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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 5 KB, 256x256, RetroArchLogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6564172 No.6564172 [Reply] [Original]

I can't believe this has become the standard for emulation. The UI is absolute garbage and is very unfriendly to PCs and for those who want to tweak it. Is this really all we have? Has anyone developed a better UI where I can change things such as shaders on the fly?

>> No.6564174

Being ported to everything and consolidated and being the standard are two different things

>> No.6564179

You also can change shaders on the fly... F1 press up like three times and it's there in front of you you fucking clown

>> No.6564181

The UI takes 15 minutes max to learn maybe less if you have used a PS3 before. In my opinion I like it. Every thing is controllable with a controller and once it is set up to your liking there is no more tweaking.

>> No.6564182

It's a monopoly thing. It's not the best but it has so many people dragged into it's creations that it ports random things into odd devices. This gets it respected but honestly the stand alone emulators make it pointless if not for the whole social construct it makes by forcing everyone to work together. Like linux does. It'd be cool if it evolves into something worth a shit like if they were to make fan games together after making friends. But jewtindo will axe them to death in current year I'm sure.

>> No.6564185

What the fuck are you talking about. Are you six years old? Is that even communicating anything?

>> No.6564187


look at this goddamn mess and tell me this is properly "consolidated". It's a FUCKING MESS. Just PUT the goddamn menu bar on top like a normal desktop program. Great for consoles, bad for PCs. Still shit to manage no matter what.

>> No.6564201

>doesn't get x message online
>their the ones that's retarded

Stop this meme. Programmers are an asset. It's all to do with monopoly because of that. The nature of our capitalistic nation forces leaders to whip the backs of people to make them cooperate.

>> No.6564207

You're right its normal to start talking about Nintendo axing fangames when someone complains about the UI in Retroarch. My bad

>> No.6564208

>ever learning to manage and customize RA

>> No.6564213
File: 642 KB, 1107x996, 1536040826289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only use retro arch for the shaders.

Notice how nobody, not even the letsplayfags use these accurate shaders in their streams. Why? Because it's complicated as fuck to set up. JUST LOOK AT THE VIDEO >>6564187 IT'S A TOTAL CLUSTERFUCK EVEN IN DESKTOP MODE. 2 years and we haven't streamlined this yet or settled on anything. Just the hidden autistic mode that''s hard to find because some people have too many opinions on what they believe is more accurate.

>> No.6564218

There's literally presets. You go into a folder. What the fuck kind of baby ass are you

>> No.6564219

The organizaion exists due to people mirroring what they see coprorations doing in society. They see success and want to emulate that success ergo they make larger groups than they had before. This means you have to obey the society they will make though, obey the cult that is trying to be a society.




I fugged that up there.

>> No.6564221

>they are the ones that is retarded

That *are.

I was really ironic on that one.

But my point is that it's a side effect of our shitty society.

>> No.6564224

That people can't speak properly? Stop role playing adulthood

>> No.6564230

I'm 31, a native English speaker, graduated high school with a normal diploma, so please fuck off now you projecting zoomerfag. Making me posture like this is cringe.

>> No.6564231

It took me literally an hour to actually get the right settings running. It shouldn't be this way. Most normies could not manage this. Fuck off with your "this is baby shit". No, it's pure autism is what it is. Even 20 years ago emulation wasn't this fucking tedious to set up, in fact it was easy as fuck.

>> No.6564237

>Like linux does. It'd be cool if it evolves into something worth a shit like if they were to make fan games together after making friends. But jewtindo will axe them to death in current year I'm sure.
So smart that you're still making no sense the more I read it.

>> No.6564239

You posted video evidence of it being done in 18 seconds. Sorry you're retarded

>> No.6564243

I'm glad I'm not alone on this, I downloaded this shit and it has the most HORRIBLE unintuitive UI I have ever used. You have that expectation that it will be good because the UI looks "streamlined" (doesn't look good, looks like shit but it looks "modern") but instead its just absolute trash and a hassle to use. I've probably never used an emulator with a UI this bad.

>> No.6564248
File: 108 KB, 700x1055, 1581802460844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit bans trolling
>goes to 4chan to vent his anger and uses it for nothing but flaming


>> No.6564253

Emulators make friends all the time and make fan games but that cursed Jewtendo. Oh and Linux. I bet if the UI was better and if my filters sucked my dick my emulators could be frie ds and make fan games, but that cursed Jewtendo

>> No.6564259

This is how console simpletons sound when they say they don't play on PC because it's too complicated. I'm thankful everyday for not being so mentally slow.

