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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 7 KB, 220x220, shittifer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6569918 No.6569918 [Reply] [Original]

fuck this piece of shit

>> No.6569949

I guess if Joe Redifer were turned into a weird Zombie lad that Splatterhouse man had to save, begging for his life in a chippy voice, this would probably be pretty spot on.

Even has a little of the receding hairline.

>> No.6570145

Uh sweaty, misogyny is so pre-2020. She is clearly just jonesing for some pickles n' ice cream, but you MALES don't understand this.

>> No.6570147

I would if I could

pre-transformation I mean

>> No.6570158
File: 59 KB, 628x416, Arcade - Splatterhouse - Jennifer Willis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No joke, that sprite is pretty hot.

>> No.6570162

He looks like your mom's anus after I gave it a good pounding lmao

>> No.6570170
File: 65 KB, 1200x514, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lmao bro kek lol

>> No.6570184

>feels guy edits
You're just as stupid.

>> No.6570189

ain't nothing wrong with that

>> No.6570485

womb level is the worst. final boss of splatterhouse 2 is a dickhead too.

>> No.6571525
File: 36 KB, 474x368, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the smell.

>> No.6571529

You don't wanna fuck with me
I'm a big tough guy irl
Come say that shit to my face pussy

>> No.6571706

hey being a niggerfaggot is one thing but leave the memes out of it

>> No.6571732

I refuse. Feels guy should have been laid to rest years ago, and you know it.

>> No.6571758

I only played this on Turbo Grafx and he's easy as fuck in that one. The whole game is easy as fuck since you can move the switches to turbo and have Rick attack 6 times a second

>> No.6571776

Not nearly as annoying as the flying fetuses/poison bubbles.
600 lbs. of ham that's been left to soak in a flooded basement for several weeks.

>> No.6571795

Is this a lore-friendly statement, or are you talking out of your ass? Might as well been left there for decades. The fetuses were never a big deal for me, just button mash that shit. Also, I didn't think anything of this post >>6571525 until you added some detail, made me gag. Fucking hell, imagine sifting through aborted demon fetuses, punching them open, while covered in blood, chunks of baby meat and possibly placentas and other vaginal stuff.

>> No.6572492

Console version is easier for a few reasons, even on "hard" mode where stuff takes twice as much damage. iirc Jennifer has a more forgiving or moves slower or something...

>> No.6572510

>are you talking out of your ass
You must be new here.

>> No.6573115

it pisses me off so much when retards post about how much things stink and can't even back it up with research

>> No.6573189

This site actually has a lot of in-depth research on what the Splatterhouse vagina level smells like:

>> No.6575151

what a piece of shit

>> No.6577104
File: 28 KB, 600x315, holographic meatloaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>splatterhouse will never ever make a true comeback
Just fucking end me now.

>> No.6577161

Let it die with some dignity then being a shallow nostalgia boner cash-grab.

>> No.6577186


yeah really, or you will end up with something like streets of rage 4 made by a bunch of idiots who never played the originals until they began dev

>> No.6577193

It didn't die in a very dignified way

>> No.6577283
File: 48 KB, 800x600, splatter_nonottheskullno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

namco trademarked something something like "splatterhouse revival" "klonoa revival" and "mr driller revival" or something to that effect, so I imagine some type of port/remaster might be in the cards.

some shitty oc i made

>> No.6577387
File: 171 KB, 326x281, 064.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are any of the games worth playing besides the first arcade one?

>> No.6577513

Splatterhouse 2 is great. At least as good. 3 is hard as fuck and not that fun, but is worth checking out since it's probably the spookiest.

>> No.6577540

Nice art

Splatterhouse remake/port/remaster can't be any worse than the wallet chain reboot. New Mr. Driller is great.

Original is best, but NES is close. All are worth playing. 3 JP is a bit better than 3 US due to gay "balance changes" that are dumb.

>> No.6577596
File: 17 KB, 400x500, splattering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's funny that the US version makes the special moves stronger and more effective (no longer costing health/meter in super rick form, for example) while making the time limits for stricter. Like, what a weird change, because it means you end up relying on your spin kick and hentai attack most of the time.

>nice art
thanks, I was in a mood at the time.

>> No.6577648

Wrong asshole

>> No.6578482

>it's funny that the US version makes the special moves stronger and more effective (no longer costing health/meter in super rick form, for example) while making the time limits for stricter. Like, what a weird change, because it means you end up relying on your spin kick and hentai attack most of the time.
I think I can follow the thread of logic

>button mashing is boring, let's add fighting game inputs!
>wait, now these hard-to-do moves need to be stronger
>wait, now the time limits are too generous

thus a humble but serviceable Final Fight clone got mangled in a spamfest.

how can you look at Feelsguy Rick Taylor and say such things

>> No.6578590

3 is good but you gotta use the right path or shit gets fucked quickly.Cool if you want the bad ending though.

Also, transformed rick with the flying boot stomp is kino. it just ruins enemies

>> No.6579150
File: 33 KB, 400x500, fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
