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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6577739 No.6577739 [Reply] [Original]

During the quarantine i already finished VII, IX and X.

Right now my top is :

1. IX
2. VII
3. X

Should i play X-2?, is really that bad?, i already played the first 40minutes and is akward and cringe af, the rest of the game is like that?

i tried FFVIII but i just wasn't able to continue, the game is so fucking trash ( FFVII prequels and sequels are all niggers shit ,specially advent children)

what is your top /vr/ ?

>> No.6577745
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You should x-terminate yourself for shitting up my board with non retro garbage, turbo-nigger zoomed faggot. Gtfo

>> No.6577747

>the rest of the game is like that?
not really, but still not like X

my top is
1. VI
2. IX
3. XII
5 X
6 V
7 IV
9 XV

>> No.6577750

PS2 is already retro u dumb fuck.

you think we are still in 2010 aspie?

>> No.6577753

Haven’t played past 9.
1. VII
2. VI
3. V
4. IX
5. III
6. IV
7. I
9. II
Really the only ones I didn’t enjoy were 8 and 2. The rest of the series is solid. I can’t speak about the non-vr games, but I heard X-2 is for women and homos.

>> No.6577756

avoid XV and XIII.

>> No.6577762

best versions of VI, V and IV?

>> No.6577765

just play VI next, is the best game.

if you like X and you are a coomer, play it, is literally FF X-fanservice

>> No.6577769

SNES version with bug fix patches.
Japanese SNES version, as the western release had its difficulty neutered. Supposedly the DS remake is really good, but I haven’t played it. You may want to look into it if you have a DS/3DS.

>> No.6577778
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Go choke on a nigger dick and read the rules, mule brained nothing person. Stupid fucking newfag kike, read the sticky before arguing with your superiors. I can't stand you zoomer cunts acting like you know everything, when in reality you're the most coddled retards to ever walk the earth. You wouldn't know shit if you didn't have a cell phone with google. You can't spell without fucking auto correct, you're probably confused by a physical dictionary, let alone going to a library, but you probably don't read either. Stupid fucking jigaboo

>> No.6577782

take your meds aspie, you are getting delusional

>> No.6577801

3 > All the rest.

>> No.6577808


>> No.6577813

Read the sticky, nigger. You're a fucking dipshit

>> No.6577821

Tactics>6>7>10>8>12>the rest

>> No.6577828

X is fucking trash. Just straight line maps and cringey as fuck cutscenes, worst FF game.

>> No.6577861


Go fuck yourself aspie.

>> No.6577906

Do you get pissed that you want to talk movies in /lit/? Fuck off and go to /v/

>> No.6577913

Do you get pissed that you're the only one that considers one-sided conversations to be conversations?

>> No.6577928

VI > IV > V > X > VII > VIII > VIICC > T0II > IX > III > I

Dissidia 012 is also cool.
Anything else isn't FF.
XII is a cool game, XIII has some interesting things, but they should have been called something else. XV is the biggest piece of shit I had the misfortune of having to play.

>> No.6577932

btw, V is that high ONLY because of that outrageously good gameplay, otherwise it'd be after III in my opinion. One of the most overrated FFs, but that class system really boosts its replayability.

>> No.6578102

Tactics > Adventure > Legend 2 > Legend > Mystic Quest > Legend 3

>> No.6578184

X-2 is a lot of fun gameplay wise but the story is absolutely atrocious. Just skip all cutscenes.

>> No.6578195

I'm replaying them all now too. Well, 1-6. I'm midway through 4 and then will do 5. Already did 6. So far I've liked 2 (psp) the best.

>> No.6578239

I've only beat these but here's mine:

3.) FFIX
4.) FFTactics
9.) FFX

>> No.6578242

>worst FF game

I was going to say 15, but that's so bad it doesn't even count as a FF game so yeah you're right, X

>> No.6578248

ffvi is overrated by /vr/ and redditors.

i played it but is actually a 8/10, Get the fuck out TED WOOSLEY FAGGOTS

>> No.6578262

FFx-2 is a very fun game. if you get it on steam you can get some mods that fix a bunch of the retarded "im a whore" outfits. beware, there is a lot of cringe in that game. Heavily flawed great game. if all the dumb shit was fixed it would be 9/10 for me. but its gay as fuck anime shit that happens every few hours and the horrible treatment of beloved characters puts it somewhere between 6-7/10. worth a play but dont let anyone catch you.