>> No.6564269

>not even the letsplayfags use these accurate shaders in their streams
Because they dont look that good when it comes to streaming/video.

>> No.6564315

Why not? Have you seen the kind of people who emulate?

>> No.6564320

Hey zoombie, this is a boomer board! You’ve been warned ahhhhhh

>> No.6564323

Notice how nobody, not even the letsplayfags use these accurate shaders in their streams. Why? Because it's complicated as fuck to set up.

>> No.6564330

Are you reposting the same shitty statement that someone just explained why it's retarded just a tad below the last one

>> No.6564346
File: 19 KB, 500x447, 1565532473160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6564365

>tick enable
>load preset
>pick a preset
>save preset against the core

>> No.6564379

They're all bad. ScummVM is also a shitshow.

>> No.6564395
File: 2.34 MB, 640x360, RetroArch_is_so_hard2_S.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6564404

Mongoloids: the thread

>> No.6564431

>UI is absolute garbage and is very unfriendly to PCs and for those who want to tweak it.
my nigga do you also have trouble turning on the stove?
retroarch has one of the most retard-proof UIs out there, like yeah you have to spend a couple minutes setting up all of your shit (settings, library, shaders, cores), but after that you can just fire up your game in a matter of seconds

you retards are so fucking picky for something that is free and open source, if you can't handle a few quirks or having to make a 2 second google search you shouldn't be emulating in the first place

>> No.6564432

>Is this really all we have?
I'm still using standalone emulators, in most cases the same ones I've been using for 10+ years. This is because I actually play games instead of obsessing over the minutia of whether the RNG is 1:1 cycle-accurate in some licensed anime platformer no one has ever heard of. Try it.

>> No.6564442
File: 101 KB, 1440x876, MAMEUI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retard-proof UIs
I have been using various emulators for around 23 years and the only retard proof UI's that I came across is any that uses a standard MS windows UI, People just need to stop trying reinventing the wheel when the results always end up worse.

>> No.6564446


only 15 year olds use these words, either your lying or a manchild.

>> No.6564448

>game crashes

>> No.6564456
File: 42 KB, 500x600, 7e94030740fc5be5ab4d662bafd328e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be windows xp
>download emulator file
>oh noes bios
>better get bios file [eg SCPH1001.bin]
>easy to remember
>just two files
>often just one
>just get correct 32 vs 64 bit in such emulators and correct os
>be retroarch
>a fuck ton to remember
>it's on fucking everything yet has similar names
>so many fucking cores
>console user interface
>brain gets addled as fuck
>using it looks like a console when you're a poorfaggot that likes computers, not consoles, so emulators make roms pc gaming tier not console tier and often use keyboard as never even grew up with those original controllers

That's my perspective.

Also, I was forced to use it for android because there's no virtual boy emulator and it's laggy as yell, not two screens, only red, and even n64 doesn't lag yet this does? Ree. Had to get help to find the core too as I didn't see what part of a site it was one for the android's apk retroarch. It doesn't lag that bad but I'm just sayin'. Ree.

>> No.6564457

try using legacy glsl shaders instead, or upgrading your graphics card / drivers

>> No.6564458

>using 4chan
>not a ''''''manchild''''''
Only normalfaggots that belong on (((facebook))) use words like machild, you giant faggot.

>> No.6564501

It's not. Only in the devs twisted minds. It's garbage.

>> No.6564516

I just started to use it with emulation station (took 15 mins) and haven't looked back.

>> No.6564528

>The UI is absolute garbage
not really
> is very unfriendly to PC
surely you mean "very unfriendly to room temperature iqs"
>and for those who want to tweak it
on the contrary
>Is this really all we have?

>> No.6564571

It’s so easy to spot people being filtered by a simple program

>> No.6564586

>there are people out there that defend this clusterfuck

>> No.6564590

very angry retard

>> No.6564595

I guess people like having everything in one place (such a disaster to have multiple programs these days)

>> No.6564615

>is very unfriendly to PCs and for those who want to tweak
Sound tough anon. Hang in there!

>> No.6564617

D I A G O N A L S.
It has none. Why did it remove the support for diagonal inputs from the constituent emulators it uses? It's quite the bizarre choice to say the least.

