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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 36 KB, 300x300, Azure Dreams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
659110 No.659110 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite Playstation game?

Pic related: I've never met anyone who knew about this game until I told them. It's not perfect, but I think it's highly underrated. There's so much to do both in town and in the monster tower (which never gives you the same experience twice with its random floor layout). It really should find its way to the PSN someday.

>> No.659141

i remember seeing this for rent at the video store. While the cover was intriguing, i never made the last step and took it home.

whats it like though? you just go higher and higher in that tower? Whats the combat like?

>> No.659149

I fucking love this game. It gave me waifu-syndrome that was hard to shake for the longest time, for better or worse. The gameplay is also balls hard and definitely makes a man out of you. Still a great game to this day.

dat public pool

>> No.659154


Fantastic game OP. I loved the GBC version and only later learned the original game came out on the PS1. Thanks to emulation I was able to try it out, and boy was it even better.

Would recommend to anyone into JRPGs in general.

>> No.659183

It's a roguelike. Basically you live in this poor ass town in the middle of the desert where everyone makes their fortunes by climbing the monster tower and finding treaure. It's your job to improve the town (as well as optionally make girls fall in love with you) by using the rewards you gain from the tower.

Inside the tower, every move you make is a "turn", every creature in the tower moves when you move. There are 40 floors, and they're all randomized so it never gets too repetitive. The catch is you can't actually leave the tower unless you find a Wind Crystal (which are fairly common but it does suck if you make it to a higher floor without finding one). If you die in the tower, you lose all the money and items you got on your journey.

There are a lot more variables to it, but that's basically how it works. It's the perfect "risk vs reward" game.

>> No.659210
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forgot my pic

>> No.659209
File: 150 KB, 512x512, SRWAlpha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definetely SRW Alpha. Second and third place would be Koudelka and Parasite Eve. I guess I'm letting my taste for anime and movies decide for me.

>> No.659207

My favorite would have to be a tie between this and Chrono Cross. They're easily the most gorgeous looking games on the system.

>> No.659228

Is there a translation for alpha?
I remember playing gaiden and not understanding shit of the story, probably because it was a continuation of alpha.

>> No.659290
File: 484 KB, 2351x1844, saga_frontier_tomomi_kobayashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine would tie Saga Frontier with Armored Core. I love some of the story Saga Frontier offers (Red aka Alkaiser and T260g) and I love how heavy the customization Armored Core has with you making your very own Mecha and perform quest with it.

>> No.659312

There's a very bad partial translation, which would only help you for the menus. You could read summaries on gamefaqs but yeah, to understand Alpha Gaiden you should either have played Alpha or watched all the shows in Gaiden.

>> No.659338

It was the first game I played OP.

>> No.659353
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1) Pic related
2) Castlevania: SOTN
3) Suikoden II
4) Threads of Fate
5) Alundra
6) Legend of Mana
7) Valkyrie Profile
8) Breath of Fire III
9) Wild ARMs
10) Vagrant Story

Honorable mentions to Diablo, Tactics Ogre and Ogre Battle, even though they weren't originally for PSX. Sorry, I couldn't list just one... PSX was my favorite era.

>> No.659364
File: 25 KB, 256x248, Twisted_Metal_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why this one gets so much hate. I think it's better than TM2. It's still fun to hook up a multitap and play with a few bros.

>> No.659429
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>TM4 better than TM2

>> No.659452
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>> No.659459

The controls and physics have improved a lot from TM2. And the level design is far more interesting. I'll give you that the vehicles aren't as good, but at least you get some of the old ones back after you beat the game.

>> No.659474

I wouldn't say that games should be hand holding but damn, i started Frontier and had absolutely no idea of what the hell i was doing.

>> No.659508
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This was my first Mega Man game, and still easily my favorite on the PS1.

>> No.659512
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>Complaining about someone else's opinion

>> No.659519
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Still on of my all time favorite shmups and a personal holy grail.

>> No.659534

Great game.
This game's music dude holy shit

>> No.659574
File: 85 KB, 650x650, alundra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game. is ace.

>> No.659676

Think I got the sequel. I haven't played it yet. Lol.

>> No.659692
File: 139 KB, 1920x1080, 1366820960757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first Mega Man game
Are you me?

>> No.659693

That's ok, Alundra 2 has nothing to do with the first one.

>> No.659694

Alunda was essentially a 32-bit remake of Zelda: LttP

>> No.659698


you're not missing much. the sequel is abysmal

>> No.659704

Alundra 2 isn't that bad.

>> No.659707
File: 38 KB, 500x375, ff7sephwin_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give two damns about the shitstorms and entitled opinions one usually can read here. This was my first "serious" game in what about story and character development speaks. Also was mindblowing back in the day to me who only played NES and Genesis before. I think the game maybe influenced me more than I'd like, but I have a lot of personal reasons to consider it my favourite game.

