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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 121 KB, 1400x1050, turbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6562053 No.6562053 [Reply] [Original]

I've been curious about this system for the longest time, and now is a better time than ever to spring for it since I'm returning to work this week following a three-month Corona hiatus.
So, where to start? What's the best physical option, is it still worth owning an original, or is the Mini effectively a replacement? Give me a beginner's guide, tips, games to look for, etc.

>> No.6562424
File: 112 KB, 1225x735, pc engine core grafx mini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get the mini, the original isnt worh it at all anymore, and most of the games go for several hundreds of dollars today. And PC engine emulation is pretty bad, so a mini is the best option,
some games to play
Ginga fukei densetsu saphire:
springan mark II:
dungeon explorer
neutopia 1 & 2
Yvs book 1 & 2
theres way more but i'll try and keep this short, also consider getting a wireless controller for the sytem.

>> No.6562439
File: 45 KB, 640x480, battlestation 1 of 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a pic of the turbografx mini btw

>> No.6562446
File: 502 KB, 1440x1393, PCE_daimakaimura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a Turbo Duo myself but I am going to be getting a mini as well. I have some 'exclusives' that didn't make it over to the mini, but what you get for the price is well worth it (plus all the bonus stuff).

I would probably recommend the PCE Mini versus the Turbografx Mini... As I recall it still has games like Ys in English on it - and you don't get the stupid shit like the TG16 censored version of Splatterhouse.You will have a few JPN only games that are not translated, but several of them are on the TG16 mini too!

As for emulation, Ootake has served my needs quite well for HuCards, though finding PCE CD rips that aren't fucked over by Windows 10 can be a challenge. Overall it's quite reliable.

>> No.6562448

what these anons said, also make SURE you enable the CRT filter in the display settings menu, it makes the games look a lot nicer.

>> No.6562468

I just tried out my friend's tg16 mini and a lot of games had pretty bad input lag.

>> No.6562470

let me guess, his tv want on "game" mode?

>> No.6562569


>> No.6562581

>labeled as PCE
>it's a SuperGrafx game

>> No.6562595

>mini consoles
just get a raspberry pi you idiots

>> No.6562676

it was only a matter of time. run along poorfag, nobody cares about your gay little arm computer.

>> No.6563838
File: 3.45 MB, 5656x2812, valis2 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's on the PCE Mini ;^))

the mini doesn't have everything, true - you won't be able to play 'classics' such as Valis II

>> No.6563845

Mini is too expensive and so is actual console
Why is pc engine stuff so expensive.everything is. X6800,pc98,fm towns.
I dont get it

>> No.6563851 [DELETED] 

nobody asked, poorfag. Go play nes games on your rabserry pie or something.

>> No.6563856 [DELETED] 

I dont emulate.... Why cant we be friends

>> No.6563862

ok i was just posting bait, but now i genuinely feel bad, i'm sorry, anon.

>> No.6563885

Yeah I wish there was an old japanese console with decent games that i could get for a reasonable price

>> No.6564581

>And PC engine emulation is pretty bad
Is this a joke?

>> No.6564658
File: 1.06 MB, 2245x2245, 20200624_161317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say emulate until you find a good deal on an original PC Engine on ebay and get a Super SD System 3 during a Black Friday sale or something. Has the mini even been hacked yet? I got impatient with the SSDS3 being out of stock so long last year I picked up a non functional CD addon for cheap and fixed it up to working order.

>> No.6565030

I got the TG16 Mini, and it's great - more than decent enough if you absolutely need an actual piece of hardware under your tv. Otherwise, emulation will suit you fine. HuCards are retardedly expensive these days, even for trash games like JJ and Jeff, much less the actually great games available.

>> No.6565075

Bonk's Adventure, all of em are good.
Blazing Lazers Great shump thats not hard
Legendary Axe great action adventure
Dungeon Exploerer gauntlet like with 4 player option
there's more but thats a nice start

>> No.6565109

get the mini, emulating on pc sucks and the original hardware and it's games are overprices and unreliable.
play genga fukei densetsu saphire and bomberman 94.

>> No.6565150

>JJ and Jeff is trash
You shut you damn mouth..granted the floaty controls take some getting used to

>> No.6565160

The whole game is a troll piece (a la Takeshi's Challenge on Famicom). I respect it for having the balls to do that, but that doesn't make it fun.

