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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6541849 No.6541849[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6541873
File: 390 KB, 500x338, No.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In your dreams

>> No.6541875

Sure, as long as all talk of Halo is strictly forbidden

>> No.6541876

honestly 6th gen has more /vr/ games than 5th gen does

>> No.6541885

Changing the rules just for GBA is the only reasonable request, but you people demand more. Do you guys even understand what retro means?

>> No.6541897

well the PS2 is already 20 years old if we go by Japan launch dates, and I'd say 20 years is more than old enough to be considered retro, and it's two full console generations behind the current one, soon to be three generations in fact

indeed it's kinda hypocritical to try and keep the PS2 off of this board when the Dreamcast is an accepted part of it despite being of the same generation and only having about a year and a half difference in terms of launch dates

>> No.6541906

you're right. we should remove the dreamcast from the board. thanks for the input
Also we should remove 5th gen because i dont think it adds to the discussion
thanks for the input anon

>> No.6541914

halo is already retro it runs on windows 98

>> No.6541924

>Also we should remove 5th gen because i dont think it adds to the discussion
Agreed, 5th gen threads are just pure shitposting

>> No.6541926

Fingeys crossed

>> No.6541934

Halo and everything else

>> No.6541941

>Also we should remove 5th gen because i dont think it adds to the discussion
back to the roots, baby: >>2

>> No.6541942

Yes, and you don't.

>> No.6541945

you're an idiot, that's the exact opposite of the point I'm making

>> No.6541946

Never. Thank you to the people who delete 6th gen threads.

>> No.6541951

I cant wait for the endless Halo, GTA, and Melee spam.

>> No.6541968

>Do you guys even understand what retro means?
Apparently no one on this board does.

>imitative of a style, fashion, or design from the recent past.
>"retro 60s fashions"
Axiom Verge and Cave Story are more retro than anything on this board. Everything on this board is just old. You don't need to use a fancy word that you don't know the meaning of to satiate your pretentious mindset. The remainder of 6th Gen (PS2, GameCube, XBox, GBA, etc.) are all old enough, but because they were released after an arbitrary date that has no correlation or relevance to any changes in design philosophies, they are not considered old. For non-retards, there are better places on the internet to discuss such games without the debilitating autism.

>> No.6541972

The last good gen

>> No.6541973
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You know I had to sage and report it to em.

>> No.6541974

that really is terrible. i hate each of those fanbases for this reason, play something else

>> No.6541975

>BuT iT's ReTrO bEcAuSe It'S x YeArS oLd

>This board is for the discussion of consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other games on platforms launched in 1999 or earlier.


>> No.6541978

7. Submitting false or misclassified reports, or otherwise abusing the reporting system may result in a ban. Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.

>> No.6541981
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careful or OP will throw another tantrum, go on a spamming spree and probably punch walls while screaming

>> No.6541984

Never. We on /vr/ are autistic retro gaming nerds and refuse anything released after December 31st, 1999!

>> No.6541987

ban 4th gen too

>> No.6541989

>play something else
like what?

>> No.6541991

In fact ban the 3rd gen too, so that this board can be truly retro.

>> No.6541993

>ban only 3rd Gen
Get some standards you disgusting philistine. Ban 2nd Gen too. Only Gen 1 is truly retro.

>> No.6542006
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>1. This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games. Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other games on platforms launched in 1999 or earlier. Sixth generation and later consoles are not considered retro.

>> No.6542007

This but unironically.

>> No.6542017

whats with the /v/ influx
/v/ acts like they dont have 6th gen threads all the time. its bizarre

>> No.6542020

When I think retro, I think regenerating health and Xbox Live.

>> No.6542024

/v/irgins like OP don't actually want to discuss 6th gen vidya, they just want to make this board another shithole like the place they come from by flooding with boomer/zoomer/coomer maymays and other twitter screencaps.

>> No.6542034

Adding Dreamcast was a huge mistake as it sets a precedent for adding the rest of 6th gen. Why even bother with Dreamcast discussion anyway? It's entire library is just better ports of 5th gen games and inferior ports of arcade games. You don't need Dreamcast discussion allowed to discuss the only games worth playing on it so there really isn't much point to it.

>> No.6542037
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*Mod starts sweating profusely, and shakily drags mouse around to the delete post button*

>> No.6542048

they just want another board to shit on.
i love gen 6 but it will take the entire board, good luck trying to have a atari thread up with 6 gen around.

>> No.6542050

/v/ is unusable to actually talk about videogames. Early 00's games are on a limbo. You know what we need, a "gaming news" board. All the trash on /v/ including trashy posters has to do with the posting of the latest events.

>> No.6542056 [DELETED] 

Since this thread will get deleted soon, I want to make sure I say something before it’s gone.
Fuck 6th gen, fuck PAL, and fuck kikes

>> No.6542059

lol no gameboy advance would be discussed here long before those

>> No.6542070

>dreamcast is 6th gen
>its entire library is 5th gen games
Get your story straight, schizo

>> No.6542071

The PS2 is already as old as the NES was when Retro Gamer Magazine 1st edition was first released back in 2004 and the Dreamcast is as old as the ZX Spectrum was.

