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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6565818 No.6565818 [Reply] [Original]

I use infinite lives cheats in every single retro game that uses that system. Because game over is an outdated mechanic which only purpose is to artificially extend the length of the game by making you replay all the parts that you already mastered to get you the part that is giving you trouble. I feel no shame for this whatsoever and when I do this I enjoy these games substantially more because the stress of having to start from scratch is gone. This is the definitive way to play these games and you should try it too. The challenge that the game presents remains intact, and so does the satisfaction, it's not the same than using save-states, the only difference is that you don't have to play the entire fucking game again in case you happen to run out of lives.

Pic unrelated btw.

>> No.6565826

It's clear cheating in games affects you mentally. If it didn't you wouldn't have to justify it on to random people on the internet.

>> No.6565847

You could have not made this thread and everyone's lives and views on this matter would remain exactly the same. The only difference is now we know you suck at games and are inscure about it.

>> No.6565862

I don't mind lives systems, but I fucking hate limited continues though. Those serve no purpose other than forcing you to feed a machine coins. Why they're on console games I will never understand.

>> No.6565865
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>> No.6565881

The joy in games that require you to beat the whole thing in a row with few mistakes and force you to start over from the beginning when you fail comes from:
1) The satisfaction of completely mastering an entire game.
2) The tension caused by having to earn attempts at the later parts of the game, knowing that making mistakes will require you to go back and earn another attempt.
3) The mystique of the later levels that you don’t get to see as often as the earlier levels.

A properly designed game of this type is generally expected to have these qualities:
A) The game rewards becoming better and better at the earlier levels of the game as you are forced to replay them to earn attempts at the later levels. Mastery of earlier levels should leave you with more lives remaining, grant extra lives from score or pickups, grant power-ups from pickups, etc. so that the better you get at the early levels, the more equipped you become to handle later levels. This continued discovery of what each level offers feels good.
B) The difficulty of most of the individual challenges is not super high, so that achieving the ability to perform every challenge in the game in a row with few mistakes is doable for an average player.
C) The game is short enough that mastering the entire thing is doable for an average player and isn’t too exhausting to do in one playthrough. (Generally less than an hour.)

>> No.6565891

>Why they're on console games I will never understand.
Because kids could only afford one game a month and used to moan when they could beat a game in a day.

>> No.6565906

>and so does the satisfaction

>> No.6565908

>Pic unrelated btw
I unironically thought you were making fun of people with the statement in your post by comparing them to an obese paratroopa

>> No.6565948

Op, don't trust anyone who tells you what to do, they're just a bunch of elitist cunts who think they're better than anyone else because they went the purist way, only you can define what fun is and have the power to do so in your own hands, not in anyone's shitty opinion.

>> No.6565998

>i'm a cant git gud zoomie
It's a common problem with people your age
>I feel no shame for this whatsoever
Obviously you do or you wouldn't be coping to strangers on the internets
>when I do this I enjoy these games substantially more
I'm sure you do and I know a lot of other zoomers who feel the same. I find that cheating this way is one of the best ways to get low skill ADHD fortnite babies interested in old games. I have flash carts with patched versions of meme games specifically for when my zoomer kids have their casual zoomer friends over and want to play with daddys old toys.

>> No.6566023

I actually finally started enjoying games again once I finally grew a pair and stopped using save states. The "stress" of having to start over is part of what makes games so exciting and fun. If there's no tension since I can just reload a save state from 5 seconds ago then there is really no fun to be had for me.

>> No.6566052

100% this. There are indeed games you will get schooled in on a blind run, but learning how the game works and where it's going to throw this and that at you have you getting a little further each time. A perfect run at NES Action Game/Shmup™ might take less than an hour, but the hours you put in to reach that perfect run were never wasted and you've stretched the value of less than an hour for $40 out. Even more if you wanna take on harder modes, etc.

That was how gaming value worked back then - heck I've spent upwards of 40 hours each just practicing single 25 min long shmups. For that it's worth the cash.

>> No.6566072

I sorta agree. Lives in nes era games are a hold over from arcade games and don't really add much to the overall experience besides making you redo parts you already did. Which is sorta boring at best and frustrating at worse.

>> No.6566079

Did you read the post retard? Op explicitly stated that he doesn't use save-states. He just doesn't enjoy having to start the game over if he runs out of lives. Which is completely understandable for anyone wish shit to do. So the checkpoints are the ones the game normally has, but by using infinite lives cheat is like any modern he as opposed to "hurt Durr you have to play the entire game again to get to the one part that is hard xD"

>> No.6566085

>Op explicitly stated that he doesn't use save-states.
Then he's dumb I guess

>> No.6566095

Here's the thing, I do not want to be forced to replay the entire game just because the developer somegow thought that was part of the challenge, and you and I know that is not even the case, the lives system was just the trend back then. When I replay a game is because the gameplay is compelling enough that I feel the urge to replay it and master the mechanics. If a games forces me to replay just for the sake of it then fuck it, I will not fucking do it, it's just a waste of my time.

>> No.6566096

Op is undeniable based and right.

