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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6516517 No.6516517 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6516521

Ragefaces aren't retro

>> No.6516523

you're right. 5th gen shouldnt be retro

>> No.6516528

You'll just anger them, anon. You and I and every other sane person with a modicum of intellect know that retro is 20 years; others call it "classic", like how the DMV treats cars that are 20 years old or older.

>> No.6516530

Yes, they are on platforms released in 1999 or earlier.

>> No.6516531
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>muh gamecube

>> No.6516535
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>>muh gamecube

>> No.6516537

Homebrew games on retro consoles are retro too. Games on 21st century consoles aren't retro.

>> No.6516538
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>>>muh gamecube

>> No.6516539

And the French Revolution ended in 1799, you can't argue that now can you Bigbrain?

>> No.6516543
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>>>>muh gamecube

>> No.6516545
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>>>>muh gamecube

>> No.6516547

You are the angry one and your car rule doesn't apply here

>> No.6516549
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>>>>>muh gamecube

>> No.6516552

just check out the infantile behavior of those who want 6th gen

just imagine a whole board filled with these "people"

>> No.6516556
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>>>>>>muh gamecube

>> No.6516561
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pic related. don't forget permanent smash, GTA, kingdom hearts etc. threads up.

>> No.6516563

>just check out the infantile behavior of those who want 6th gen
Most of that's coming from boomers who believe that only the game generations they grew up with should be considered retro

>> No.6516567

And that's just the way it is, thing's will never change

>> No.6516568
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/vr/ is missing out on so many great games we've been spoiled with. Talk about being unthankful

>> No.6516571

That's obviously a shitpost by some guy against 6th gen on /vr/, you fucking dipshit

>> No.6516573
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cope seethe dilate
You will never be welcome here regardless of how many years pass. push comes to shove the board will just make it clear it means hardware pre 2000.

>> No.6516575 [DELETED] 

He's a mobilefag, he probably can't detect a single scene of irony even when it's up against his face.

>> No.6516585

This. When I think retro, the first thing that comes to my mind is Xbox Live. Halo is the epitome of retro gaming.

>> No.6516589

Retro - pre-new millennium
Not retro - post-new millennium

It really is that simple.

>> No.6516590

Wrong Time splitters game in op picture

>> No.6516591

You make no sense.
Not even close, just stating facts.

>> No.6516592 [DELETED] 

MM isnt retro?

>> No.6516596
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This, but unironically. Dreamcast's online too

>> No.6516597

About some other rules that apply to cars.
There is no official universal definition for "retro". On /vr/ it's as the rules say. Thank you.

>> No.6516602

>There is no official universal definition for "retro"
"retro" in video games is indeed classic because that's how it works for every collectible. Fact. Just because they're games doesn't mean that they're truly timeless, which is half the point outside of actually playing the fucking things.

>> No.6516604

This. Send all 5th gen expect virtual boy tier things to /v/.

>> No.6516605


>> No.6516606
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Shit, never actually played any of the TimeSplitters games
Just image this in its place

>> No.6516612
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>>>>>>>muh gamecube

>> No.6516614

>that's how it works for every collectable
You just cited a single rule (and remember, it's another rule, just lile this board's) from some entity that only applies to cars.
The same way you claim retro is 20 years, someone younger could come and claim it's 10.
But it'd still doesn't matter because the year 1999 will continue to have happened on a specific point in time and you won't be able to change that.

>> No.6516616


To the extent that history is continuous and not generalized, all systems of periodization are more or less arbitrary. Yet without named periods, however clumsy or imprecise, past time would be nothing more than scattered events without a framework to help us understand them.

>retro time period in relation to VIDEO GAMES, not cars or anything else
>arbitrarily defined by this website and agreed upon for years now
>platforms released 1999 or earlier

>> No.6516625 [DELETED] 

>someone younger could come and claim it's 10
That is not what society has establishment has accepted for decade and decades and decades, anon. 10 years is a quaint anniversary, like a VHS re-release of Star Wars, but 20 years is special. So there's another major facet of society that adheres to the 20 years rule.

