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File: 258 KB, 800x1125, 116598-pirates-gold-genesis-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6547018 No.6547018 [Reply] [Original]

One of the first open world games and a personal favorite of mine since childhood. This is an excellent video game that I would highly recommend to anybody.

>> No.6547183

Loved the NES version, I'm sure it was not the best one but I am not familiar with the others.

>> No.6547192

The font on that version scared me away.

>> No.6547646

I don't like the console Pirates Gold due to handling towns as a map instead of a menu. It makes visiting the governor a huge waste of time.

>> No.6547904

I've never played any other version. My primary reason to visit governors is for status and marriage. How is it a waste of time? Getting married is one of the 10 pirate quests, as is title of nobility. OH, not to mention you can't get your relatives out of captivity or find the incan treasure AND turn in pirates/hunters for ransom....

>> No.6547949

i played the shit out of this as a kid, even though i didnt really know what i was doing half the time. i ended up buying the "new" version on steam YEARS ago, but i still havent even played it once. i kind of wish they would make a version in space with the same core gameplay.

>> No.6547965

I mean pirate and open world space games tend to be fairly similar so I'm sure if you're looking around a bit you can find one. Just not usually with duelling and stuff added.

>> No.6548087
File: 46 KB, 594x446, sidmeierspirates_16570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the 2004 remake any good?

>> No.6548115

Apart from the mid-2000s Sims aesthetic. The sea is now populated with other ships, removing tiresome random encounters. Combat has been refined. Still not great, but a lot better than it was before.

>> No.6548157

It's like a dumbed down version of Uncharted Waters.

>> No.6548214

Never heard of it, I'll check it out. Thanks

>> No.6548231
File: 17 KB, 456x280, Catalina.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had good fun with it

Uncharted Waters is kind of like this, but the duels are incomprehensible to me and the combat is turn based. Which is all kinda neat.
Also Spanish piratefu.

>> No.6548332

>removing tiresome random encounters
It's removing the core game mechanic.
You're losing the suspense of being deep in Spanish waters where every encounter could be the dreaded pirate hunter Sanchez.

It's far too overloaded. Extra items and ship upgrades ruin a lot of the balance.
The only real improvement was land combat.

>> No.6548343

Ok hipster.

>> No.6548365
File: 42 KB, 480x360, duel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the duels are incomprehensible

It's rock paper scissors but with bets assigned to each card.

lash slash thrust


block dodge parry

lash beats dodge and parry

Though does lash more damage on a dodge but the higher the number on the lash and the lower the number on the dodge the more damage you will do. The numbers on top of each card are the strength of each attack and block. Likewise, if your opponent has a high number on his dodge the less damage you will do.

If you land a 9 lash on a 1 dodge you do serious damage and all of your card numbers will be higher next round

but if your opponent blocks your 9 lash with a 1 block the bonuses go to him - because his move is "riskier" without the number padding.

Also each weapon gets a bonus to each a attack type, so are good at lashing, slashing or thrusting.

All of this is rounded out by your weapon and armor grade too, from *(S-Rank) down to D-Rank, and your level.

I agree that the system is needlessly complicated, but winning duels allows you to take whole fleets at almost no cost to yourself.

>> No.6548367


slash = strike


>> No.6548376

I got to the rock paper scissors, the manual tells you that at least. But I never got the numbers that it gave you with them.
Then again I tried to duel with Catalina, which is apparently a horrible idea early game, so that probably didn't help.

There's no way to see or really predict what the enemy will use beyond a guess as to what he might try to counter your sword with?

>> No.6548640

I think he means he doesn't like the portion where your pirate literally has to walk to the office. He's fine visiting the chap.

>> No.6548646

Best character, best storyline.

>> No.6548778

>they're not letting me go avenge my brother
>I'll just steal a spanish warship with gold on it and fuck off to do it myself
>also convince another captain to follow me along
She's pretty good.

>> No.6549365

I mean, it's not that bad imo and it breaks up the monotony. Oh well, teho.

>> No.6549454

Start with New Horizons then go to Costa del Sol.
UW series is open world with the globe as your playing field. You can be a pirate, privateer, merchant, explorer or cartographer. Or you can just fuck around and invest in ports to make op ships and troll the seafaring world.

>> No.6549609


This sounds amazing. I just looked it up. Koei, huh? Now that I think of it, I think I DO vaguely remember this! I was a child, though. I don't think I made it anywhere because I couldn't read, lol.

>> No.6549801

Try it again, bro. It's worth a go. Quick tip: Visit shops at 2am to get access to rare items.

>> No.6550049

Thanks. I'll play it this weekend. Now, I'm on a SEGA kick lately, is that an acceptable port? Or is there a defacto version we all should be playing?

>> No.6550156 [DELETED] 

It sucks and your opinion is shit. Fuck you.

>> No.6550347

Well you tried.