>> No.6565180

After playing a whole slew of pc engine games through beetle, I say you are full of shit

>> No.6565202

I wouldn't say its a troll game, just hard because of not great controls. It take a bit of getting used to.
How has no one mentioned Soldier Blade? Quite possibly my all time fav shmup, and the best soundtrack of the tg16
I broke in the mini's controller playing the shit out of that game

>> No.6565203

a decent number of games may run fine, but the UI is shit, and you need a keyboard to manage it. So

>> No.6565206

never say that again please.

>> No.6565247

What are you talking about?
Just run it through a frontend
I played a heap of CD games and a heap of standard ones with no issues at all

>> No.6565304
File: 593 KB, 256x224, soldier-blade-vaisseau-rouge2-tires.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't, I typed it.
Doesn't take away from how good of a game it is

>> No.6565312

That's the widely accepted name. You could say shoot em up, but then other people look at you funny because they think you talk about that shitty movie from 2008.

Or call it STG or shooting game. That's what the Japanoids do.

>> No.6565314

Beetle PCE is pretty much perfect emulation.

>> No.6566287

this is an awful pic

>> No.6566651

Shut up, retard.

>> No.6566771

Isn't mini just emulation?
i thought minis/clasiscs were basically just raspberry pis with emulation and games preloaded and a fancy shell

>> No.6566780

>input lag as bad as 9 frames on some games
>delayed sound effects
>shitty scrolling
>worse than pc emulation in every way

This is b8 right?

>> No.6566798

>input lag as bad as 9 frames on some games
not true at all
>delayed sound effects
not true at all
>shitty scrolling
only a slight shimmering effect on one (1) of the 5 different display settings. nice bait faggot

>> No.6566802

hows it not true?

>> No.6566804

it isnt anywehre near 9 frames, barley 1 frame. Gamesack is a fucking retard who didn't test it properly.

>> No.6566805

gamesack is a fucking genius dude

>> No.6566830

i mean the new guy,

>> No.6566838

i think you're a konami shill or something man. the mini feels like shit to play and looks like shit you might as well emulate on your phone

>> No.6566843

i hate konami and their faggotry, but i do really like the mini. Although to be fair i can't tell the difference between 30 fps and 60 fps, so you might have a point about the lag lol

>> No.6566865

Mini doesnt even have an audio jack. Its shite m8 you wasted your money.

>> No.6567090 [DELETED] 


>> No.6567107
File: 70 KB, 707x705, gas stove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shilling something this low tech for 130+ usd
I mean really. The people that made it got paid by the month and it's ancientware.

>> No.6567113

This thread is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.6567202


>> No.6567317

Oh fuck off

>> No.6567345

Did this system ever get any actual story focused rpgs

>> No.6567427
File: 85 KB, 598x448, o0598044812445960402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Few on cartridge, lots on CD
The only ones that came out in English are Dragonslayer and Cosmic Fantasy 2 I think?

>> No.6567432

Couple of Ys games, at the very least. Or are those considered non-story-based?

>> No.6567526

If it dont play like FF/DQ it aint an rpg

>> No.6567601

You stupid fucking monkey nigger how about you show PROOF on how gamesack is wrong. You cant because he isnt. The shitt shimmering scroll, atrocious input lag, sound glotches, framerate dips

Its all there in these garbage ass mini consoles. JUST EMULATE YOU RETARD. YOUR PHONE IS MORE POWERFUL

>> No.6567628

Wow... you want it. It was and still is next to impossible to find any of these things in your native country and you don't understand why things are expensive.

>> No.6567632

>Mini is too expensive
$100 for the mini is peanuts compared to what you'd be spending on the actual hardware. You'd be lucky to even get two or three original HuCards for the price of the Mini as a whole. It's why emulation is the way to go, unless you absolutely need a TG16 in some form on your shelf.

>> No.6567634

>Has the mini even been hacked yet?
Hasn't happened overnight like it did with the NES and SNES minis, but I think that has more to do with the TG16 being incredibly more niche than the others. There's still work being done at it, but I don't think anyone's cracked the thing yet. I'd like to be wrong about that.

