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File: 19 KB, 220x308, 51C7B287-9933-43A8-A96E-96F028C388A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6504649 No.6504649 [Reply] [Original]

Which version of this game is supposed to be better? I know that the SNES and Genesis ones are different.

>> No.6504689

The arcade version is. Console conversions were pretty shit, unfortunately.

>> No.6504690

Arcade > SNES > shit > Genesis
No console war fanboyism here. The Genesis port was made with a really low megabit size and removes a ton of content and is basically a different, much worse game. Also the graphics are way too dark in that port. The SNES version is pretty close to the arcade, only missing four player mode and having some censorship thanks to Nintendo's policies at the time.

>> No.6504756

Let's see if I recall the differences, using the arcade version as a base.

- the dynamite-throwing enemy was a girl in the arcade
- no 4-player mode
- no indian enemies
- indian boss has different quote

- cut a lot of content
- stages are very different
- graphics for enemies are different, don't try to emulate the arcade
- dead colors
- only Billy and Cormano
- bullet and death sounds don't even try to emulate the arcade original
- bosses don't have spoken quotes
- enemies drop coins
- kept the indian enemies
- each stage is divided into two parts: first you rescue a girl, then the boss
- there are only 4 stages/bosses: Simon Greedwell, Paco Loco (you fight him in the train instead of in the fort), Chief Wigwam and Sir Richard Rose.

Trivia: in the arcade original, if you have Cormano when fighting El Greco, Greco will throw his hat to Cormano when he dies. Cormano wears it for the rest of the game.

All in all, the SNES version is miles above the Genesis one. It actually tries to be like the arcade original, and it mostly succeeds.

>> No.6504758

I forgot, in the SNES version El Greco also has a different quote: in the Arcade, his intro is "Die, Gringo!", while in the SNES version he'll say "Adios, Amigo" as intro and outro.

>> No.6506348



SNES is just as shit for censoring the female bandits

>> No.6506871

Not surprised to see some peak autism here on /vr/, where about half the posters make the rest of 4chan look like...people who do not have autism.

The Genesis version is pretty bad. Looks like shit, half (or more?) of the bosses are missing, sounds like crap. The SNES version is one of the best action games on that system. With a handful of extremely minor, purely aesthetic changes (weird Nintendo censorship) it is nearly arcade perfect.

It's also significantly harder than the arcade version. Great game. Totally worth the $50-70 bucks it seems to go for nowadays.

>> No.6506878

Mega Drive is the hardest of the three, so if you're into a challenge you'll want to play that one.

>> No.6506886

Is it a general rule that if there's an arcade version, to go with that one if you can?
I've noticed this being the case for an awful lot of games.

>> No.6506912

It's true in a lot of cases that the arcade version of something is the best looking, but unless you're someone who is completely fine with playing emulators 100% of the time it's worthless.

I would play the shitty Genesis Sunset Riders before I booted up MAME. I think MAME is amazing, especially--I just have so little interest in playing games not on original hardware. That's my own autism though.

In the case of Sunset Riders, it was not an especially common arcade cabinet. Most arcade operators--and I would know--started out with the first four player TMNT game. And then? They upgraded to the next four player TMNT game, repeatedly, until it was no longer profitable. And then most of those Turtles machines became The Simpsons, and then they got converted into other stuff entirely. Most North American arcade operators were not taking a chance on this four player cowboy game when they could upgrade to a game with a recognizable license and be sure to earn off of it. All things considered, I would jump at the chance to play a Sunset Riders in an arcade, but the SNES version is very very good.

>> No.6506924

Yeah, good call. I think it's helpful to at least also state how faithful the home console editions are.
Like in Mortal Kombat port comparisons, they compare them to the arcade versions - they know they could never be the exact same, but the closer the better.

>> No.6506947

Once you get into the 16-bit-era arcade ports get pretty good, for the most part. Even the NES had some decent arcade ports of simpler games. The Atari 2600 was the system with a bunch of god-awful arcade ports on it, and the lack of quality of those ports was a massive contributing factor in the 1983 market crash that affected home video game systems so much. Everyone talks about ET, ET, ET, the landfill in the desert, ET--and they're right. Atari shot their wad big time with a shitty game and word of mouth got out about it really fast. But it was an overall lack of quality and a flood of bad games that tanked the Atari, and therefore tanked all of the lesser Atari's--Coleco, Intellivision, etc. Initially, Atari intended to control and oversee all games produced for their home system, but they lost a key lawsuit against the then-nascent company Activision, allowing third-party companies to develop for it.

Activision hands-down made some of the greatest games in the Atari library. The bad news, is that a galaxy of companies both big and small decided they wanted a piece of this pie too, and produced a metric ton of inferior software.

The NES sure had some real fucking stinkers in its library, but the Nintendo seal of quality that's printed on all of those games was a direct message aimed at both consumer and investors that "Hey, we're looking out for this. We're monitoring these games, and making sure they're quality titles." That was a lot bigger of a deal than ROB the Robot or whatever. That was like a Toyfair gimmick to make them seem more diverse at a tradeshow.

