes are hardly bleeding at all!"
-ZX Speccy User

>> No.6598661
File: 30 KB, 640x480, 68-psxfin_2010-08-19_03-47-26-79.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6598479 Super Robot Taisen F english patched nice game to enjoy try it.

>> No.6598862

Tactics Ogre, what a fun game. Still one of the best TRPGs.

>> No.6599638
File: 162 KB, 436x512, 1594037013499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got finished with Castlevania Legacy of Darkness. Cornell definitely has the weakest of the 4 campaigns.

>> No.6600443

It's a great game, enjoy it

>> No.6600452
File: 90 KB, 548x329, 1531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Mario World

>> No.6600457

I just finished playing through Metroid Prime 3 with PrimeHack so I could use KB+M instead of the fucking waggle controls that made me drop it as a kid despite loving Prime 1 and 2.

I started to check whether that counts as /vr/ yet and then remembered I don't care.

>> No.6600464

Please delete your post before this thread get derailed by "not retro" spamming retards

>> No.6600468


>> No.6600473 [DELETED] 


>> No.6600510

I don't play games, I just go on the internet to complain about them.

>> No.6600715

the first tenchu game.

>> No.6600816


>> No.6601617

I just beat Destiny of an Emperor last week and don't know what to start next.

>> No.6601940

Dragon Warrior III on the GBC. Man this game is awesome.

>> No.6601980

Slapped Guardian Heroes on Saturn in the other day, but I gotta thank this thread for reminding me that I don't have a retro project I'm working on right now. Any suggestions?

I'll probably just play Final Fantasy Tactics again.

>> No.6601985
File: 70 KB, 607x447, 1512850532377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently playing Mother
[Spoiler] Flyingman is a cool dude [\Spoiler]

>> No.6603897

Super Monkey Ball

>> No.6603902

Nice try zoomboy but last time *I* checked, super monkey ball was NOT RETRO

>> No.6603904

Okay autismo

>> No.6603907

Go back to /v/ you jerk

>> No.6603916

The Arcade version runs on Sega Naomi, which was released in 1998, it's retro.

>> No.6603929

Megaman Legends 2 and Hexen for the psx back and forth randomly.

I also played a few levels of Super Mario 3 randomly just to see how bad I am at it. I died against the first last boss, as in not the dungeon one but the airship one. I didn't try twice though.

>> No.6603932

why don’t you post the proof? Oh wait, you don’t have any because once again your e celebs lied to you!

>> No.6603941

I'm playing the first Adventure of Lolo game released on Famicom(called Eggerland - Meikyuu no Fukkatsu). I'm really loving it, since it's nonlinear.
But it has some dumb puzzles that I think it's explained in the manual(which sadly I don't have). There is a puzzle, for example, that requires you to move a square over a place an enemy spawns so that his new spawn point is exactly in a place to solve the puzzle. The problem is that until that puzzle, it was never required to solve a puzzle in that way and placing a square over their spawning point just made them stop spawning.

>> No.6603979


I recently started the sequel. It seems to retell the same story, more or less? I'm still pretty early into it though. Also the music is inferior and the battles are slower.

Anyway, that's what I'm playing. You, though, should play Genghis Khan. Or you can play Solstice if you prefer.

>> No.6604110

>Super Robot Taisen F english patch
That pic is Super Robot Wars Alpha.
Is F translated? I hope they did the Saturn version and not the PS1 version, PS1 has a comically bad soundtrack.

>> No.6604114
File: 4 KB, 256x224, smas-smb3_w8-2_sunpit_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The art style is much superior
I could understand preferring the original over All Stars, but I don't think it's "so much" superior, All Stars still looks largely the same as the original, but with more colors and more background assets. It looks great on its own too.

>> No.6604156
File: 6 KB, 256x224, castlevania2translation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Castlevania 2 translation fix and map
Really good game, the map patch helps with knowing where to go, better than cv 3 and 4 in a way.

>> No.6604174

For the love of god put upgrades into your Eva units and physical attackers. Too many levels are beam barrier hell.

>> No.6604194

>Metroid Prime 3
There's a new Metroid game??? I thought the last one was Super Metroid. Did Nintendo make one for the N64?

>> No.6604637

>Did Nintendo make one for the N64?
For some reason I thought Prime did indeed start off as a 64 game like Eternal Darkness did but I guess I dreamed that.

>> No.6604743

Also decided to break out the NES Classic after the LEGO NES was announced. Decided to play Super Mario Bros and it’s still so fun to play. I personally never understood how people are bothered by the NES controller. Are you tightly gripping it? I just hold it and the corners don’t dig into my palms

>> No.6605028

Same with chinese.

>> No.6605050

I'm playing the first Gradius because it's free with Switch Online. It's the second Shmup I ever played, after Parodius on the SNES more than a decade ago.
I really love it, it's extremely fun memorizing and perfecting the levels.

>> No.6605067
File: 103 KB, 451x680, gigawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing pic related for the last week. I was never really into shmups as a kid but I'm having a blast learning how to play, I should have got into them sooner. Got a 2cc today, I think another week and I'll have it beat.

>> No.6605115

Damn that's a shame because I was really considering playing the sequel next. Maybe some other time. I'll give those recommendations a look.

>> No.6605123

Playing through thunder force 4 again, and shinobi 3 also.

>> No.6605242

Lately it hasn't been too retro over here, recently played through MGS1 and MGS2 and started MGS3 the other day.

I did beat Donkey Kong Country and Indiana Jones Greatest Adventures this year on my SNES, two games I've played a lot as a kiddo but never completed. feels good!

>> No.6605780

OP here.

Just got to World 7. Already have died 62 times.

Fuck me.

15 years ago I beat it in one sitting, with barely a dozen deaths.

World 5 kicked my ass, especially that one level that you jump on those flying beetles. Should have used the P-Wing waaay earlier.

>> No.6605840


Well it's still a perfectly decent rendition of that story (thus far). It's just the same thing over, but with lots of different story details and various little mechanical and aesthetic tweaks. Kinda weird. If that sounds good to you then you may as well play it I guess. The music isn't awesome like in the first game but it's good enough, and the graphics were substantially upgraded. The tactics are all inscrutably named and I can't remember which one is which, just as in the first game. There are battle formations now but I can't tell what they actually do. There is a map feature. Zhang Fei has an eyepatch or scar or something. It's fine.

But yeah they did slow down the auto-battles a bit so the endless anonymous armies you fight will take longer to clear aside. That's annoying.

>> No.6605843


I think I remember that level being the single hardest one in the game by far. Maybe I'm wrong.

>> No.6606025
File: 22 KB, 512x448, 36-Lufia_II_-_Rise_of_the_Sinistrals.138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this

>> No.6606038

It’s a glitch found in the North American version. Same thing happens when you reach the master jelly in the ancient cave. Nothing to worry about. When I saw this for the first time I thought my cart was corrupted lol

>> No.6606048

That's good to know I thought it was an emulation glitch

>> No.6606171

Shits green mate

>> No.6606350

I always thought All stars looked too busy. That image comparison that floats around hits the nail on the head.

>> No.6606510

anon, I have bad news for you...

>> No.6606543
File: 403 KB, 1080x1268, IMG_20200715_232510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6607330

Valkyrie Profile. I had the sudden itch for it for some reason. I regret not using bows for Lenneth when I first played it, shit's wacky.
I'll get back to finally finishing Vagrant Story after this.

>> No.6607334

Good luck with level 14

>> No.6607452

I played Sonic 2 today.