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File: 590 KB, 3484x1537, roland-mt32-module[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6555238 No.6555238 [Reply] [Original]

where in god's name do you get one of these for a reasonable price?

>OK buddy

>> No.6555265

facebook marketplace
thrift shops
garage sales

>> No.6555282

just emulate

>> No.6555287

are you kidding? I picked one up on OfferUp for like $100 a couple months ago and even then I was overpaying because I didn't feel like being patient or bargaining.

>> No.6555356

Wtf is this piece of monkey doo doo?

>> No.6555359

thats the e-celeb tax making them so expensive

>> No.6555390

Are you plucking this suggestion out of your ass, or has emulation for this device become accurate? 5 years ago, it wasn’t.

>> No.6555417

Yahoo auctions using an intermediary, same for most bubble era maguffins like librettos, vaios, saturns, etc.

>> No.6555421

Bullshit. These fuckers were expensive before anyone on youtube was talking about them.

>> No.6555452

LGR made a video about sound modules so now everyone needs to own one all of a sudden.

>> No.6555558

Munt is working fine. It's a cpu heavy process and 5 years ago not every PC could handle it.

>> No.6555581

I'd assume he's talking about SCVA, in which case it's very accurate (emulation of hardware is never perfect of course, but it's pretty damn close). It doesn't have an MT-32 mode, but the SC-55 mode supports the MT-32 sound map (just like the real hardware). It's very good. Personally, I think the SC-88 Pro map sounds better for almost everything.

Just sail the high seas m80s.

>> No.6555598

(You) don't because (You) are an eBayby

>> No.6555626

Nah. They were $100 before the nerds got to it

>> No.6555650

What’s this thing’s relationship to vr?

>> No.6555651

You want to use on a old computer?
Right now i just emulate MT-32 and CM-32L using munt, or DOSBOXece and Scummvm that already have munt on them you just provide the roms.
I also use Sound Canvas VA, Edirol Hyper Canvas and Yamaha S-YXG50 Portable.
Lands of Lore with the CM-32L is almost another game:

>> No.6555656

Sorry, these are for rich folk and eceleb cancer only. Just emulate.

>> No.6555657

Old PC games often had music options for it.

>> No.6555751

Literally when. I saw them at the $300 range average back when youtube was 480p max.

>> No.6555753

Too bad it was nothing but shit adventure games and nothing with actual gameplay.

>> No.6555794


>> No.6555817


I mean that's still cheaper than when it was brand new.

>> No.6556007

A year ago on German Ebay you could regularly find them for ~100-120.

>> No.6556247

Got mine for $120 on Yahoo auctions Japan

>> No.6556270
File: 2.24 MB, 2016x1512, Beats_and_beats_in_my_head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emulation is pretty good. It is a great cheap alternative. I am thinking of saving up for a thin client powerful enough to do this.

>> No.6556279

why haven't you built your computer yet? I have seen these pictures for years

>> No.6556293

I picked up my 2nd for $90, so the problem is on your side. Never buy from shit places like ebay.

Besides that I recommend getting the superior CM-64. It's also cheaper.
Better yet; get a SC-88 or SC-88 Pro, also dirt cheap these days.

>> No.6556295


>> No.6556335

Strike Commander would like to have a word with you.

>> No.6556346

>be music dept. nerd for all of high school
>”we’re getting rid of all the old synth hardware from the 80s, time to upgrade“
>walk out with various things including a non-headphone jack MT32
I wish I had the balls to grab the D-50 too, that ended up in a dumpster 3 months after I graduated. Also this was 12 years ago lol good luck bud

>> No.6556547

Munt is very, very, very close, but not precise.

>> No.6556560

that's wonderful. was just playing LoL and hearing it with this sound profile is just insane

>> No.6556576

between a free program which is 99% accurate (disclaimer: number extracted from rectum, but seems to be the consensus) and probably already available as part of your DOS emulator, and a maybe $500 unit along with an mpu-401 or similar to control it, i think it's obvious which is more suitable for most people
hell, most people can't even be bothered getting actual old computers to run their DOS games on
i understand the charm of using an actual beige box with a real mpu-401 and mt-32 blinking away on the side, but it's not nearly as convenient or cheap as opening an emulator, which yields essentially the same result

>> No.6556620

>i understand the charm of
No you don't. Everything after that was BS.

>> No.6556640

not the guy above me, but a cheapass USB-to-MIDI cable + DosBox/ScummVM is all you need beyond the module, which _should_ only be ~$100 at most.

The investment really isn't that much for the genuine sound.

>> No.6556989

look on music forum and specialized shops, don't forget that before being an retro-enthusiast device it was a musician's one

I got one of them there for 30€

>> No.6557048

Does it matter? You only want the thing, not what it does.

