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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 117 KB, 450x300, sega-micro-game-gear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6539356 No.6539356 [Reply] [Original]

Will you

>> No.6539368

Sonic was one of my favorite games growing up on the GG, so yes.

>> No.6539378

>fifty bucks
>four games
>so small it requires a magnifying glass actually sold with the set of them
lmao only die-hard faggots who CONSOOM would even be interested in these for the kind of dosh Sega is wanting

>> No.6539384

American people just don't get it
it's a gachapon toy not and actual mini console, but americans could not tell the difference, because they don't know shit about Japanese culture(and No watching anime and reading manga. does not make you and expert in Japan)

>> No.6539385

I buy it because sega is genuinely the only people putting out hardware worth supporting. If sega made a dreamcast 2 id pre order it. Im not a consoomer or collector type but i just like what sega does, sony and nintendo are scummy companies

>> No.6539390

Im honestly shocked by the negative western response. I guess it just an easy clickbait thing for youtubers. These people are bug brains. It sucks necausw the nevative pr means it wont have a release here probably.

I think it looks cool. Im curious if homebrew would be possible

>> No.6539462

usually not

>> No.6539468


>> No.6539469

Screw Japan, these things suck

>> No.6539471
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>> No.6539513
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>it's a gachapon toy not and actual mini console
Aren't gachapon toys shit you get from vending machines for a couple bucks? These are $50 each and they're even bothering to sell accessories for it, such as pic related magnifying window.

>> No.6539520

but it's like $50 for one of these little things, and you can hardly see the action without the attachment, which is extra

>> No.6539523

Hell no. Lol

>> No.6539525 [DELETED] 

>Japanese culture
let this meme die
what a fucking joke
exterminate the jappajews

>> No.6539532

>Im honestly shocked by the negative western response.
I'm not shocked at all, Sega bungled this whole thing:
>release teaser silhouette that looks like Akira Yuki from Virtua Fighter
>people start getting excited that it might be a new Virtua Fighter or at least a modern port of VF5
>turns out it's actually Segata Sanshiro and Sega was just announcing the return of this old mascot
>VF fans are mad that Sega made that teaser silhouette so misleading that it had to have been intentional
>Sega releases a new video of Segata Sanshiro, featuring an enemy getting thrown into Saturn
>more hype builds for Sega fans thinking this is hinting at a Sega Saturn Mini
>Sega announces they are indeed releasing a mini console
>turns out it's just this shitty postage stamp sized Game Gear where the games are all split up into 4 different $50 devices
The degree to which Sega mishandled this whole thing with their complete tonedeafness and lack of respect for their own fans is astonishing.

>> No.6539538

It's tempting, but I already have a handheld that can play Game Gear games.

>> No.6539545

>The degree to which Sega mishandled this whole thing with their complete tonedeafness and lack of respect for their own fans is astonishing.
This is Sega, afterall. Surely people weren't expecting anything other than crushing disappointment.

>> No.6539550

Sega knocks it out of the park from time to time, it's honestly baffling when they fuck everything up

>> No.6539551

is that crap for real? lmao wtf is wrong with segacucks

>> No.6539583
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Kind of reminds me of when Capcom announced this creature. It was pretty much universally hated and then it was released under the table with no adjustments so no one could be reminded of it.

>> No.6539591
File: 136 KB, 500x281, tumblr_oo7w1b1nE31t92wp3o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im not a consoomer or collector type

>> No.6539654

Can someone explain all the mini consoles to me?
arent they basically just emulators? why would you spend this outrageous sum for one of these

>> No.6539660

whats baffling is your reaction and entitlement
this looks really cool. I really just do not see the negatives you're seeing

>> No.6539675
File: 46 KB, 1000x1000, 3BD54D14-02AB-42E4-BF7E-CA476009CA32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone buy one when for the price of two of them you can emulate the entire library and still have it portable

>> No.6539707

I'm only pointing out that Sega built up expectations that led to immense disappointment. Had they not exploited fans by teasing them with intentionally-misleading marketing the reaction may have been different.