>> No.6578265

fucks like you are why nobody likes posting on this board anymore. plus OP said final fantasy list. FF 1-9 are retro 10 is very borderline. take your shitposts back to /b/ or /v/ please

>> No.6578267

VIII was always my favorite, just got the remaster on Steam and going to see how it holds up to my memory

>> No.6578287

X-2 has amazing gameplay, garbage story, and if you want to 100% it for the real ending, you need to follow a guide, its impossible without one because of the sheer autistic shit you need to do throughout, but especially in chapter 4 with the fucking camera's all over the world.

>> No.6578292

Still not retro and he was talking about x-2 with a pic of auron or wtf his name is. PS2 is not retro, I don't care if it makes people not want to post here, in fact that's a good thing. You go back to /v/, nigger faggot.

>> No.6578525

NG+ makes it easy though. go with new yevon on one file and youth league on another. theres something like 140% to get that way so you can miss alot, id still use a guide though some of those missables are bullshit

>> No.6578540

>stuck so hard on one little detail
Im not convinced youre not a troll. really sucks how this used to be a cool board where people talk about games and all the shitters were still on /v/
I wonder what people on /lit/ feel about audiobooks?

>> No.6578547

i didnt talk only about x-2 or X are u fucking retarded?.

>> No.6578551

both X and X-2 are not retro
not sure why you posed this here

>> No.6578562

im OP, let me guess, your IQ isn't over 100, you fucking retarded cock sucker nigger

I LITERALLY SAID "FFs from best to worst?" and then talked about ff7,8 and 9. (RETRO GAMES)

ok im gonna explain it again aspie:



simple math you fucking autistic fuck

>> No.6578649

Well this thread went to shit in a hurry. so let me have a crack
1-most argued but VI, VII, IX, or X can be the best. no point in picking one cause different shitters get all pouty

the others play if you want but they can be easily skipped. even though II is bottom of my list its not a bad game, just mediocre IMO only shitty FF's are XIII and beyond, X-2 is good and shit at the same time so i cant recommend it.

>> No.6579125

10 isn’t retro based off the rules of the board, even if it is really old now.

6 is the best, followed by 4, I actually really like the dawn of souls version of 1 for how light and simple it is.

2 and 3 are alright but both really flawed but interesting games.

I just finished 7 and hated it. I’m about a third into 9 and enjoying it.

>> No.6579137

I'm a brainlet. What exactly was going on in X? Like if you touch Sin in the dreamworld you get ejected into the future? I don't get it but I was even able to figure out in VIII that you die at the end of disc 1 and Rinoa is Ultimecia

>> No.6579145

Here is the objective list:
VII > X > IX > VI > XII > V > X-2 > Tactics > VIII > XIII

>> No.6579495

Dreamworld, means no time travel.

they just jumped into the reality of the real spira in present.

>> No.6579765
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>6 is the best
>7 is the worst
6 has some nice things going for it but like all pre-PS1 Final Fantasy titles it has a very uninspired world, like they didn't even try. Compare that to Square's own Chrono Trigger, where even on the SNES they offered tremendous variety in locations (medieval towns, stone age village, post-apocalyptic ruined city, magical floating kingdom).

>> No.6579831

From what I played:
7 > 9 > 8 > 10 > 12 > long nothing > 15 > 13

10-2 have similar issues to 13-2, while it might have some neat ideas and good battle system, it just feels like incoherent trash pieced together from the main game

>> No.6579862

>PS2 is already retro
Only in your wet dreams

>> No.6579905

suck my big white cock u fucking kike

>> No.6579917

Good to know the mods allow blatant rule breaking as long as the topic's about jarpigs.

>> No.6579926

He literally talked more about retro games, stop being such a schizo

>> No.6579932

Wow, who hurt you?

