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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 153 KB, 1280x720, 2600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6536985 No.6536985 [Reply] [Original]

Atari thread. Let's discuss this gorgeous piece of junk. What are your favorite 2600 games?

>> No.6536990
File: 621 KB, 1280x1762, tumblr_oi0gixUVMk1rkrwaco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Battlezone, baby

>> No.6536992
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Is there a solution to jailbars in a composite mod?

>> No.6536994


>> No.6537004
File: 195 KB, 266x200, Berzerk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could play Berzerk all day long.

>> No.6537009

I love Jungle Hunt, and Keystone Capers is pretty fun. Against another player, Maze Craze is a blast. Especially with beer involved.

>> No.6537014

>I'm not smart enough to weigh in but I'll do it anyway!

>> No.6537018

>I'm too dumb to figure it out myself. Someone spoonfeed me!!

>> No.6537034

>I've never even opened a console but I'm gonna tell you that you aren't allowed to search for information so I can look cool for the first time in my life

>> No.6537139

Ever tried robot tank

>> No.6537307

could someone tell me how to repair one of these things? Mine's been in the attic for 30+ years and doesn't work for some reason. I really don't want to go to town and shill out $80 for another one.

>> No.6537457

>Super Breakout
I played that on my Mac

>> No.6537481

>Pre 3rd gen gaming
>and non japanese console
Lame. This shouldn't be /vr/. This sucks ass you fucking dumb assretards.

>> No.6537527

What kind of not work? No power or bad video?

>> No.6537530

How anyone seeTHIS and think. Fun" i hate this stupid jackass boomer shit fuck you guys so hard.gaming died for a reason. These games suck ass. Thank god the nes happened

>> No.6537586

what's the symptom, power doesn't come on, video doesn't show up, etc?

>> No.6537897

definitely one of the best arcade ports imo

>> No.6537976

I turn it on and the tv screen just goes black. I looked up some tutorials before but nothing ever gave me any concrete info

>> No.6537987

Could be a number of issues. Aside from doing methodical testing and diagnosis of components, I would say a good first step would be a good first step.

>> No.6537989

Recap, Jesus I have to stop drinking so early.

>> No.6538002


Try out Frantic!

>> No.6538102
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>> No.6538120

HERO and Solaris are fucking great, if anyone has any other recs i'll take them

>> No.6538187
File: 372 KB, 530x442, NfK6z50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is every vcs game worth playing:

Chopper Command
Cosmic Ark
Dig Dug
Keystone Kapers
Laser Blast
Missile Command
Montezuma’s Revenge
Moon Patrol
Pitfall 2
River Raid
Secret Quest
Space Jockey
Yars' Revenge

>> No.6538192
File: 23 KB, 267x371, Human_Cannonball_cartridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lay claim to world champion of this game

>> No.6538217

>no Mountain King
>no Wizard Of Wor
>no Mario Bros

>> No.6538239

There are much better versions for the arcade or other consoles so I don't see why you would chose the 2600 version for those games imo.

>> No.6538393

>no Fatal Run
>no Revenge of the Beefsteak Tomatoes
>no Dark Cavern
C’mon man.

>> No.6538397 [DELETED] 

>Atari 26 100
Surely you jest, my sources indicate that this wood paneled nightmare is NOT RETRO you stupid fucking zoomers

>> No.6538595

>shill out
Looks like you have more important things to fix

Speaking of shilling

>> No.6538607

>better versions for the arcade

Thats the main drawback of the 2600. Most of the good games for it are just inferior ports. Why not play the original version on mame? Some of the ports are terrible too, pacman on the 2600 is unplayable.

>> No.6538687


>> No.6538996

I wish more people cared about atari games.

Here's some more good ones:

Demons to Diamonds
Maze Craze
Mountain King
Ms Pacman
Raiders of the lost Ark
Solar Fox
Star Raiders
Track & Field
Demon Attack
Jungle Hunt
Pole Position

>> No.6539074

>electrolytic and film capacitors never fail, telling someone to replace them is shilling!!!!

>> No.6539105

>i need to say something more ridiculous than i already did to deflect
Sorry champ, didn't work. It just made you look like a desperate fool. Telling someone to recap something because someone else said that and you have a parrot brain is literally shilling.

>> No.6539112

I haven't touched my Atari even once since I discovered Mame in the 00s except to show interested friends a real Atari.

>> No.6539118

And to think the true horror, you could honestly play it for a year stright and never be "done".

>> No.6539234

>Don't replace those 50 year old capacitors, anyone telling you to do it is a shill!

I bet you sperg out on people telling you to recap game gears, too.

>> No.6540097

>zoomers don't understand Atari

>> No.6540261

>i parroted the meme and I'm going to keep doing it until my bad advice becomes good
>i need to say more ridiculous stuff to deflect even more
Top kek kid. You've never worked on a 2600, or probably anything else. You just parrot for likes and upvotes. Back to le reddit.