In the end, too, the video game crash of 1983 was misinterpreted, misunderstood, and misrepresented by adults, kids, media, and that bad information was magnified when it became a piece of pop culture history. Home video game systems did take a shit for about two years, but the PC market and arcades were going strong the entire time. No one thought video games were "done".

>> No.6506957

In the case of Sunset Riders, it was not an especially common arcade cabinet.
Didn't have any idea it was so uncommon in EEUU. In Europe was everywhere. I even played the game in its four player cabinet recently in a retro exhibition in Spain.

>> No.6508971

arcade version best

>> No.6508982

MD version, it's pretty much a Rolling Thunder type of more methodical shooter and fixes some very major flaws of the arcade game. SNES version is a waste of time, no reason to play it.

>> No.6508986

Yes, 99% of the time that is the case since consoles get butchered and casualized ports because of both hardware limitations and the gay home audience

>> No.6508992

>It's also significantly harder than the arcade version.
No it's not, are you retarded? Let me guess, being the clueless dope you are, you don't know that you can change the difficulty in the arcades? There's no reason to play the SNES version over arcade, while the Genesis version is pretty much a different more interesting game with elaborate stages that don't let you just stick to the right side of the screen and kill everyone before they even has a chance to shoot

>> No.6509254

I love angry /vr/ retards, they're so fucking depressing.

>> No.6509268

Honestly it's these sorts of contrarian takes that make this board worthwhile sometimes.

The console port that's very close to perfect isn't worth playing and the console port that's an absolute garbage fuckfest that's less than half finished is the good one. Nice!

>> No.6509280 [DELETED] 

What strikes me about these posts is the complete lack of arguments. I'm not saying the genesis version is more faithful than the arcade version, I am saying that the genesis version is the better game because of how unfaithful it is. And indeed, there is absolutely no reason to play the SNES version even if you do prefer the original game, because the arcade version is better in literally every way so there are only 2 contenders.

>> No.6509283

The Genesis version is missing half the bosses dude. Only two characters are playable.

>> No.6509284

What strikes me about these posts is the complete lack of arguments. I'm not saying the genesis version is more faithful than the SNES version, I am saying that the genesis version is the better game because of how unfaithful it is. And indeed, there is absolutely no reason to play the SNES version even if you do prefer the original game, because the arcade version is better in literally every way. There are only 2 contenders - the arcade and the genesis version. The SNES version is irrelevant, it's a waste of time.

>> No.6509287

Yes, by the same token the arcade/SNES versions are missing decent level design and methodical combat. What's your point? Again, I don't care about how faithful the game is, I don't know why you would.

>> No.6509292

The key differences between the SNES and the arcade version are:
-ladies throw dynamite/bombs in the arcade
-explosions look better in the arcade
-there's Indian fodder enemies on one level in the arcade
-the women in the saloon wear longer dresses in the SNES
-one voice line is different
-one boss name is different

Which one of those affects the gameplay? Is the name change of Chief Scalpem to Chief Wigwam what makes it an inferior port?

I have to say this twice because you deleted and re-wrote your post like a fag: the Genesis version is missing half the game and half the playable characters. And I don't want to freak you out in case you were only recently in a coma or something, but arcades aren't around anymore.

>> No.6509293

I just want to reiterate what you're saying, to you:
>the arcade version is best
>the console version that is exactly like the arcade version doesn't even fucking matter and no one should play it
>the absolute fucking hack job that's missing most of the game on the Genesis is better

>> No.6509302

>I just want to reiterate what you're saying, to you:
>the arcade version is best
Immediately wrong and retarded, no the arcade version is straight up inferior to the genesis reimagining, it has worse gameplay. It IS better than the SNES version however, making it preferable if you are choosing between the 2 versions. It's actually rather impressive how criminally stupid you are, even when I directly spell it out for you, your tiny brain doesn't get it. What you have to do is justify why anyone would play the SNES version when it looks and sounds ugly as shit. On top of that, does it even have loops?

>> No.6509319

Oh, I understand now what's happening here. I'm sorry your parents didn't buy you a Super Nintendo dude. They probably just didn't care about you that much.

>> No.6509336

I owned a SNES as a kid and the port is the first version of Sunset Riders I ever played, cope harder. The Genesis is just a tighter put together game - more intricate levels, more threatening enemies, more intense and challenging overall, and relegates the horse sections to minigames instead of dedicating long dull levels to that shit. This more than makes up for the less/worse bosses

>> No.6509343

You're a moron. I think there are two horse sections in the arcade/snes and they're both about two minutes long. Anyway have fun dude, sounds super cool playing half a game. At least it looks like shit.

>> No.6509349

One thing is to note that if you want to play Sunset Riders, arcade is the best.
Another thing, a retarded one, is claiming the Genesis version is better than the arcade. Stop shitposting.
Also, you claim SNES "looks and sounds ugly as shit"... but you think the Genesis version is any better? Console wars consumed the few braincells you had left.

>> No.6509361

And here come the excuses. The entire game is <20 minutes long so those 4 minutes are a substantial chunk of gameplay, a chunk where besides the purple cowboys there's fuck all going on. And that's by no means the only flaw, most of the levels are just incredibly boring, such as level 3, train and the final level where you can outrun the camera and ignore almost all enemies with ease.

