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File: 28 KB, 255x205, LJN_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6574839 No.6574839 [Reply] [Original]

What was their fucking problem?

>> No.6574875

A toy company who made a lot of money on licences, got into video games because they were also toys, outsourced development to actual game studios while they got licences, had huge financial troubles in 1987, and eventually were bought up by the great evil that was Acclaim by 1990. You can see better details in these videos


>> No.6574878

all they did was license and publish, you can blame the devs for the bad games

>> No.6574892


>What was their fucking problem?

Capitalism. They put profits before people. They focused on quantity not quality.

>> No.6575050

They made one of the top 10 Nes games, Friday the 13th

>> No.6575078

WWF Superstars on the Gameboy was good.

>> No.6575102

To make licensed games. Its not like you can expect quality on 8bit hardware to begin with.

>> No.6575106

You can, but LJN's financial issues meant they didn't have the more important things to offer: time and money.

>> No.6575119

>reddit spacing
>is a commie
Many such cases.

>> No.6575153

No one held them accountable for their actions.

>> No.6575194

merchant ceo knew they'd sell the same amount of copies, regardless of how bad the games were

>> No.6575220

Literally every single video game except Tetris was made by capitalists.

>> No.6575240

Why did Rare, which has made so many great games, make such stinkers for LJN to publish? It almost seems intentional

>> No.6575251

>They put profits before people
anon, "people" are necessary for profits
retards love eating shit, see >>6575119

>> No.6575261

Before Battletoads, Rare were basically a few guys in the UK shitting out shovelware. Like, their main thing in their pre-console days was making cheap-ass arcade boards filled with shitty games that sold by virtue of being cheap.

>> No.6575359

No. LJN kept choosing the devs, so why did they ALWAYS pick the most incompetent ones? Blame ultimately falls on them for not doing enough research.

>> No.6575449

Rare basically bottled lightning with DKC/DKC2, and then never reached the same heights. Much like GameFreak and the first two generations of Pokemon.

>> No.6575518

>No. LJN kept choosing the devs, so why did they ALWAYS pick the most incompetent ones?
Bad devs work for cheap, and by the time you knew the game was bad you already bought it.

>> No.6575658

A lot of their games are good though.

>> No.6575685

>Much like GameFreak and the first two generations of Pokemon
that's pure nostalgia the gameplay of gen 4 shits all over the first couple of gens

>> No.6575869

>gen 3 introduces routes with meat to them
>gen 4 introduces the physical/special split
>the games themselves are still shit
This is why you see such an effort in the romhacking community.

>> No.6575870

Toy company first, video game company last.

>> No.6575873

This. Rare is a complete recipient of revisionist history - people forget they cranked out shit like TIME LORD before they were even a twinkle in Nintendo’s eye.

>> No.6575879

No one actually thinks that Rare is good outside of the DKC series, though.

>> No.6575916

Kid Nikki was great.

>> No.6576060
File: 59 KB, 640x480, roll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What were they thinking?

>> No.6576064

It got lumped into the video but it's a harmless game, yeah.

>> No.6576404

>They put profits before people. They focused on quantity not quality.
That describes communism quite well.

>> No.6576798

What the first guy says, they were a shell company for publishing games, never developed any of their own. In spite of its (well earned) reputation, LJN did publish a couple of games which were actually good, one is True Lies for SNES/Genesis.

Stop spacing like that, you disgusting Communist subhuman.

>> No.6576810

Fuck off, Battletoads, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark.

Ironic, isn't it?

>> No.6577486

Go watch more avgn faggot

>> No.6577541

Sorry everyone, you're not allowed to criticise a video game company covered by a certain YouTuber

>> No.6577554
File: 58 KB, 320x465, F6F99728-CA84-418C-9354-CA5601E61918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree

>> No.6577560

A whiny Youtuber cherrypicked their worst games and suddenly LE LJN BAD XD. Hi-Tech Expressions deserves an equal amount of hate for their shit games.

>> No.6577562

kek. Dumb commies don't understand that their opposition is ALSO opposed to capitalism. Capitalism and communism are two sides of the same jewish coin.