>> No.6564624

Technically diagonals are a combination of buttons

>> No.6564628

>not even the letsplayfags use these accurate shaders in their streams. Why? Because it's complicated as fuck to set up.
No, it's because any dip in bitrate would cause the video/stream to be unwatchable. God you're so fucking dense.

>> No.6564637

>graduated high school with a normal diploma
As opposed to an abnormal diploma, you fucking ESL larper?

>> No.6564638

How do you even input a diagonal on a controller that has 4 directional buttons dumbass ?

>> No.6564640

Lol what? Are you stupid or dumb?

>> No.6564653

He’s probably using a phone with touch inputs or some shit

>> No.6564671

>playing games
>with a touchscreen for a controller

>> No.6564685

Diagonals are a combination of inputs from the D-pad. If you want R2 to be Up+Right, for whatever reason, you can still do that.

>> No.6564689

Complaining about Retroarch UI is so 2016.

>> No.6564715

What an absolute fucking GigaChad, playing touchscreen fighting games. That said only cheaters care about mapping diagonals. If the emulators input buffer is setup correctly diagonals don’t need to be mapped individual. The only reason they did on older emulators is because of old direct input limitations.

>> No.6564726
File: 31 KB, 250x250, AdviceStop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm legitimately shocked there are people in this thread thinking the UI is good. No, its slow and you have to go back and forth between multiple menus to change every little thing. Sure its usable, but its so incredibly inefficient. The only reason to use retroarch at all is if you really want those damn filters or your emulator of choice doesn't have any UI at all.

>> No.6564832

Letting in the third world was a mistake

>> No.6564842

How are people filtered so fucking easily, stick to everdrives if you can’t work a basic UI

>> No.6564848

I bet 90% of the posters in this topic are fat spics lol

>> No.6564890

games seem to crash for all kinds of reasons. including shader bullshit

>> No.6564891

>No, it's because any dip in bitrate would cause the video/stream to be unwatchable. God you're so fucking dense.
I can't believe you actually believe this. You're no different than the boomer audiophiles.

>> No.6564893

>just press F1 bro!
>takes a whole minute just to load the right settings assuming you even memorize what works and what doesn't.

>> No.6564895

>there's too many options! make it less useful thanks.

>> No.6564916
File: 165 KB, 989x1006, 1518836610626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not complaining about too many options. It's the fact that it's cumbersome to manually load every single one of them. christ it's like we have no standards for FUNCTIONAL UI anymore. It's all 100% aesthetics now, and I guess we have Apple to blame for that.

Functionality > Aesthetics
The autists behind retro arch are likely zoomers or applefags who have no understanding of this.

>> No.6564928

>the autists
>is the autist
A-anon, I...

>> No.6564934

People who don't play games with controllers shouldn't be in charge of designing uis for emulators for consoles. If you don't like the retroarch ui you're probably some goof playing Mario on your keyboard.

>> No.6564942

buttblasted 12yo boomer

>> No.6564968

First and foremost, if you want to get shit running properly, you are going to spend time futzing around with shit like bios and making sure their checksums are correct depending on the system and core. And if you're emulating isos, better make sure they're in the proper bin/cur format as well. And then there's the matter of controls, wherein by default many cores like the genesis ones have a fucked retarded layout. Anyone who says RA takes no time set up are only playing casually.

Now that said, when shit does work, well sorry standalone fags but most cores really are better than the standalones. The beetle Saturn and PSX cores are far better than using shit like SSF or PCSXR (the later of which has massive frame pacing issues when using PGXP, while in RA it runs fine). GenPlusGX is better than Kega, and pretty all the Nintendo related cores for the best emus (Higan, SNES9X, mGBA, mesen, Mupen, etc) are all present and accounted for. Honestly for retro consoles (Dreamcast and older) RA has mostly surpassed standalones in performance and usability. Anyone who denies this hasn't tried it since recently. Only cores I would suggest against are anything after Dreamcast or MAME.

Also the interface isn't as bad as the original XMB shit which hasn't been the default for a couple of years. Only real annoyance is trying to use it with a mouse and it flings you between different options.

>> No.6564994

As opposed to a GED, something you still can’t manage to achieve

>> No.6565010

you know there's a desktop menu, right?

>> No.6565013

Which UI? You know there are multiple ones to pick from right? XMB isn't even the default anymore, if that's the one you meant.