On the topic of the device itself, it does look like crap. It's smaller than a GBA Micro, which is already almost too small to use, and Sega is so aware of how unusably tiny the thing is that they're selling a fucking magnifying glass for it. Couple that with the greedy move of selling 4 different $50 devices with 4 games apiece instead of selling 1 unit with all the games on it and it's simply a disaster. Size issues aside, $50 doesn't seem like a bad asking price for 16 Game Gear games on a dedicated handheld unit, but it's certainly a shit price for only 4 games.

>> No.6539725

>whats baffling is your... entitlement
Uh, durrhurr, yeah? If they want me to give them money they need to sell me something worth giving them money for.

>> No.6539732

so just dont give them your money? i dont understand

>> No.6539742

>sega is so awaye that its a problem they sell a magnifying glass
its a joke for when you buy the whole set at once
you guys are taking this way too seriously. I dont know why you guys think Japanese companies are unable to tell jokes. To me this clearly reads as a joke. a whimsical way to announce a cool capsule toy prize. its not trying to be a serious retro console and it doesnt have to.
but i guess you're a retro gamer so you take yourself very seriously

>> No.6539743

I'm not giving them money. Why would I give them money for something I think is dumb? Giving companies money in hopes they "might" do better in the future is cuck shit.

>> No.6539752

just for the simple out of box plug and play ease of use

>> No.6539754

your bait sucks
if you honestly can't fathom why people would not look toward this shit fondly then you're retarded as all hell

>> No.6539758

buying something=//=complaining about something

>> No.6539761

ok so whats your issue
i honestly dont. its just a fun toy. whats the problem?

>> No.6539764

it is the opposite of a fun toy, it's a retarded gimmick for retards with more $$$ than uncommon sense

>> No.6539768

4 games for 50 bucks isnt bad. You're just entitled

>> No.6539779

That looks cool

>> No.6539787

Because i must consoom

>> No.6539789

>Will you
Nah. I'll just get a Genesis Mini.

>> No.6539803

Buy the shining force version. Profit

>> No.6539813

>Im honestly shocked by the negative western response

>one fucking inch screen O N E
>4 games
>hacking it would be pointless because once again 1" screen
>oh also lets just ignore the fact its a nogamemachine segas worst fucking console

the suit who came up with this is legit retarded I'm saddened sega didn't make 500k+ units(each color) and sell it during xmass

>it's a gachapon toy
no its not if it was these POS would be in a sega gach machine for like 2-4 500 yen coins because its all this trash is worth

>> No.6539826

obviously americunt , who doesn't know shit about Japanese culture, and have to see and reason everything in Americunt eyes!

>> No.6539840

>capsule toy prize
They're $50...

>> No.6539884

So the Japanese just buy miniature shit at high dollar prices? Is that really a thing?

>> No.6539908

yes, the buy and sell things, that most people in any other country in the world would consider crap and garbage!

>> No.6539920




>> No.6539925


>> No.6539927


>> No.6540047

nothing was "mishandled". the teaser website thing from the very start said it was about a new sega ambassador. it's your own fault for hyping yourself for vf stuff when it was obviously not the case.

>> No.6540225

It's insecure 3rdworlder cope.

>> No.6540321

If it gets an actual translation of Shining Force Gaiden then yes, if not, then there's no point for me.

>> No.6540343

if the hacking community finds a way to put your own roms on these things, even if its still only 4 at a time id buy it to be honest

>> No.6540549 [DELETED] 
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>You're entitled if you don't consoom

>> No.6540570

Will I?

>> No.6540750


>> No.6541239

>sony and nintendo are scummy companies
All companies are scummy you dumb motherfucker Sega is not your friend and you are nothing more than a dollar sign to them. When will you console shitters learn?