>> No.6509367

The problem is - arcade isn't the best, and the SNES port is just an inferior version of the arcade game. Sure both SNES and especially arcade look better than the Genesis "port", but they play worse which is the big issue.

>> No.6509369

You're very alone with this opinion of genesis being better than arcade.

>> No.6509375

That's fine, most people just credit feed through arcade without noticing its design, their tastes mean very little

>> No.6509396

>he thinks he has superior tastes in video games
>is a console warrior

>> No.6509418

I don't care about systems, I'm comparing the games

>> No.6509425

Previous comments you've made suggest otherwise.
Anyway, good luck trying to convince people that genesis SR is better than arcade.

>> No.6509435

I feel some of you have run out of things to talk about if you're caping for the Genesis version of Sunset Riders.

>> No.6509447

>Not surprised to see some peak autism here on /vr/
why did you read the thread, complain about what people were saying, then type out basically the same things they already said

>> No.6509451

I guess so. I can't think of any arcade versions which are generally worse than a home console port (not including things like extra features or bugfixes).

>> No.6509498
File: 161 KB, 480x360, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The video game movie adaption I've always wanted.

>> No.6509527

Arcade. The slide mechanic in the SNES version uses a separate button instead of down+left/right and jump and it throws me off every time.

>> No.6509549

Isn't that used to change planes? Get down from a platform, etc.

>> No.6509569

Down/Up and Jump is used for changing planes. Down+Left/Right and Jump is how you do the slide in the arcade version.

>> No.6509685

I was referring to the person being upset about a bunch of basically meaningless aesthetic changes in the SNES port, but I could not have possibly predicted the "genesis one is superior" guy.

I love retro games and as time goes on I have decreasing interest in modern games and increased interest in older games, and this board is a great resource. Nonetheless, it is full of some vintage weirdos.

>> No.6510275

>the arcade version is straight up inferior to the genesis reimagining
Sega fanboys are insane.

>> No.6510329

Let me guess, you credit fed through the arcade version a few times without learning how to play, hardly even played the genesis port and judge them solely by surface level shit like visuals

>> No.6510349

What is good about the Sega port and where is your 1CC of the arcade version?

>> No.6510404

Genesis game is fun but the snes port is sooo much better.

>> No.6510420

Read the thread, also maybe I can record an inp if you do the same instead of praising a game youve barely played

>> No.6510424

I am unconvinced by this thread, just seems like the usual Sega fanboy coping. They'll defend literally anything.

>> No.6510427

Contra and Bionic Commando are far better on the NES.

>> No.6510429

Everyone pulled down their pants and took a shit on this guy and like a few hours later he's back in the saddle about the shitty Sega port. What a braindead faggot.

>> No.6510430

That cover is absolute kino.

>> No.6510442

If taking shit is passive aggressive cope and console war bait then sure, its actually amazing how much you fags hate discussing the design of the actual games probs cause none of you know wtf youre talking about

>> No.6510446

What is so great about the Sega game? The enemies all firing insanely fast red projectiles? The missing content? The shitty level design?

>> No.6510448

I almost always prefer the arcade originals though, Sunset Riders is one of the rare cases where the game's actually better. Rolling Thunder 2 MD port is inferior for example despite some extra content

>> No.6510452

>Sunset Riders is one of the rare cases where the game's actually better
Once again I have to ask, why?

>> No.6510458

Yes the enemies are an actual threat that you have to take out asap, they are aggressive and don't hesitate to overwhelm you. You can't treat the game like a casual stroll where you hold down the shoot button and walk forwards while occasionally aiming up and diagonally like the arcade/snes, you have to learn to play. And the level design compliments this, the enemies are often positioned in tricky spots and require some memorization and strategy. The original game has the shit level design, more than half of the levels can by trivialized ffs.

>> No.6510459

Lets see your 1CC in which you hold down shoot and occasionally aim up and diagonally.

>> No.6510462

Do you really want me to record a webm of level 3 to humiliate you?

>> No.6510467

Go ahead chief. Show me your 1CC.

>> No.6510487
File: 2.83 MB, 450x256, Sunset Riders stage3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6510495

You got some more webbums coming?

>> No.6510496

Now lets see that same level on the Genesis version. That isn't the full game though, I demand a 1CC. Also nice autofire scrub.

>> No.6510497
File: 2.86 MB, 450x256, Sunset Riders stage5.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But ok that's not fair, it's just level 3, surely level 5 will be be-

Oh no.

>> No.6510508
File: 2.43 MB, 450x256, Sunset Riders final stage.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK lads, maybe the final level will really throw everything it has at me, right? HAHAHAHA!

This one's a bit dishonest since the section with the turret is a bit of a pain, but that's the only tricky part of the entire level

Delicious cope, and exposed yourself as not having played the game at the same time. The game has built in autofire if you're fully powered up, but hey I guess you wouldn't notice when credit feeding right?

>> No.6510513

I forgot the game has autofire when at full power. Still if these webms were supposed to make the game look bad I think they have the opposite intended effect. Now how about some Genesis footage for comparison?

