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6535996 No.6535996 [Reply] [Original]

>Earthbound 64 intensifies

>> No.6537173

early copies of mario paint were probably under less supervision than a 2nd-party title
earthbound 64 will sadly probably not happen for a while if ever but i cope by using optimistic phrasing like "will sadly probably not happen" instead of "will actually never happen ever" or "we will be dead or it will succumb to bitrot before it is found playable"

>> No.6537180

It's really unlikely that we'll ever get EarthBound 64 but you really never know. A lot of leaks have happened in recent years. Something like the Spaceworld demo for Pokémon Gold would have been thought to be released yet here we are

>> No.6537232

Did Tony get cancer or something? What the fuck did he do to his hair?
>inb4 eceleb bullshit

>> No.6537350
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It's neva friggin' happening.

>> No.6538048

It's the new style called the corona-cut.

>> No.6538063

Bitrot is a meme my dude

>> No.6538216

These are magnetic disks, they are far less reliable than either ROM chips or optical discs.

>> No.6538287


It's not bitrot but weakning of the magnetic information.

>> No.6538362

Fuck your gay middle eastern e-celeb

>> No.6538368 [DELETED] 


>> No.6538834

Dude's American and all the co-hosts are pasty white guys.

>> No.6538868

>Dude's Armenian and all the co-hosts are pasty white guys.

>> No.6538924

It sucks because he actually has really nice hair. It's a shame when men with great hair feel the need to cut it all off.

>> No.6539049

Jealousy cope MAX

>> No.6539052


>> No.6539061

And yet somehow we have many many recent instances of high profile archival involving magnetic floppies from the 80s that were carelessly stored in a basement

Bitrot is a m e m e

>> No.6539064

Is he literally a homosexual person of middle eastern descent? Or are you just a homophobic islamophobe

>> No.6539076

Not a meme, but I agree that it isn't as common as people think, as in uncovered EPROMs don't erase in seconds and unless placed on a windowsill or outside in the sun for a week are probably fine, even 30 years+ later. Even discarded floppy disks are probably still OK, unless somebody actively tried to destroy them. Many old CD-Rs are still OK too, but again, not all, because I've certainly run into two with old builds of games which were indeed dead, with resurfacing them to looking new doing nothing for their readability.

>> No.6539089

I gotta get in on this prototype scam. this shit has gotta to be easy to counterfeit. I wann be like that dude who made millions off the mormon church by forging "long lost texts" and writings of Joseph Smith, only for retro games

>> No.6539095

>this shit has gotta to be easy to counterfeit
Not really. If you've actually seen the video you see that there's a whole new gnat attack minigame programmed.
However you are onto something. A lot of prototypes are simply minimal changes compared to the final version that, who knows, maybe tcrf has pages on prototype games that are faked and no one would really know

>> No.6539097

It's a meme, a poor people cope. If you're not treating your games like a nigger, they will outlive you.

>> No.6539103

eb64 is stored on a writable dev cart. There may be versions stored on 64DD media.

>> No.6539128

Baldy detected.

>> No.6539193

People have faked prototypes before, but it is harder than you'd expect, especially if you don't have a good knowledge base to work from. There's also some concentrated autism that can detect them pretty quickly unless they're well made.
There's also the issue of materials. Lots of consoles used development media that is difficult to find, and for your average prototype, honestly you won't make a huge profit over the cost of the parts themselves. Like N64 protos came on special dev carts that you're just as likely (actually more likely) to find with a game already on it than you are a blank one. To take a cheap game proto and rewrite it with a desirable game is an option, but to fetch full value, you'll need to have more evidence of it being legit than a homemade label and superficial edits to code. While some legit prototypes are just small changes versus final, a lot of times they will be in places and ways that are much more organic than what you'd probably think to tweak, and probably couldn't readily tweak without a deep understanding of the game or access to source code.
And for the most part prototypes aren't worth huge sums of money, at least not relative to what you'd have to spend on parts. CD prototypes are the easiest to take if you have access to old CD-Rs, but for most games those are generally worth a good bit less than carts, even when they are legit.

>> No.6539540

Eat dick you megafag Hard4Games is based

>> No.6540391 [DELETED] 

reported and saged