>> No.6541252

I’m buying them all and accessories so in 10 years I can make a YouTube video

“Top 10 FAILED consoles ****R@R3***”

>> No.6541256
File: 121 KB, 500x324, 1592237815143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Na, too tiny for my hands. To this day I cannot play consoles for long stretches because of the tiny controllers(barring the Xbox Duke love that big fucker) and have been on the PC. >>6539378
Also, this.

>> No.6541259
File: 10 KB, 300x169, BC10E5F7-139F-4D19-A940-ED8EF52F4F6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6541321
File: 21 KB, 802x451, 04mZfoeigUGR5JUGYNk3Y6l.fit_lim.v_1569508802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6541819

Pc stuff is just lame in comparison to console

>> No.6541854
File: 202 KB, 512x285, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6541936

Just get a GBA Micro with a flash cart, it would be better in every way.

>> No.6541963

My nephew fucking LOVES Sonic, I'm looking forward to getting him the (blue?) one with Sonic Chaos, that was my first-owned sonic game when I got a gamegear as a kid and I loved it, I want to pass it on.

>> No.6541969

Turned that into a retropie playlist. Whole collection plays at 60FPS on FBA.

>> No.6541983

This picture perfectly sums up why Sega isn't an AAA dev anymore

>> No.6541985

except price

>> No.6541995
File: 10 KB, 742x256, 1591161919393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well... if you look at the competition...

>> No.6541997

Because that is also shit.

>> No.6542003

Get fucked, fag.

>> No.6542019

none of those are portable. they're not in the same market

>> No.6542023

Even the VMU had a bigger screen than that.

>> No.6542939

No because I'm not a retard that supports retarded decisions by retarded management.

>> No.6544040


Just because it makes sense for them culturally doesn't mean it's not retarded. Tribals in Papa New Guinea fuck their children because it's their culture, but it's still grotesque.

You're shocked at the negative response towards a handheld too tiny to play with, and with a screen the size of a postage stamp, in an era where retro clone consoles which are actually playable is a trend?

The west doesn't have the mindset for gachapon bullshit, what the fuck do you expect?

>> No.6544048

I cannot wait to get all 4 of these. I've been shoving everything I can find into my ass on a daily basis to try and train my sphincter muscles, but they don't offer a proper feedback loop to let me know if I'm succeeding or not in my endeavors. Hopefully I'll be able to break out of my prostate plateau by training on something with a steeper learning curve.

>> No.6544050
File: 17 KB, 400x400, 5xZVsztZ_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What has been seen cannot be unseen.

I wonder if we could make a class action lawsuit against Sega for destroying fond childhood memories and causing ptsd.

>> No.6544069

As opposed to paying $200 for 16 games you cannot really play? With the flashcart solution you could have not just the entire Game Gear library, but also the library of the Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, NES, Master System, Genesis, basically any 8-bit or 16-bit console game playable with four buttons and a d-pad, and the 32-bit machine's own library.

In terms of value, a GBA flashcart blows this thing out of the water.

>> No.6544076

In terms of best value just use the cellphone you already own.

>> No.6544107

Most people buy them because they're normalfags or because they need a gift for a gamer that they know and are clueless about the subject. They're plug'n'play emulators no different from the old Namco Museum tv games, just with usually more games and a Nintendo tax sometimes (though to be fair, they did make the best two mini consoles overall).

>> No.6544115

>5k yen capsule prizes

Anon, I...

>> No.6544141

Looks like an F-Zero machine.

>> No.6544326

My cellphone cant run emulators

>> No.6544396 [DELETED] 

Kill yourselves. The ambassador shit means fuck all. That they used Segata Sanshire--a mascot more closely tied to the Saturn--in the per-announcement for this is proof enough of how Sega does not fucking get

>> No.6544407

Kill yourselves. The ambassador shit means fuck all. That they used Segata Sanshire--a mascot that's basically synonymous with the Saturn--in the per-announcement for this is proof enough of how Sega does not fucking get what their audience expects.
>My nephew
Stop hover parenting your in-laws' children you fucking cuck and actually raise kids of your own. Besides these things are more suited for your wife's son.