>> No.6516626

>>someone younger could come and claim it's 10
>That is not what society has established has accepted for decades and decades and decades, anon. 10 years is a quaint anniversary, like a VHS re-release of Star Wars, but 20 years is special. So there's another major facet of society that adheres to the 20 years rule.
Stamps are the same too. It goes on and on and on and on and on and on. Video games are not apart from that, not matter what you say.

>> No.6516628
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>what society has establishment has accepted for decade and decades and decades
>So there's another major facet of society that adheres to the 20 years rule.

>> No.6516629

I do not like this place

>> No.6516630

Fucked up my post on edit, but I'm not fixing it again. This silly that game from 2000 is retro, but that 2000 game isn't because reasons is asinine and you know it. It's so stupid and limiting.

Guess what? Time moves forward and MORE stuff becomes classic.

>> No.6516632

Nobody cares about what some probably american organizations have to say about cars and stamps. This is /vr/ and these are the rules thank you.

>> No.6516634

>heh heh heh they made a grammatical error, so my argument wins

>> No.6516637

>This is /vr/ and these are the rules thank you.
It's a nonsensical rule, though, and I am not even OP.

>> No.6516638

Perfect rule. seethe.

>> No.6516642

How? How is a Gamecube not retro? Are you brain damaged? Be honest.

>> No.6516643

1999 wasn't even that long ago

eat it zoomie

>> No.6516652

What would make much more sense is that there's a /vrc/ for carts and /vr/ for everything else, going by your ultra-segregated logic. Just trying to be consistent.

>> No.6516654

If I made a SNES Genesis homebrew today in 2020, why wouldn't it be retro console discussion?

>> No.6516656

Pre 2000 hardware, SEETHE. Don't bother replying, keep rereading my post until you understand the rules.

>> No.6516658

For some people, 10 years is enough to be retro.
By the way some other sources claim 50 years at a minimum.
Each community and individuals have different criteria.
You can discuss 6th gen in so many other places

>> No.6516659

anons won't say it but they do not want the demographic that comes with the later consoles.

>> No.6516660

You're going to give them a stroke, anon, They just don't get it; of course your game is perfectly retro, but the word they're searching for is "classic", but for some reason they rarely use that word. It's almost like they don't play the games.

>> No.6516663

Your whole post is retarded and you're making up shit as you go along. 1999 is the cut off, a point in time, not a movable scale of 20 years.
Look at comic books you retard, they have fixed periodization. But keep moving the goal posts to suit your idiotic argument.

>> No.6516665

I'll say it. I don't want low IQ zoomers in my board. /vr/ might as well be deleted then.

>> No.6516670

>By the way some other sources claim 50 years at a minimum.
No fucking one claims that 50 years is the minimum amount of time to be called merely classic, but if you want to say something is a "golden classic" then 50-100 years does come into play.
Consider that The Mummy (1999) is literally and also considered to be, a classic.

>> No.6516671

But they want it here because it's forbidden. That's how zoomers operate, they are absolutely unable to hear "no" as an answer and demand the planet to cater to them.

>> No.6516672

It's over anon, sorry

>> No.6516673

>Pre 2000 hardware
Why, though? Time moves forward. It's almost like one of the mods worships the digits for the year 2000.
>Oh holy numbers, you will always hold sway..

>> No.6516674

Because that's an specific period in time that started and ended, and cannot and will not be replicated. Whether or not you understand or accept the rules is irrelevant.

>> No.6516683

>Because that's an specific period in time that started and ended, and cannot and will not be replicated.
So what? AND? That happens with every time period eventually as more and more stuff becomes classic or "retro." Is this getting through? There's no line to hold! 2002 becomes the new "2000" and /v/ gets more new shit to talk about and /vr/ gets new old shit to talk about.
I've totally dominated this argument and have won.

>> No.6516686

Just stop, dude. This isn't your board, this place isn't for you, let it go.

>> No.6516687

You misunderstand what retro or classic means. The point is that /vr/ was purpose built to not be a moving target. No one is saying Super Mario Sunshine isn't a classic to be remembered.
>The Classical period was an era of classical music between roughly 1730 and 1820.
>For an article about Western art music from the middle ages to the contemporary era, see Classical music.

>> No.6516689
File: 15 KB, 300x358, Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/v/ gets more new shit to talk about and /vr/ gets new old shit to talk about.

