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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 94 KB, 566x600, guardian heroes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6591638 No.6591638 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the best beat 'em up ever made? Branching paths, combos, spell system, great soundtrack, the combat is fun and novel, etc. Does it get better than this?

>> No.6591642

Ugly broken piece of shit, the definition of quantity over quality

>> No.6591651

How is it broken? I understand the visuals are, uhh, lets call them an acquired taste.

>> No.6591658

Characters have insanely spammable OP moves, braindead gameplay in general

>> No.6591665

Pretty much any arcade beat em up by Capcom or Konami is better, along with stuff like SoR2 and TMNT IV obviously.

>> No.6591670
File: 84 KB, 378x378, caddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guardian Heroes
only recommended by people who never play beat em ups.

>> No.6591672

It's only good for Trashure jarpigs who rarely play action games, got a blind 1cc on this game with the blonde sword dude on my first attempt.

But if you wanna play a real bmup, you need to turn to the arcades, not this pleb consoleshit.

>> No.6591676

I mean it's not fucking Takeshi’s Challenge, but I wouldn't call it braindead.

Jesus, I don't get why people like SoR. I feel like there's just nothing to those games.

Jesus Cadillac's & Dinosaurs was built up so much by this board, and I got fucking nothing out of it! what did you find fun about that game? It felt like it was so flat and boring and ugly

>> No.6591680

>>SoR bad
>>C&D ugly and bad
Sorry you got shit taste, don't know what to tell you. Maybe go back to /v/ ?

>> No.6591681

Learn to 1cc

>> No.6591684


>> No.6591690

I guess. I really liked Those D&D beat 'em ups, and River City Ransom, and This. The SoR games, C&D, and Final Fight, I really didn't like them. Maybe that means I have "shit taste" and I'm not allowed to post on your favorite video game image board.

>> No.6591694


>> No.6591709

Credit-feeding removes the challenge which is where all the fun is at, and is akin to cheating.

>> No.6591712

Because it adds pressure on you to actually engage with a game instead of button mashing with your brain off until the credits roll. You'll suddenly find that instead of seemingly random groups of enemies the games have a lot of very fun well crafted challenges. Instead of moves that are complete fluff that you use just because, every move you have has its own purpose and is useful in situations and it'll be up to you to recognize this. Instead of characters basically feeling the same, each one will require different approaches and force you to re-learn part of the games. Instead of moving where-ever you feel like you'll constantly make decisions and crowd controlling and be punished/rewarded accordingly. It makes games with garbage mechanics like River City Ransom insufferable, while making games with good mechanics and design like Cadillacs & Dinosaurs fun to learn and play.

>> No.6591715

what are these "good mechanics" and "garbage mechanics?" Can you answer this in detail and justify your normative stance on this issue?

>> No.6591719

>The SoR games, C&D, and Final Fight, I really didn't like them
C&D, FF, and SoR2 are some of the best in the genre. It's not even up for debate.

1CC requires you to actually learn the mechanics, enemy designs and play good??
It's like playing an FPS and asking why you should learn to strafe, aim and get a good kill ratio.
If you're just getting raped and credit-feeding these games of course you won't like them.

>> No.6591727

But there is no reason to strafe, aim well, or get a good kill ratio unless you want those things. If you just like to have fun in the game without trying to be some MLG faggot, then those things won't matter to you.

>> No.6591730

Sure for example River City Rampage has garbage combat because not only do you have a pitiful amount of moves but the game has inconsistent enemy hitstun which makes combat a crapshoot, but not only this it's actually incredibly spammy because once you get a weapon or unlock those flurry attacks the combat is completely effortless. On top of that the enemy types are all homogeneous crap and there are 2 on screen at once because of the NES' shitty hardware so by default there's not many targets to keep track of. Cadillacs & Dinosaurs ain't like that, not only is there a decent number of moves none of them overwhelm the rest you'll find yourself switching between moves based on situation all the time and the only thing approaching "spammable" is the throw move which itself has a lot of depth because it interacts with other enemies letting you keep crowds in check, and acts as a makeshift dodge move essentially. Then you got actually balanced weapons, one of the most tense and fun boss fights in the genre, fast smooth movement and good character variety and you've got an excellent game. (You) would know this if you learned the games instead of using godmode

>> No.6591736

Who the fuck finds mashing out moves at random for 40 minutes with invincibility on fun? Challenge allows fun to happen, if there's no challenge then you're just watching things happening on screen.

>> No.6591737

You never watched a TV show before, anon?