>> No.6544723

>touch screen for playing anything designed to use buttons
Fuck that noise. I can type fine on one of these, but the idea of trying to play Wario Land this way makes my head spin just imagining it. Some zoomers can play first person shooters like Doom with a phone, but I don't know how they can stand it.

I think this would be a cruel joke to play on your nephew. If you want to give him something Sega that he could appreciate, get him one of those official game compilation discs for a console he probably has.

>> No.6544950



>> No.6544983
File: 178 KB, 750x864, 1470587931501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im not a consoomer or collector type but i

>> No.6544989

You mean there are no mini PC's that you can plug into your TV to play DOOM?

>> No.6544994

>gachapon toy
Nigger you best be joking

>> No.6545001

Is that just a fight stick? or is it bundled with games? I'd buy that if its a normal priced fight stick

>> No.6545015

how much do you expect it to be? design and production is expensive anon. how much would be fair to you? because its just not realistic.

>> No.6545032

>supposed to be $50
>people already reselling /preorders for $300
cant wait for this to come out and nobody buys it and because nobody wants it that means the price can balloon to $1000 just like every other 'failed' console
fucking christ man i hate these game resellers

>> No.6545034

>two player sticks with six buttons for each
>by capcom, a maker of old arcade games
>flight stick
Figure it out dumbass.

>> No.6545041

not him but its still unclear. not sure why you're acting like this. hope you can cheer up man

>> No.6545075

It's a fight stick that comes with some games built in it ( you can safely ignore the games if you just want to just use it as a fight stick). SNK also put out a similar product.

>> No.6545154

No, it's a not-so-mini console full of Capcom arcade games.

>> No.6545161

Okay, now show me which gacha machine takes 5,000 yen per pull.

>> No.6545254

hell yeah it was real. I had one and I loved it. it really made using the normal screen feel weird

>> No.6545257

do you understand how prizes work? when you see machine in the mall where you can win a ps4 or some shit do they make you pay $400 into the machine?

>> No.6545274

If it gets an official worldwide release with 6 games minimum then yes

>> No.6545275

In this case, that's exactly what's happening. And every prize is the ps4.

>> No.6545278

are you me or am i you?

>> No.6545279

I'm the blue variant

>> No.6545331

PC stuff can emulate console even a shitty one like the ones from HP can emulate decently.

>> No.6545335

everyone says emulate. really curious if you guys actually do emulate often. whenever i try to emulate its dogshit. it has nothing to do with my specs just that the emulators arent figured out. everyone seems to think emulation is an exact science though for some reason and that if you don't emulate you're crazy. i guess if all you want to do is play mario 64 or ocarina of time its fine or you just want snes games but things get really shaky once you leave those mainstream titles

>> No.6545358

I emulate all the time though most of the time when I do run into problems it's with non retro games so I dunno what to tell you anon.

>> No.6545396
File: 144 KB, 1000x729, monster-static.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah I'll just get one of these with an adaptor for the ~2 game gear games worth playing

>> No.6545406

Is it getting a western release? If it does, I'm really intrigued at getting translations of previously JP-only Megami Tensei games. I'm surprised they included them on one of these things at all even if it stays Japanese-only

>> No.6545415

I kind of want one. I’m sure that shit is a plastic shell though. I want an aluminum one.

>> No.6545842

Yes, that's how gacha works. It's not a skill game where you can win prizes worth more than you put in, it's just a fucking vending machine where you pay a regular price for a random toy.

>> No.6545848

I find that emulation for any console prior to 5th gen is as perfect as I need it to be for any game on those consoles. Starting with 5th gen it gets shaky, which is why I still keep around my N64.

>> No.6545869

Sega owns the parent company of Atlus now, remember? That means they get those games without any licensing payments.

>> No.6545914
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>nearly 3 bucks a piece for shitty cereal box tier knick knacks

>> No.6545972

>If sega made a dreamcast 2 id pre order it.
I'm sure a lot of us would buy one but that's not what this is, is it?