Nice choices there. In my case, in contrast to FF7, I tried to replay both the last year and couldn't play them more than a couple of hours ;_;

TM4 it was my first TM and I love it. Played it again since years some months ago and, in my opinion still holds nice. In the other hand, I never could get into TM 1-3.

Twisted Metal: Black is the best anyway.

>> No.659709

It's not bad. Just not as polished as the original.

>> No.659737

A 32-bit remake of Landstalker would be a more appropriate comparison, as they share the same art designers.

>> No.659853


ok, maybe I exaggerated. I mean i never even gave the game a fair chance. but i don't really want to either.

>> No.659865

Nah. Landstalker was a different type of game played in 3/4 view and was more of an RPG. Alundra is a zelda-like.

>> No.659887

Landstalker only has about as many RPG elements as any Zelda game does. Isometric view aside, the gameplay and aesthetics are nearly identical.

>> No.659961

Azure Dreams is great

The first floor only has so many layouts before you start recognizing them. It's around 5, though, and that's only F1, so I'm over it. It's basically a roguelike with graphics and a pimp simulator.

The worst part of the game, I think, is the complete absolute loss of weapons and shields when (not if) you die. No mons runs of this game are brutal as shit, and without multiple-save-file-scumming are nearly impossible. It's not death per Roguelike, per se, as you can continue from that point but it sucks so many balls to lose a +10 Diamond Sword/Shield. Weapon improvement sands are so rare, few, and far between that it's almost not worth chancing the Rust trap to check the rooms for them.

But holy shit the music, I love the OST from this game- I used to leave it running just to listen to it.

>> No.659975

Are you talking about the GBC version or something? Rust traps don't work on the Diamond Shield and I don't think Diamond Swords are even a thing.

>> No.660000

Oh god that sounds perfect to me. Does anyone know if it emulates well on PSP? I play all my PS1 games there if I can help it.

>> No.660009

>watching every show for a SRW game

And yet I know people have done it. It certainly makes the games better knowing who the characters are, but generally they're still too easy because at least some of your guys will be stupid overpowered.

>> No.660018

Still, damn if I didn't enjoy having Shin Getter continuously one-up the entire TTGL cast.

>> No.660065
File: 371 KB, 1435x1460, persona 2 innocent sin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only just catching up on PS1 games I missed as a kid (had an N64), but so far this is my favorite.

>> No.660091

I fucking hate that game. I got it on a whim when it came out. I liked RPG games at the time. And holy shit I fucking had the worst case of buyers remorse of all time.
>But my Fave ps1 game?
Vagrant Story, or Breath of Fire 3. Tactics? I dont even know. Resident Evil 2. Too many.

>> No.660107

Was about to mention SaGa Frontier as well. Has to be my favorite for the system easily.

I personally try to warn people when suggesting it from time to time because of what you just said, no hand holding.

>> No.660139

My favorite as well.

>> No.660184
File: 34 KB, 470x480, jadewin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously none of you have played this.

>> No.660192


>> No.660208

ITT: Hard choices.

I'd have to say Crash Bandicoot Warped

>> No.660219

I own it homie.

>> No.660230

I'd have to say Resident Evil 2, but its better on dreamcast, so I'll pick my second favorite and say Harvest Moon Back to Nature

>> No.660234

ditto. paid 20 bucks for it at media play back in the day.

>> No.660264

It is not better.

>> No.660265

It should run fine. I don't know of any PS1 games that don't

>> No.660280


DC has most content and looks the best, how on earth could you consider it to not be better then PS1 or the straight port of the ps1 game?

>> No.660287

>Suikoden II

Mah nigga. Probably my favorite PS1 JRPG that was sadly overshadowed by big name JRPGs at the time.

>> No.660314
File: 132 KB, 640x900, NoDCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's basically a roguelike with graphics and a pimp simulator.

how does it compare to Nightmare of Druaga on ps2?

>> No.660318

I loved the boss battle them in Jade Cocoon. It has that SHIT JUST GOT REAL quality to it.

>> No.660328

Never tried it, but I will now.

>> No.660340
File: 435 KB, 600x800, 1360217146661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xenogears. Favorite PS1 game, favorite game in general.

>> No.660343 [DELETED] 

Is he grabbing her cunt or what?

>> No.660350

Wouldn't you?

>> No.660351
File: 99 KB, 640x465, 569405_20041027_screen005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Druaga lacks the pimping part, anon. It's a good, difficult roguelike otherwise. Prepare thy asshole.

>> No.660360


Of course he is

It's canon

>> No.660371

The graphics are the same as well as content all it has extra is the vmu.

>> No.660381

Azure Dreams is so awesome. I remember taking turns playing these with my sister after my sister bought Jade Cocoon. That was like ten years ago. Shit /vr/ has never made me feel this old. Even though I played shit ton of games before that.

