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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 27 KB, 458x458, fxpak-pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6541230 No.6541230 [Reply] [Original]

Apparently someone created an updated firmware for SD2SNES/FXPAK that adds Super Game Boy support. Haven't tested it yet, but here you go: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/493918699863015424/724437858680569936/Super_Game_Boy_SD2SNES_v1_Care_Package.zip

>> No.6541505

I've already got a Super Gameboy 2 and GB Everdrive so I'll probably wait for this to mature a bit before using but it sounds promising.

Here are the notes from the Readme:

- The graphics and audio functionality is not complete. Expect graphics and audio problems.
- Cartridge memory saving to SD works. Some games use Cart RAM as a scratch pad so your SD2SNES's red light may remain lit during game play signifying periodic saving. In this situation hold down the reset button on the SNES several seconds before powering it down. This ensures the latest Cart RAM (where game saves are stored) is saved to the SD card.
- Multiplayer support is untested.
- The serial link is not supported.
- In-Game Hooks/Button are supported only with the expected sgb2_boot.bin and sgb2_snes.bin files. If setup step (4d) does not show "ok" they are automatically disabled.
WARNING: Space Invaders Arcade requires In-Game Hooks to be disabled inside the SD2SNES menu in order to work.

>> No.6541743

Found a vid of it


>> No.6541949

Bumping this, has anyone tried it yet?

>> No.6541961

Briefly, on a Classic. A couple Bomberman games gave me trouble. Minor graphic glitching on GB and Collection wouldn't go past the select screen. I'll try turning off In-Game Hooks.

>> No.6541979

Until the SD2SNES Pro gets an updated revision that includes a link cable port, I'll just stick to using SGB2. No multiplayer is a deal breaker.

>> No.6542760

Didn't help. Seems that game has issues with emulators too. Other than that works great so far. I think some of the screen glitches are normal like flickering and tearing in Bubble Bobble.

>> No.6542817

Don't believe all those lies in the readme. It replicates the SGB perfectly at the transistor level because it uses an FPGA.

>> No.6542854

>still being this butthurt about FPGAs

>> No.6542901
File: 6 KB, 299x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes hello, are you the manager of FPGAs? I'd like to have a word with you. You claim that your device is able to achieve highly accurate chip level emulation almost indistinguishable from the real thing. But right here I have this document from a Supa Gaemboi 2 implementation for the sd2supafamifuck pro alpha tournament edition released on discord by hentiluvr69 that states the real time clock function in the Japan only release of Super Wario Wenis: Time Fuck Trouble 4 causes the game's time keeping to get corrupted. Surely a manufacturer of such a high quality product would not make claims like this yet allow this kind of oversight to stand. I DEMAND A REFUND IMMEDIATELY!!!

>> No.6543226

>still being this butthurt about FPGAs

>> No.6543229

>quoting me verbatim

>> No.6543258

>quoting me verbatim

>> No.6543353

a little thick but your heart was in the right place.

>> No.6543405

>still being this butthurt about being quoted verbatim

>> No.6543458

I could probably do a better shitpost and get it up to copypasta snuff. I'm just lazy that's all. The person I'm mocking is retarded. Since they're arguing in bad faith arguing with them just leads to researching whatever nonsense they're spouting and explaining it to them, which is a waste of time because they're too fucking dumb to get it. Since this board dipped in quality whenever there are legit questions sometimes retards will complain about "spoonfeeding" but this sort of thing is what this term actually is.

>> No.6543509

Why does FPGA seem to be such a dirty word around here (yes, I’m aware that there’s a minority of clueless people that seem to think that FPGAs are the pinnacle of accuracy), but let’s face it - if you want a flashcart that works on original hardware, you’re either going to build it using original chips from donor carts or use an FPGA. With the latter obviously you’ve got to hope the guy programming it knows what he is doing but it’s a more realistic and acceptable prospect than butchering thousands of real carts for their chips.

>> No.6543513

It's just one or two spergs that want anything that isn't emulation on a PC running windows to die a swift death. Anything else is a "waste of money" and they will spam wojack s*y shit. In other words they're zoomy zoom zoomers.

>> No.6544810

Welcome to /vr/ how's your first summer going? Any thread that involves FPGAs quickly turns into a shitshow. At this point there's no point in trying to take them seriously. Like your cope about having to use an FPGA or butcher carts. You don't need either unless you want to play a few dozen specific games on a flash cart. For the autistic bandwagoner that's as essential as air. For the rest of the world, from hard core cucklectors to the youngest of emubabies it's top kek.

>> No.6544920


>> No.6545062

I want to play those games on my original hardware without hunting down copies of pga tour 96 to hack up. Not sure why you think that's "cope" but it's my money so honestly I don't get why you even give the slightest hint of a fuck about what I do. But that's zoom mentality for you. People like you are constantly afraid of being called out for doing something differently than the rest of the pack. Your deepest fear is not fitting in. You must enforce the norms.