>> No.6546054

Tha japanese have a lot of money so everything is overpriced there.

>> No.6546772

You're just a dumbass who thinks if an emulator doesn't run a game exactly without taking 2 minutes to fidget with some options, then it's emulator's fault.

>> No.6546784

taxes are imbued in the price

>> No.6546795

You just haven't spent hundreds of hours downloading individual roms and settings required to get things to work and crying about how expensive original hardware instead of getting a job

>> No.6547005
File: 54 KB, 600x462, I hate gachapons!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americunts right now lol
$50 gashapons ¬¬#

>> No.6547117

No as in the emulator makers themselves say the game i want to play is unplayable and when i try to play it it is unplayable.
Not sure why you guys take critique of emulators so personally

>> No.6547120

No theyre prizes you dummy

>> No.6547121

can you name that game?

>> No.6547194
File: 18 KB, 960x600, 1592732035840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use it as a choking hazard. Yes I will

>> No.6547287

I’m a middle aged man with middle aged man eye sight, so obviously I won’t be able to actually play it. I’ll probably just get the blue one just because it looks cool, I’ll buy just for the novelty of it. But it’ll remain in box.

>> No.6547302

>the game i want to play is unplayable and when i try to play it it is unplayable.
Name game and emulator.
>Not sure why you guys take critique of emulators so personally
I have a problem with retards who complain about emulation, and when you press them for what exactly the problem is, it's some easily fixable bullshit that can be done by navigating and using straight forward options. And that's usually the bulk of people online when they say "emulation doesn't work".

>> No.6547307

p64 rogue squadron & nba hangtime

>> No.6547308

I preordered them all.

>> No.6547314

The novelty of being an idiot?
>I have a problem with retards who complain about emulation, and when you press them for what exactly the problem is, it's some easily fixable bullshit that can be done by navigating and using straight forward options. And that's usually the bulk of people online when they say "emulation doesn't work".
Emubabies who think it's the exact same game they're playing are the worst though, especially for fifth gen and beyond.

>> No.6547315

Is it too hard to ask for a GBA sized Game Gear that can take roms and regular carts?

>> No.6547330

even 'perfect' emulation has enough flaws to take you out of the moment though. im not sure when the narrative changed to emulation being the best option. emulation is exactly that, EMULATION. real hardware just cant really be matched

>> No.6547370

>Never played an old game before
>Wonder if it's worth a monetary investment
>Decide to emulate it
>Works fine 99.9% of the time with no noticeable glitches of problems and you enjoy the experience
>"No bro! It's NOT the same thing, real hardware is DIFFERENT! It's not QUITE the same sound quality, and some of the pixels are off by 1 pixel. Totally unplayable, throws you OUT OF THE MOMENT"

>> No.6547385

>Strawman to hell.
Nobody ever said you can't play an old game and enjoy it with emulation, we all like that. It's not the same thing though. First of all there's the inherent input lag, if you try turning on runahead you're throwing accuracy out the window. If it's a slower game like a turn-based and you don't mind it looking and sounding a bit different and the different control options sure.

>> No.6547395

that thing was weird. I don't even think it fit the whole screen right, and it was so cheap and toy like, it was like a huge cheap toy plastic magnifying glass.

and it had these huge rings around it that made me think of it like it was imitating a huge finger thumbprint

>> No.6547397

It's mostly a psychological thing. I used to be that way too, but over time I just stopped caring.
I just want to play games with no fuss.

>> No.6547404

But its not minutiae thats my point. like theres weird graphical shit all over emulators. its really just not the same

>> No.6547408

not really

>> No.6547415

only 4 games on it

>> No.6547420

Prizes you get for spending 200 yen.

>> No.6547432

Man you guys are freakin nuts man all the games I've played on emulators seem fine to me, even ps1's on ps2 and ps3 it seems fine, you guys are all crazy man.

>> No.6547435

Yes and

>> No.6547438

Yes and how much is that in pesos?

