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/vr/ - Retro Games

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653781 No.653781 [Reply] [Original]

It is time fellow /vr/troopers! It is time for us to start an old micro-computer gaming thread!

Let's talk about you favorite machine, the game you played the most on it. Let's share our best moments and other stories with these machines, some tips and tricks for new users, let's argue about the technical aspects of these computers.

>> No.653802

>no amstrad

>> No.653831
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I had to choose 4 machines, next time I'll replace the spectrum with an Amstrad CPC.

>> No.654023
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It's R-Type on Amiga, one of the game I spent the most time on. A pretty good port of the arcade in my opinion, I would rank it under the PC-Engine version, and certainly at the same level as the Master System one. Have anyone played the Atari ST or C64 version?

>> No.654402
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>> No.654524

I have a C64 and a few hundred games, but it's all packed up in a box somewhere.
Hard to find a place to fit a C64, a tube TV, a disk drive and all the disks, y'know?

>> No.654556
File: 57 KB, 1920x1080, garodius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been playing through a bunch of PC-98 games lately. Garudius 95 is an excellent shmup actually, really great level design.

>> No.654563


True, but once you get a table free, it's no big deal anymore.

>> No.654597
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also Night Slave is an awesome game and with Joy2Key is an extremely fun action mecha game punctuated with nudity.

>> No.655089


>Night Slave

Weird name for a mecha game...

>> No.655156
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>A terrorist organization known as Slave Dog poses a threat to the entire world. Steel Fox is the name of an all-female special squad, highly trained in counter-terrorist combat. Assisting them is the independent, state-unbound corporation Neo Logic, which produces assault suits -basically giant robots with their own heavy weaponry, which can be navigated by a skillful pilot. The young female pilot Rei from the Steel Fox is sent on a decisive mission, codenamed "Night Slave" - an assault on the terrorist base.

It's a very well made game, it's kind of like a twin stick shooter because you can move and also aim your gun, it's not a basic run and gun. There's also a Gradius style powerup system and a weapon exp system. It's very cool. I suspect the Slave thing is more related to the lesbian bdsm in the cutscenes between missions though.

>> No.655162


Hmmm... Sound interesting, I'll check it... for science.

>> No.655171
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Let's do this the right way, Yurop

>> No.655193

>aqua, white, and pink graphics
>bleeper sound


>> No.657450
File: 11 KB, 256x192, jetpack_speccyi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's no right way young man, the spectrum is a fun machine to use, I bet you've never played games like Jetpak? And what is that? The spectrum displaying more colors on screen than an IBM PC?

>> No.658226
File: 234 KB, 480x350, amstrad_ad_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amstrad was pretty popular where I lived, it's one of the most common retro computer available nowadays in my country.

>> No.658303

PCE, Amiga and Spectrum are the only good conversions of R-Type. Prove me wrong.
Protip: you can't.

>> No.658308


The master system one isn't bad at all.

>> No.658327

Ahhhh good time.

I used to have 486SX with 4mb of ram. I had alot of fun trying to run game on that piece of shit.

>not enough ems memory
>go back and edit config.sys
>repeat until I can play a game

>> No.658342

my first pc

486 dx2 66MHz - 4MB ram - soundblaster 16 (on the cd I had ultima 8, wing commander 3, sindicate and sindicate plus and other f-14 simulator I can't recall) with a svga monitor

doom 1 n 2
little big adventure
princes of persia
duke nukem all of them
keen commanders all of them
mech warrior 2
terminal velocity
high octane
mortal kombat 1 -2 -3
cobra mission (my one and only H game)
rise of the triad
rise of the robots 1 - 2
nesticle nes emulator

porn animated gifs
midi version of songs
so many other games

god... I miss the 90's so much...

>> No.658368

My 486SX PC was used to run a BBS (which it did for three years) when I got a 486DX2-66 to replace it. Good times.

>> No.658379

I have a C64, Atari 800, Apple //e and an Amiga 500 and hate that I don't have the room to leave more than two of them hooked up at a time.

>> No.658384
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Probably the oldest game I ever remember playing
>mfw I still have my c64 and it works

>> No.658568

I had a very similar set up--- SX instead of a DX. So no Windows 9X for me, but didn't need a GUI for mah gaming rig.

>DOOM 1& 2, Duke, Keen, TV, Descent, Blood, Tyrian, Nesticle and Genecyst, One Must Fall, XCOM, Wing Commander, Ultima, BioForge

Man, those were the times.

>> No.659438


Sucks to have to choose only 2 of these wonderful machines to be hooked at the same time. Which ones do you play the most?