>> No.6565016
File: 1.37 MB, 960x720, ilepmSjGAN.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MAN that was hard

>> No.6565020
File: 194 KB, 360x360, 1588458767644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>panning through 100 different options

yeah, sure was easy!

>> No.6565034

People always complain that Retroarch "takes too long to set up". Yes it does, but you only set it up once.
Fuck, you know modern software is plagued with the "we know what's best for you :)" design philosophy in which you don't get to tweak ANYTHING, just press play and it all werks bro :)
This is what OP wants for retroarch, all because he can't take the time to set up his shader presets once. For fucks' sake. The longer it takes to set up the better, I say.

>> No.6565051

whats wrong with having many options? it is the way it is because there isn't a shader that looks good on every single game. if there was a single button that said "SCANLINES ON/OFF" you'd be complaining because this cucked program isn't customizable and so on.

>> No.6565060
File: 2.25 MB, 640x360, 52.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was!

>> No.6565068

It can't be made more simple than that. That long list of shaders are actually shader presets, which means they're groups of multiple shader passes which are ALREADY configured for you, all you have to do is pick a preset, instead of having to choose every individual shader to achieve the effect you want. Furthermore you can save these presets with a single button so that they appear at the root of the shader hierarchy so you don't even have to go into any folders. And this is only if you want to constantly try out new shaders, on a normal situation you just find the one you like for that system and save it as the default for that system and stop worrying.

>> No.6565070

Good. Be filtered. I'll enjoy the low latency, proper frame pacing, based shaders, and per console and game configs.

>> No.6565081

just use independent emulatoros breh

>> No.6565091

I think everyone reasonable can agree that the "for consoles" design holds it back a lot.

libretro+RetroArch grew from a small frontend for bsnes to a huge multiplatform multiconsole solution that seemingly does everything (and it does many things well), but it seems no one put serious thought into the API and frontend designs in the past several years, if at all. As a result, the configuration system is a huge, unintuitive mess (despite how vehemently some apologists defend it), cores tend to hide a lot of options due to inadequate API and frontend support, several major platforms lack support or lack major features due to underdeveloped API, and devs don't seem interested in improving it. In fact if you dare bring that up near big boss Daniel he is likely to rage at you.

libretro could potentially become a good standard for emulation, but for that it would need a leader with a broader, far-sighted perspective.

>> No.6565094

Are you fucking serious?
Read a basic instruction guide if you can’t understand what scaling or audio resampling does
Or maybe like I said earlier use an actual console if it’s too difficult to run a program that takes 10 minutes to set up and about 30 more to get your preferences on how it looks

>> No.6565098

>vulkan is a bad API

>> No.6565103

Says the guy who uses MameUI instead of just Mame
Just because someone understands video encoding doesn't make them third world

>> No.6565106

Stop talking about things you don't understand.

>> No.6565113

I think it could be better in many ways, but the UI being designed for joypads makes perfect sense, even when you use it in a computer. It's made for playing console games so you gotta treat it like a console, hook your computer to your TV and plug in your controller, sit back and relax.

>> No.6565120

Close. I'm using a phone with a physical QWERTY keyboard. I mapped UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT to W S A D respectively and UP+LEFT UP+RIGHT DOWN+LEFT DOWN+RIGHT to Q E Z C respectively. In every emulator I use. But nooooo. Not Retroarse. They took the diagonal inputs out for some wholly inexplicable reason.

>> No.6565148

Emulators (and emulator frontends) just don't work that way. You can't pretend it's plug&play, unless you are fine with supporting only the most basic use case. libretro+RetroArch lack support for many niche use cases and still has an awful menu navigation/configuration experience. It doesn't do either configurability or plug&play that well.

There are some computer systems with libretro cores, so it seems those are not out of scope, and as you might expect, the experience tends to be poor for them.

>> No.6565163

Sounds like you have a personal beef with someone rather than the actual frontend
Make something better if it bothers you so much

>> No.6565172

Literally the annoying thing about how retroarch works is that you can't just bind everything from the controller for a core. You have to set the button layout to an imaginary 360 controller that you've binded earlier, and even that I understand the reasoning for because they didn't intend on me plugging in thirty different kinds of controllers

>> No.6565212

well have you opened a feature request to add it back in?