>> No.6547441

People who advocate for emulators and insult people who collect are autistic. They are completely incapable of understanding the emotional aspect of playing on hardware or that some people can like different things. They live firmly in emotionless logic land and think thats a good aspect of their character.

>> No.6547445

Whats your point here

>> No.6547447

Yeah youre right i guesa the things i have experienced didnt happen because you said so

>> No.6547448


>> No.6547449

Yes really >>6547441

>> No.6547457

So because one guy says it he represents all collectors everywhere? People who emulate aren't playing the real games and it shows. Now as I said earlier in the thread it may well be tolerable but it's just different.

>> No.6547458

Dude the games i want to play literally dont work on the emulator

>> No.6547460

Then play the real deal.

>> No.6547463

i dont emulate because pcs are for business. it gets to adhdish on pc. most of the people who emulate on /vr/ save state it up and have a window with 4chan and youtube open at the same time while they play. To me that isnt gaming and it sucks. I remove the temptation entirely and get to relax in a couch with the real controller and the real game case and all the extras it came with to look at. I dont have to fiddle with any settings i dont have to download stuff or use dumb modern operating systems. Its nice and relaxing and dedicated. Emulation removes all that and even the best emulators i can tell give a worse experience than hardware.

>> No.6547465

You were calling me an idiot for doing that though

>> No.6547469

Which ones?

>> No.6547475

Um anon save states can corrupt save game data only a retard would use save states.

>> No.6547478

Im a zoomer. I use to be on team emulation. I've never really owned a console. But i recently got the chance to play an actual genesis with real carts and it doesnt really compare. Im finding it hard to go back to emulation. Ive actually been depressed for a few days because i kind of want the hardware now but i missed the boat and its all so expensive

>> No.6547480

What are you talking about?

>> No.6547487

You said my complaints about emulation are invalid and im an idiot for preferring not to emulate

>> No.6547491

I didn't?

>> No.6547501

Yeah you did though. Thats what prompted this whole argument.

>> No.6547502

You're replying to someone else but I think you're talking to me.
When exactly did I call you an idiot? What I'm asserting is the anti-emulation crowd tends to have an emotional attachment to hardware and gave you an example in this very thread.

I did ask you what games you have problems with. It's rare for a /vr/ game to be impossible to emulate in the current year. But there are some and there's nothing wrong with using the real thing in that case.

>> No.6547636

you must be fun at parties

>> No.6547641

Nintendo has always done right by me, the only console/handheld I really disliked was the WiiU but that was dead on arrival. Sony is pretty stinky.

>> No.6547648

>you must be fun at parties
Has anyone who has ever posted this cope even been fun at parties? Ever even been to a party?

>> No.6547671

Nobody except die hards old salarymen are gonna carry around a 50 dollar electronic trinkets they get one of these out a machine for 300 yen. You think some japanese teenage girl is actually gonna carry one of these around? Or that they love video games so much parents will spend 50 dollars on some genki kid who will break it? Who has the stupid notion about Japan here?

>> No.6547750

>unironically defending gachashit
/vr/ has truly hit a new low

>> No.6547787

>even 'perfect' emulation has enough flaws to take you out of the moment though
Quite a cope there anon
>Emubabies who think it's the exact same game they're playing are the worst though
Yeah, I love emulating on real hardware with leaky capacitors and dying save batteries.

>> No.6547792
File: 47 KB, 383x504, 1426008290687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attaching emotional to hardware
>not autistic
Pick one

>> No.6547796

Dump that trash and use Retroarch with Parallel LEI or Mupen cores.
>rogue squadron
Factor 5 games were made by wizards who knew how to exploit tricks in the hardware, making them a bitch to emulate. Try the PC version if the N64 port is too tough to get running.
Don't know what to tell you about that one.

More importantly, learn what shit in the emulators does first. Don't just expect shit to run out of the box.

>> No.6547798

Get an everdirve. Don't fall for the collection meme.

