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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6562135 No.6562135 [Reply] [Original]

I've never played any GTA game before, should I bother with GTA 1 and 2, or will i have better luck with the non-retro ones? Is GTA truly better as a top down game or did the 3D actually make it more intesting?

>> No.6562154

3D is better but 2D is still fun as hell.

>> No.6562338

3 and beyond is not GTA, so if you wanna play GTA you should play 1 and 2.

>> No.6562348

I never really cared for the blind top-down driving of 1 and 2.

>> No.6562391

I absolutely love 2. The mission structure always kept me engaged as well as the exploration. It's a smoother better experience than 1.

>> No.6562396

It’s infuriating for me. I know the controls are left and right only based on drivers pov but I can’t not fuck it up.

>> No.6562418

I just don't like the off-screen obstacles that would have been easily avoidable with a better viewport.

>> No.6562462

>should I bother with GTA 1 and 2
Yes, they are really fun. I lost interest in the series when it became 3D, and I'm not even a retrofag.

>> No.6562474

There is no 2D GTA game.

>> No.6562478

Game takes place on a 2D playing field.

>> No.6562507

I hope you mean this, because this is the funniest thing I've read on /vr/ today.

>> No.6562508

Nope, it has a legit 3D world with tunnels and bridges and all. No sprite layer tricks or anything like in 90s RTS games with tunnels. All buildings are proper meshes (mostly cuboids and ramps) with textures on them.

>> No.6562509

You should play GTA London.

>> No.6562546

London 1969 is the best top down game. Best city design, best mission design, and it actually has a decent storyline.

And you can play as a young Michael Caine.

>> No.6562567

You might enjoy them for a few mins but they are really hard, GTA 1 even has lives I think. 3D gta games just in general felt like you were being killed by shit less or maybe I just suck eggs, idk

>> No.6562580

The only way I got to the other two cities as a kid was to cheat

>> No.6562940

Don't bother with the 1st game.
2 might be fun for you, if nothing else it has the best radio stations out of any gta games:

The 3D games are way better, though. I liked Vice City the most.

>> No.6563078

I know not retro but I always enjoyed Vice City more than the 2d games

>> No.6563157

GTA1 and GTA2 are 2D - the gameplay has as much depth as a board game (you can say some fields are "below" and some "above" but it's still a flat board you're playing on)
just look at shooting in the game - bullets only fly in the same level. falling is a very visible transition between upper/lower levels rather than actual 3D physics

just the "3D" graphics of buildings don't make the game actual 3D

>> No.6563189

2 is the best 2d. Vice city and maybe 3 are the best 3d. Rest blow

>> No.6563196

Stupidest thing i ever herd. Just because it's top down doesnt mean its a board game. Thats like saying smash tv, zelda, and alundra are board games. I guess add pokemon and every other rpg

>> No.6563435

Not retro on this board but Chinatown Wars is fucking great and the direction I wish the series had taken after GTA2.

>> No.6563451
File: 2.10 MB, 1024x576, gta2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can skip 1 but London is worth playing like a couple of anons have already said. Definitely go for 2 afterwards and play the PC version.

>> No.6563493


>> No.6563501

nice strawman
now try to actually respond to the point being made

>> No.6563570

GTA 1/2 (and the london packs) are good fun, just as much shooting, cops, stealing cars and explosions are later games
they're more fast-paced and arcadey, and i know at least some people have trouble with the fixed-orientation camera + tank controls, but considering you've not played GTA before, hopefully you won't be put off by it being relatively primitive
i'd say the later gta games are better overall, but they're different enough to not be directly comparable

>> No.6563582
File: 24 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he said as much depth as a board game.. as in literally... it has like 2-3 layers, which is true, it's largely 2D but you can drive up onto buildings, make jumps between buidings, etc
it's technically a 3D game, but it's always top-down with limited verticality

>> No.6564035

GTA SA is extremely fun

>> No.6564063

that's nice, son

>> No.6564076

No they are fully 3d, the characters bushes and cars are 2d but the world is 3d. London and the PS1 Los Santos can be played in gmod fully rendered, it's very impressive the open worlds R* built back in the day with such limited hardware.


