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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6577412 No.6577412 [Reply] [Original]

Soo many games start okay but immediately go to shit halfway through, but with how easy it is to source roms a lot of the argument of things "not being worth it" kind of evaporate when you have no stake in the matter. Are there any games that you enjoy the beginning enough to justify a partial recommendation? Personally I really enjoy Tiny Tank, but the levels in the last half just fell like a chore.

>> No.6577484

Settlers 2 comes to mind

>> No.6577501

Kid Chameleon
Ghostbusters NES
Batman NES
Vice Project Doom

>> No.6577510

Pinball Quest

>> No.6577532

>Kid Chameleon
The Final Marathon is the highlight of the game though.

>> No.6577542

I kind of have been wanting to create a website that just lists every serviceable game in existence. So you can just know you're not about to play Drake and the 99 Dragons or something stupid as shit.

>> No.6577563

Every Warren Spector Game.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.6577580
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>> No.6578335

I know what I'm asking was subjective, but this just seems objectively wrong with the exception of his later works.

>> No.6578461

So you want a review aggregate site? Plenty of those exist. Many are skewed and unreliable.

>> No.6579009

But it wouldn't be a review aggregate in the traditional sense. It would be based on word of mouth and games just wouldn't exist in the database unless at least one person said it was fun. Then add a dispute system where I give it to someone who gives a shit about the genre to determine if it's even playable.

>> No.6579586

Bushido blade. That last fight against the gun with gun is ridiculous. Easily took twice as long for me to beat compared to all of the other fights combined

>> No.6581183

I was over halfway finished with Lufia II when my phone and emulator was destroyed in a car wreck. Now I have broken ribs and no closure.

>> No.6581558

/v/s recommended games
>in b4 reddit ruined it

It's a list of games that probably don't suck so much dick that you'd not get past the first level. It does not have any lesser known systems though

>> No.6581559

Should’ve had your eyes on the road, not your phone anon

>> No.6581790

Sonic The Hedgehog 1, 2, and 3

>> No.6581798

>tiny tank

lol, I vaguely remember the cinematic for that. I'm going to go check and see if it's as funny as I remember it being.


lol it's still great.

>> No.6581948

>/v/s recommended games
It's a shame lists for mainstream systems hardly updated in past 5-10 years, but still a great place.

>> No.6581975
File: 116 KB, 658x469, warren spector.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original System Shock. The first 2 levels are horrible, but when the game opens up it gets orders of magnitude better and stays good.

Deus Ex takes a steep loss in quality about 2/3rds of the way in. Paris is nowhere near as well made as Hong Kong or New York City. It's still an amazing game but it loses something.

He didn't even really work on half the games he gets credit for, which I assume that poster is talking about. Like the Thief series and System Shock 2. Out of those games:
>Thief 1 shits the bed after Return to the Haunted Cathedral
>Thief 2 is very consistent and doesn't really wane in quality
>System Shock 2 gets more interesting halfway through but it loses the exploration/survival aspect

>> No.6581993

The only game to make me cry as an adult when I beat it. You have to finish it one day

>> No.6583587

God if Lufia had gotten me into a car wreck I would swear off this god forsaken website for good

>> No.6583627

>Thief 1 shits the bed after Return to the Haunted Cathedral

Currently playing through it for the first time, I'm at the last level and I disagree. I'm playing Thief gold, and every level so far has been enjoyable except FUCKING Thieves Guild. The first haunted cathedral map was also a bit of a fuckabout, the return one also started to grate on me a bit near the end. The combat heavy end parts are fine as a way to mix things up imo.

>> No.6583631

Any Elder Scrolls game, retro or not.

>> No.6583775

Surprised you hate Thieves Guild. That's one were you don't really realize how absolutely abhorrent it is until you're more familiar with the game. The backtracking wouldn't be nearly as annoying if it wasn't for the lighting not matching were you can hide and all the other bugs.

Personally my most hated missions are Escape, Strange Bedfellows and The Maw of Chaos. I guess I want to play sneaky still but the game wants to go full action. I feel like the other bad missions like Thieves Guild and Mage Towers could've been amazing if it wasn't for a bad design decision. Like making 80% of the mage towers level centered around first person platforming.