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File: 1.38 MB, 512x480, metroid best ending.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6594096 No.6594096 [Reply] [Original]

How did people react when they first saw this ending?

>> No.6594114

I think my older brother spoiled the surprise for me when we were kids, using the code to take her armor off. I think my reaction at the time was
>Oh, she's a girl.That's neat. She better put her armor back on if she's going to start fighting aliens though.

>> No.6594131

I don't remember how, but I knew Samus was a girl already before playing, around 1990. I don't remember anyone telling me.

>> No.6594189

First time was a nice surprise.

Later, when I replayed it off of that bonus disc I got w/ Metroid Prime
>Hey, wait a minute. Didn't she used to be in a bikini?

>> No.6594256

The coomer was born.

>> No.6594307

I don't think many people made it to the end of this game back then.

>> No.6594316

I believe it. You had 3-4 years to see the film Aliens or the cultural impact of it. It's interesting how they both came out the same year. Then again maybe you saw somebody use the Justin Bailey code and forgot.

>> No.6594467

My reaction as an 7 year old boy was "Oh, Metroid was a girl all along. I thought he was a robot. Hey big bro, Metroid is really a girl! Yeah, let's play Contra"

No one's minds were blown like the revisionist meme narrative claims today.

>> No.6594590
File: 333 KB, 1209x1600, daddca974a7781ebc77cc79858caa14c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice tummy, but I used to play SF2 on SNES and pop little boy boners looking at Chun Li so my response may not be the one you're looking for. I can't remember anyone really giving a shit over the "metroid is a girl" thing.

>> No.6594618

By masturbating furiously.

>> No.6594739

i didn't find out until the previous decade as i never grew up on the NES.

i thought it was neat.

>> No.6594743

The people who saw Metroid's best ending when the game was new were 100% male and happy.

>> No.6594747

This. Almost everyone that beat it was using justin bailey.

>> No.6594752
File: 713 KB, 1440x1928, nintendo_fun_club_006_1988_apr-may_024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even by 1988 Nintendo wasn't trying to hide it as much, since they had a "draw a picture of your favorite moment from Metroid" contest and more than a few had Samus without a helmet on.

>> No.6594976

Those look like men desu I don't think those lads knew Samus was a she

>> No.6594985

People regarded it as a surprise because everyone knows women are worthless irl.

>> No.6596330

I jerked it right after

>> No.6596335


>> No.6596482

When I was a kid in the mid 90s, I remember a friend brought his Gameboy and Metroid II to school and other kids getting surprised when he died and Samus was shown as a girl. I think I had already played Super Metroid at that point

>> No.6596625

I prayed for a true peace in space

>> No.6596671

There's something unsettling about the face in this drawing, like the perspective is off compared to the proportions of the rest of the body. It's like a mask that's worn over the actual face.

>> No.6596857
File: 1.21 MB, 713x1000, SFII_Guile_Art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh. I love this art desu. There's something about how all the colors balance between the backgrounds and the characters themselves that give them a distinct sense of light and ambience, really pulls you in. Sort of hard to describe. I guess it's what young people would call "a mood."

>> No.6596915

Not only that you had to finish it for less than 5 hours

>> No.6596919

>Thanks, JUSTIN BAILEY ---------- -----------

>> No.6597175

>implying I ever beat the game fast enough for the ending where Samus is clearly a woman
I'm 99% sure I was just told Samus was a girl by someone.

>> No.6597189

if you beat metroid in a certain amount of time that's longer than the best ending you get one with just the helmet off and a little kid could definitely believe the 8 bit head revealed was axl rose or something

>> No.6597208

also researching this apparently there's an ending where Samus is in a one piece bathing suit and another where it's a bikini (achieved by making her belly flesh-colored). The reason this never became common knowledge is because you gotta beat the game in a fucking hour to get the bikini

I assume this feat was only ever accomplished by your weird uncle that played metroid and only metroid for 15 years so it never became playground lore.

>> No.6597228

I wasn't there, but we are talking about a gen that had to either steal porn magazines or pause a movie (usually PG13) riiiiight in the moment where you could see the girl's nipple to beat one out.
A kid's game where the main character turns out to be a girl in bikini? What do you think was the reaction?

>> No.6597281

The ending surprised people because everyone knows women are useless irl

>> No.6597356

You have to have had your brain damaged by massive porn consumption only possible on broadband modern internet to be able to get horny from 120 pixel sprites, no one was beating off to that shit in the fucking '80s

>> No.6597372

They literally made Atari porn games, like Custer's Revenge. Before Porn was so widespread people would jerk off to anything. I jerked off to the sunmaid raisins girl when I was 14.

>> No.6597415

custer's revenge was basically a shitpost to get the media to generate publicity for it by denouncing it

I guess I pity the guys who didn't have a friend's older brother to buy you a few playboys

>> No.6597416

I was like wuuuuuuuuuuut

It was really surprising back then.

>> No.6597516

I think we all had that overly enthusiastic friends older brother.

>> No.6597518
File: 218 KB, 640x973, cn1-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6597523

Dunno. I never finished this piece of shit backtracking fest.

>> No.6597572

>Before I knew anything about single parents, divorce rape, hookers, syphilis, chlaymidiya, BLM, Transrights, instathots, smart phones, alien/government takeovers, harrp, 2 girls 1 cup

What the fuck happened. How am I literally here right now or alive even.

>> No.6597594

Also forgetting there almost always a qt girl next door who never saw what a pepe looked like, curious, impressionable, no smart phone, no internet, and easily pressured into "exploring" in the right circumstances. There was no need to beat to begin with.

>> No.6598581

holy shit! I had this magazine or whatever when I was a kid.... I've been sitting here wondering how the fuck I remember it. good times, thank you

>> No.6598687

I am not, and have never been, aroused by cartoon/video game characters. Should I be on 4channel dot org?

>> No.6598705
File: 858 KB, 640x360, 2Ow9A3s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6598998

God damn, was I angry when I found out Samus WAS A GIRL!!!!
"GGGRRRR" I said. "GGRRRR, why are there GIRLS in my video game. This just isn't cricket. Hmph, what would the Vicar say"?
Then I put on my patriarchy pants and went and beat up my wife. After that I went and oppressed some minorities. Good times.

>> No.6599120

I can't tell if this is an SJW shitpost or a /pol/ shitpost.

>> No.6599207

Based anon

>> No.6599901

If I remember, Samus was thirsty for Kevin.

>> No.6599929
File: 131 KB, 600x644, 1464761015201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>X = female body

>implying it looks anything like a female's body

>> No.6602817

I instantly called my mom and sister into the room to witness this massive move in feminism.

>> No.6603118

I didn't have Metroid back in the day but I remember learning Samus was a girl through Nintendo Power and I don't remember anyone talking about it. It wasn't a big deal I think.

>> No.6603132

they fucking screamed and ripped their eyes out

>> No.6603139

did they mail them to nintendo headquarters