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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6528208 No.6528208 [Reply] [Original]

Why the FUCK is Earthworm Jim so perfect?

>> No.6528217

That's the power of Christ, brother.

>> No.6528219

It’s amazing what the power of our lord and savior, Jesus H. Christ, can do. Such a perfect Christian game.

>> No.6528227
File: 12 KB, 320x224, soilmaggot jeff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this shit, it's so Nickelodeon, I can't even fucking

>> No.6528249

Doug Tennapel is a homophobe.

>> No.6528250

Please don’t use those words on my Christian message board
Because he’s a man of the lord

>> No.6528251
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Based as fuck.

>> No.6528261

(And here's why thats a good thing)

>> No.6528294

Why did Jesus let us down with EWJ2 and 3

>> No.6528304


>> No.6528523

It's not perfect on every level expect graphics and music. Gameplay is a mess.

>> No.6528549

Yes, it makes him even more amazing. Let's not forget the jewish businessmen in the Hell level. Doug is based as fuck.

>> No.6528550

Hello, based department?

>> No.6528553

I don’t feel this way about the gameplay from my own personal play through experience. I love this game, it’s an awesome game for my sega genesis. I have not played the Super Nintendo version though. My friends who have also played the sega genesis earthworm Jim seem to agree with me as well that it’s an awesome platform shooter. Games just aren’t for everyone, they can’t be, it would be impossible for everyone to like the same game.

>> No.6528556


I played the SNES version as a kid and loved it. I have not yet gotten around to retrying it as an adult.

I also had the sequel and didn't like it very much.

>> No.6528565

Don't get me wrong, EWJ is a great game, but whenever I go back to play it, it always feels clunky. Play something like Contra 3 and then go back to it.

>> No.6528591

I never really liked this game, even though it's definitely good. Maybe I just got filtered, but the whip is an ass to try and use effectively and there doesn't seem like very many enemies that are actually fun to fight

>> No.6528594

It's funny and has good animation/art.

>> No.6528601

i prefer ewj to contra

>> No.6528620

You are comparing apples to oranges. Jim is platformer first, and shooter second. Contra is all about shooting. Jim has some navigation elements to the environment, Contra is "Kill everything that moves." If you prefer pure action, that's fine. But understand the difference.

>> No.6528628

Nice perfect filter

>> No.6528643

EWJ is probably the best western mario clone

>> No.6528650

Same. It's just not fun. I think the wacky style just appealed to kids.

>> No.6528657

EWJ wins, no slowdown or gay overhead levels

>> No.6528661

Of course, overall, they are different games. But they have some similar mechanics and so we can compare those. And the shooting and climbing is just much better in C3.

>> No.6528670

Well, yes. But If Jim was a Run-n-gun, the controls would more resemble Contra. You aren't expected to gun a relentless onslaught of enemies in most Jim stages though, so he doesn't need to do things like shoot on the diagonals while running. Hence his "stop and aim" playstyle.

>> No.6528741

Was EWJ made by the same people who created Aladdin's SEGA Genesis version? The aesthetics, the animation and the level design are all very similar.

>> No.6528809

They were both created by Shiny, yes.

>> No.6528831

I prefer the Vectorman games when I'm in the mood for B tier Sega platforming.

>> No.6528881

Holy shit very first replies are about Doug with terrible bait and falseflags.
About the actual game, I agree what with others said, EWJ is a great audiovisual spectacle, but gameplay and game design wise it's really not any better than other Dave Perry works like Cool Spot or Aladdin. Which, despite all of his games being (rightfully) well remembered, they're not considered as polished as games like Contra, Metal Slug or other japanese games, same applies to platformers and other japanese-dominated genres (at least back then).
Perry's games often suffer from 2 major problems, unclear hitboxes and amateurish level design. But, Dave manages to balance it out with god-tier sprite work and animations, memorable and creative character design and overall good art direction. EWJ itself had an atmosphere about it, as soon as you started playing EWJ, you were sucked into its universe and it was like playing a really good cartoon on the TV, very few games managed that particular feel, even today. And the gameplay and level design, while having the issues I mentioned, are still good enough as to serve for a vehicle to experience this. You play Jim not for the gameplay, but for the satisfactory interactive audiovisual experience. Few games can be said to accomplish this, and I hate modern movie games.
It's also the reason why I like EWJ2, the atmosphere, humor, animations, etc is all as good as EWJ1, and since I realize the regular run n' gun levels aren't some amazing masterpiece, I'm fine with gimmicks. I understand frustration with puppy love though, personally Puppy Love is fun to me, I hate Flying King and the balloonhead circus level though.
Best western platformer-action game I think is still DKC (any of the 3 you like more). Rare managed to accomplish japanese-levels of polish with its controls. They did the same with Killer Instinct.
vectorman is good yeah