>> No.6565213

>tfw PSP core is still bugged and setting it to vulkan makes it default to glcore making some games unplayable

Why have they never fixed this? I want to play FF3 remake dammit. At least it works perfectly on stand alone PPSSPP but that kind of defeats the point of having retroarch.

>> No.6565220

I'll have you know that gl or glcore incur additional 4 frames of delay compared to dx11 with ppsspp core
But shaders don't work with dx11 apparently
so it's different brands of shitty, your choice

>> No.6565225

just buy the hardware, fucking hell.

>> No.6565226

>but that kind of defeats the point of having retroarch.
Except RA emulates all other retro consoles as well.

>> No.6565228

lmao crying faggot

>> No.6565229

temperature IQ solution

>> No.6565235

I know there's a delay, that's the point, it's causing a noticeable skipping and lag when moving around towns and dungeons. Does dx11 also revert to glcore? I've not tried it, but I honestly can't figure out a way just to get PPSSPP to use one video driver while other emus all can use different drivers.

>> No.6565238

> Does dx11 also revert to glcore
it does only if you have option of letting cores override graphics api option turned on, otherwise how the fuck would I know that dx11 has less input lag

>> No.6565242

>using borders
There's people who don't play fullscreen?

>> No.6565249

Is there an option to set a universal shader for everything instead of manually choosing one for each individual game?

>> No.6565250

Why is Neo Geo CD emulation so shitty bros?

FB Neo: doesn't support chd, cannot fast forward loading times
NeoCD: doesn't support 68000 overclock, I'm not playing NG games with slowdown thank you very much

>> No.6565251
File: 431 KB, 1800x1157, stretched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6565252

Ok thanks, I just got this thing yesterday and still am trying to figure it out.

>> No.6565253

I said full screen, not fully stretched. I'm talking full vertical.

>> No.6565264

I mean, personally, I fucking hate black bars. I'd rather deal with extra garbage caused by widescreen hacks than black borders.

>> No.6565265
File: 764 KB, 1916x887, CRT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like how authentic the shaders are

>> No.6565268

Which shader is that one?

>> No.6565278

How the fuck are you able to use a basic computer if you're this retarded?

>> No.6565279
File: 1.25 MB, 1317x1080, scanlines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry I don't remember, I was playing with a ton the other night. It's one of the CRT ones, so Lottes, Royale, Hylian, or something like that, one of the main ones, but I went into parameters and jacked up the darkness of the mask for lulz. Here it was full screen.

I just thought it was cool that on extreme zoom in it actually shows the red/blue/green bars.

>> No.6565280

>Has anyone developed a better UI
What do I need to learn to program my own UI? I'm an ideas guy but this time I want to make it on my own.

>> No.6565283

seethe poorcuck

>> No.6565284

Why tf would you ever emulate something so poorly except for Nostalgia? Even then, I remember games looking like this and always thought it looked terrible. Why go backwards in time? It just looks bad

>> No.6565290

Oh... it doesn't look that good now that you show the full pic.
The NTSC shader in >>6565016 looks better and more legit.

>> No.6565292

>RetroArch isn't hard at all! After 175,834 hours of setting it just the way I like it, it works flawlessly, see?
what's your point?

>> No.6565295

oh look, a retard flaunting throwing money away on useless trash

>> No.6565302

Yeah it was just for goofin around. I agree the NTSC presets are pretty GOAT, I liked almost all of them in terms of authenticity.

>> No.6565323

Reasons people like Retroarch:
>Run ahead
>Using it as a frontend

All three things I couldn't care less about, and that's not even mentioning the shitty , undefendable UI. Yes you can learn it, but that doesn't make it any less tedious to use. It sucks that many developers of emulators are making their stuff specifically for retroarch now. Want to use the most accurate emulators? Gotta get those retroarch cores!

>> No.6565324

It's really not that bad. Once you set up all the settings you generally don't have to touch them again and they are universal if you want them to be. Everything can be done with a controller, cheat database is universal, shaders are plentiful, cores for damn near anything. If you still aren't convinced, just stick with standalone emulators. It's cool, and no loss.

>> No.6565329

>can't even prevew what each shader looks like
>have to navigate through million menus to find the one you want
>have to download the shaders separately
>have to know what folder to put the shaders into to begin with, which is only mentioned in some obscure readme in a wiki somewhere

>> No.6565331

>Everything can be done with a controller
That is my main problem with it, everything was designed to be done with a controller and scrolling through menus one by one when you have a mouse right in front of you in annoying

>> No.6565335

You can scroll through menus with a mouse too

>> No.6565337

You're playing console games why would you have the mouse in front of you

>> No.6565347

Not gonna lie, RA's shaders are great but browsing through them or god forbid mixing them does suck shit.