>> No.6510519

Is walking forward and mindlessly spraying particularly exciting to you? You can't do this in the genesis version unless you know your levels like the back of your hand

>> No.6510527

Infinitely more exciting than that slow ugly garbage you just linked. I mean just look at that absolute dogshit game design. At around 9:26 that enemy on the right isn't even fully on screen and he shoots at the player. That's just bad design.

>> No.6510536

The bullet is slow and you can see it coming just fine, it's to prevent the kind of cheesy shit you see in the arcade version's levels. The game's ugly sure but gameplay is what matters, if you think it's slow paced with how much more dodging and aggressive enemy killing you have to do then you've been fooled by the visuals

>> No.6510541

>The bullet is slow and you can see it coming just fine
He literally had to preemptively dodge it.

>> No.6510545

I mean when playing normally, yes if you are literally hugging the enemy then the bullet will kill you, that's common sense no? The guy's a speedrunner, he has to play it risky. If enemies couldn't do that and still had no contact damage then you'd end up with the arcade version's problem where you are pretty much harmless for most of the stage as long as you don't for some reason decide to stop.

>> No.6510547

Wow someone walking and shooting to the right and sometimes diagonally. Looks great. Way harder. A real challenge! Way better than the real game! Love to see you go "I'm not mad! I'm not mad!" And then making fucking webms of yourself playing the supposedly worse version of the game

Epic fucking retard

>> No.6510548

>I mean when playing normally
Lets see how great the game is played normally then.

>> No.6510557

I think you might be too stupid and/or bad at the game to tell the difference between just walking and shooting casually and constantly having to dodge enemy fire and quick kill enemies behind you to get through the level safely with that method.
>And then making fucking webms of yourself playing the supposedly worse version of the game
Yeah, unlike you faggots I play the games I talk about instead of spewing baseless bullshit. How about you do the same with the genesis version? I recorded myself casually walking through the level, why don't you try doing the same on the genesis and tell me how that works out?

>> No.6510564

lmao @ this goalpost shifting, why don't you play one of these games yourself for a change you faggot?

>> No.6510565

Are Kaizo romhacks better than the original game because they're ""hard""? Blatantly unfair game design isn't good just because it requires memorization.

>> No.6510570

Golly gee I'd hate to blow your fucking mind on this one, but once you get really good at something, you can make it look easy! Thanks for keeping this thread going on so long despite everyone telling you that you're an idiot.
>it's a REAL challenge!
It's half a game you fucking half-wit.

>> No.6510576

>hug the screen like the arcade version
>get shot by an enemy point blank
Besides, most of the original's difficulty comes from cheap shots like random fire arrows/firebombs, purple cowboys, whatever the fuck. In the Genesis version the memorization requirements are more consistent and the challenge just comes from dealing with enemies. Memorization itself is fun, especially in a home setting.

>> No.6510579

LOL is the "genesis version is better than arcade" guy still going? You idiots stop giving him (You)s.
Likely australia-kun.

>> No.6510582

The Genesis version is so unfair you had to post someone else's footage because you lack the skills to play it well. What a poser, I thought you liked that version?
>Likely australia-kun.
Almost certainly. The contrarianism and Sega fanboy autism levels are too high for it to be anybody else.

>> No.6510584

The problem is that "getting really good" at these levels takes a functioning brain and maybe a couple of minutes of practice you absolute mong, that's why it's boring. The genesis version isn't like this, to get to that level you actually have to learn the levels very well and take risks

>> No.6510587

>The genesis version isn't like this
Yeah instead it's a terrible game.

>> No.6510591

>because you lack the skills to play it well
I love how you think this is some kind of argument against me when in fact it proves what I'm saying - that the Genesis version is harder to get good at, and more exciting/active when you do. Where's your footage anyway? I don't think you've played either enough to comment on. Also you fags are weird, why are you trying to shoehorn console wars when I'm more-or-less shit talking an arcade game? Deranged cunt

>> No.6510592

Even you can't stand to play the shitty port you're desperately trying to convince anybody else is good. Nobody is falling for it though.

>> No.6510603
File: 147 KB, 1148x746, 1535912092205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I was content leaving my opinion and moving on until some room temp iq decided to shit talk my tastes while having none of his own. Seriously you idiots are embarrassing, why don't you play any of the games you talk about?

>> No.6510606

Why don't you play the Genesis version? Wait I already know the answer, because it sucks ass.

>> No.6510609

I do, it's just a much harder game so I can't whip out some sick webms on the spot

>> No.6510613

>I do
I see no proof of this. Even its one and only extremely ardent defender can't stand to play it, sad!

>> No.6510621

Desperate cope. Tell you what, how about you get an arcade 1cc and I'll record a 1cc of the genesis version? A good opportunity to play the game you've been defending for the first time

>> No.6510627

>A good opportunity to play the game you've been defending for the first time
Yeah a good opportunity for you.

>> No.6510639

>NO U's his way out of a challenge
So you're literally just mad

>> No.6510643

That isn't a real challenge, you'll obviously never complete a 1CC of the Genesis port as that would require you to actually play it. You'd rather defend it on the internet to be a contrarian, that is probably more fun than the mess of a port.