>> No.6557128

Just clarifying, that video is using Scummvm, so the sound effects are using the mt-32 correctly, using dosbox and munt if i choose mt32 for the sound effects they don't sound correct only the music. Here's a comparison video:
https://files.catbox.moe/lkihxq.mp4 (DOSboxECE first and them Scummvm)
Wish i knew how to solve this, there is a bunch of games that uses general midi for sound effects and i think they aren't using right.
The way i'm using the VSTi's is with savihost, don't know if that has something with it.

>> No.6559449
File: 3.45 MB, 1008x3780, PCpartpicker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Multiple factors have contributed towards the delay. I have attempted to consult /g/ in what may be best and most compatible to no response, since I'd want J-Win98SE instead of GNU/Linux. COVID-19 has halted shipments to my country from China. I am still looking for a modern power source with the fan on the bottom as cases of the past had the power source at the top-rear, whereas they tend to be in a shroud on the bottom now. As for a midi module, those would be better for a DOS machine, I think I would pair a SC-88 to the 98 machine since Ys Eternal comes with a SC-88 soundtrack.

>> No.6560092
File: 12 KB, 250x249, draft_lens19588975module161089215photo_1345153987a-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the most based Roland emulator?

I would really like to try this out, but I'm too lazy to get the stupid adapters, and Mint works well enough to my ears.

>> No.6560096


Just get the sound font and use it to play midi. Done - no emulation of hardware required.

>> No.6560194

Forget what i said here.
I have no idea what Scummvm is doing, checked a bunch of videos and tested the game, SOME sounds aren't like the scummvm sound the rest is all there (the chamberlain screen when the raven appears, the jingle when you get the magic atlas) i have no idea what kind of black magic scummvm is doing but if you wanna play Lands of Lore right now i recommend Scummvm version with MT-32 roms on the scummvm root folder and using the MT-32 emulator option on the audio tab (NOT the MT-32 Synth Emulator [Windows MIDI].
Anon i want to take a look at soundfonts, can you expand a little bit about this? I know that there is a bunch of soundfonts, a bunch of made by fans and shit, how's that work?There is some kind of rip form the original modules?

>> No.6560215

The only point to doing something like that is if you’re hellbent on original PC hardware but too poor for a sound module, and considering the prices 90s beige boxes sell for these days you can’t afford that either.

>> No.6560353

I've been using soundfonts to tide me over.

My personal rec - GM gaming from the 90's sounds INCREDIBLE with this bad boy loaded:


Download VirtualSynth, load in the Soundfont.

You can point DosBOX at it (have to edit "midiconfig" in the .conf - run mixer /listmidi in the dosbox environment to get the right number - it's "usually" 0 for VirtualSynth) or ScummVM can directly use it as a MIDI device.

Some soundfonts were designed with classic gaming/Sierra/GeneralMidi in mind and just sound incredible (Arachnofont, Fatboy, Titanic, Musyng Kite, and kinda Timbres of Heaven), but others are over-engineered nightmares that will shit all over the original music.

>> No.6560361


Here's one that's LoL specific too:

>> No.6560531

Thanks anon will try.

>> No.6560773

>cheapass USB-to-MIDI cable
those are shit

>> No.6560892

lol didnt pretty much every DOS game support the mt32

>> No.6560893

nigger just get a player piano, midi is a storage format not a listening format.

>> No.6561032


>> No.6561051

you need an expensive roland cable

>> No.6561216


>> No.6563395


>> No.6563437

There are a number of modules which give you the same authentic sound and if you do some research you'll figure them out.

>> No.6563448

The "but" is not wanting pay $500 for a piece of nearly perfectly emulated, pain in the ass to actually use in real life hardware like an unwashed hoarder schizophrenic with no life skills.

>> No.6563454

On top of that the MT32 is actually a piece of shit outside of games, software, and MIDI files designed specifically around it. It uses the proprietary, semi-MIDI standard that sounds like shit with many of MIDIs not mindful of it.

>> No.6564162

i cashed in on the latest hipster craze and sold my rev 1 mt-32 to some retard on ebay for $250. thanks alot sucker!

>> No.6564164

it has to be programmed with sysex to use anything besides the built in tones. it was designed for musicians not video games.

>> No.6564521

poorfag COPE the post

>> No.6564603

You can get these for 50-100 on Yahoo Auctions Japan or for even less in some music gear stores.

>> No.6564647

Some of us want something more modern.

As much as I'd like to hear what Pinball Dreams sounds like on an MT-32, I'd still take an SC-88 pro or a Yamaha MU-2000 or a Korg equivalent over it any day, because the majority of my games were not written for the MT-32.

Game released in 1990-1993? MT-32 is a good bet. Game released 1995-? Get something modern.

>> No.6564652

>As much as I'd like to hear what Pinball Dreams sounds like on an MT-32
not like much, since that game use a sample-based amiga module, not midi

>> No.6564682

It has a Roland option for the sound, which I understand to be the MT-32.

>> No.6564694

hey you're right, it's got midi as well
not as good as the mod's though

>> No.6564696

comparison for others