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File: 94 KB, 256x256, Fftbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
656642 No.656642 [Reply] [Original]

So I just started a new file on Final Fantasy Tactics, I've beaten Tactics Advanced and TA 2 but have never gotten very far in the original.

Can we just have a general about this? I fucking love this game.

>> No.656894


>> No.657076
File: 63 KB, 637x473, fft-cloud-aeris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I first played FFT way back 10 years ago, it was really great. I never played FFT Advanced but I finished A2 Grimoire of the Rift.

>> No.657090
File: 125 KB, 511x766, ffta2-lezaford2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping with some A2

>> No.657106

>Buy FFT in highschool because it had Final Fantasy on the cover
>Begin playing
>Completely blows my mind
>Favourite job system, great story

>Meh story
>Graphics strangely offputting, strange since I usually do not care about graphics
>Judges? More like faggots
>All those non human races making my latent racism dominant
>Meh game overall

Long story short, get ready for a great time OP.

Actual stories in next post.

>> No.657128

The only advice I would give is make sure you change save slots every 2-3 battles near the middle of the game.
Some situations cause multiple battles to happen one after another and can royally fuck you if you aren't prepared job, weapon or level wise.

Fucking undead have a chance at reviving 3 turns after death.

If you're an autist even party levelling type fag, make your main party Ramza+3. Most battles take 5 characters max, and sometimes you'll be forced to have a guest, making you choose to have a core member sit out.

JP up is your friend.

Dancers are sweet.

>> No.657148
File: 27 KB, 500x482, Riovannes-battlefield3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this has to be the hardest battle in the entire game all you can do is pray and get lucky

>> No.657168

I wouldn't say "hardest"
Most unfair, yes.
I still think Weigraf is the hardest. And there are several battles that are just ass if your loadout is wrong.
>any battle where an archer has almost inaccessible high ground

>> No.657183

I love A2's mechanics, but the story is lolworthy.
Imo the PSP translation of story's better and helped me actually finish the game- I don't enjoy the washed out graphics and "3D!" as much as I like the crisp sprites on TA/2.

Honestly, if they remade FFT using the TA2 system it would probably be one of my favorite games.

>> No.657192

man i had to have played this battle over 50 times before i beat it. i had saved it right be for and did not have a second save file so it was beat this battle or start all the way over

>> No.657201
File: 18 KB, 320x240, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I will never get why people bitch about the law system in FFTA. Most laws are super specific. Oh, I can't use gravity? So one ability on one of my characters? How will I ever manage? Just have a diverse roster of classes and it is never a problem at all, which I think might be the point. Even ones that seem gnarly like "no Fight" or "no Swords" are fucking cake because job abilities don't count. Besides, I am constantly maxed out on antilaws.

Anyways, FFT is brilliant OP. Enjoy the ride.

>> No.657206

Best part is when
that faggot gets gutted at the end

>> No.657210

I don't like being told what i can and can't use. Fuck law system it's shit beyond shit.

>> No.657212

I personally liked using the robot and Cloud.

Cloud's limit breaks were actually really good moves.

>> No.657215

It's because the people who whine about it would rather grind their way out of tough situations than to y'know, use a little strategy with their roster.

>> No.657221

>play game on ps1
>that final scene with Delita and Ophelia
>I didn't understand what the fuck happened because o fthe graphics
>She hugged him and he killed her? Why did Delita kill her and then bemoan his fate?
>years later
>How did that end again?
>Read script

>> No.657227

>I will never get why people bitch about the law system in FFTA

Law: Don't get stolen from
Battle is filled with like 10 thiefs


>> No.657230

No, >>657210 is right.
I pick characters and abilities I like to use. Putting limitations on that makes me angry.
I mean, I get it, it can be fun sometimes, like if there was a Challenge Dungeon where you had to do these things, but for the whole fucking game? No way man.

And what the fuck was with that location placement get item thing? I mean, how the fuck was I supposed to know where to put stuff to unlock the super secret awesome items?

>> No.657237

It gets real jewy later on when you get multiple laws like "No Fight" and "No Color Magic" in the same battle.

Also, you can get into an unwinnable situation and have no way out other than to reset, like a battle against Bangaa with a "No Damage to Bangaa" law. You didn't know the battle would have Bangaa in it until you entered it. Honestly, why is that even a law? That's a law that either does nothing or makes the battle unwinnable. Fucking stupid.

But okay, laws are a double-edged sword. You can use laws to screw with your enemies. Using the law system to your advantage is one of the core gameplay elements.

I don't know, it just doesn't feel satisfying winning a battle because your enemies were impaired. It feels unfair. It feels like cheating. I'd rather beat my enemies with tactics and cunning and strength than rely on the referee to do my job for me. And besides, enemy units will rack up Yellow Cards with reckless abandon, and enemy bosses are immune to Red Cards. Enemy parties are generally set up so that you can't really shut them down with a few laws anyway. This shit wouldn't piss me off Marche was immune to Red Cards, or if Yellow Cards were significantly less of a penalty. But they aren't, so it does. Fuck FFTA.