>> No.6567640

Emulation sucks

>> No.6567641

I mostly agree, which is why I bought the Mini. But I wouldn't begrudge anyone who prefers to emulate it on their PC or whatever.

>> No.6567643

I have a old white PCE with the Briefcase and a working CD-Rom2. I've had a Super System 3 card and over the Quarantine I picked up an Arcade Pro card for $90 shipped. I now have access to absolutely everything minus SuperGFX games. In total I have about $220 invested into this setup. I also have a PCE Duo-R that doesn't read discs. I put in a new laser and it still doesn't work so I'm figuring the fucking thing needs recapped and all the pots need calibrated. Yay... Probably going to sell it and try and get my money back out of it. My briefcase works just fine.
If I were to do it over again. I would pick up a tested Duo-RX or the Blue PCE and get the TerraOnion. Or get the Orange PCE and get the matching Super CD-Rom2 for it and forget about needing the CD-Rom Cards.

>> No.6567689

its the same shit on the mini as in your pc. Do you really think konami did the extra work to make an entirely new emulator

>> No.6567693

If you were to do it all again you wouldnt because even the setup you currently have would be like $500

>> No.6567695

Oh it's worth more than that. However It's only been a year and a half since I started with it. Takes patience.

>> No.6567697

Wasn't that long ago that the Arcade Pro cards were going for two hundred dollars.

>> No.6567707

you have no proof of any of this, go shove a rasberry pi up your ass or some shit, faggot.

>> No.6567775

Konami didn't do any of the work, they just shipped the thing. M2 was in charge of development, and they're the best there is at making old games playable on new tvs. Emulation is still cool, so relax.

>> No.6567781

emulation is the only option. i cant imagine paying $130 for a raspberry pi with a bad emulator

>> No.6567790

Fair enough, but getting upset at those who do is a huge waste of time and effort that you could be spending doing something more constructive.

>> No.6567804

so you ADMIT its just a raspberry pi with a bad emulator.

>> No.6567809

If it calms down your autism and comical amount of anger and something that doesn't affect your life in any way, sure.

>> No.6567829

nice. i win idiot. ive been watching this thread since the other night trying to get you to admit it. Fuck the mini. its a konami scam and you are a shill

>> No.6567835

You won at 4chan. It's like winning one of those marathons you get a medal and lots of hugs at, even if you didn't win (or finish). And once again, Konami didn't program it. M2 did, but you're lazy AND retarded so you didn't bother researching it.

>> No.6567848

mini cucks btfo! Raspberry chads wins again

>> No.6567856

raspberry is old news the thing nowadays is tvbox

>> No.6567871

seethe poorfag

>> No.6567879

Wow... you've really added to this conversation.

>> No.6568016

Should I buy a mini?

>> No.6568132

yes, don't listen to the emulation shills, all the claim of "muh lag! muh shimmer!" are fake and gay.

>> No.6568140

no, don't listen to the konami shills, all the claim of "better than emulation!" are fake and gay.

>> No.6568167

classic example of a seething poorfag, assmad because he can't afford a 100$ console.

>> No.6568168



>> No.6568170

this is the avergae poorfag screaming about "how bad the mini is"

>> No.6568816

What the hell is this

>> No.6568860

Where are you guys finding minis worth $100? Prices don't even go for less than 150 as far as im aware.

>> No.6569762

If you think Bithead is a poorfag you're an ignorant retarded asshole. He has more "wallet busters" than most you-tubers. It might look like he's a poor fag because of his recent use of an RetroArch emulator box, but that's just because he lacks the space and dedication to run his real hard ware on the show, but he has it. He has nearly all of it and then some.

>> No.6569769

That's BitHead1000. He's mostly a retro video game channel. I watch him for the commentary. He's got an amazing amount of artistic talent for someone that still works at Costco.

>> No.6569883

It’s releasing on July 9 in North America

You’re seeing amazon.jp scalped prices

>> No.6569894

>$100 is a wallet buster

>> No.6569923

So you're saying i shouldn't buy a mini?

>> No.6570369

i want to get into pce
im thinking of buying a pc duo that doesnt work with discs and doesnt come with a power cord for $140. is this a good investment?

>> No.6570380

Huh, i could have sworn they already released it, oh well, thanks for the info

>> No.6571749

you're wildin out