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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6593792 No.6593792 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Games released the same year you were born

>> No.6593797

Enjoy your ban

>> No.6593804 [DELETED] 

I'm 18

>> No.6593814

Don't reply, just report.
OP mad because his childhood isn't allowed on /vr/, classic tantrum "lol I'm gonna post FIFA 200X, that'll show them" modus operandi. Zoomers are cute, but predictable.

>> No.6593825

I don't know what you're talking about. The joke of the post is that while the game is called FIFA 2003, it was released in 2002.

>> No.6593830

I wrote "FIFA 200X".
Posting FIFA 2003, 2004, 2005, etc for PS1 is a common patterns between zoomers who get frustrated because their childhood isn't allowed here.
Unless it ends up being just the same schizo doing it all the time, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it really is just a common pattern.

>> No.6593850

what about europeans? they love FIFA isn't?

>> No.6593860

I don't think anyone who would browse a site like 4chan would like some pedestrian franchise like FIFA, since there's much better soccer games out there, such as Konami's ISSS/WE series. Since you're a zoomer, you might be more familiar with PES, but Konami's games used to be more arcadey, more fun.

>> No.6593863

ackshually FIFA games are not released at the year of their title, but rather at the end of the previous year. And since it is possible for OP to be born on 2002 and be over 18, a ban would be undeserved

>> No.6593870

OP still could eat a ban because of low quality posting though

>> No.6593881

Yeah, this thread is a bait.

>> No.6593883

sounds reasonable

>> No.6593913

konami after pro evoultion soccer 2 didn't improve footbal games, in other hand This is footbal by Sony was a nice try.

>but Konami's games used to be more arcadey, more fun.
hold the fucking phone just there, Have you ever play a football game? PES were more simulator than arcade, FIFA was less simulator than ISSPRO at least in psx era.

>> No.6593919

>PES were more simulator than arcade, FIFA was less simulator than ISSPRO at least in psx era.
Yeah PES is when Konami started blowing, but ISSS and early WE were definitely more arcade. FIFA always sucked ass, never liked that series, or any EA sports game for that matter.

>> No.6593932

ISS was on n64 and it was arcade as you sadi, but ISSPRO was on PSX and it was simulator. I am talking about 97-2001 era.

>> No.6593934

Not all posters and lurkers are mega weeb furry autist. Some enjoy hobbies outside of computing.

2003 was great, it had the most in depth customisation options, it was world cup year so you could play with the most beautiful football ever created, the JP/KO world cup ball, in gold.

Up until 08 this was the best remembered. Shout out to 05 for having a decentish manager mode.

>> No.6593947

>liking FIFA
Nigga you can not be a furry autists and still have decent taste.

>> No.6593950
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>> No.6593959

Yes, nearly the entire world except US and Japan loves footyorb and FIFA, but nobody cares about old FIFA games. It's the kind of series where every new installment makes the last one obsolete.

>> No.6593990

Because FIFA never had good gameplay, it entirely relied on being the official product, and nothing else.

>> No.6594082

Super Hang-On

>> No.6594101

I think you need to learn to read mate

>> No.6594112

>a fifa fan telling others that they need to learn to read
oy mate luv me fifer luv me shovelware ate good games simple as

>> No.6594137

Wrong. World Cup 98 is still the best football game ever made to me

>> No.6594141

>zoomers are cute

>> No.6594328

You do realize this came out in 2002, right? Not 2003.

>> No.6594398
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1988-10-29, the Sega Mega Drive was originally released in Japan. Just one day before I was born.

>> No.6594429

Japan loves soccer. They just don't like Fifa.

>> No.6594446
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>> No.6594485
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kind of hard to find one. Never even owned a DC lol

>> No.6594502
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>> No.6594524

FIFA was always the best soccer sim until PES came out in 2000/2001. PES took a couple of seasons to get good though, they tweaked with it. PES was the best from 2003/4 to about 2008. FIFA 09 was much better than PES 2009 and it stayed that way til about 2017/18. Those last few years, PES has regained its crown.