>> No.6591740

anon i'ma be real with you, I have no fucking idea what any of that shit means. what in the fuck is a hitstun

>> No.6591745

Then why'd you ask faggot

>> No.6591746

I thought you'd be able to explain it to me in a way I could parse

>> No.6591747

>But there is no reason to strafe, aim well, or get a good kill ratio unless you want those things.
>If you just like to have fun in the game without trying to be some MLG faggot, then those things won't matter to you.
1CC is not MLG tier, it's the basic way to beat arcade games.
If you're having fun being incompetent that's fine, but it sounded like you WEREN'T having fun.
So the option is getting good, learn to 1cc, that might change your opinion of the game, since button mashing and credit feeding isn't working for you.

>> No.6591757

I wasn't having fun, but I don't know why everyone seems to think I was struggling to beat the game, i don't remember saying that and I wasn't losing the games, I just stopped playing them because I found them boring and repetitive in a way the games I liked were not. Whatever I guess that means i'm a fucking retarded noob who needs to get good and play games in the way you all think is prim and proper.

>> No.6591768
File: 6 KB, 298x169, whyYouLyingNigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I don't know why everyone seems to think I was struggling to beat the game,
> I wasn't losing the games, I just stopped playing them because I found them boring
You weren't struggling to beat Final Fight?

>> No.6591770

okay, fair. I wasn't struggling with SoR 2 though.

>> No.6591775

SOR2 has to be played on Mania, the other modes are balanced around console babbys doing blind runs

>> No.6591776

I have never adjusted a difficulty setting in my life. I'm supposed to pump them up?

>> No.6591783

What are you doing here anon. Anyway Mania will be extreme if you're just starting out with beat em up 1cc's but Hardest? Absolutely you should play that are you kidding

>> No.6591790

>repeat the same thing over and over is fun

>> No.6591791

Maybe try learning next time then it won't be the same thing, nor will you have to repeat it as much lmao

>> No.6591797
File: 81 KB, 479x710, received_10208784392634914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to talk about beat 'em ups. I thought they were like, fun casual games that people enjoyed, I didn't realize they were very serious business and if I'm enjoying myself, I'm actually playing them all wrong.

>> No.6591810
File: 24 KB, 273x221, 74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>, I didn't realize they were very serious business and if I'm enjoying myself, I'm actually playing them all wrong.
You said you weren't enjoying yourself cause the games were boring and you didn't understand why people like them. When we told you what's enjoyable you got defensive lol

>> No.6591849


dude. i get there are different levels you can enjoy a game's depths.... but if you're actively looking for more games in a genre to enjoy, it seems like you might want to understand more about how they work.

That'd be like playing Dragonquest and liking it, and then playing Final Fantasy and hating it because you have to equip armor.

>> No.6591915

I like Street of Rage 2 better, it's a more robust and focused experience.

>> No.6591932

i love the game and it has some glaring failures that become evident/unignorable after about 3 playthrus.

first, nicole is annoying as fuck even as whitemages go.

second, the whole game is made easy-mode by the presence of the undead warrior. yes you can order him passive, but then he just a big visual obstruction

third, >>6591658 is not wrong, the post death juggle is infinite, and a good way to piss off in co-op.

4th, menu controls are clunky as hell desipte all the buttons the saturn pad has.

5th, the narrative of the branching paths is just gawdawful and nonsensical, with no sense of flow or direction. Even having all paths terminate into that one encounter with Kanon to explain shit doesnt make any sense.

6th, the block is too perfect, another ez-mode issue.

>> No.6594087

Other than the unskippable cutscenes, yes.

>> No.6594116

I don't know if best, but it sure is the best beat 'em up if you want to trigger certain autists.

>> No.6595145

>first, nicole is annoying as fuck even as whitemages go.

>the post death juggle is infinite, and a good way to piss off in co-op.
How is this bad?

>Characters have insanely spammable OP moves, braindead gameplay in general
Would you mind to elaborate?

>> No.6596534

>plays 1 jrpg
>wow is Beyond the Beyond the best jrpg ever?!!
when the honey moon phase ends you'll wake up and realize the triggered autists were right

>> No.6596690

this place is never right.

>> No.6597110
File: 3 KB, 124x124, Golden Silver.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was kind of neat that Golden Silver from Gunstar Heroes was in there as a (sort of) hidden boss.

>> No.6597409

True. I'm still waiting for a rebuttal. Like, I get that blocking and the undead make the game easier, but what about the rest?