>> No.6564158


There are no layers, it's all proper 3D. The only thing non-3d is the actors (cars, people pickups). Those are sprites, as your perspective is limited to one direction (Just like bushes, trees and grass used to be sprites, because your view is usually fix to horizontal).

Have you never seen the GTA2 Editor?

Here's an authentic video taken in a 3rd party editor:

(the official editor is a bit clunkier, but pretty much the same)

>> No.6564159

Revelation 13:17 (+18)
>17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

>18Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

>> No.6564193

i want to say you know what i mean, but i'm not sure you do

>> No.6564489

GTA 1 & 2 were borderline unplayable even when they were new. I was excited to borrow the first one from a friend because all the violent crime shit sounded awesome but I barely played it at all because the controls are such garbage and trying to navigate fast cars from a top down view is just awful.

>> No.6564541

haha, my sister never got the hang of driving in gta1 (didn't own 2 myself), but i loved it, leaving skid marks around corners, running over those lines of people in one shot, getting the tanker up to full speed which causes it to insta-explode most things it runs into, etc
driving in gta1 was very fun for me

>> No.6564557

I think he means top down but yeah there are a few on handheld consoles that are 2D

>> No.6565547

doesn't matter if the world is 3D, gameplay of GTA1/GTA2 is still 2D
there is no vertical aiming factor when using any weapon (that's including molotovs/grenades)
objects and walls have no practical height, they just "are" on your level
any height changes (e.g. falling or going up a ramp) are very clearly separate transitions between height levels rather than actual physics

even if you can import the 3D world into an actual 3D game or whatever, it doesn't make GTA1/GTA2 "3D"
can't think of a non-retro example, but the Giana Sisters remake is also a 2D platformer despite the 3D graphics

>> No.6565584

>he dosent know the train trick

>> No.6565589

>filtered by controls

>> No.6565629

So pretty much any 3D racing game from the 90s is "2D" in your opinion?

>> No.6566675

>vertical aiming factor when using any weapon
Wolfenstein is 2D? DOOM as well! Carmack lied to us for all these years!

>> No.6566689

Bad example, Wolfenstein IS 2D, they used raycasting.

>> No.6566702

not him, i get what you're saying, and i also consider them 2D in the sense that the gameplay is basically 2-dimentional
/however/, the game really is in a true 3D world, it's a real 3D engine, more 3D than even doom, hell, it even supports 3DFX cards!
there are some elements of the gameplay that can only happen in 3D, such as driving off a building and not landing on the ground immediately (you can drive over peds and miss them), you can throw molotovs over things and they are also differ if you are standing on a building/bridge, etc, etc

it's the same kind of 2D as things like Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, primarily 2D gameplay, but happens in a 3D engine
it's like the opposite of DOOM, it pulls off what appears to be 3D gameplay.. in a 2D engine (it can't actually do anything impossible without a 3D engine though, but it does a pretty good job fooling people anyway

>> No.6566812

>GTA1 and GTA2 are 2D

Except that they, you know, take place in a 3d engine with a 3d-world.

>> No.6566814

I guess Neverwinter nights and Vampire the Masquerade Redemption are 2d as well.

>> No.6566819

>GTA 1 & 2 were borderline unplayable even when they were new

This is just plain wrong. I bought GTA 1 and 2 when they were new and I had zero problems with them, never heard of anyone that had before I came to /vr/. Right key turns right, left key turns left, what's so hard?

>> No.6566821

>any height changes (e.g. falling or going up a ramp) are very clearly separate transitions between height levels rather than actual physics

Are you actually a crazy person or just pretending?

>> No.6566837

certain types of people just have difficultly with any kind of absolute controls (the type where your input controls your character from their perspective, regardless of player/camera perspective, aka tank controls), i'm not sure exactly why, maybe they just can't properly imagine themselves /being/ the character rather than just /observing/ the character

>> No.6566875

same, for a little bit, i got gta III when it came out and while i did have fun with it, it wasn't as fast and hectic as the first games, it had a dark atmosphere and the gameplay was broken up with cutscenes, very different feel
i skipped vice city, but picked up san andreas and loved it, not comparing it to 1/2 like i did with 3 allowed me to appreciate what it was, rather than what it wasn't
i need to get around to trying vice city, i hear it's many peoples' favourite of the lot

>> No.6566878

Don't play it. It's the biggest normalfaggot game ever as are those sim games, but the female version of gta. COD is another, it's not an escape from reality. You may as well play a fishing game or racing game that isn't mario but grand shitmo or some such.