>> No.6577686 [DELETED] 

They even attempted to make collector's editions just like in modern vidya

>> No.6577690
File: 43 KB, 339x400, vintage-1994-marvel-spiderman-venom_1_782023d81f23530bf2eb6d06858f9d34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They even attempted to make collector's editions just like in modern vidya

>> No.6577725

ddude, dint rare do Ironsword , one of the great nes games

>> No.6577726

It's a shame that the game was t that great. Miles better than the sequel though.

>> No.6577731

thy also did R.C. Pro-Am before battletoads. those guys were solid

>> No.6577738

As well as Pinbot

>> No.6577985

They were meme'd by an eceleb.

>> No.6578037

But capitalists did both. You wanted to put out a bunch of shitty games en masse into the market, go to LJN and other similar kusoge mongers. You wanted a great game to support your license? You go to Sunsoft or other companies at the time.

Meanwhile in the Soviet Union "you" couldn't get a game made. You had to be a central planner who has decided that we need video game entertainment unit 005 "Great Patritotic Tank Fight". Three Video Game Development Bureaus would then present three different prototypes and the one who's boss had sucked dick enough at a high party level would get to make it. You then would put it out with the number of units ordered, don't matter if they work, or people actually bought it or liked it, that was what was done. Video Game Production for the Year is up higher than last years records and the Capitalist PigDogs are crushed.

>> No.6578063

LJN was the chaddest game publisher, they gave no shits.

>> No.6578160

Lol yeah those are some incompetent, shoddy no-name devs they picked

>> No.6578467

I thought it was great as a rental, couldn't imagine buying it though.

>> No.6578536

souless zoomer

>> No.6578671

Pretty sure they were always seen as bad since their awful games vastly outnumber their middling at best ones.

>> No.6578678
File: 14 KB, 189x267, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nightmare on elm street its a cool game, probably the only good LJN game on nes

>> No.6578689
File: 31 KB, 474x314, iu[3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LJN was just one company guilty of it, there have always been scummy companies preying on stupid people/children for their money

Like, every one of these electronic games is a piece of shit and of course stupid people / children are going to see them and go "WOW, I LIKE THAT INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY! I WANT THAT!" I think the modern example of it is Musou games. Do you like Gundam, Legend of Zelda, One Piece, Dragon Quest? Play Dynasty Warriors reskinned with your favorite characters! :>

>> No.6579153
File: 1.31 MB, 1251x737, 2020-07-07 19_01_39-Tiger Electronic Games - Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN) - YouTube - Chromium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not old enough for LJN NES games, but i am old enough for tiger games, had a couple of those

>> No.6579163

they're an assload of FUCK and I hate 'em

>> No.6579164

Theyre like game and watch but shitty

>> No.6579176
File: 330 KB, 1439x1602, 2020-07-07 19_15_40-Tiger Electronic Games - Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN) - YouTube - Chromium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that episode has one of my favourite quotes in it
fucking tiger, man

>> No.6579290

The presentation was really nice with the comic panels.. but then you get in to the game and it gets boring really quickly. Shame, as the concept had the potential to be amazing

>> No.6579314

They were one of the worst video games companies ever

>> No.6579558

i condemn people who watch and parrot AVGN or any eceleb for that matter.

>> No.6579575

It's just entertainment you stupid faggot. If you think AVGN is being totally serious in his videos then you're beyond retarded.

>> No.6579579

I own a few of those. Some aren't even tiger.

>> No.6579583

i don't care his fans are parrots and he helped turn ecelebs into a mainstream trend.

>> No.6579587

i wouldn't blame him for throwing some non-tiger games in that pile, it's just to demonstrate that there was a lot of them, which there definately was

>> No.6579682

I knew LJN was steaming pile of shit long before ecelebs were a thing.

>> No.6580217

Just because you hate AVGN, doesn't mean LJN was a good publisher. 9 out of 10 games published by them are objectively subpar or outright awful.

>> No.6581052

true lies is good for snes

>> No.6581068

At least musou games besides 9 are functional products. You press the button, the sword swings, and 20 people die.

>> No.6581078

porkie cope

>> No.6581098

Yes, the Genesis version is 99% identical, I can also vouch for that one too.

Go for a helicopter ride.