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File: 334 KB, 2969x1932, SMW2_YoshisIsland-PAL_-_COVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6582594 No.6582594 [Reply] [Original]

For me, I think it's Yoshi's Island.
>excellent pacing
>nearly every single level in the game introduces a new concept, enemy, or visual
>100%-ing the game is challenging but very doable thanks to the optional items you acquire from bonus games
>can play bonus games as many times as you like when you fully 100% clear a world
>graphics still look as charming today as they did on release
>wonderful, memorable soundtrack
>lengthy game with no filler whatsoever
Every time I revisit this game I'm just so happy.


>> No.6582602
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, waaaaaah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6582614

People moaning about this is like moaning about SMW's Tubular. It's meme but it's an exaggerated BS.

>> No.6582625

I too like kiddy games with zero challenge

>> No.6582629

>but it's an exaggerated BS.
It really isn't. It's the main reason I dropped the game for years until a hack got released to remove the noise.

>> No.6582632

Yoshi's Island difficulty scaling is completely off. You constantly switch from "basically can't die", to "instant deaths everywhere".

>> No.6582669

Did you really find the game so difficult that you were constantly hearing it? Even though it takes 2-3 seconds tops to retrieve him after taking a hit? I feel like this is such a non-complaint, it reminds me of when people complained they didn't like the menu sound effects in Silent Hill claiming it ruined the ambiance.

>> No.6582675
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I think the answer is quite clear, there is a reason this game is still played, modded and loved to this day.


>> No.6582680

>plug in snes into crt
>play super mario world for the first time in a decade
>momentum and mario's weight feel so peculiar
It didn't take long to get used to, but mario feels so unique in how he controls in this game compared to most other mario games.

>> No.6582726

Not him but it's the voice acting that ruins the silent game.

>> No.6582727

>Yoshi's Island
Worst Mario game ever.

>> No.6582728

The MOST? I hate this fav. thing shit people do.

Chrono Trigger.

>> No.6582750
File: 29 KB, 243x409, Sonic_the_Hedgehog_CD_North_American_cover_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Sonic CD...
>Fun & exciting game play.
>Great level design.
>Great soundtrack.
>Great graphics.
>A true sequel to Sonic 1. Sonic CD could have easily been the real Sonic 2.
>You could either obtain all Emeralds or get all good futures, or both and still get a good ending.
>Replayability is high with Sonic CD.

>> No.6582858
File: 179 KB, 1024x768, smwh412748742.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, this.
I love Yoshi's Island as well, as I do love many other games to death such as Castlevanias, Ninja Gaidens, Shinobis, the other Mario games of course, but World is something else. They just nailed the controls, and I personally adore the art direction and music in it as well. It's the definition of best video game ever, for me.
it's also the game I use to test CRTs and controllers. I immediately notice if something is wrong since I know SMW so well.

>> No.6582972

Yeah I don't really care for Mario and Yoshi is an obnoxious fag, but damn if Yoshi's Island isn't one of the best ever made. Design, music, visuals all just come together somehow to make something unique. I always really liked the snow levels, which for most games that's the worst area but in YI you had the skiing parts, the penguin parts, you could roll giant snowballs. It was really great.

>> No.6583108

I love Sonic CD but I feel like it's great despite bad design. I wouldn't point to it as an example of a well-designed game because I lot of its mechanics seem incidentally thrown together. For example, there is a good design reason to travel to the past (destroy the robot generator) but the good and bad futures are pointless outside of sight-seeing. And that ties into my second example, where sight-seeing and exploration is at odds with each level's time limit. The ways that Sonic CD branched out into new territory is battling the inherited structure of Sonic 1, I still think it's a great game but I would use it to teach developers what not to do in designing a game.

>> No.6583114

you just fucking suck at the game lol

>> No.6583118

Luckily its a yoshi game

>> No.6583119

This. I still enjoy the game but the fucking annoying sound is what makes Super Mario World better than this

>> No.6583124

Doom is a perfectly designed game.

>> No.6583132

I enjoy it because it make an excellent pleb filter.
This is why its actually perfect. easy as fuck to play and beat, but very difficult to 100% not too hard though.

>> No.6583201

In japan they call it Super Mario World 2.

Just so's you guys know.

Back in the day Mario might have been more changeable. Like with Mario '2', Doki Doki Panic was askew too.

>> No.6583206

>In japan they call it Super Mario World 2.
SMW2: Yoshi's Island was the western title.
In Japan it's Super Mario: Yoshi's Island (or "Yossy's Island" in some romanized sources).
It's more akin to Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land.
Although at least YI does have Mario and you can actually play as him in a few levels for a short while, but yeah it's a spinoff, with many elements of the Super Mario games, but still its own thing.

>> No.6583246

Time limit never bothered me. There's always time limits in platformers. Even SMB1 had a time limit, making it difficult to be careful in harder stages, you even had to be perfect with your jumps through big gaps, and yet SMB1 is still praised to this very day.

>> No.6583249

It's called Super MARIO World 2: Yoshi's Island, featuring a baby Mario. It is a Mario game.


>> No.6583278
File: 357 KB, 903x804, Mind-Games.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really the only true fault.

A baby crying is a top 10 worst noises to hear for humans.
We have a natural need to comfort when we here it - to not be able to do that and still here a baby crying will drive you crazy.
My dad is constantly watching fucking TV shows with crying babies on them, drives me insane.

>> No.6583349
File: 143 KB, 256x372, Gimmick_boxart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6583353

>baby crying is agitating
That's the point, dummy

>> No.6583360

Street Fighter 2, you can beat anybody with anybody if you learn and it's highly replayable, against the computer or friends

>> No.6583367

Not a big fan of the game, but Chrono Triggers is really well crafted.

>> No.6583781

That's the reason I stopped playing it on my SNES emulator. This game is trash.

>> No.6583852

>I kept getting hit and quit playing

>> No.6583861
File: 339 KB, 800x450, __predator_xenomorph_and_linn_kurosawa_aliens_vs_predator_drawn_by_hanabusa_xztr3448__ed36aec29e580518568f968655311282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capcom's Alien Vs Predator brawler.

The movement mechanics are sublime and have incredible depth for stylish play, the enemy ai is perfect and always keeps you on your toes, the pacing and variety for a brawler is top notch, etc.