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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6595886 No.6595886 [Reply] [Original]

Post retro games that were surprisingly good despite being made outside Japan

>> No.6595904

You first.

>> No.6595916
File: 47 KB, 1280x960, 699941-doom-dos-screenshot-outdoor-shootout-during-the-first-episode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also 1993
Better than any jap game

>> No.6595935
File: 198 KB, 1280x960, 699941-doom-dos-screenshot-outdoor-shootout-during-the-first-episode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I edited the image to correct the aspect ratio and somehow fucked up the colors.

>> No.6595940

Boring. Needlessly violent.

>> No.6595949

>needlessly violent
What do you want it to be then? Kirby? I'm a sissy but even I can handle Doom.

>> No.6595952

I like doom but it's hardly better than any jap game, that is just preposterous
it doesn't hold a candle to games such as daytona usa or final fantasy vi which were coming out of Japan at that time

>> No.6595957

Christ, these people walk among us

>> No.6595958
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>> No.6595959
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>> No.6595976

Jared Taylor’s Adventure 1488

>> No.6596035

>arcade racer
>at all comparable

>> No.6596037

well, apparently he felt qualified to compare different genres by stating
>Better than any jap game

>> No.6596070
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>> No.6596073
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>> No.6596107

Donkey Kong Country games are the best western platformers right?
And killer instinct the best western fighter.
Other than that, I think westerners were better at more PC focused genres like FPS or simulation games, japanese always made infinitely superior side-scrolling action games.

>> No.6596142
File: 616 KB, 244x156, crash_wink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Donkey Kong Country games are the best western platformers right?
Crash Bandicoot is better than the DKC games.

>> No.6596143

Poor-man's Hugo, ngl.

>> No.6596146

Eh, I find its physics too simplistic. In terms of western 3D platformers I'd rather Spyro or Rayman 2

>> No.6596150


>> No.6596158

I like crash, but I don't think it has better controls or level design than dkc1 or 2. Its sidescroll sections are very basic, it's momentumless, and the 3D sections, the majority of the game, is in very narrow hallways.
If anything I'd compare crash with the okish tazmania games for mega drive, but I'd still prefer taz over crash.

>> No.6596204

After 1995 western games got a lot better and many Japanese comapanies stagnated as an example you have Command and conquer while japanese still had basic turn based strategy games like you would get from 1992 for many years.

>> No.6596219

maybe it has to do with PC gaming, RTS's mainstay, being unpopular in Japan, not with Japanese inability to make them?

>> No.6596226

RTSs were a mistake, they gave us the cancer that is DOTAlikes.

>> No.6596239

It took a few years for Japanese games to get good too. The western RPGs Wizardry and Ultima were released in 1981 and it took until 1986 for Japanese developers to learn from its design and make games like Dragon Quest. There isn't really any genre that didn't have great western counterparts at any point in gaming history.

>> No.6596246

Took the west a while to get good fighting games. In retro times, only KI is good.

>> No.6596273

I hope you aren't implying that Nethershit is good.

>> No.6596309

techno clash

>> No.6596343

>Japanese comapanies stagnated
Nope, they were still going strong untill
around 2007.

>> No.6596693

>Rayman 2
A goddamned masterpiece. I bought it back in the day for N64 and Dreamcast.

>> No.6598750

t. nintoodler

>> No.6598810

>Donkey Kong Country
Ironically these two titles were directly inspired by Japanese game design philosophy.
Explains why they don't suck.
Also explains why the early FPS genre was so good with such a pioneering example until Half-Life ruined everything.

>> No.6598820

That isn't Starcrafts fault
WC3 tho

>> No.6598946

Holy weaboo that is some horse shit.

>> No.6598967


>> No.6599000
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>> No.6599015

Based. This plus Earthworm Jim 3

>> No.6599048
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>> No.6599218

>Ironically these two titles were directly inspired by Japanese game design philosophy.
I understand DKC being inspired, being an entry in a very japanese genre like the 2D platformer, but Doom?

>> No.6599229
File: 73 KB, 858x562, stronk-guy-with-big-sword_o_7016259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Attempting to strawman autism as an argument in defense of weeb video games

>> No.6599230

All the EA games on the Mega Drive? I mean looking at them from 2020 where EA isnt exactly associated with quality.

>> No.6599232

Not him but I believe its because they were always heavy in secrets like john carmacks catacomb game the 2d one like gauntlet feels like kusoge from the mid 80s. Doom is just catacomb in 3d with texture mapping so finding the secrets isnt complete dogshit shoot every wall jap crap. They always put secrets in their games cause they were always playing nintendo in their offices. Coincidently they were playing the game in OP as well.

>> No.6599449

Road Rash and the Strike series are great, Populous and General chaos etcetera.
And Sports titles tend to get shit on but EA had the best ones or at least highly playable ones.

>> No.6599730

sonigros, not even once.

>> No.6599739

Tony Hawk Pro Skater

>> No.6602212
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>> No.6604304

Maniac Mansion.

>> No.6604315

This game is really cool. But I never managed to beat it.
The sequel looks pretty good too

>> No.6604363
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>> No.6604647

It’s better than the new one in every way including the visuals.

>> No.6604691

literally the best 3d beatem up ever concieved and it's not japanese

>> No.6604704

Gay taste

>> No.6606501

it's a good platformer/beat em up but when it comes to fighting mechanics die hard arcade is far better

>> No.6606832

God Hand says hi

>> No.6607010 [DELETED] 

ID Software were huge fanboys for Nintendo. Carmack's original big tech breakthrough was used to do reproduce SMB3 on Nintendo, Romero asked Kemco to make the GBC version of Daikatana like Zelda, and Tom Hall's Anachronox was mirrored after Japanese design sensibilities, not western. And I recall Romero's favorite game is Chrono Trigger.
They all were influenced by Japanese style game design, which aided their success, and why so many western game companies were shit in comparison.

>> No.6607014


>> No.6607016

What a load of bullshit.

>> No.6607018

ID Software were huge fanboys for Nintendo. Carmack's original big tech breakthrough was used to do reproduce SMB3 on computers, Romero asked Kemco to make the GBC version of Daikatana like Zelda, and Tom Hall's Anachronox was mirrored after Japanese design sensibilities, not western. And I recall Romero's favorite game is Chrono Trigger.
They all were influenced by Japanese style game design, which aided their success, and why so many western game companies were shit in comparison.

>> No.6607520
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>> No.6607613

Based Hugoposting

>> No.6607617

Dont argue with weebs. You will lose. They are the finest minds because they recognise the universal truth that japanese culture and tech is superior to anything the west could ever hope to achieve. How else can you explain a tiny people who take pride in being boring perverts.

>> No.6607643

How is it bait when everything I said was true lol?