>> No.6565350

considering how much time you faggots spent emulating my "useless trash" it seems you're pretty jelous, cry more poorfag.

>> No.6565351

emulation has long surpassed original hardware, making it useless and obsolete

>> No.6565356

Retroarch's purpose is to turn your device of choice into an emulator box that you can just operate like a game console from your couch, you can just not use it if you're not looking for that. It's not like standalone emulators have disappeared or anything, and if you still want all emulators in one program then use bizhawk, or one of those bloated launchers like launchbox or something

>> No.6565359

>its another retards too stupid to use a basic UI and complaining about too many options thread

Use something else or quit whining already, Expecting huge changes because you're an idiot isn't going to happen any time soon

>> No.6565369

Configuring controllers on a traditional windows emulator :
>open menu
>usually get graphical depiction of controller making clear what you're setting
>choose a button, press the button you want to map it to on your controller

Configuring controllers on RetroArch :
>have to find the right menu first (there's two for some fucking reason)
>confusing, clunky text only menu where you have to manually sort through a bunch of predetermined choices to select a button
>do it 3 times, because you didn't know you had to save the settings manually while having a game loaded (not just the core) and you had to do so with the right option (did you think save config was the right one? should have gone with save overrides, idiot!, lol)

I don't know if this has changed in the newer versions and I don't care, this was my experience when trying it a few years ago and it was shitty enough to deter me from ever using it again.

>> No.6565386

>source: just trust me bro

>> No.6565393

I'd rather retroarch try to improve it's handling of N64 on switch. Many roms are unplayable and that's due to the core on certain games. The ones that do run, run beautifully. Like I'm able to play Banjo Kazooie at 30 fps from start to finish with no problems. But I try and run Banjo Tootie and it can't even get past the first cutscene.

>> No.6565394

Standalones still exist. You can use them.

If you aren't emulating a TON of games and you're not picky about latency, shaders, or frame pacing and other granular shit you should stick with them.

>> No.6565398

I only just recently tried Retroarch, it's still like you describe it. It's not even that "there's a buncha options" it's that every option is almost HIDDEN and you have to actively find it behind the numerous menus that are horribly organized.

>> No.6565408

>try to mix some that other people say looks great
>tells me it fails
>no reason why it works for them and not me

>> No.6565419

learn to use 1 emulator to learn how to use 30 of them?
the decision is yours

>> No.6565423

Convenient how you can avoid responding to any of the actual, valid arguments.

>> No.6565424

Using retroarch for anything past N64/PS1 seems foolish right now. The cores have way less options than standalone, and often aren't updated. Even mGBA core is probably never going to get scaling or 3d rotation. It's still great for 20 years+ worth of games.

>> No.6565443

>the guy who don't know how extract a .rar file and read for 10 minutes

>> No.6565445

Running any emulator boils down to the equivalent of "File > Run." Every time. Maybe making sure you have the right file format. Which is doubly a problem in Retroarch as you can have the right one and a directory scan still won't pull it up.

>> No.6565452

Use manual scan. Thumbnails still work with manual scanned roms. Also, you don't even need to scan your stuff and create playlists, you can just tell retroarch where your roms folder is.

>> No.6565459

what the fuck are you talking about? it already comes with a gorillion shaders pre installed, and installing new ones isn't rocket science dude, you literally just drop them in the shaders folder.

>> No.6565462

No, Retroarch will flatout refuse to read certain patched ROMs that work fine in another emulators. Being that the other emulators work fine, I don't see any reason to bother getting Retroarch to work. The bootleg XMB menu is also a pain in the ass to change settings in as opposed to just tabbing down and managing a window.

>> No.6565465

Sounds like a problem with the specific core you tried. I do play romhacks on retroarch, add them to playlists, no problems. Also, XMB is optional.

>> No.6565490

>Letting in the third world was a mistake
How the fuck am I third world, dipshit?

>> No.6565491

What's so difficult about simply NOT using a software you don't like, holy shit. Specially if you're so satisfied with your alternatives. Why do you feel the need for everyone else to agree with you.