>“One can never read too little of bad, or too much of good books: bad books are intellectual poison; they destroy the mind. In order to read what is good one must make it a condition never to read what is bad; for life is short, and both time and strength limited.”

>> No.6516691

I post retro crap by the rules all the time, this is the perfect place for me. My argument is perfectly logical, while yours operates on feelings alone for the year 2000, or you've explained badly.

>> No.6516693

pull out the slow moving board argument we always enjoy that one.

>> No.6516694

He knows that already, this shit has been drilled countless times in his head already, but he chooses to ignore it because he wants things to go his way. Now IMAGINE a board full of people like him.

>> No.6516695

That's never my argument; slow moving is GOOD, I think we can agree.

>> No.6516698

if it was up to me i'd have the date set to 1994 (marked at release date of consoles *outside* of Japan) because 3D was the biggest mistake ever committed by the games industry

it's bad enough we have 5th gen shitters here but i tolerate them, allowing 6th gen through the gates will be the proverbial sacking of rome

>> No.6516701

>Classical period

Classical periods does not mean classic bar none, and you ought to know that. Obviously music need not be hundreds of years old to be considered a classic, but of course they can't be classical.

>> No.6516702

Can't fool me anon

>> No.6516704

Sorry about your paranoia.

>> No.6516706

>ITT zoomer gets his ass BTFO

OK mods you can delete now

>> No.6516707

I can't wait for Gears of War threads on /vr/. When people think retro the first thing that comes to mind is GoW.

>> No.6516709

dumb meme post but i'm bite baitman.
as a PC fag, i just want all win98 and win2K games allowed.

>> No.6516710

>>ITT zoomer gets his ass BTFO by Gen X on what constitutes "classic" hence retro
Fix'd n' Based by Crapcom

>> No.6516712

>I can't wait for Gears of War threads on /vr/. When people think retro the first thing that comes to mind is GoW.
Eventually that will happen. What's needed are sprite boards vs polygon boards if you really care for the terms and their implications.
Or you could, you know, not worry about any of it.

>> No.6516713

6th gen isn't retro. Allowing Dreamcast discussion here was a retarded choice.

>> No.6516716

Whats wrong with 3d?
Is it ok if i play 2d games on post 2000 consoles if they're a sequel to a 2d game from before the 5th gen

>> No.6516717

Consoles after 2000 can’t be retro because games haven’t changed since then.

>> No.6516718

I think dreamcast should be removed.
5th gen should probably be removed too

>> No.6516724

Getting a kick out of this exchange since the Atari Lynx was the first handheld and home console to have 3D. It was pushing polygons before the SNES, though admittedly for just a handful of games, but it's legit.

>> No.6516725

most 2D games after 2000 became utterly soulless

>> No.6516727

Any console built from the ground up with online in mind does not belong on /vr/. Dreamcast sticks out like a sore thumb here and its inclusion predictably emboldened a push for 6th gen to also be allowed. It sets a precedent for every underaged embarrassment out there to push for the console they grew up with despite the fact that they are just corporate skinnerboxes that play movies you need to press a button during occasionally to progress.

>> No.6516730
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>> No.6516734

>just imagine a whole board filled with these "people"
We're already here, and we've been here since the begining

>> No.6516735

*meant N64, but the SNES did kind of do some 3D with FX chip games.
So if an older console that runs 3D is allowed, then why wouldn't an N64?
Only my idea of sprites Vs. polygons makes any coherent sense.

>> No.6516737

What about wireframe games then? Where does Battlezone and Red Alarm fit in?

>> No.6516739
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>>>>muh gamecube

>> No.6516740

What about sonic 3d blast? Thats a genesis game with 3d literally in the name

>> No.6516741

The point is-and you already know-is that one style looks old and one looks new.
Face it, Mario 64 is never going to look as classic or retro as Super Mario Bros, so accept the march of time like everyone else. One day, Mario 64 will be as retro looking as SMB in comparison to the new junk, assuming the new styles don't degenerate.
And I've already proven that true 3D was old news in home gaming since 1989 anyway, but should 1988 be the real cutoff if you're going to be hardcore?

>> No.6516753

I'm willing to accept 5th, and it's not that hard to rationalize it. There were plenty 2D games, and 3D games weren't the same as they're today, they were pretty much in their infancy.

