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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6532696 No.6532696 [Reply] [Original]

I was thinking, the most logical theory behind console wars is that people do it in order to defend their own childhood, but actually I've known cases of people who ended up being fans of the systems they WANTED as a kid but could never have, so the opposite.
On the other hand, I think another possibility for console wars is that people project certain systems or brands with people they don't like - for example, "the guy who started dating my crush likes X console, therefore all X console fans are idiots that I must hate".
What could be some other reasons? I know "just for the lulz" is an option but honestly, baiting and the like just works better with politics nowadays, doing it with video games won't give you nearly as much "lulz".

>> No.6532708

It's the same psychology that drives divisions between competing brands of any kind: a 'them or us' attitude that never fully subsided that advertisers have used since they first came into power.

But what would I know? I've never been involved in console wars of any kind.

>> No.6532738

Either people joking or legit schizophrenia, either way you should be doing your taxes now, fuck videogames.

>> No.6532740

I think capitalism eliminating the old way of life, tribalism etc, left a void. If they know it or not people desire conflict so they can show their own superiority. Modern life doesn't give you a lot of opportunities for that. You aren't getting lots of sexual partners? You weren't picked for your high school football team? You don't have a great high paying job? That doesn't mean you have to admit to yourself that you're a failure. Support a sports team. Get into party politics. Who cares if you're not playing. Who cares if you don't know shit about political theory and all the politicians you're cheering on are corrupt dickheads who take money from the same people the "opposition" does. Your guy won. If he didn't win you can cry for four years about how the other guy cheated to win. Same logic is at play in the demented minds of people who shill for billion dollar corporations and their products for free. Nintendo didn't just make that console you like playing games on. They are your friend. You must defend them at all costs.

I'm not immune to this shit my stupid monkey brain makes me think like this sometimes too. Self awareness is not a gift. It's a motherfucking curse.

>> No.6532743

Zoomers larping about shit they weren't there for.

>> No.6532754

Poor and/or mentally underdeveloped people

>> No.6532769

Inferiority complex. Some people want to feel superior and objectively correct for having certain opinions. It's a thing in pretty much every hobby.

>> No.6532770

Entertainment by and for Israelis.

>> No.6532779

I honestly don't doubt that this board has 45 year old manchildren who are still shitposting about the PSX.

I'm not saying some of it isn't young kids trying to live out console wars of old, but some people will not let shit go.

>> No.6532781

Because it's interesting. Why am I not allowed to compare one product to another? Should I just mindlessly consoom?

>> No.6532784

One thing is to compare, another completely different thing is to war about it.

>> No.6532787

You're still mindlessly consuming but now with added narcissism.

>> No.6532797

neither is bad

>> No.6532801

Jokes on you I dont even own a console. Nostalgiafags who boast about how they were spoiled by their parents and had multiple retro consoles are the biggest faggots on this board.

>> No.6532802

>noooo let me be a console warrior it's not fair that you scrutiny my nonsensical demeanor noooo

>> No.6532803

Tribalism is a deeply-set human instinct. In a civilized society, with no reasons to legitimately fight, we draw retarded lines in the sand and start shitflinging over consumer electronics instead. A lot of these people also tend to be poor, young/childish, and/or justifying their purchases by lashing out at the other options, instead of just admitting that different people like different things for different reasons. It strikes me as something autistic and petty people do in the absence of actual causes to give a fuck about.

I don't mind a little bit of a banter/competitive 'edge' to the conversation, it can be truly beneficial to have naysayers and critics to expose flaws and hold people to their standards. It easily gets out of hand though, just look at /v/. You literally can't even have a thread about an actual video game without people [who know nothing about the game] coming in to try and identify what 'team' you're on, to drag you into their tribalism. The minute one starts considering a multi-million dollar corporation their "friend" and other consumers their "bros", it all starts going down the shitter.
Picking a company to 'trust' and 'support' just means you'll sweep their mistakes under the rug and turn a blind eye when they try to fuck you - as corps ALWAYS do.

>> No.6532805

>boast about how they were spoiled by their parents and had multiple retro consoles are the biggest faggots on this board.
Huge cope if I ever saw one. Idorts are always based and actually center their opinions without brand cocksucking bias.

>> No.6532824

it seems quite similar to the supporter phenomenon in sports. why support a team which belongs to a private company? I never understood.

>> No.6532832

Tribalism, as others have said.
It's really fucking weird though, because I don't understand it.
I guess if I was a caveman, I would be fucking dead because my nature is to be against tribalism or large groupes, so I'd either be a successful lone hunter, but most likely starved to death.

>> No.6532840

Poor people

>> No.6532845

Shitting on the Snezzz will never not be fun.

>> No.6532849

I'm a sports fan myself and like any form of entertainment it's a distraction from my own life and personal failings. Another way to pass the time.

>> No.6532852

At the end of the day, you're just thinking and obsessing over a system you supposedly don't like, and you won't change people's opinions on it, but you already know this.
Rent free inside of you, forever.

>> No.6532860

Exactly. You'll never change anyone's mind, and no one cares about this as much as you do. Which makes you look like a complete sperg who holds asinine grudges

>> No.6532869

This thread makes console warriors nervous.

>> No.6532874
File: 29 KB, 128x128, 1567026240204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never find this shitshow not amusing. I've seen it all in the last 35 years; Amigaians VS Atariots, PC Nerds VS Macfags, Nintendorks VS Seganoids, $onydronies VS Micro$hafters - all loyally defending "their" brands while the corporations laugh all the way to the bank.
You useful idiots. :)

>> No.6532929

Sounds like you're the one who takes it too seriously faggot

>> No.6532932

>noooo let me be a console warrior! it's not fair!

>> No.6532935

>if you don't partake in console wars, then you take console wars seriously
How does this logic work?

