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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6597060 No.6597060 [Reply] [Original]

It was a simpler time

>> No.6597065

Did their N64 emulation support rom injection? Would have been neat to get some of the more painful ones to work

>> No.6597090

Yeah for a good while it was the most accurate N64 emulator around until GlideN came out.

>> No.6597092
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doesn't get any simpler than this

>> No.6597095

Being the most "accurate" N64 emulator is like being the tallest midget.

>> No.6597098

you just posted cringe bro

>> No.6597105

why are you cringing at simplicity bro

>> No.6597107

Why ?

>> No.6597125

Not all of us graduated Nuclear Rocket Science Physics at MIT, anon

>> No.6597274

This post made me feel better about myself.

>> No.6597442

I don't think it could possibly get any less simple than that.

>> No.6597542

And then thet made you pay to play them on the Wii u again. This is why I wont buy any digital games on a console again.

>> No.6597585

Looking back it really felt incredibly stupid to not only waste money on roms, but also on the fact that I sold my Wii, and later bought another. I really do miss that lovely comfy music and design of it the whole channel

>> No.6597597

The Wii Virtual Console was the best digital download system ever. And the comfiest

>> No.6597662

Imagine paying for shit that doesn't really exist.

Nintendo players are the lowest lifeforms on earth.

>> No.6597675

PSN and XBL were a thing.
Not to mention Steam.

>> No.6597678

The VC was what made the wii a worthwhile system to me, I didn't get to play many of those those games when they were new on account of being a poorfag, but they were dirt cheap here. They were much more interesting to me than the actual wii games coming out at the time.

Boy do I miss it. That hearing the shop music felt like being a kid in a candy shop. And the cool little progress bar they used to show a title was downloading.

I did mod my console like any sensible person would do but I still preferred having the games accessible from the home screen.

>> No.6597680

I remember I was super mad that Nintendo got Mega Drive, TG-16 and Neo Geo games, lol.
Back when I was an underage console warrior still.

>> No.6597691

What was really weird were the C64 games, which were all delisted at some point.

>> No.6597694

Can't believe I spent money on that shit. Reminds me of all the money I blew on Steam games.

>> No.6597701
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For people who still use their wii, what do you do for batteries? I can't stand the idea of using double A's in this day and age when everything should be rechargable. I bought a charging station way back in the day but those battery packs are shot and seems like they don't sell replacements anymore.

How far we've fallen since then. Pic fucking related. Imagine how great this service would be if they had the same catalog of retro games they had on the wii.

Not that it matters to any actual retro game enthusiasts, since they all have ways to play these games anyway, but it would still be nice to have the option of having it on one device, and getting new people interested in the games ( though I imagine many here would see that as a bad thing because muh secret collector hobby )

>> No.6597715

not retro but it always bugged me that Bonk didn't make it into Brawl.

>> No.6597719

imagine if you could charge the wii remote by wagglan

maybe that was too phallic

>> No.6597721

Rechargeable batteries work pretty well nowadays.

>> No.6597723

As much as I would have wanted that, the guy's legacy was basically nothing, nobody talks about or remembers him, they canned his comeback, and now Konami is holding his corpse hostage. It's a sad reality but here we are.

>> No.6597732

Don't forget Bomberman cucked him out of a game on the N64 (though he dodged a bullet there, that game was kinda shit).

>> No.6597735

I don't remember any bad bomberman game on the n64, which one are you talking about?

>> No.6597737

why is this still a meme? angrylion is cycle-accurate afaik

>> No.6597740


>> No.6597745

Love that one

>> No.6597748

i love how the wii had a more robust nes and snes library in 2007 whilst the switch forces you to pay rent for the privilege of getting to play only a handful and nothing more

worst fucking timeline

>> No.6597758

Nobody pays for NSO for the NES and SNES games, they pay for NSO to play Splatoon, Mario Maker, Mario Kart, and Smash online.... of course that doesn't make it any less of a joke since those games mostly have terrible online.

>> No.6597786

point is you have to pay more money than ever (and every month consistently) in order to play a much smaller library of games then the ones you could play on a 14 year old console

>> No.6597793
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>> No.6597798

It's 20 dollars yearly. You pay that much just for five NES games on the wii. I've dumped more money into the wii virtual console in one month than I have in the entire NSO lifetime.

I still think it's a bad service and I'd rather just buy the games individually at the same price they were on Wii.

>> No.6597819

it doesn't even have a library nearly as equal to the wii vc. and of course n64, genesis and turbografx games are non-existent entirely

paying rent for a spattering of almost 40 year old games is absolute fraud and only nintendo could get away with it

>> No.6597836

sounds like an argument against digital games in general, not sure why you targeted Nintendo in particular.

>> No.6597841

I don't disagree.

But it's still false to say "You're paying more to play less", even if you've been a NSO member since day one, you're still paying less than you would have to buy all those games from the Wii shop.

Also, the games are not even the main feature of NSO online. Playing actual Switch games online are the main feature of NSO online. And yes, their online is shit anyway.

>> No.6597847


>> No.6597848

but you'll have to keep paying nintendo in perpetuity in order to play those games at all

and yes, it's literally just peer-to-peer. you aren't even paying for server upkeep. nintendo's just milking you.