6th gen feels and plays like any modern game. Open SA1 or PSO and it feels and plays like any other modern game. They don't feel retro in any way, shape or form.

The only argument 6th gen zoomers have is that "b-but it's 20 years old".

>> No.6516758

even if it was 2030 /vr/ will still be in this faggotry forever.

>> No.6516760
File: 5 KB, 304x362, Warawau (warawaru warawau).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>>>muh gamecube

>> No.6516764

The desire from that anon to remove N64 springs from a Sprite Vs. Polygon mindset. Accept it.

>> No.6516765 [DELETED] 

And that mindset if brought to its logical conclusion, would preclude games made after 1989, which of course is ridiculous if taken seriously as a rule.

>> No.6516769

6th gen posters think the PS2 is retro because it came out before they were born

>> No.6516770

And that mindset if brought to its logical conclusion, would preclude games made after 1988*, which of course is ridiculous if taken seriously as a rule.


>> No.6516771

I think 3DO, Jaguar and CD32 should be fine as well.
The main problem are PS1, SS and N64. Losing the PC-FX would be a small price to pay.

>> No.6516773

How the fuck does pso feel like any other modern game

>> No.6516775

>wow people think that stuff that is old enough to have been around before they were born is somehow retro

Get it now?

>> No.6516778

Why do you hate the n64 so much

>> No.6516784

>just check out the infantile behavior of those who want 6th gen
>just imagine a whole board filled with these "people"
Pretty much.
>Wahhh let me get my own way or I'll make another thread!!!

>> No.6516789

Great argument. Oh wait it isn't one. sorry.
It's ironic that this board's rules are going by feelings and nothing technical at all.

>> No.6516790

How is that ironic? Its a retro enthusiasts board. Feeling is the name of the game

>> No.6516791

setting an arbitrary 20 year rule is not technical, it's just applying another arbitrary rule.
The same way you're complaining about the current rules, new, younger people would complain about your own rules too
>10 years is retro! I was playing PS4 when I was in elementary school!

>> No.6516792

I swear you can make 6th gen threads on /v/...

>> No.6516795
File: 35 KB, 480x360, conan apple ii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Feeling is the name of the game
Yes, but rules concerning what constitutes a classic game are wholly technical, or at least should be if they're going to make sense and be enforced with a straight face.
The crux is this: If it looks and sounds too good, no matter the year it was made, some anons are going to bristle at them because they don't look like pic related.

>> No.6516798

/v/ sucks because it's just /b/ with the occasional video game question and picture. Another irony is that the tight ass rules here protect it, so there's that even if I don't always agree.

>> No.6516808

Man how fucking old are some people on this board that other anons being like 32 is young enough to think of them as "zoomers" because they grew up with the ps2 etc as if there's no distinction between them and a 12 year old making tiktok videos, because when you're 52 everyone below 40 just seems like a kid. Like how do you even know about this site??

Anyways, this board actually can't get any worse, scroll through the catalog on an average day and try to convince yourself this isn't already rock bottom. Theres only up to go, 6th gen would be unlocking tons of interesting content and topics and at least maybe people would ever actually know wtf they're talking about because they actually played it and haven't just read a lot about it and are posting to ask "what am I in for /vr/??" or etc

>> No.6516813

>this board is shit
>i come here everyday to eat shit
>it's the boards fault, not mine

>> No.6516814

Literally SEETHING

>> No.6516819

They don's sound like it, but you do, anon. Chill out. Might I suggest Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time? It's a retro classic.

>> No.6516821

S e e t h i n g

>> No.6516827

why do retards come here wanting to discuss things unrelated to the board? do they also goto tv to discuss cars, or g to discuss outdoors?
dont they have v for everything we dont cover here?

>> No.6516832

Look up the word so you can learn what it means, dude.

>> No.6516835

>not realizing that this discussion is the most interesting discussion on /vr/


>> No.6516836

Look man you can say im seething but it doesn't change the fact that 75% of this board knows zero about video games beyond final fantasy 7 and mario 64, they can't even get MAME running, and they cant make up their mind on whether they like xenogears they need to make 5000 threads to hash it out and there's still not a clear consensus. What quality content is here that 6th gen would bury exactly?? What sets this board apart as a bastion of mature discussion that would be lost? Absolutely nothing so anything is worth a shot at this point

>> No.6516837

Yes. But they know /vr/ doesn't like them and wants them away, and this kills them inside.