>> No.6510646

Do you really think people aren't following the reply chain?

>> No.6510649

Why not? Need I remind you that I've substantiated my claims with my own gameplay so far, you've done no such thing and even made dumb mistakes showing that you don't know the basic mechanics of the game you're defending. Isn't it about time to step up, or are you going to desperately reach and dodge challenges?

>> No.6510654

>Need I remind you that I've substantiated my claims with my own gameplay so far
Not in regards to the Genesis version, for that you deferred to someone else's speedrun. Now why is that? Why won't the biggest, saddest, only defender of that shitty port play it himself?

>> No.6510657

Because I want to make you do a bit of work too, so how about it gonna step up or will you keep dodging?

>> No.6510658

Or you can't. Much more likely the case. Still waiting with the rest of the thread for that 1cc to get posted.

>> No.6510660

Why don't you find out? Is it because you're a shitter who can't play Sunset Riders at all?

>> No.6510662

Is the Genesis version really this bad? You won't even touch it unless you have an extreme extrinsic motivation completely separate from the game itself. I mean it can't really be that bad... can it?

>> No.6510664

I'm not the faggot you're trying to have this pathetic little internet slapfight with, Australia-kun. I asked you if you honestly didn't think people weren't following the reply chain, because you're accusing the nerd you're fighting with of dodging long after you've done the same yourself.

>> No.6510671

What did I dodge, the full 1cc video? I don't go through the effort of uploading unless the other poster's willing to do some actual work too, I've already demo'd more game proficiency/knowledge than any of you idiots

>> No.6510672

>What did I dodge, the full 1cc video?
Yeah, pretty sure I pointed that out already.

>> No.6510679

Well as I said, if you want someone else to do that then lead the way otherwise keep quiet while the adults are talking

>> No.6510680

>I don't go through the effort of uploading unless the other poster's willing to do some actual work too
Hahaha what a dodge.

>> No.6510685

I mean, you've already won the fight despite being a complete dodging pussy. The pathetic, slimy, cowardly little faggot you were fighting with took his cue to disappear from the thread just as soon as I started replying to you. He got his "samefag patsy" and dipped, glad to be rid of the thread. You're still a bitch for not posting the 1cc you got called on, though.

>> No.6510686

It would be a dodge if it was an actual challenge, otherwise it's a one sided demand. Do you want to make it a challenge and show your 1cc as well, or will you keep whinging after you've been found out and after I've proved every single one of my points?

>> No.6510689

Will you ever just play the shitty Genesis port? I'm getting blue balls here waiting for the gameplay footage of legend.

>> No.6510696

After you post your 1cc of the "superior" arcade version lad. How come you're avoiding it so hard?

>> No.6510702

Australia-kun shitposts another thread into oblivion.

>> No.6510704

Why the requirement? Is the port really that bad?
At least now the matter is truly settled as to if the Genesis port is good, its most rabid defender won't even play it.

>> No.6510706

>Why the requirement?
Because you're an annoying faggot and I want to laugh at you struggling to learn to 1cc Sunset Riders

>> No.6510707

If you want to laugh at an annoying faggot struggling to learn how to 1cc Sunset Riders then just boot up the Genesis port.

>> No.6510712

Why are you such a pansy? The terms are equal, you've been defending the game all thread, so why not?

>> No.6510716

I've been less defending the arcade version and more shitting on the Genesis version. Why are you such a pansy? You recorded three webms. Whoop dee doo, where's the 1cc or your own Genesis footage?

>> No.6510720

LMAO so after all this you're admitting that you're a shitter who can't play? IMAGINE MY SHOCK
Need I remind you that while I posted webms directly related to the point I was arguing, you've posted nothing at all!

>> No.6510724

You only posted half your argument, you showed the arcade version but not the Genesis version.

>> No.6510727

My argument is that the arcade version has shitty stages that can be trivialized with little effort which I have demonstrated, while the genesis version fixes this problem and makes you play carefully, which you yourself demonstrated thinking it's some kind of argument against my point. Now that you've realized your arguments are retarded, you're desperately trying to find an out but unwilling to out yourself as a noob

>> No.6510729

oh boy! Sunset Riders is coming to the Nintendo Switch tomorrow! I can't wait to show it to my wife's son!


>> No.6510730

>while the genesis version fixes this problem and makes you play carefully
Unsubstantiated claim.

>> No.6510737

You mean besides the fact that some of the enemies shoot immediately as they pop up on screen making screen hugging extremely dangerous, which you pointed out as a flaw? Even besides that the game has way more environmental obstacles, which were the main obstacles in the arcade version.

>> No.6510739

Why can't you show these things with your own gameplay footage? Do you not play the games you discuss on the internet?

>> No.6510740

Why would I record my own footage if you can see these things directly in literally any video on the internet, and if you directly saw this when pointing out one fo the game's supposed flaws? Get real.

>> No.6510742

Why do you want me to record my own footage so badly then?