>> No.6565495

If your country wasn't allied with either the USA or Russia during the cold war then I've got bad news for you

>> No.6565509

I think some complaints are valid. There has clearly been less work done on standalone emulators since retroarch became popular. Imagine how good those emulators could be if retroarch didn't exist.

>> No.6565528

retroarch ui is actually good now
they ditched the psp/ps3 ui default now

>> No.6565531

Some UI decisions on retroarch are stupid, but most of what people complain about ITT are the result of their own stupidity
Say, being complicated and having a lot of options isn't a bad thing. But retroarch's controller mapping system is pretty retarded.
Even then it's such a convenient program for general use situations, and people are like "hurr why can't it be easy like netflix, I don't wanna configure anything".

>> No.6565536

>The UI is absolute garbage and is very unfriendly to PCs
Do you also play the emulated games on a keyboard?

>> No.6565550
File: 368 KB, 1620x1080, Secret of Mana (U)-200508-062057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6565556

Yeah, you can even hide menu items you don't care about individually. If anything, more of it should be hidden by default. Maybe a first run wizard could take care of that, there's plenty of things that only bloat the menu and most people will never need them (non-game playlists, online, streaming/recording, AI services, fucking achivementes...). But that's a suggestion. The fact that you can hide all that crap to your liking is a major step forward.

The only real criticism I have at the moment is having related options split between general "Settings" and the in-game "Main Menu > Quick Menu". I get what they're trying to do: mark a difference between general base settings (which you shouldn't need to move all that much), and current core/game overrides (which you'll access more often), but reality is that you more often than now will need to check both, and burying the contextual "Quick Menu" as a submenu of the "Main Menu" makes it confusing to navigate between the two.

>> No.6565561

I agree, quick menu should be a main tab once a game is loaded, and keep it greyed until then.
or change it to current core menu or something

>> No.6565568

I still use the ps3-style because ozone is actually worse with a gamepad.

>> No.6565576
File: 72 KB, 1920x1080, ozone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turn off the menu comments with ozone and its godlike

>> No.6565592

I like the looped circle-styled menu more. I tried ozone with a kb+m, but it was even worse.

>> No.6565603

Maybe it's because I'm already familiar with navigating it with a dpad, but I've literally had zero problems navigating it with a KB (arrows, enter, backspace), both ozone and xmb. It's only the mouse that make it slower to move around.

>> No.6565635

What they gotta do is move Graphics and Sound settings to the quick menu. Those are the kind of thing you wanna change on a per-core basis.

>> No.6565646
File: 68 KB, 860x526, snow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using the improved RGUI

>> No.6565661

My man! Mines the old school green color.

>> No.6565675

I do, on my CRT TV setup. Gotta love those painfully downscaled thumbnails.

>> No.6565757

Oh shit buys back off, this guy went to high school

>> No.6565764

Its horrible. Features that should be in one menu are distributed across 4 - and the convention of tying settings to core, game and playlist separately is mind blowingly fucked.

The fact that you can't change settings without deleting entire playlists is proof that the whole thing needs to be torn down and redesigned.

>> No.6565785

>These animations of course have a performance impact. They make RGUI update on every frame (just like ticker text), and they increase the performance overheads of rgui_render() anywhere from 38% to 59% on average.
wait, do the animated backgrounds actually affect game speed? or just make the gui slower?

>> No.6565829

Just the gui, afaik. It does get choppy on weaker systems.

>> No.6565836

wow. I guess that's another reason to keep using zsnes. goddamn.
does it at least have the fire one?

>> No.6565853

By weaker systems I mean PS2, PSP, o3DS, older PIs... all those eclectic ports RetroArch has. Good luck running ZSNES on those.

>> No.6565857

That blue classic Windows theme with that RGUI palette is really goddamn comfy, bro.

>> No.6565859

it was a joke, anon. zsnes is a meme.
do you know if it comes with the fire background from zsnes though? or if someone made a custom one?
it's my favorite.

>> No.6565930
File: 493 KB, 784x686, Monster World IV (USA, Europe) (En,Ja) (Virtual Console)-200701-192417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shader is so good.

>> No.6565940
File: 215 KB, 640x480, DewPrism (Japan)-200520-041821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Dr. Venom

>> No.6565962

If RetroArch just rotated the UI 90 degrees we wouldn't have so many threads made by people with learning disabilities.