>> No.6532936

Because you actually care way more about it than I do

>> No.6532940

>If you don't console war like I do, then you care about it more than I do

>> No.6532945

Wow, you're an epic troll. A true master of the ruse. By merely pretending to care you are showing that everyone else really cares about the issue. Not that they think you're an annoying cunt and wish you would just shut up. Such a thing could never be true.

>> No.6532947

Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.6532950

He's not really proving your point, he's saying that your "troll" facade falls off when, at the end of the day, people just think you're annoying, not because of the content of your shitposts, but because of your repetitive behavior.

>> No.6532954

It's not a troll facade faggot. Shitting on the Snezzz is fun. No idea why it bothers you so much and I don't care.

>> No.6532956

If your reason to console war is "loli trollu", then OP already addressed that:
>What could be some other reasons? I know "just for the lulz" is an option but honestly, baiting and the like just works better with politics nowadays, doing it with video games won't give you nearly as much "lulz".

>> No.6532960

Like I said, you care too much. Stop being a bitch.

>> No.6532961

Sup australia-kun. You are a mental case.
Pretty funny to see you getting triggered by this thread.

>> No.6532965

>it's actually him
I'm starting to believe most of the console war shitposts on /vr/ are by him. Fucker is actually making me turn schizo like him.

>> No.6532967

>I'm starting to believe most of the console war shitposts on /vr/ are by him
Nah, he mostly centers on Nintendo, although I think he's also the bernieposter? Not sure, but a lot of the anti-nintendo stuff is him yeah.

>> No.6532968
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g'day mate, crikey, it's time we throw anotha shrimp on the barbie

>> No.6532974


>> No.6532980

You fool, now he's gonna know how to avoid your filter

>> No.6532981
File: 50 KB, 520x700, what the fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dog what

>> No.6532983

Good, imagine the guy adding Z's to avoid some anon's filter. hilarious.
Seriously though, sometimes I think about australia and feel sad, I'm sure he's not a bad person, and probably has some misfortunes going on IRL. He just uses console wars to vent. Not defending him but, I always try to put myself in other people's shoes.

>> No.6532986

Nah he's probably just retarded and his family doesn't care enough about him to not allow him unrestricted internet access.

>> No.6532991

Well that's what I meant by IRL misfortunes.

>> No.6533150

It's well-covered in this thread for the tribalist mentality, but something I'm not seeing mentioned as much is the tendency for kids to use console warring as a combination of coping with not being able to play X or Y game and using what they like to define their personal identity as they struggle to find it. The first one is that kids rarely can play all systems, so rather than accept that something they can't have may be good, they use sour grapes analogy to assert that it probably sucks anyway. Then the identity bit, well, kids are very susceptible to identity questions, because they are finding themselves and how they exist in the world. Consumer goods feed this notion by helping them say "I am a member of this group" or "I am a fan of this product" . It helps them to feel like they belong, and that's what makes them feel good.

When you're older, you realize that you don't need products to shape your identity, and when you have a job, the affordability of video games becomes largely a non-issue (unless you work a seriously shit job). These aren't true for kids though (usually) so it is a big deal to them.

Source: I was a corporate cocksucker when I was a kid

>> No.6533160

Stupidity. Imagine shilling for a brand, kek.

>> No.6533170

A couple of little things called FACTS and LOGIC. Nintendo was always shit, Sega was always better and I will never get tired of btfo'ing retards who think different no matter how much they cry.

>> No.6533236


You typically only got one expensive console for quite some time, and as we all know it's more likely that reality spontaniously shifts before you admitting you made the wrong choice.
So people reacted with an overdefensive stance.

Combine that with an "us" vs "them" mentality and you get your Great Console War.

>> No.6533240

Hate is what fuels it. When Sega released their "Genesis Does What Nintendon't" commercial, Nintendo fanboys got offended like SJW's and decided to hate on Sega. Then of course there was Sony Ponies who hated both Sega and Nintendo.

They brag about how superior the Playstation is. They were so obnoxious about it. Luckily for me I ended up loving all three bands, but I was still critical of their bad decisions such as Nintendo's blatant censorship and anti-consumer practices, Sega's 32X add-on & Bernie Stolar saying that the "Saturn is not the future", while also discontinuing the sales of Sega Saturn consoles & games.

Which left me very frustrated and forced me to buy a PS1 if I wanted to play the new wrestling games and Resident Evil 2. There was not much to complain about Sony until the PS2 and PS3 days, but that's not retro. Hating one console over the other or hating a company is lame.

>> No.6533325
File: 1.70 MB, 320x294, 1588489650629.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Kina gurl? sheet she looks brain fucked good get.
Dendy shoutout!

>> No.6533328

idorts > shit > you

>> No.6534502
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Because it's funny.

>> No.6534507

holy shit kinaman got a gf

>> No.6534804

>doing lazy wojak edits to justify his poorfaggotry and childhood traumas

>> No.6534806

OP already commented on "I do it for the lol":
>I know "just for the lulz" is an option but honestly, baiting and the like just works better with politics nowadays, doing it with video games won't give you nearly as much "lulz".

>> No.6534893 [DELETED] 

Deformed chad

>> No.6534898
File: 757 KB, 731x516, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deformed chad

>> No.6534918

Militant kids with no lives.
Get over it already, noone cares.

>> No.6535118

Zoom is what motivates those and most other childish antics

>> No.6535185

Idiocy and being perpetually a man-child

>> No.6535206

I know that guy he has a russian channel whith the same content as the angry nintendo nerd only in russian, don't know if the channel is up anymore but i found some lost footage same guy lol


>> No.6535465

Basically this. Fuck derpibooru you bad wrongziggers

>> No.6536895

based thread

>> No.6537903

the fact that often people can't afford all alternatives