>> No.660395

god I wish jade cocoon wasn't so clunky and slow. I can't replay it because of that.

>> No.660396


DC is a port of the PC version which has far superior resolution, looks waaay better.

>> No.660409


I'm not even big on arcade shooters, but Einhänder is perfection. It does an amazing job of building up the difficulty as the levels progress, unlike other games that instantly start you out in bullet hell.

>> No.660404 [DELETED] 

Awkward teenage shag is canon, not this sultry stuff.

>> No.660419

and which of those categories do you think awkwardly grabbing Elly's mound while sniffing her hair counts as

>> No.660426



>> No.660428


And while turning into Id, it appears

>> No.660434
File: 31 KB, 250x250, kewne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha. I used to play this game all day every day. My little sister would cry and throw a fit if I didn't let her have a turn. So I plugged in a second controller and convinced her she was playing as my monster, praising her every time "she" killed an enemy.

Kewne is the best video game bro of all time, hands down.

>> No.660448

Haha, I did the exact same thing with my sister for so many different games

>> No.660445

They made a GBC version which is almost exactly the same as the PS1 version if you want to try that as well.

>> No.660709

It's my favorite traditional JRPG of all time. I usually preferred SRPGs and Action-RPGs, but if a traditional turn-based game had a good enough cast, characters and battle system I always gave it a shot.

>> No.660719
File: 37 KB, 256x255, Klonoa_playstation_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely has to be my most favorite PS1 game.

>> No.663318


This anon has taste. These are both my favorites as well.

>> No.663356

Fuck, op.

I had to keep going to best buy for like 5 weeks because this game kept getting delayed.

I'm with >>660091 though. It is my fault but still. I expected an RPG and got a frustrating grind of a game. I played some more when I got a little older but still, you needed a lot of money for buildings and it took a lot of work. My brother demolished this game though. He got all the wives and upgrades and such.

>> No.665546

I'll agree with you about VII being awesome. I played it so long that when I hit the final boss I had all my materia on every Character master level lol Took me like ten minutes maybe to beat Sephiroth using mimic and knights of the round ^_^

>> No.665568
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>> No.665582
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I don't really know why I like it
I just do

>> No.665586
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>> No.665612
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>> No.665630
File: 77 KB, 442x450, MediEvil_2_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game is all the fun

>> No.665642
File: 94 KB, 945x919, crashBandicoot3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there no love for PS1 Bandicoot?

>> No.665661

I'm almost done with the first one. It's bretty gud. More arcadey than other 3D platformers from the same generation. I played 3 as a kid and couldn't get into it, but I'll probably give it another shot soonish.

>> No.665814
File: 140 KB, 256x248, brigandine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear I am the only person who liked this game.

Damn shame the update never came stateside.

>> No.665829

>not the original medievil
absolutely disgusting

>> No.665947

I found a copy of this and a copy of Future Cop L.A.P.D. at a Christian church sale for .25c each. Best half a buck I've ever spent...

>> No.665970
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>> No.665971



>> No.665984

Fantastic game that. I always wanted to remake the map in HOMM3 but I suck at editors.

>> No.666490

>Azure Dreams getting a PSN release

I fucking wish man. Also, Nico is best girl.

>> No.666542

>the monster tower (which never gives you the same experience twice with its random floor layout)

I understand what you are trying to get at, but a lot of people tend to wrongly attribute a different experience to a randomized dungeon layout.

The overall experience of playing the dungeons is the same among different playthroughs. The floor layout doesn't affect the game other than preventing you from memorizing floor layout for another playthough. There is effectively no difference in experience.

Azure Dreams is one of those games I wanted to play back in the day but lost interest in PSX before I had the chance to buy. I'd like to emulate it sometime soon now that you've reminded me of it.

>> No.667657


You are not alone man. I love this game and its options. People hate on it, but it is fun!

>> No.667708

You totally aren't. Loved this tactics game way better than FFT.

>> No.667741
File: 168 KB, 591x874, c30b57fb31fa42ac9f293673078d8938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favorite PS1 game is really a toss up between Suikoden II, Breath of Fire III, and Legend of Legaia for me.

>> No.669187

I love Azure Dreams! Despite the clunky graphics, and terrible save system and bad programming (the latter combination has caused rage a few times, you doing things with the familiars the programmers didn't think off, freezing the game, and losing the save as well...)
It's incredible addictive, getting the girls, getting better familiars (eggs), improving the town. Trying to get higher and higher into the tower. It always feels like there's something else to do, and it's going to be fun.

>> No.669193

If I'm remembering right, the only thing I remember clearly about that game is You can get the ultimate weapon in the starting area by going left at the wall and play the whole game with the best sword in the whole game.

>> No.671602

Got this game after playing Sonic and knuckles a huge amount.
I liked it, but even though their powerups were each so different, both campaigns felt exactly the same.