IN terms of /vr/, yes FIFA was the best. ISS was 8-directional and had godawful graphics. FIFA on n64 is much smoother and more fun to play. And the official names and good soundtracks dont hurt, either. Which was a really big deal back in the day.

>> No.6594557

ok EA shill

>> No.6594592
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>> No.6594602

dude, if he was born in 2002, then none of those psx fifa games are his childhood, he's too fucking young for those

>> No.6594634

Ahhhhhh not retro!

>> No.6594660
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>> No.6594667

Zoomers usually start posting FIFA 2005 threads when they figure PS2 isn't allowed here.
They say "hmmm fucking vr not letting me discuss my childhood... I know! I'll look for games released in the 2000s but on retro consoles! that'll show them!"

>> No.6594669

Brain tumor

>> No.6594675
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2002 reporting in, feels good to be old enough to post here.

>> No.6594685


>> No.6594689

That's implying zoomers even have a brain.

>> No.6594691

For the 2000+ born lil nigs, I have a question:
How was it like growing up in the 2000s?
Being a teenager myself, I managed just fine, mostly because I'm not from USA anyway, but I remember the general mood in society was a lot darked and grittier than it was in the 80s and 90s, mainly due to 9/11.
Were you able to sense that oppressing atmosphere, or you were completely oblivious due to being babby?
I guess kids who are now going through covid society were dealt with an even worse hand.

>> No.6594704

I was born in 88 and shit, if covid was a thing when I was younger I would have been so fucking happy. No school, stay home and play games all day. When 9/11 happened and the adults were talking about society collapsing I was thinking hell yes, maybe that means I won't have to go to this bullshit school anymore! But what came after made me far less enthusiastic.

>> No.6594753

Bad thread.

>> No.6594761

I think the person that started it got wiped out when the shit 6th gen thread 404'd. That's why you're not seeing a lot of movement here now. Just hide it and forget it existed.

>> No.6594764

Yeah I guess covid is actually affecting teenagers more than kids. No parties, etc.
But I think this will have some sort of psychological side-effect to kids, though, because they're absorbing all the fear and confusion from adults. Yes it's cool to stay home and not go to school, but... at what cost? The atmosphere around is very hostile.
Also, while I also hated school as a kid, looking back, it was a ton of fun. You realize school wasn't as bad as you thought it was when you actually start life in the work field. I remember when I was a kid and I complained about school, my older cousing said "working is like school, but 10 times worse. Enjoy it while it lasts"; he was right.

>> No.6594781

Both school and work are shit, but in different ways. As an adult I've come to realize that they taught me very little that was actually of value. All they really did was get me ready for the never ending cycle of wage slavery. In school I was forced to have lots of interactions with people that were actively hostile and hateful to me for no reason almost every day. It turned me into an awful person that treated other people the same just so I didn't have to feel so powerless. Never really felt that in work, even working retail and dealing with the shittiest customers could hardly compare to that kind of fuckery. Even coworkers I hated were more mild annoyances, not people that would try to inflict psychological terror on me. That doesn't mean work is good though. It's even more mind numbing and it leaves you in a state where you spend all of your down time recovering rather than actually enjoying it or doing what you want to do. Even on my days off I've been too damn tired to do something like cook or play a game and just sat around doing nothing.

>> No.6594948
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>> No.6595041

That only really applied if you lived in the US in my opinion

>> No.6595064

I realize I'll sound like an asshole for saying this, but I don't think people outside the U.S. cared all that much about the 9/11. At least I'm pretty sure nothing really changed in my country due to 9/11 happening...

>> No.6595072

Nah, it affected everyone. You had to be there. I was a pad brat, so I definitely knew a change was coming.

>> No.6595075

I mean, I am sure that it shocked everyone and was big news for sure, but it didn't have any real long lasting impact in most countries

>> No.6595185
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>> No.6595191

I thought it was funny, once the joke was explained to me.

>> No.6595210

I'm sure it at least fucked up fuel prices. The fake performative patriotic bullshit was insufferable in the years that followed 9/11 in the US but the fuel prices are what really fucked things up. I remember the road trips we used to take as a family before then and how everything seemed so different economically. Now it just seems to get exponentially worse every few years.