>> No.6529038

EW fucking sucks, and if you don't like it, go play Andy Asteroids again. By now you're used to it.

>> No.6529050

>b tier
Hold up

>> No.6529068

Loved to rent that cartridge for my SNES as a kid but I don't recall being able to beat it

>> No.6529108

>And the shooting and climbing is just much better in C3.
Everything is better in Contra 3. It's a masterpiece. Earthworm Jim is pretty good for a Western game, but that's not saying much

>> No.6529115

Wasnt that disproven already?

>> No.6529116


>> No.6529452

Perfect? I thought it was a bug-riddled mess with wonky physics, poor hit detection, and lots of input lag, but okay.

>> No.6529473

Doug's great. It's especially hilarious to think of all the numales who have to reconcile their love of EWJ with their dislike of the creator.

>> No.6529489
File: 407 KB, 500x375, LiberateHK_SAGA of our times.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This TRIGGERS my fedora.

>> No.6529498


I don't know what Doug did other than drawing some cool pictures for a video game but I do feel confident that he didn't come into this thread and make a lot of doughy douchebags crow smugly about how great and based he is for choosing Counterculturally Fashionable Tribe instead of Politically Correct Tribe or whatever. So I like him a LOT more than I like you. If you have any interest in changing this then consider talking about the game Earthworm Jim here in this thread about the game Earthworm Jim.

>> No.6529890
File: 20 KB, 320x224, Down_the_Tubes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I am ruining your game

>> No.6529939

"TenNapel was personal friends with Andrew Breitbart prior to the latter's death."

Unquestionably based.

>> No.6529953

Okay, I'll give Vectorman an A because there's something about the soundtrack, visuals, and general feel of the game that's special to me.

>> No.6530101


>> No.6530117

EWJ has a stellar OST and far superior character animations (even if the ball animations are charming). So if Vectorman isn't B tier, Jim certainly isn't. You're welcome to your nostalgia though.

>> No.6530318

Git gud. Major mucus ruins it

>> No.6530365
File: 31 KB, 414x318, 1578594828712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6530378

There's also a hidden air pocket. EZ

>> No.6530380
File: 2.93 MB, 320x240, Earthworm Jim Tube Race.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6530389

>But they have some similar mechanics
Which is still a stupid comparison. Games share mechanics across different genres constatnly.

>> No.6530391
File: 47 KB, 640x468, n64_earthworm_jim_3d_p_rao9q2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Doug, no shiny. That's why.

>> No.6530468

Contra 3 is pure action, and the comparison is stupid. If all you want is adrenaline, of course it's better.

>> No.6530478
File: 12 KB, 374x264, 1267379995286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did "pig surfing" get past playtesting? Surely they had to see how tedious and unfun it was. Were they just hoping it would filter people long enough so they'd have to buy the game, instead of rent? Not realizing it's game-killingly unfun?

>> No.6530481

The game's development was a mess. Most of their ideas didn't make it into the game. It's basically the opposite of the development behind the first game and it shows.

>> No.6530759

there was recently an youtube video about EWJ3 development

at first it was pretty ambitious game with lots of features and large worlds - the problem was the game was originally developed for PC and publishers wanted it on consoles so they just kept cutting features until it could fit on N64 and they were left with basically nothing resembling original idea

>> No.6531279

Which video, may i ask?
I'm curious to hear some story behind its development.

>> No.6531976

>Doug Tennapel is a homophobe
wtf, I love earthworm jim now

>> No.6532032

Shut up FAG this aint twatter.