>> No.6510747

Cause you're being an annoying cunt demanding footage lmao, I'm fine with talking directly about the games but that makes you look like a nonce

>> No.6510751

Surely you can see how it seems odd that someone would claim to like one version of a game over another and then refuse to play that version while also readily providing footage of the version they supposedly think is inferior. Seems like you don't even believe your own bullshit.

>> No.6510758

Isn't it more suspicious that while I agree to provide a 1cc, you keep dodging doing the same? In my book it's only fair that if you're going to make such demands of somebody, you should provide yourself, otherwise you're being an obnoxious cunt. For the record, I ain't uploading an arcade 1cc without an exchange either.

>> No.6510767

>Isn't it more suspicious that while I agree to provide a 1cc, you keep dodging doing the same?
Not at all.

>> No.6510770

>barges in a topic about comparing versions of a game
>is offended that NoA censorship is used to dock points off the SNES version
>has a hate boner for /vr/
>yet rewrites info by "autists" who played the game within his "approved conclusion"
>advocates for the shit second hand market
Yes, reseteratard spotted.

>> No.6510876

Am I the only one that stopped playing as Billy because you get stuck jumping like retard sometimes when the boss shows up on this level?

>> No.6511126

Damn fuck dude sorry I posted a reply. What a retard.

>> No.6511208

Watch this anon >>6504689 fuck a thread in just one post

>> No.6511352
File: 2.87 MB, 640x480, Sunset Riders Genesis slide.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a 1cc of the Genesis port. If you still want to upload yours of any version. Yeah it's a little late, blame youtube.

>> No.6511718

>All of this autism by this nigger
You do realize that the Arcade version was designed with 4 player co-op in mind right?
It's not a generic NES-tier single-player game like the Genesis version. If you put in unfair poorly designed bullshit like in the Genesis version it wouldn't be a fun co-op game to play at all.

So ergo, not all of us are friendless fat neckbeards like you.

>> No.6511724

>He literally put in game genie codes to make him invulnerable
You can't make this shit up.

>> No.6511732

I died several times in the playthrough.

>> No.6511795

Are you the same guy arguing?
Anyway there you go, the old 1cc I used for my webms. Will have to derust & record a genesis one later

>> No.6511802

Nigger, we can see the bullet going through you.

>> No.6511806

Not him but you're a retard stop talking about games you clearly haven't played, Gen version has an obsecene amount of iframes on dashes. His run is legit, he has the boss/stage strategies down and knows when to play it safe

>> No.6511829

Yeah it's me. Now being more familiar with that Genesis port I can say for sure that shit is one of the most unfair goddamn games I've ever played. They knew it too since they shower you in lives between levels. Clearly it's doable but it is cheap as hell at certain points. The second and third levels are alright with only some bullshit but the first and fourth are just full of cheap enemy placement.

>> No.6511837

Reaching very hard now, the genesis version is fun with 2 players and it's not more "unfair" than the arcade version it just distributes the cheap shots more evenly throughout instead of having casual filters like POW WOW man, purple cowboys that blindside you and the final boss' first phase that is guaranteed to fuck you up until you're very familiar with it

>> No.6511840

>it just distributes the cheap shots more evenly throughout
The entire game being full of cheap horseshit is a bad thing.

>> No.6511861

See now level 3 is the most dull for me because it plays like the arcade version, you can just run to the edge of the screen and be safe from most things, only dodging a few boulders here and there. I'll take some cheap dynamite sticks every now and then if the game is overall more exciting, especially since it can only be unfair once. The final level's great because you have enemies popping out of every hole in the damn level, and if you don't kill them immediately they fill the screen with bullets, it's the perfect gameplay for a cowboy game. Also tip for the forest section : crouch-slide to advance and don't stand up, you're pretty much completely safe from everyone but dogs if you do that

>> No.6511862

>The final level's great because you have enemies popping out of every hole in the damn level, and if you don't kill them immediately they fill the screen with bullets
No that's bad design. Especially having to constantly turn around and shoot/dodge the guy coming from behind for the 1000th time.

>> No.6511865

>No that's bad design
You've never designed anything in your life, what the hell would you know?

>> No.6511868

How the fuck is using the multi-directional shots the game gives you bad design? Bad design is when the game is built in such a way that you can walk through its levels without paying much attention to where you're shooting or why

>> No.6511873

>Gen version has an obsecene amount of iframes on dashes.
If that's true than that makes the Genesis version all the more trash. Jesus christ.

>> No.6511878

The 2 player is clearly an afterthought in the Genesis and it's obvious as hell. Those enemy patterns were made with single-player in mind and it shows.

And even if they made it with 2 player co-op in mind(which they didn't) that still would be completely different compared to a game designed with 4 player co-op in mind.

>> No.6511879

Having to turn around to shoot the guy who runs up from behind and shoots before he's fully on screen who is designed to enter the screen around the same time a guy shoots out of a window is just cheap and not fun the 20th time the game does it.
If you attempt to drop to a lower platform with nothing below you the character does a little hop that gives you full iframes during it. Basically a ghetto dodge button.

>> No.6511880

Go on justify that statement, why is it trash to give the player more evasive mechanics?