>> No.6565969


>> No.6565978

If you had ever used a program that wasn't an absolute clusterfuck of options, you might understand what rational people are complaining about. Also, clean your room, if you advocate for retroarch it's a fact that you live in a pile of shit and are used to it.

>> No.6565987

If you've used anything other than an internet browser you might understand that you may need to read documentation to understand what a lot of the options the program gives you. Here's a helpful link: https://docs.libretro.com/

>> No.6566000

The options are simple, they are presented in a totally retarded way that every program since pre 2000's has done correctly. Implying I don't understand the options is stupid, the layout was designed by a fucking mongoloid.

>> No.6566005

Based digits. Retroarch is shit.

>> No.6566018

>I can't believe this has become the standard for emulation.

>saves Saturn emulation
>saves Dreamcast emulations
>improves N64 emulation
>encourages use of standards for game dumps
>works on a toaster

I wonder why?

>put all shit in system folders

>> No.6566026

>clusterfuck of options
Why is this a problem for you? You set what is appropriate for you. Different options for scaling, controller inputs, etc based on the core or even specific game you are using. This is a good thing. If you were using dedicated programs for each system you are emulating you would be setting these things up each time anyway without the benefit of having a global setting as a template to start from. You're just starting from fucking scratch possibly with a UI that actually is shit. Go try to set up higan and come back and try to tell me RetroArch is so bad. I'll laugh at you.

>> No.6566029

Also if navigating RetroArch's menu makes you feel like your parents trying to set a VCR you are normalfag scum.

>> No.6566034

I use Bizhawk, it plays everything and doesn't have the UI of a fucking Speak'n'Spell

>> No.6566045

is it just a frontend? can you use retroarch cores with it?
because people don't use retorarch for its amazing ui, they use it for the cores.
having said that, I don't know why people keep sperging about retroarch's ui. it's serviceable enough.

>> No.6566046

You'd think a board full of people who love tough old video games would have good pattern recognition skills, but here we are falling for the same old shit, time and time again.

>> No.6566056

Some of us are just bored and drunk

THAT BEING SAID- I would still use shitty saturn emulators like SSF and MEDNAFEN over Retroarch

>> No.6566060

some of you are being petty for no real reason.

>> No.6566071

C'mon, it's not no real reason. Retroarch's UI is really bad, let's be real. If that's all that can run on your hardware I understand, but there are much better options than retroarch.

>> No.6566087

core-wise there aren't. some are /as good/. but not many are better.
and if the fucking ui is enough to stop you from using it, then petty is the perfect word to describe it.

>> No.6566132

Other than Dolphin and MAME what is better outside of retroarch?

>> No.6566136

ppsspp I think
dosbox too, but it isn't really maintained.

>> No.6566412

>this is what zoomers really believe

>> No.6566429

Am I the only one here who thinks it’s extremely simple to use?
I swear there must be some really tech illiterate people here, it’s either that or it’s some autistic scene drama that I couldn’t give two shits about that have some sort of vendetta on the dude who made it

>> No.6566441

ppsspp is actually not super great, it has a huge amount of input lag

>> No.6566458

personally I think it's just unpolished and a bit confusing. but not necessarily bad. it's just not something I'd even bring up, ever.
people shitting on retroarch for the ui specifically are retarded.

>> No.6566519

I don't use RetroArch but it looks like Sony UI. For everyone who hates this UI so much, what are your MSPaint mockups for a redesign?

>> No.6566602

i don't like the ui either, but it works and exposes everything. It hasn't sacrificed features and that is what the end user gets, which is great for everyone unless you are expecting a console-like experience:
People take Ra and create that experience, but they're doing it for proprietary hardware or setups and so you usually gotta pay :D

>> No.6566603

Not that guy but I want you to make a webm capturing your game with a shader, then lower the bit rate quality and you'll see one of the reasons why, the other reason is how much data is output in comparison

>> No.6566757

There are several UIs to choose from. The Sony UI you're talking about isn't even the default one anymore.

>> No.6566817

Recent update allows to fix input lag, no word of the core version has it.

>> No.6566824

>improves n64 emulation
Prove this.

>> No.6566826

>The UI is absolute garbage
>is very unfriendly to PCs
It's a 10ft UI...
>very unfriendly to ... those who want to tweak it.
It's FOSS and it has a pretty robust skin engine - you can tweak it all you want.

>> No.6566985

ParaLLEl, a new N64 emulator made specifically for libretro, is making big jumps in N64 emulation