>> No.657232

>implying i grind to stupid levels on any given battle.
DERP let's grind to lv 50 on chapter 1.

>> No.657250

Speaking of Weigraf, does anybody have the Ramza, prepare your anus photoshopped image?

>> No.657267

>implying any battle is harder that a random encouter of 6-8 chocobos of all colors




>their move range makes them near impossible to chase down

>> No.657261
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>random encounters later
>dmg2 animal

>> No.657292
File: 23 KB, 288x499, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get choco down to critical HP
>goes to other end of map and choco cures
>two others I was fighting also goes to it and cures it and themselves
>3 chocobo at full health now
>my members still half dead
>they get first strike since I cant get to them in one turn

>> No.657301

basically, the only time I even cared about laws is when the law was "don't use heavy swords" or some shit that I was using on my main character to one-shot people

>> No.657314

It scales better and black chocobos have better stats

>> No.657340

>finally get a chocobo rider
>the class is pretty mediocre and it's a real hassle to do anything
>change back to fusillier and one shot everything across the map

>> No.657337

wiegraf battle is easy if you just keep running from him and boosting your stats with his squire skills until you wreck that nigga in 1 hit.

>> No.657348

>use protect by accident
>-98 magic res

>> No.657358

>monk with 2 sword ability
>run up to his face
>hope for the best
The following happens
hit hit done
miss hit done
hit miss done
and sometimes a crit hit and it's over.

>> No.657452
File: 47 KB, 512x480, 13523495809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wiegraf isn't even the worst part of that level

>> No.658012

> remember how Gaffgarion was a "hard" fight until I stripped him of everything and made him a low tier class just before I lost control over him
> remember I still don't know where I was in my last playthrough
> remember this isn't the first time I forgot a FFT playthrough
Guess I should take out the PSP and finish this chore.

>> No.661368

How the hell could they fuck up the basic concept of FFT in FFTA so much? Twice in a row?

>> No.661429

>buy FFT off ebay for $20
>game arrives a week later, don't feel like playing it right then
>a month goes by
>ready for FFT, put the disc in PS2
>3 minutes later, Playstation logo appears
>get super drunk
>still staring at black Playstation screen two hours later

In a bright light, I can see it has lots of azimuthal scratches, but none look too deep. I don't know if I can trust a CD buffer.

>> No.663120

>see thread and get nostalgic
>get really high and start a new file on the PSN version of FFT
>sit through the 30 minute opening
>get to the second real fight, where you have to save that royal guy who turns out to be a cunt
>MC dies
>cant finish off the bandits in 3 turns
>game over so early in the game
>turn off console

some other day maybe...

>> No.663143

Jesus Christ this. I've got 50 hours dumped into FFTA and dmg2 animals is THE most irritating thing in the world. It makes me hit my girlfriend.

>> No.663162

Same thing here bro. I played it when I was a kid and got like half way through but now the learning curve is a little steep. It's not that I can't over come it, I just don't feel like dealing with how broken FFT is. As casual as this may sound I kind of which there was a patch/mod that dumbed down some of the mechanics. I guess that's one of the reasons I like FFTA and FFTA2 more.

>> No.663159

That's bad, man. that's what children are for

>> No.663168

I have no kids but it's okay. She likes it. It helps me vent.

>> No.663183

I'm at Dorter Slums now.

any advice? those wizards and archers are fucking assholes. if I have a bad run they guard and I miss every time.

>> No.663193

aiming is such bullshit in this game. jesus fuck.
most thing I hate is if the MC dies and the game ends before I could revive him because i couldn't walk another square or some fucktard stands inbetween the line.

>> No.663202

reclamation at ebay.
that shit is ridiculous and you shouldn't put up with it.

>> No.663212

what pisses me off is the AI of Algus and Derita.
first turn they have is walk up the building right next to them and block it for others while the damn archers gut my healer or my main from above.

>> No.663239

>learning curve is a little steep

you gotta be kidding me

>> No.663243

Please, as amazing as FFT is, I find that the zodiac system is the most obnoxious part of it. By the time my only decent white mage got revive, it was the exact opposite sign that Ramza had, so every revive had maybe a 10% chance to hit. I felt like that added one too many layers of randomness.

I never made a calculator in my playthrough, perhaps its time. That and I want to avoid using Agrias and Cid, they are broken as hell. Then again, they might be the only thing keeping me from putting a hole in my TV for the Wiegraf fight.

>> No.664426

So did anyone swap agras into a geomancer as soon as they got her, cloths are so much better than armor for her since her holy sword ability's are based of phy attack, also i always liked imagining her in the geomancer outfit

>> No.664465

"Reinforcements? Thank God!" Then he immediately slashes some guy next to him and runs. Cracks me up every time. But then every battle after that they just run in recklessly and die.

>> No.664515

>everyone bitches about the Weigraf fight
>he's always dead in two or three turns in all of my playthroughs because Ramza is always a monk/squire
>implying monk with Ramza's squire abilities aren't broken as fuck