>> No.6516839
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>> No.6516848

Guaranteed nobody has an actual answer because they know im right, suck my dick bitch

>> No.6516856
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>> No.6516867
File: 492 KB, 860x801, 281-2813596_anime-girl-face-meme-png-download-anime-girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>including 6th gen will bring more shitposting
more like
>janitors don't want to do their jobs
Looks like a problem with the moderation to me. *ch could handle 6th gen on the retro board just fine

>> No.6516873

Timesplitters: Future Perfect came out in 2005, dickwad

>> No.6516874

Better off making a new board like /v2k/ that covers 2000 to 2009.

>> No.6516885

The problem is with the backseat moderators who derail threads by shitposts like in this screenshot >>6516561
Yeah no shit we can have proper threads if territorial cock monglers come marching in and shitting all over the place to prove that there's shit all over the place.

>> No.6516887

Sega Saturn also had online capabilities.

>> No.6516893

So did the Genesis. OFF TO /V/ IT GOES

>> No.6516897

/v/ should just be Generation 1-2 only, that way it's easy to see that everything is the same, with the exception of the Odyssey, so maybe it should be Generation 2 only. Any other answer is pure zoomerdom.

>> No.6516898

Actual retro threads don't get enough replies as it is here we don't need them to be buried under endless GTAnigger, Gamecubekiddie and endless PS2 RPG waifu fag threads

>> No.6516902
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>> No.6516904

That's the sole true practical argument, and though you are right on that basis, so are we on ours.

>> No.6516909

You're not right, no. You think it should be allowed due to a new gen coming in, but the simple fact is a hard line was drawn and you've been crying ever since.

>> No.6516912

>hard line
On what basis precisely again?

>> No.6516914
File: 214 KB, 1042x383, vrrules.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's /vr/ for ya

>> No.6516916

The problem is that /v/ is full of zoomers who weren't born when I started playing Rogue Leader, so I can't have a proper conversation. I mean, for me personally N64 isn't even retro, but I just want to be able to discuss GC/PS2 like I can discuss Build Engine games.

>> No.6516918

>Time moves forward and MORE stuff becomes classic.
Yes, like the Last of Us and Gone Home. True classic retro video games.

>> No.6516920

Wow, it's almost as if console generations overlap or something...

>> No.6516921

On the basis of fuck you.

>> No.6516924

>I mean, for me personally N64 isn't even retro,
I know the feeling. For me, for some reason with video games, the year got stuck at 1991 for what I consider to be true blue no foolin' classic era 100%. I think it has to do with when Mortal Kombat came along and honestly tried to make games far more gory and thus new. Plus by the time Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter II, and Virtua Fighter were taking up tons of arcade space due to huge demand, it seems to end the era of the myriad of choice in arcade gaming. Made me sad and hardly anyone seemed to notice.

>> No.6516929

Not an argument actually.

>Yes, like the Last of Us and Gone Home. True classic retro video games.
Those were the days, weren't they? Oh brb gotta suck off my house's Kang real quick.
So anyway yeah, those were the days, when games weren't directly injected into you via vaccines. *sigh* Time flies, eh?

>> No.6516934

that's your problem

>> No.6516936

It's way overdue that this kid gets rangeban. It's the same kid everytime, his rhetoric and way of typing is recognizable from a mile away. Zoomers really are NPCs.

>> No.6516937

Zoomers can be mature and well behaved. Even the shithead zoomers can be somewhat tolerable if their ignorance is genuine, that's what being young is like. But there's nothing worse than boomers who knowingly act like shitheads, and we have plenty of those around here. I'd honestly be okay with Halo and GTA San Andreas threads if it means putting a stop to anal-retentive backseat moderating boomers taking personal offense over someone making a Deus Ex thread because they decide it's not considered retro that week.

>> No.6516943

>having a free mind is a problem
>thinking logically and coolly is a problem
>having fun is a problem

You don't play games, do you?