>> No.6542072

a 92 Honda Accord is 28 years old now but you wouldn't show up to a classical car show in it

>> No.6542074

And Limp Bizkit is as old today as Zeppelin was in the 90's. Is Limp Bizkit classic rock?

>> No.6542076

By /vr/ rules virtua fighter 4 is retro and nobody talks about him

>> No.6542078

Twitter screencaps only happen because it's topical. Due to the structure of /vr/ I imagine threads about PS2 era games would be much more concise.

>> No.6542086

Classic car shows are strictly for generic boomer wagons people have seen millions of times, and all the actually cool/rare cars (S14, GTR) are either being destroyed in race tracks or just props in rap music videos.

>> No.6542095


It's not a precedent, it's common sense and is supposed to happen.

The fact that you people keep screaming and crying about what /v/ is going to do with consoles older than they are is retarded, you don't deserve a retro board for YOUR preferred consoles if you won't accept all of them, and sixth gen is retro.

>> No.6542096

No, but GBA is retro.

>> No.6542097
File: 256 KB, 476x477, 1429595230569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Twitter screencaps only happen because it's topical
>Literally twitting bad things about a popular game
>e-celeb twitting they support BLM/LGBT/whatever
>unrelated /pol/ bullcrap with some generic comment like "what's his endgame" attached to it
No. Just no. The vast majority of twitter screencaps are shitposts only made to harvest (You)'s.

>> No.6542101

>Literally twitting
Literally who twitting*

>> No.6542105

No, because their music is barely rock in the first place.

>> No.6542106

nah man. im a zoomer and i really dont want 6th gen here. it doesnt belong. i grew up with 5th & 6th and it 100% should not be here. it would completely kill /vr/.
I think the dreamcast should be removed. I wish I could petition the mods to redo the ruleset
5th gen should maybe be removed too. It doesnt really add much to the board by being here and just incites these ridiculous b8 threads

>> No.6542107
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I must always remind them that when /vr/ was first made, people whined that gen 5 shouldn't be allowed.

>> No.6542115

The 1999 rule was always there though. 5th gen and DC were added because they were all released before 1999.
Sorry man.

>> No.6542116

and they turned out correct

>> No.6542117

I don't care what you think and you're wrong.

You didn't grow up with 5th or 6th gen, by the way. The first zoomers were 5 when the xbox 360 came out.

It wouldn't kill /vr/, either, just because you're whining about something being here doesn't mean you know shit about what the board is about. Boards have a topic and that's it, if you don't like it then shove off. Nothing on 4chan is for you or any other individual person.

>> No.6542126
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>> No.6542129

Zoomer is '96 onwards

>> No.6542134
File: 9 KB, 95x128, kickstarter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually want to discuss 6th gen, specially the PS2, because it was a part of my late teens, but allowing it here would kill the board.

Mods should create a new board dedicated to 5th gen, 6th gen and Win98-era computer games.
/vr/ would be about DOS-era games, pinball and any console released prior 5th gen. No more shitposts askign why the Dreamcast is allowed, no more arguments about the PSX getting games in the early 2000s. I think that would be the best solution.

I've already posted a request for such a board using the feedback form.

>> No.6542139

No, it's 2000, there's no such thing as a generation that lasted only 10 years. 1985-1999 is Millennials.

>> No.6542141

zoomer is 96 onwards. and I did grow up with 5th and 6th gen

>> No.6542142

not a platform. it came to Xbox, its not retro because of it.

>> No.6542143

>tfw this is retro now

>> No.6542146

No, wrong. It's 2000, there's no such thing as a generation that lasted only 10 years. 1985-1999 is Millennials.

>> No.6542149

Because /v/ is shit

>> No.6542151

Millennials are 1981 to 1996, and Gen Z is 1997 onwards. You can go look it up yourself with a quick google search.

>> No.6542152

You realize you're the guy arguing with websters dictionary at this point right? zoomer is officially denoted as starting in 96. thats its very definition. you are arguing against the official definition and the common colloquial one. you're actually just being an insane person right now. i have no idea what kind of discussion you expect to have. you might as well keep insisting that grass is a neon pink color

>> No.6542156

so please stop trying to turn /vr/ into /v/ then

>> No.6542157

Blame the PS2 for continuing long after the 6th gen should have died and making it impossible to update the board without calling Persona 4 a retro game.

>> No.6542161


Also wrong, nobody considers 1981 to be when Millennials got started. Those people still thought MTV was relevant.

>You realize you're the guy arguing with websters dictionary at this point right?
Is that supposed to mean something? They're not an authority on the subject.

>> No.6542162

>i'm right and the entire internet is wrong

ok buddy

>> No.6542164

You've convinced me!!!!!!!!!!
Wait, no, you're a faggot.
GBA and 6th gen will never be allowed on this board. Seethe.

>> No.6542165

>6th gen

>> No.6542167

>a dictionary is the internet
hookay buddy

>> No.6542168

ok dude maybe you should make your own site where words mean whatever you want them to mean but you literally cannot have a discussion if you refuse to accept the definition of the terms involved