>> No.6580132

suck my balls and take your meds schizo

>> No.6580152

Thank you, someone had to say it

>> No.6580161

kek. zoomers BTFO

>> No.6580162

I concur.

Though as shit as /v/ is we really REALLY need a third board.

>> No.6580253 [DELETED] 

you know what you really need? a big black cock, fucking faggot.

>> No.6580281

>Autist shits on zoomers

>> No.6580306
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1. IV
2. I
3. VII
4. VI
5. V
6. X
7. III
8. IX
10. II

>> No.6580814

Reasoned minds will quibble over details, but an objectively correct list will have the following:

>7 higher than 6, probably occupying the highest slot.
>The NES ones should generally be occupying the lowest spots, or be low on the list.
>The highest ones should be PS1 games. (This is worth half the value of the other two)

If those three requirements are met, you've got a correct listing. Examples of perfect or near-perfect listings:

Utter failures:

>> No.6580886

The ones i completed:


>> No.6580895

>peach is the only one without cleavage

>> No.6581087
File: 44 KB, 650x476, IMG_20190125_080739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't they impose the rule to keep people like you out? The way it's looking, it should be changed so people like you will leave.

Besides, weren't FFIX and X being planned at the same time? Cry more about shit that doesn't matter, please.

>> No.6581175

1. VII
2. X
3. IX
4. VI
5. V
6. IV
7. XII

>> No.6581314

VII = V > VI > IX > IV > X > I > XII > VIII > II > III

V and VI can absolutely hang with the PS1 games. V has the best Job System in the series, and VI has atmosphere for days. I agree on the other two points, with the exception that I consider FFI to be a pretty good game.

>> No.6581320

How the fuck is this thread still up? This is blatantly not retro.

>> No.6581324
File: 121 KB, 936x467, fftierlist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my opinion, made recently and in the interest of full disclosure i have recently completed 5 and 9. (before i made this list)
I haven't finished any FF since IX but I don't have any kind of personal stigma against them

>> No.6581398
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I really ought to update this to list FF11 twice with 'then' and 'now' subtitles, because obviously the current game doesn't belong up top. But you know what I mean. The 'real' game does.

>> No.6583187

>low tier ix and x

Let me guess you are an autistic edgy without emotions.

>> No.6583219
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>> No.6584827

1. V
2. VII
3. IV
4. IX
5. I
6. VI
7. III
8. II

>> No.6584837

It's dumb to compare Final Fantasy with each other. Different consoles, different limitations, etc..

>> No.6584940

wow it's almost like people who have played all of the games can analyze the games within the context of when they were released and how the series progressed over time, how dumb

>> No.6584949

Not them but I think it's a fundamentally dumb idea that you can quantify how meaningful and successful something is as art and then rank them. I've played all of them and had a good time with most in different ways. It'd be easier for me to write a 5000 word essay on the strengths and weaknesses of each individually than it would be to give them a numbered rank.

>> No.6584956

Nah, they obviously went downhill pretty hard after VII. Advent Children absolutely ruined Squaresoft.

>> No.6584967

VIII = VI >> VII > X = IX > XII

>> No.6585040

1. VI
2. VII
4. IX
5. X
6. XII

>> No.6585047

wrong, VI is considered the best of the franchise and was launched almost 26 years ago.

>> No.6585060

>REEE tedwoosley is the best version

>> No.6585083

mine's like

IX > V > VI > XII > XIV > IV > X > I > XV > X-2 >>>>> II

I haven't played enough VII, VIII and III to have an opinion of it and i don't think i want to suffer through playing XIII + sequels anytime soon unless i REALLY have to.

XV is actually not as awful as people say. Just somewhat boring. It's actually a blast to fight human enemies that aren't gun-totting grunts but the combat is an absolute mess with monsters. Noctis was even more tolerable than fucking Vaan or Tidus even, which is a surprise given how much of an emo he looks like

>> No.6585086 [DELETED] 


>> No.6585094

>VI is considered the best of the franchise
What are opinions?

>> No.6585147

>you are an autistic edgy without emotions.
No, but I can speak English.