>> No.6516947

>ban him shut him up I can't look away from a thread
>fuck having fun

Really, anon? What a tight ass. Not even sure if you're referring to OP, me or someone else.

>> No.6516949

>self diagnosing a galaxy brain is the problem

>> No.6516952

>75% of this board knows zero about video games beyond final fantasy 7 and mario 64, they can't even get MAME running
this dude just summed up /vr/ to a fucking T

>> No.6516956

>Mommy, Mommy, somebody is saying something I don't like!

>> No.6516957

/v/ talks about /vr/ games as well, though. So the smart ones just go there and siphon off true retro discussion, but the place is also /b/lite. Not that good.

>> No.6516961

Famicom had DLC downloaded from satellites.

>> No.6516967

That's pretty amazing, do you know what games they were? Any exclusives and time sensitive ones that are lost to time?

>> No.6516968


>> No.6516970

you play games with graphics? fucking disgusting zoomer

>> No.6516972
File: 12 KB, 491x334, 1591214249077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, another SEGA System thread appears.

>> No.6516975

Literally any other thread is better than 6th gen begging.

>> No.6516976

we think it's retro because 90% of the games are no different from ps1 games save they have more polygons, but not enough more polygons to not look like outdated shit

>> No.6516979

I dont play videogames either because they might be bad

>> No.6516986

The Magnavox Odyssey is truly the only retro console.

>> No.6516990

I confused SNES Sateliteview with the Famicom Modem. Famicom had a dialup modem, Snes had the satelite thingy

>> No.6516991

Threads I don't like ≠ threads against the rules. It's not that hard to grasp for most of us.

>> No.6516994

suck a dick faggot

looks like fucking NES gotta go to right?

>> No.6516995

Oh ok. Still impressive.

>> No.6517000

That shitposter will always make his threads.

>> No.6517001

if Sega CD and all FMV games are Retro, then so is PS4 games

>> No.6517003

if I remember correctly, both of them had new Zelda quests. LttP had special Link sprites too

>> No.6517008

Is this a good time to remind people that the Intellivision that came out in 1979 could download games through cable via an adapter?
Therefore the cut off needs to be 1978 for what's considered retro. I mean, downloading games that are somewhere else to your home? That's not retro!

>> No.6517010

/vr/ is now a pong only board. AS IT SHOULD BE

>> No.6517012 [DELETED] 

GBA is more retro than PS1 because it runs games directly from cartridges instead of copying game data to RAM.

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>> No.6517014

But it has to be on an original 1940s oscilloscope or you're just as bad as a zoomy using chinkshit modern clones.

>> No.6517018 [DELETED] 

also, inb4 someone doesn't understand how later card-based systems don't directly address the card

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>> No.6517019

Is there any way to play those versions or did that satellite, that's no doubt long gone, have some form or DRM?

>> No.6517026
File: 432 KB, 2550x1650, not-retro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just say no to PlaySeethe2.

>> No.6517027

ITT: it has been categorically proven that retro=sprites without a PPU

>> No.6517034

so does anyone have an actual argument against this or is it just not retro because of muh fee fees?

>> No.6517047

some autists take gatekeeping VERY seriously

>> No.6517054

Nothing wrong with gatekeeping. It keeps out the trash.

>> No.6517056

and who gets to decide what to gate keep and what not to?

>> No.6517065


>> No.6517067

The community.

Which is mostly against 6th gen.

>> No.6517070

It's the same on /toy/, although it is fun making them worked up

>> No.6517073

what made you think you're qualified?
citation needed

>> No.6517079

What made you qualified to decide otherwise?

>> No.6517080

>muh retro

>> No.6517089

Citations aren't needed if I'm the one to say something.

>> No.6517092

>What made you qualified to decide otherwise?

You see, that's not how it works. If you think you're qualified to decide what's good for the community, you have to provide the evidence, not the other way around. The burden of proof lies on the one's asserting.

It certainly is required when you're trying to speak on behalf of group of people, like so
>The community.
>Which is mostly against 6th gen.

>> No.6517093

the opinions seem pretty split in this thread
>inb4: it's just one guy shitposting!!!
you could make that claim against the people who arent for it too

>> No.6517095

Just get off 4ailchan

Only losers use it as adults.


>> No.6517108

This thread was moved to >>>/qa/3259882