>> No.6566103

Death is artificial difficulty too. I use infinite health cheats

>> No.6566105

fpbp close the thread

>> No.6566107

You don't have to worry about replaying sections if you're actually good at the game. Zoomers cannot cope with reprecussions for their actions, they're a tremendously feminised generation and a huge embarrassment in general.

>> No.6566112

>I do not want to be forced to replay the entire game just because the developer somegow thought that was part of the challenge
Then stop sucking.
> If a games forces me to replay just for the sake of it then fuck it, I will not fucking do it, it's just a waste of my time.
Okay then, fuck off back to fortnite.

>> No.6566115

The game should make you get good at it by ramping up the challenge, not by making you play the easy levels all over again for no reason, fucking faggot.

>> No.6566119

I still beat those games though, I just remove the retarded mechanic that makes you play the whole thing again for no reason, faggot.

>> No.6566120

>The game should make you get good at it by ramping up the challenge
The game already does that.
>not by making you play the easy levels all over again for no reason
The reason is that you sucked dick at the game and need to stop being a whiny limp wristed femboy faggot. Your generation is weak, submissive and pathetic.

>> No.6566124


>> No.6566128

>The game already does that.
Ok so you admit that making you play the entire game again to get to the part that actually makes you good is nothing but a waste of time, glad we agreed.

>> No.6566142

Stop sucking dick the game and it won't "waste your time". It is futile to ask Zoomers to stop sucking cock though, they are the gayest and most transexual generation by a very large margin after all. Learning how to cope with consequences for your actions is a huge part of growing up, being unable to handle such a task in a fucking video game means that adult life for zoomers is going to be absolutely hilarious for everyone else to watch unfold.

>> No.6566157
File: 894 KB, 250x205, alrightythen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boomer plays a retro game and gets stuck on a hard part:
"Hmmmm, what I'm doing clearly isn't working so I better switch up my tactics. I bet that Lightning spell I got from the wizard on level 3 ought to do the trick"
"Ha! I was right, still pretty challenging but nothing I couldn't handle, I feel stupid for getting frustrated earlier, great game!"

>Zoomer plays a retro game and gets stuck on a hard part:
"Welp I guess I better cut my cock off, wear a pink dress, lipstick and start taking HRT!"
"I'm a pretty girl and I love dicks in my ass and mouth, yummy yummy yummy!"

>> No.6566269

Your post reeks of reddit

>> No.6566303

Get help, schizo

>> No.6566309

Not gonna lie, I lol'd.

>> No.6566321
File: 46 KB, 550x547, kill yourself my dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your post reeks of faggotry, faggot.

>> No.6566406

Pretty much sums it up

>> No.6566413

The only time I ever cheat is to unlock all the cash items in Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4. (Technically retro since its on PS1)

I cant be assed collecting them every time I play, and 90% of them are just
>Set restart point
>Jump off side of building, do a grind or two
>Load Restart point
>Jump off other side

>> No.6566426
File: 43 KB, 544x339, git gud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game over is an outdated mechanic

>> No.6566439

Holy shit you're obsessed

>> No.6566724

>Holy shit I'm triggered by reality

>> No.6566731


>> No.6566740

Having infinite lives objectively takes the fun out of games. Save states are a happy medium.

>> No.6566743


>> No.6566749

>reloading whenever you want
>use the checkpoints the game naturally provides without having to worry about arbitrarily having to start the game from the start

SaveStates are or faggots, but there's nothing wrong about removing what is essentially a way developers had to extend the life of their games so kids would take longer to beat and justify the price. There's no reason you should do that anymore if you appreciate your time.

>> No.6566759

Depends on how you use them.

>> No.6566913
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>> No.6566941

>replay all the parts that you already mastered

Beating it once doesn't mean you "mastered" it.

>> No.6568503
File: 141 KB, 717x880, backtolereddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading it once doesn't mean you """comprehended""" it

>> No.6568520

>SaveStates are or faggots
There were literally games built entirely around savestates as a mechanic back in the early PC era. Prince of Persia is probably the most well-known. There are definitely games that are better with savestates for the same reason those PC games were. Super Pitfall for the NES is a good example. That game has so damn much bullshit that it's often pure memorization. Using savestates bumps it up to "almost enjoyable" by removing that aspect of the gameplay and allowing you to focus on the maze itself.

>> No.6568634

>There are literally faggots who pull shit out of their ass

>> No.6568658

Got me

>> No.6568661

You could apply this to life in general instead of just games and it's still pretty much true.

>> No.6569115

What is this "life" thing you speak of?

>> No.6569227

Lol, how about you use savestates or cheats and then 1cc or no death the game legit after your first run, if youve "mastered it". Its interesting that your types never actually do that despite it being common among arcade game players, the reality is simply that you hate when a game punishes you and forces you to build consistency you want an easy ride with constant rewards in the form of progress. And hey if thats your thing then go for it but it is what it is dont make these bullshit excuses about mastery

>> No.6569234

Fat hands typed this post

>> No.6569237

Why announce it, fattie

>> No.6569242

No I meant the post I replied to, and this post I’m replying to now.

>> No.6569675

>There were literally games built entirely around savestates as a mechanic back in the early PC era. Prince of Persia is probably the most well-known.
wtf are you talking about? There were no savestates in Prince of Persia.

>> No.6569943

Anon is talking about Sands of Time, zoomer.