>> No.6597849

I do injects.

>> No.6597860

>It's 20 dollars yearly. You pay that much just for five NES games on the wii.
This is a terrible argument. What if I only want to play one or two NES games specifically over a span of five years? I have to pay $100 for that privilege?

>> No.6597861

I kinda agree with him and I'm against paying for digital games and not getting a physical copy. I've done it a couple of times but only when it was very cheap and I wouldn't build up a library that way. The Wii shop is already gone forever. If I bought something there and lost it without backing it up somehow I'd be fucked. The burden is on me to maintain that when if I bought a physical copy I just need to make sure I take care of it. The one thing I do like about digital distribution is pirating games directly from Nintendo and Sony CDNs.

>> No.6597880

So, the same as any other subscription service but a lot cheaper?
Once again, nobody who actually cares about retro games has NSO for the retro games. The only people that give a shit about retro games are enthusiasts who have already secured a way to play these games without a subscription model. To the normies that just want to play their Switch games online, the NES and SNES games are novelties that they won't miss when they're gone.
You're trying way too hard to make NSO seem like a bigger scam that is. It's not a great service but you're getting what you pay for. A spotty online service with a grip of 20 year old games people have already played anyway. You get what you pay for.

>> No.6597890

>So, the same as any other subscription service but a lot cheaper?
i can't think of any other service that gives me a spattering of 40 year old games and forces me to pay rent for them but uh sure. those other hypothetical services are also fraud
>Once again, nobody who actually cares about retro games has NSO for the retro games. The only people that give a shit about retro games are enthusiasts who have already secured a way to play these games without a subscription model. To the normies that just want to play their Switch games online, the NES and SNES games are novelties that they won't miss when they're gone.
>>this service isn't fraud because there's a very expensive alternative and an illegal alternative that's being stomped out by nintendo at every opportunity
>You're trying way too hard to make NSO seem like a bigger scam that is. It's not a great service but you're getting what you pay for. A spotty online service with a grip of 20 year old games people have already played anyway. You get what you pay for.
'lol you got what you paid for" -snake oil salesman

literally what is your point

>> No.6597891

priiloader boots into the homebrew menu right away, so I only need a wiimote if I'm playing wii games. I have my gamecube controller for everything else.
By the way, to all the idiots shitting on the Wii ITT, it can output a specific resolution that makes it special.

>> No.6597904

240p master race

>> No.6597915

>What if I only want to play one or two NES games specifically over a span of five years? I have to pay $100 for that privilege?
If that's what you want, assuming you're not a retard, you've already found another way to play them and don't need NSO.

How is this a hard concept, nobody is subscribing to NSO for the retro games.

Nobody is forcing you to pay for anything. Don't buy NSO. How is this hard? I've been going out of my way to say it's not a good service every time. You'd have to be a literal retard to pay for NSO for the games. You keep ignoring that the main focus of NSO isn't even the fucking games. NSO isn't a shitty Netflix for old games service, it's a way to play Switch games online, the shitty netflix for old games service is the bonus that comes with it.

>> No.6597926

you can not pay for something and also think its dumb and that other people shouldn't pay for it. it's kinda the reason anybody would refuse to pay for something

there's no point to paying rent (ie more money than ever in the long run) for a small amount of games you could permanently get for cheaper through a 14 year old console. there's also no point to paying rent for a server service that doesn't even require a centralized server to pay for.

>> No.6597932

I don't own a genesis, NES or SNES cause I just use my wii. It even has composite out so muh dithered transparencies on genesis look righ

>> No.6597938

>you've already found another way to play them and don't need NSO.
Here's a wacky koo-koo screwball nutbar idea: What if you want to play those games *on the Switch*? As in, having the option to play them on the TV or in handheld mode easily with the joy-cons or other Switch controllers and the ability to do so with local multiplayer?

Obviously there is a market for that kind of thing, because you can buy a load of non-Nintendo retro games on the eShop (any of the Sega Ages or Arcade Archives games, for example), where you can download and play them offline indefinitely. You just can't with, of all things, first-party Nintendo games, unless you're ready to pay annually for an entirely unrelated service.

>> No.6597951

>Wants to play games a certain way
>Company won't release games in that way
Imagine cucking yourself this hard to give Nintendo more money
Just crack your switch and put emulation software on it to run what you like.
Not retro but I was playing Morrowind on my switch just the other day.

>> No.6597956

>just crack your switch
why waste the money and then the effort? just get an nvidia shield. it's literally the switch but not underclocked, with a better controller, and is on android so emulating shit is easy as can be

>> No.6597957


>> No.6597960

Good advice for no Switch owners anon.
If anyone else already has a Switch and is complaining about NSO or some shit then cracking their switch is solid advice

>> No.6598218

Senpai, this shit takes a long time to learn and even then there's still a lot that one would need to learn

>> No.6598885

Pirates 1
Paycucks 0

>> No.6598928

You just go to load content, find your rom, choose your core, and you're done. The only "learning" you'll do is figuring out how to go into the settings and save your own defaults to save steps for the next time you launch it. I'm too lazy to even do that most of the time.

>> No.6598931

>retroarch is complicated
maybe you should stick to original hardware...