>> No.6540287

>Unironically uses the term "boomer"

Please fuck off back to Twitter

>> No.6540381
File: 141 KB, 220x310, Raiders_of_the_Lost_Ark_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being 7 years old and its 1984/1986 and you have pic related to play.

Years later at age 10 I figured it out and beat it.
Mainly because we were poor and there's only so much you can play Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt

>> No.6540685

>replacing caps is now a bad thing

Fucking wow.
I wonder, are you the moron that was telling me not to do any work on my 2600 that only showed a garbled screen and kind of worked with centipede?

Because it had a bad RIOT and I want to call you a fucking retard.

>> No.6540776

>i have to come up with something even more ridiculous that no one ever said. I desperately need to distract from my colossal stupidity
But it's having the exact opposite effect. When people see a faggot like you ranting like a mad fool it draws attention to him and highlights how retarded he is.
Never told you to do/not do anything with your 2600. I don't hang out on reddit. How did the recap go on your 2600? Because that;'s the first thing you did, as per your shit advice.

>> No.6540785

the first wizardry trilogy (and ultima 1-4) were already out by 1985. 2600 was already clunky and outdated by then.

>> No.6541132

Raiders of the Lost Ark is very underrated. Spent hours as a kid trying to figure out what to do, where to go, and what items did what.

>> No.6541449

>No Halo 2600
Back to plebbit for ignoring the best game on the 2600.

>> No.6541971
File: 63 KB, 1600x994, 1_DJuYlPmANoHeKELsdhUxfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Montezuma’s Revenge is my favorite and I believe it's the best game on the system but I also like Jungle Hunt too so my tastes are action/adventure

>> No.6542052

>i have to come up with something even more ridiculous that no one ever said
Different thread, softbrain. Some shrub that types exactly like you was telling me I should not take any troubleshooting steps in the FSM because I "needed to read the manual" first.

I have not recapped my atari yet, but I am going to because the axial cap is leaking and I'm not a softbrain that thinks 50 year old cans of electrolytic fluid are sacred and should never be touched.

>> No.6542181 [DELETED] 

ive never played an atari game
should i buy a 7800? im a zoomer

>> No.6542195

never post

>> No.6542212

Lowest quality trolling I've seen in years. All that work for one (You) at a time. Amateur hour.

>> No.6543043

>Tells others recap is the first step
>Doesn't follow his own advice
>i have to say more insane shit no one said to distract from my immeasurable levels of stupidity
Every time you have another meltdown and start ranting like a crazy bag lady you're only drawing attention to yourself and the fact that you said something so stupid you're that desperate to hide it.

>> No.6543058
File: 11 KB, 204x247, Pressure Cooker Patch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Pressure Cooker is where its at.

>> No.6543175
File: 105 KB, 607x1000, DSC_4692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That game is pretty dope I got the patch on the GBA version

>> No.6544118

You guys only play Atari for the novelty, right? Everybody knows it's shit? I have an Atari, and I have a lot of games for it, but we all acknowledge that the Atari ports are inferior in every single way to literally every other home console version, right? It's a cool retro 70s console and the woodgrain is sexy, but nobody actually thinks it's good, do they?

>> No.6544154

>bring your delayed package from the future to recap it now
Marty, you have to go back.

Replacing capacitors that are well beyond their rated lifespan is never bad, this all started with you crying shill when someone mentioned replacing capacitors in a device from the fucking 70s.

>> No.6544223
File: 1.89 MB, 3264x2448, rca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try one of these, zoomie, and you will think the 2600 is a fucking Neo Geo. The fact that the 2600 was contemporary to crap like this and still managed arcade quality ports like Space Invaders and Stargate is pretty fucking amazing, but you weebs can't see past no Super Mario.

>> No.6544713

>i've failed so hard and am so mad my insane rants are no longer even intelligible

>Fixing things that aren't broken is never a bad idea
Then why is "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" a saying? Why is it so strongly associated with common sense?

>> No.6544720

Zoomer, the truth is some of us here are old enough that it was our first childhood system (or 2nd 3rd whatever) and we have nostalgia for it. Atari shines in multiplayer. Get Warlords, 4 paddles, and 4 friends (real friends, not social media ones). You'll have a hell of a fun time. Combat, while simplistic compared to games today, is still damn fun. Nothing like spawn killing your friend as soon as his tank stops spinning.

Sure the games are archaic as fuck, but back then, there were no comparisons. We still played outside and shit, but atari was something to do for a bit, not something that captured your attention for over an hour.

>> No.6544725

Do a better job at the mod and use shielded wires and a high quality rca cable. Get on ebay and get a high quality shielded cable for $10.

>> No.6544731

if i cant play a game alone for over 8 hours straight then whats the point?