>> No.6511886

The arcade and SNES versions don't cause you to travel as far or give you as many iframes. They added that to the Genesis version because the game was just so unfair.

>> No.6511890

Because doing extremely repetitive shit like that is not fun you autist.

>> No.6511894

You're acting like you absolutely HAVE to do that when in reality you have plenty of options, not just in the order you kill them and how you deal with the bullets but also you can simply kill the guy shooting outside the window and scroll the other guy offscreen, the enemies with guns aren't fast enough to catch up. It's a bit like what you can do in the arcade version, except the difference is that you have to be way more careful and take out particularly troublesome enemies, like the window guys in the final level

>> No.6511896

They also don't have any dodging outside of boss fights because the levels and mechanics are poorly designed, wtf is your point? Different games

>> No.6511898

Because it's a cheap lazy bandaid to deal with bad enemy design/placement.
Instead of putting more thought into the way the enemies move and shoot they just took the easy way out of giving you more i-frames and called it a day.
It's immersion-breaking and it feels lame as hell.

>> No.6511901


>> No.6511903

Then you will HATE the original Sunset Riders because how you beat the stages is not only more repetitive but also less engaging because the shit you are repeating requires less care and effort

>> No.6511904

>the enemies with guns aren't fast enough to catch up
Doesn't even matter, they shoot when off screen and their projectiles fly at ridiculous arcs designed to catch you jumping to dodge other enemies projectiles.
They are different, the Genesis version is shit and the other versions are good.

>> No.6511910

As opposed to the original's thoughtful enemy design where you can just hug the screen and ignore most of the spawns?

>> No.6511916

>Doesn't even matter, they shoot when off screen and their projectiles fly at ridiculous arcs designed to catch you jumping to dodge other enemies projectiles.
Ok how about you tell me which level it is you're talking about and I'll most likely show you how you're wrong by recording a vid where I'm constantly on the offensive?

>> No.6511920

The last one.

>> No.6511921

It's because you're fighting mooks that you should be easily able dispatch with a single bullet.
In the real Sunset Riders you play as a bunch of badass cowboys who only the bosses of the game can challenge unlike the Genesis version where you play like a pussy console megaman game with 'le dodge" lol.

The game is designed around the theme of 4 Cowboy Chad Friends teaming up and kicking ass and taking names. In the Genesis version you're constantly dodging shit like a faggot which is not what what they were going for with Sunset Riders. The Arcade version is more about the shooting and less about the gay dodging.

>> No.6511926

Nope, I love the original. Try again.

>> No.6511936

>It's because you're fighting mooks that you should be easily able dispatch with a single bullet.
Yeah, that's what you do in the Genesis version. Dodging is what happens when you fail to play well and fuck up your kills

>> No.6511937

Yes it's thoughtful because the game was designed for you to go constantly right and never stop. It's a fast paced arcade game, not some boring shit where you constantly get stopped in your track to dodge bullets like a massive faggot.

>> No.6511939

No that's not what you do in the Genesis version.
In the Genesis version you're constantly trying to anticipate shit and trying to move slower to not get blindsided by an enemy.

This is the opposite of the Chad-tier fast pacing found in the arcade version.

>> No.6511941

You can still go fast and practically never stop in the genesis version, it just requires far more skill. And sure it's thoughtful design if their goal was to make painfully boring levels

>> No.6511943
File: 2.90 MB, 640x480, Objectively bad design.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally how a level starts in this abortion of a port.

>> No.6511950
File: 87 KB, 640x480, LOOK AT IT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously look at the right side of the fucking screen, all but the pistol tip was within the overscan region of the CRT I played this on. Just look at it.

>> No.6511951

When you're starting out sure, as you get better and more familiar with the levels you can go faster with less stops, it's how any good game should play

>> No.6511954

What's your point? Cheap stuff is only cheap exactly once, then it stops being a problem forever. Boring, unexciting levels are a problem forever, that only get worse each time you play

>> No.6511960

>Boring, unexciting levels are a problem forever, that only get worse each time you play
Which is why the Genesis version blows. As I have clearly demonstrated now.

>> No.6511961

You haven't, only thing you've shown is that you're upset about some cheap enemy placements, even your own gameplay shows you having to constantly play aggressively and kill everything asap while dodging projectiles, none of which happens in the arcade's stages

>> No.6511965

Oh another point - the dodge iframes actually let you go faster because you can dash through things like explosions, rocks and flames so basically even if the end goal is non-stop movement, the genesis version gives you more tools for that

>> No.6511970
File: 2.84 MB, 640x480, JUST.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You actually have to play the Genesis version extremely passively, the arcade is the one that's aggressive. Having to tip toe through what is supposed to be a Contra style run n gun because the enemies will shoot you before they're even half way on the screen is objectively terrible design.

>> No.6511979

Alright anon give me a while, clearly just arguments won't convince you I'll have to btfo you with fast paced webms

>> No.6511983

Autistically memorizing the exact positions of enemies so you can glide through the game at a slightly faster snails pace won't change the fact that the game is poorly designed.

