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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6588753 No.6588753 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fuck this one has some garbage level design later on compared to the original.

>> No.6588757

weekly castlevania shitpost thread go

>> No.6588761

Nah, it's just bad. Padding shit.

>> No.6588764

Why are they so predictable? Is it legit autism?

>> No.6588767

It;s really only Alucard's path that has shit levels, which is why I never go for him. Avoid those and the game is easily one of the best in the series IMO

>> No.6588772
File: 40 KB, 768x672, A84C0FCA-1B69-4BCF-A1B0-CCE040B9D021.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooooooooo not my heckin old games!
Yeah bro i absolutely should have known that the second i spawned into this part of the level that there would be a brick fall right on my head. Also, easy pattern aside, even taking no damage shit like this is just W A I T I N G. IT'S NOT F U N.

>> No.6588780

You've made up an enemy in your head. Please try and relax a bit, I know the world is in a stressful place but there has to be healthier outlets than this.

>> No.6588783

>You've made up an enemy in your head
What are you talking about schizo? This is a thread about Castlevania III, keep up.

>> No.6588919

Alucard can fly you know. That section takes like five seconds to complete with him.

>> No.6588934

>US version
Play the superior Japanese release pleb.

>> No.6589074

What are you, retarded? Just fly over that section you idiot.

>> No.6589317


>> No.6589418

Imagine getting upset at a game and instead of just taking a break and relaxing for a minute, you go and make a shitpost on 4chan

>> No.6589503

>This is a thread about Castlevania III, keep up.
Caskyevania III is not your enemy. It is friend to mankind.

>> No.6589534

OP is the sort of low IQ casual that gets filtered by chadvania and eventually flocks to sotn.

>> No.6589556

Yeah, too many fucking stairs. What were they thinking??

>> No.6589739

Castleroids are acceptable games. Do not bring this shitposting into a CV3 thread.

>> No.6589767

>Castleroids are acceptable games
No they aren't, fuck off IGApologist.

>> No.6589803

They are bottom tier trash you massive faggot.

>> No.6589808

Yeah bro, Castlevania 3 has terrible level design! It totally has nothing to do with me being garbage at the game.

>> No.6589816

Yeah, the game has definitely "aged". Games with obstacles are such a dated concept.

>> No.6589817
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>playing the garbage american version
just play the translated japanese game instead

>> No.6589821

Rent free.

>> No.6589824
File: 21 KB, 539x273, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cv3 had some ridiculous censorship
>a game about a holy man with a blessed whip killing a vampire who got his powers from satan?
>better remove all christian imagery and make sure that fucking cross doesnt glow too!

>> No.6589840

Rondo of Blood best game

>> No.6589850

The only good Castlevania games are 1, 4 and 68k.

Everything else is dogshit.

>> No.6589856

No it's like this. The only bad Castlevania games are Adventure and Haunted Castle. Everything else is playable to amazing

>> No.6589868

>super castlevania bros

>> No.6589882

>The only bad Castlevania games are Adventure and Haunted Castle.
You forgot Legends. And 64. And Bloodlines. And Simon's Quest. And SotN.

>> No.6589883
File: 2.94 MB, 640x480, Literally just a hallway.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than Castlevania: hallways.

>> No.6589897

Oh fuck off, Bloodlines is fine, it's just that one stage that's kind of mediocre and even then it's fun on it's own

>> No.6589901

All Castlevania games have hallway sections, silly Nintendildo.

>> No.6590173

I did but I like the increased difficulty of the western release. That said, fucking hard mode is insane. I don't think I could ever beat it, not enough will just to beat a game.

>> No.6590187

No I didn't. All of those games range from playable to amazing, as I said in my post.

>> No.6590205

Excellent job on realizing this.
>stair spam
>uneven level length (some levels are too small and some too long)
>shitty segments like the falling block room
>rehashed bosses
Why does this game get jerked off again? Just because it has multiple playable characters and alternate paths? Is this enough for a bunch of idiots to cling to a game and think it's high quality? The actual good 2D platformers in the series are 1, Adventure 2, Rondo, SCIV, Bloodlines, Rebirth. 3 is mediocre at best when compared to these.

>> No.6590206

But the Japanese version has disgusting pseudo-orchestral music, instead of the clear chiptone tone of the American version.

>> No.6590217
File: 21 KB, 261x257, hqdefault (3)(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zoomer scrub getting filtered by based Alucard's stages

>> No.6590221

You fly over that part you fucking tard

>> No.6590237

You had me until Rebirth. That game is shit.

>> No.6590405
File: 1.92 MB, 980x850, ae9u7jsnrcbz[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a master
>take master route
>whine after getting filtered

>> No.6590489

You have to go back.

>> No.6590507
File: 46 KB, 420x315, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have to go back.
Ironic coming from the /v/edditor who thinks an amateur's-romhack-tier Castlevania game for the Wii is as good as the classics by Konami.

>> No.6590510

>cherrypicking rooms
>konami purist

>> No.6590516

>replying to australiakun

>> No.6590527

I bet you look at M4M on Craiglist.

>> No.6590529

This is objectively correct.

>> No.6590532



>> No.6590545

All shitty games and you know it, hipster faggot.

>> No.6590668

filtered retard

>> No.6590886

only trannies give a shit about muh censorship
The american release has a better difficulty curve, a real 2nd loop, makes Grant less busted (still quite busted) and has overall better level design preventing bosses from being cheesed. Gameplay wise is clearly superior

>> No.6590913
File: 27 KB, 220x393, 220px-Monstrans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My theory is it had to do with the fact that it looks too much like a monstrance, which is what the Catholic church uses for exposition of the Body of Christ. I suspect the logic was that it would make the imagery less problematic for a predominantly Protestant USA.

>> No.6590916

>preventing bosses from being cheesed.

Holy water is still in the game and it's still busted.

>> No.6590935

I mean of course you can still cheese some bosses (although lot of them arent really on the ground so you cant just kill them with holy eater), but at that point it is a reward for keeping the upgraded holy water, in the jap version is just trivial since you could just stay on safe spots

also there a plenty cleaned up sprites

>> No.6590961
File: 221 KB, 1280x720, cotm2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the /vr/dict on Curse of the Moon 2, the newest Classicvania game?

>> No.6590994

there's a sequel?
neat, I thought the first one was good

>> No.6592549

Thanks for the heads up. Will buy it when I get home. I beat every mode in the original and got all the cheevos.

>> No.6592853

Cool projection, now go back to jerkin your dick to alucard gettin fucked in the ass, Sotnfag.

>> No.6592876

Castlevania 3 US is the best classicvania hands down.

>> No.6592937

The only downsides are overuse of bats in jumping areas and the lousy "all enemies do 4 damage" rule.