>> No.6595302

Of course it affected the US (and I guess England) the most due to being the main target of Bin Laden and co., but the threat of being attacked by terrorist was felt all across the globe. Countries like Spain got a few attacks IIRC, of course England did.
Something that affected everyone: traveling. No matter what country you traveled to, the paranoia was huge and airport controls were super strict for a few years.
Also, pop culture media always is conditioned by the current cultural situation, and western media in general was affected by 9/11. In turn, this new media, more gritty, more serious, more ominous, also shaped the way pop culture and society in general was.
Who knows if all this whole political correctness craze that started in the early 2010s would have been a thing if it wasn't for the kind of society 9/11 shaped.

>> No.6595313

Yeah, you're right anon. I guess what made school better is that it was less hours (although, then again, when you're a kid, time goes by much slower, so these 4 hours seemed eternal), and the fact you have no real responsibility, and you don't have to worry about getting fired due to spending a few days sick in bed, or not meeting whatever quota your boss impose over you.
Also I had a similar situation with really hostile kids, although it was only for 1 year, when I had to go to a school full of poor kids. It was like a mini-prison and these little monkeys were like mini-convicts.
Also kids in general tend to have pretty much 0 filters, so when they're evil, that negative and hostile energy comes off in full force, relentlessly. Adults are as much, if not more, vitriolic, but due to social norms, they can't just harass you openly all the time, although it happens too, and it can be obviously worse than whatever any bad kid could do, because adults are not pure anymore, so every single evil action they plan, counts.
We're in some really weird planet, aren't we.
Anyway, best of wishes to you, anon. It's good to know you're at least feeling better now than as you did as a kid, I'm lucky enough to have had a pretty decent childhood, all in all.

>> No.6595482

99 but still
completely clueless, i just loved pokemon and dinosaurs and being that one kid who left his discs everywhere to get scratched to hell
but yeah no completely clueless to any sort of conflict in society

>> No.6595484
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I was born literally the day before pic related released in the US, and Fifa 03 was my first Fifa. The PS2 version though, not the PS1.

>> No.6595642

>he thinks this all has to do with someones childhood

>> No.6595648

It’s the same guy who posts in every thread, he also talks to himself on occasion when he gets nervous that people aren’t listening to him enough.

>> No.6595701
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>> No.6595715

Anyone who actually played football games back in the day knows that nobody actually cared about FIFA until the seventh gen, before that Konami ruled supreme.

>> No.6595729


>> No.6595730

That was the league they tried to start in Europe that never took off, stood for:
>football interleague France to America
This is because France was as far inland as the league made it.

>> No.6595826

FALSE, either you are a USA citizen or you don't care about footbal or you didn't be alive betweeen 1995-2004.

>> No.6595853

spoken like a true "USA citizen"
what the fuck did i just read?

>> No.6595863
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>> No.6595980

Fortnite. I’m very smart for my age.

>> No.6595996

Street Fighter 2

>> No.6596038
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>> No.6596054
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Born owning this.
Thanks older sibling

>> No.6596116
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>> No.6596121

kys burger

>> No.6596128

>thread on /vr/
>full of pathetic boomercels seething
checks out

>> No.6596134


>> No.6596135

Right? These boomers have no right depriving us of discissing the games we, the cool, aloof and candid generation Z, grew up playing.
Nevermind, tiktok is waiting for me, fuck off boomers.

>> No.6596213
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>> No.6596223
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Hey 1980 bro

>> No.6596247
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Was also my first game I believe.

>> No.6596357

True, FIFA 2003 was a well-received game. The Free-kick system (was it called Freestyle?) was really cool and it had some classic teams in it (gotta love that AC Milan side). And agree on the Fevernova, that ball was an instant classic and remained so for years.
I would say 09 was more remembered than 08 though.

07 had a good manager mode. I did a 15-season file in it.

>> No.6596359

Play ISS 98 and then play FIFA 99 and tell me which one is better. Go on, now, do it right now and get back to me.