>> No.6511985

Ah so now you're completely shifting the goalposts, the problem is now that you have to memorize the game to play fast? No fucking shit, that's the idea behind it, if you could go fast without acquiring skill then going fast would have absolutely no meaning, the arcade Sunset Riders demonstrates this perfectly by having inverted risk vs reward where going fast is easier and less risky than the normal approach. So when a game comes along and actually makes fast gameplay risky and difficult, you complain? Absurd.

>> No.6511992

>the problem is now that you have to memorize the game to play fast?
No the problem is that the game is poorly designed. Cheap unfair difficulty doesn't make a game good, it actually makes it bad.

>> No.6512000

Cheap difficulty doesn't make arcade games bad or good, it's just a flaw that can make your first runs of the game frustrating. After that it becomes irrelevant and you are left with everything else - how challenging the game is, how exciting is to play, how satisfying it is to learn, depth, how active you're playing, and so on. That guy in the window blindsided you right? Ok that sucks but now you know he's there and that cheap moment ceases to be a problem on your next runs while all the positives remain

>> No.6512005

>Cheap difficulty doesn't make arcade games bad or good, it's just a flaw that can make your first runs of the game frustrating
You have absolutely no taste in games. No wonder you like the Genesis port.

>> No.6512019

Don't mistake specific tastes for no tastes, my tastes are very clear - I like arcade action games. Being on the arcades, they will have cheap shots, sometimes a lot of them. If we went by your dumbfuck standards then the entire medium would be shit, no matter how fun the games are once you put some time into them. A game could be absolutely incredible, but if it requires knowledge of some cheap placements in levels I'm supposed to discard it entirely? Dumb. Sunset Riders arcade is the same, the purple cowboys are designed to fuck you up after you've fallen asleep from the horse autoscroller, POW WOW man is an rng heavy casual filter, and the final boss' first phase is tailor made to destroy anyone who doesn't know exactly what's coming up. Does that make it bad? No.

>> No.6512029

I'd like to reward you all. As of this morning, you have spent more time talking about Sunset Riders for the Genesis than any other site on the internet. The last time you did something like this, it was for Castlevania on the Amiga.

Your reward is shame. Nothing but shame. You have gained nothing from this experience and the only thing you've managed to accomplish is waste some of your ever-so-finite time on this Earth that you will never get back.

>> No.6512032

The fact you feel the need to espouse how much of an arcade gamer™ you are as if anybody cares just speaks to how much of a poser you are. Defending a shitty port of an arcade game because it is "harder" despite it being only challenging for the wrong reasons is just icing on the cake, you poser.
I feel accomplished. I'm glad I could be part of this.

>> No.6512040

It's not because it's harder I don't care about that very much, it's because it's more intense, active and gives more for you to learn. I think the arcade ver might even be harder solely because of how many lives it has, some boss fights and loops. It's good that you're avoiding talking about my points and instead trying to throw out halfassed insults otherwise you wouldn't have much to say

>> No.6512041

I don't have much to say at this point, I've proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Genesis version sucks dick. You can try and cope and say that it's more "intense" and "active" or whatever other retarded buzzwords you want to defend it, but the matter is already settled.

>> No.6512047

You've proved that it has cheap encounters which I never disputed to begin with, beyond that you've stumbled fell and broke your nose though. But hey suit yourself

>> No.6512049

The entire game is a cheap encounter.

>> No.6512050

In that case, anything that doesn't let you hug the right side of the screen and casually walk forwards is a cheap encounter to you so your opinion on this doesn't matter

>> No.6512051

Nice strawman.

>> No.6512052

It's the only logical conclusion to what you're saying, and indeed jives pretty well with a lot of your complaints

>> No.6512054

>if you recognize blatantly bad game design you must want all games to be easy
I'm not seeing the logic here.

>> No.6512056

You don't though, you don't even have a clue what "bad game design is" since you reduce it to whether a game is fair or unfair which is a very dumb standard as I've made very clear. A great example to illustrate this would be the Don Flamenco fight in the arcade version. The first phase is cheap and will kill any unsuspecting players, now if we apply your standards then this fight is actually bad. But that's extremely stupid because once you do learn a decent strategy for taking out the enemies while dealing damage to his statues, the fight becomes very active and exciting. What does ruin it are the obvious, easy AI loops that any player will likely discover, that turn the fight from an unpredictable chaotic dance into a boring repetitive process. Arguably the AI loop makes the boss more fair because it reduces the chances that his random AI will mess you up, it also makes the fight more boring. Do you understand where your standards fall off a cliff and why they can't be used to make any meaningful statements about games?

>> No.6512063

Cheap, unfair deaths are bad game design.

>> No.6512072

What is this NPC response? They're flaws, but their mere presence or absence doesn't make something bad or good, which is my point. This over-emphasis on fairness is more applicable to modern single-player gaming (though even there it's short-sighted), because those games are designed to be played once.

>> No.6512075

You can autistically memorize any game ever made, that doesn't excuse bad design.

>> No.6512115

I'd like to include that excluding half of the bosses from the original game is bad port design.

>> No.6512340


>> No.6512390

This is the most passionate /vr/'s been about games in a while

>> No.6512735