>> No.6545090

just a problem of managed expectations
they get told that FPGAs can emulate hardware perfectly, they interpret it as FPGAs always being perfect emulation simply by virtue of being an FPGA, then when they're confronted with an example of imperfect emulation on an FPGA, they feel lied to, like what's the point then if it's not perfect?
you have to understand what makes an FPGA different to a program running on a CPU to appreciate them, and that's just too much to ask of most people

>> No.6545093

Most people who are using devices with FPGAs embedded in them are happy with them though. It's only a few retards on here who want everyone to use PCs to emulate instead feigning anger to try to stir the pot.

>> No.6545095

yea, there's also people who see an argument waiting to happen and just can't help themselves
some people just like pissing people off

>> No.6545098

then stop shilling and selling your crappy @mister tm emulator underpower emubox
thank god, you get caught with your lies about accurate perfect emulation, because you know it's not true!

>> No.6545101

Everything is a console war now. Politics, the brand of phone you buy, if you use a console or a PC... Fuck making a rational decision based on what best fits your needs. We need winners and losers otherwise we can't have the satisfaction of rubbing "our" victory in someone else's face. Never mind the fact that regardless of what path you choose billion dollar corporations still profit.

>> No.6545103

I don't sell FPGAs. I don't work for any corporation. I just use them in my daily life. You type like a hue hue.

>> No.6545107

>speaking English as a second language and getting mad about mister in a thread about sd2snes/fxpak
Imagine wasting your teenage years on this instead of getting pussy.

>> No.6545112

mister is an open source project, not a product

>> No.6545120

You can tell him all day but he's not bright enough to realize that the FPGA it runs on is made by Intel. Just like the CPU on his PC most likely is. He doesn't even know what a DE-10 Nano board is or where it comes from. Regardless of what you buy the same few people end up profiting so it's pointless to fight over it.

>> No.6545130

only misinformed people claim FPGA emulators are perfect
from the actual creators of mister, they don't claim it's perfect. all they argue for is that;
- FPGAs make it more straightforward to design emulators more like the original systems (notably multiple chips actually running in parallel)
- they're more efficient than software emulation, you can simulate multiple chips in a single clock cycle, while with a cpu, you need many times more clock cycles compared to the original system to keep everything in sync

>> No.6545137

-- to be absolutely clear, there is absolutely no accuracy difference between an FPGA and a software program, both can be perfectly accurate, it's just down to how such accuracy is achieved, and how much power is needed to achieve it
software emulators typically take huge shortcuts just because they would be far too slow otherwise, it's probably the reason why this "FPGA's are more accurate" thing has come about

>> No.6545252

These, basically. Nice to see it happening though.

>> No.6545423

I don't give a fuck what you do with your parents money zoomie. When It comes to FPGA shit on /vr/ all I care about is calling out and embarrassing larpers, bullshitters, copers, and projectors in the hopes they'll get mad and go back. You fit squarely into all those categories. You pretend a few dozen games is the entire library of a console. You want to play them but you're too poor to afford them. You fantasize about making repros using original parts. And you project like a mofo. It's time for you to go back.

>> No.6545512

If I was a zoomer I would just emulate on my gaymen PC in between sessions of Fortnight. If anyone is larping it's you. You probably can't even remember 9/11.

>> No.6545515

You seem to have a lot of valuable life experience, could you teach me about the world?

>> No.6545524

The only good things in this world are eating good food, fucking, and whatever else you like to do in your downtime. Work is shit regardless of how much money you make. If you die having spent more time on it than things you actually care about you'll be considered a success by society but you'll have failed yourself.

>> No.6545527

Thanks anon. Got any advice for someone with a lot of gumption?

>> No.6545538

Whatever you do don't do it in a way that will only impress the people on this website. Unless you want to fuck them or something.

>> No.6545546

And how do I impress people on this site if I do want to have some sex on the side

>> No.6545551

Go to the sorts of conventions where the more attention starved faggots from this site like to attend.

>> No.6545563

>go to conventions
I don’t know anon, would you want to tell me which ones? I’ll be gentle.

>> No.6546657

I'm not going to spoonfeed you anon!

>> No.6546849
File: 35 KB, 609x406, little baby butthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if i was a zoomer i would just shitpost exactly this.If anyone is larping it's me. I'll try embarrassingly hard to prove it

>> No.6546965

Nice post zoomie

>> No.6547157

So does this make game booting lag? I tried that fxpak save state firmware that someone released and it added an atrocious 40 second delay in game loading

>> No.6547224

I just timed Wario Land II (1MB). Boots to SGB screen in 2s and game in 10s.

>> No.6547751
File: 58 KB, 500x375, Time_to_Stop_Posting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no u