These are bad.

>> No.6566880

this sounds like you hate GTA as a series
that's fine, you do you, but calling GTA1/2 a mainstream game is not very accurate, the series didn't really take off until III

>> No.6566882

-- oh, same with CoD
it's mainstream now, but not before 4, which also happens to be when it switched from being a WWII game to a Modern Warfare game (that is, they're barely in the same genre)
would you judge sonic 1-3 by looking at modern 3D sonic games? no, they're not even comparable

>> No.6566924

I've never liked sonic and games are supposed to be, when dweebish in taste, an escape. If you like sports games you probably don't like zelda back in the day. If you like first person shooters other than doom same thing.

>> No.6566929

Londonbros, can I just play the PS1 version of GTA London or is it a much shittier experience over PC?

>> No.6566931

so wait, are you claiming that GTA1/2 are /too realistic/ to be good video games?
i'm starting to think you've not played any GTA earlier than 4, letalone 1/2

>> No.6566939

nah doesn't have a story just some random missions but 2 had some cool lan multiplayer , vice city was pretty dope

>> No.6567038 [DELETED] 

I didn't play any of them because I'm not a fucking nigger nor a wigger.

>> No.6567069

God you're retarded.

Not even him.

>> No.6567073 [DELETED] 

>comment pruned
I didn't play any of them because I'm not a fucking nigger nor a wigger.

Only normalfaggots dreaming of being gangsters like this shit. Perhaps normalfaggy violent shithead pigs too like gangster shit, but not dweebs into actual dweeb games.

Be a nigger people and play the most bought gamecube game. We all know shit went downhill for a reason with games that are new. GTA is to do with it.

>> No.6567081 [DELETED] 

>have post removed
>post the exact same thing again
well that's one way to get a warning/ban

>> No.6567089 [DELETED] 

I expanded the thought because people are too stupid to know what getting called a nigger means on current year 4chan.

It's not my fault hiro replaced the mod team with a bunch of polite nips afraid of banter.

>> No.6567104

Are there any games similar to gta 1 and 2

>> No.6567105

Weird, I distinctly remember playing GTA1 and London online.
I guess I was wrong.

>> No.6567119
File: 3.82 MB, 2560x1309, GTA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GTA1 does have network support
notice the Hayes modem / IPX support listed on the box
(using an old box to show that it wasn't added in the later free releases)

>> No.6568195

Serious and definitive answer:

Skip 1 but absolutely play 2. 2 is basically the same experience but it looks far better. There is no real reason to play 1 unless you're a hardcore GTA fan.

>> No.6569153

Gta 2 is amazing, 1 feels a bit more outdated and plays like and endless time trial run.
Chinatown wars is pretty good too.

>> No.6569287

Not really any retro games no, maybe loaded and reloaded as far as the top down shooting aspect goes
Id recommend Chinatown wars on psp and Retro City Rampage and it’s sequel for more modern games like them though

>> No.6569289


>> No.6569324

It's been years since I played GTA 1 & 2 but they were fun as hell. After GTA3 I wasn't able to get back into the classic GTA, but they're still worth checking out. The only thing that bothers me about the classic GTA is how the camera zooms in and out while driving, it makes it very disorienting and kinda nauseating too. Has there been any proper classic GTA inspired clones or indie games? It seems like a great template for all kinds of crazy games due to its simplicity. GTA 1 style rpg would be amazing.

>> No.6569330

>deleted AGAIN
Only people that listen to rap music and like reality more than games like these 'games'.

>> No.6569358

Retro city rampage

>> No.6570527

gta 2 is the better of the 4 2d esque ones,
(yes 4 1, 2 london 69 and london 61)
the t
>And you can play as a young Michael Caine.

and not a lot of people know that.