>> No.6547819

You nailed it, but it's the other was around, this crap toy, i'ts made for middle age salary japanese man, with some nostalgia googles

why Japan doesn't make things, thinking about america market first waaah!

my damn god, why Americans don't think for once lol

>> No.6547830

Imagine you want all the gachapon collection, of one of these sega gashapon machines, every time you have to pay 500 yen, and i'ts not guarantee you get what you want, so instead of wasting $4000 yens, you just pay sega $5000 yen and get what you want first try!
Sega System History Collection Full Set Gashapon | セガヒストリーコレクション

>> No.6547831
File: 16 KB, 480x360, 1593021410326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biggest blunder since the psx mini i see.

I mean fuckni didnt even knew about the stupid bait and switch teasers, also are the new segata sanshiro videos the ones with his fag son? cause those were embarrasing as shit.

>> No.6547837

I see you enjoy eating shit.

>> No.6547843

How embarassing. Just use mupen64plus with GlideN64.
Are you retarded?

>> No.6547857

SORRY, NOT AMERICUNT! I don't eat fast food, like people in your country!
I ask this guy and he say He spend around 3000 yen for his complete collection
He put the money for individual toys, in the video.

>> No.6547868

this crap takara gashapon toy,goes for $2000 us dollars imagine, the cost of these mini game gears in a few years lol


>> No.6547890

Heh and you people wonder why everyone says video games are just toys for kids.

>> No.6547897

No we don't.

>> No.6547898 [DELETED] 

What about consoles that dont use carts

>> No.6547905


>> No.6548118

Yeah, doesn't make it any less weird though considering Atlus straight up neglects its older stuff. They still acknowledge mainline SMT to a degree, but otherwise if it's not Persona it doesn't exist. Devil Summoner, DDS, even Persona 1 and 2

>> No.6548212

Nobody says that anymore except a few self-hating and fucked up people on here who have failed at life and are projecting.

>> No.6548226

This kind of shit is absolutely re-tard-ed. Is Japanese culture entirely based around having autism?

>its a tiny pointless model, how amazing, yes

>> No.6548568

36:22 you tell me lol
they lust for small children, and pay ridicoulos amounts of money to girls they will never touch, or sleep with "platonic" they say moronic I say lol

>> No.6548617

There are worse hardware makers, but Sega has always been the stupidest. It’s like if you’re too much of a retard to work at Nintendo, you go to Sega.

>> No.6550457 [DELETED] 

Let me know if you come on them when your special education ass tries to eat the like candy, retard.

>> No.6550564

This is just Japan being the oddballs they are. Only the gayest, gay of all gays would buy this.

>> No.6551310

My GKD350H emulates GameGear without issue, so I'll pass on the squinty little screen.

>> No.6551314

I don't think that's a plastic shell, I think that's a render, just like every other product shot of the thing.

>> No.6551994

It's not $50 for 4 games.
They are $50 each and each only comes with 1 game. It's $200 if you want all 4.

>> No.6551995

>sega is genuinely the only people putting out hardware worth supporting
They're still working with Atgames, so no.

>> No.6552000

Are you an ogre?

>> No.6552002

that not even true. its $50 for 4 games

>> No.6552020
File: 49 KB, 1654x835, 1591315866783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the new beanie babies. Get yours ASAP.

>> No.6552027

Not a fan of the modern weeb shit but tokyo, the countryside, and all that samurai shit sound cool as fuck.

>> No.6552513
File: 3.20 MB, 3840x2160, screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, each one definitely has 4 games loaded on it. Pic related, or just watch the reveal trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zv5LhWmKCWE

>> No.6552598

$12.5 for EACH game, is NOT A BIG DEAL
I will buy the 4 game gear gachapon minis and sell the complete collection boxed in 10 years in $2000 dollars ;')
like this takara gashapon toys


>> No.6552793


>> No.6552862

>playing an RPG on that tiny tiny screen

>> No.6552873

Japan is pretty great, really helps if you can speak some japanese though. The idea that everybody can speak English is a total exaggeration. Still, it's a good time. Find a place that sells basashi, it's pretty good.